Things from Another World

Chapter 1000: Necromancer!

The Lich Rodriguez laughed wildly, the earth shivered and shattered, and the cathedral was in peril, dropping rubble.

"Come on! The ancestors of the Black Dragons! The mighty Tather Hacker! Let us destroy it all!"

With a bang in Tang En's head, the whole man stayed.

What did it just say?

In the constantly collapsing church, Tang En stood there motionless, and the falling rocks were automatically ejected by his spell armor.

Nora grabbed her hair on top of his head and exclaimed, while Down was standing there stunned, staring at the Lich Rodriguez, and in his head, the words that Rodriguez had just screamed.

That Lich, what was it just calling?

Teather Hacker! ?

Murphy Huxa! ?

Elsa's parents! ?

The first black dragon who died in the first chaotic invasion war! ?

how can that be! ?

According to the rules of Long Island, the dead dragon corpses should all be returned to the tomb of the dragon, how could there still be wreckage for it to summon! ?

The ground was cracking more and more fiercely, and the cold cold air had covered the entire cathedral area. A huge bone claw "banged" from the ground and shot on the ground, followed by a huge incomparable The skull dragon head protruded through the crack.


With a dragon howl, the two dead dragons tore the earth in an instant and rushed into the sky among the flying stones!

Dark clouds over the city, and the death-dead couples of ice-blue death permeating the whole body look down at Lor'mar city, the soul fire in the eye is almost black, and the soul node in the chest is almost completely corrupted. Carlo, Murphy Haksha, could not avoid the fate of chaos after death.

When the undead dragon rushed into the sky and the dragon shouted through the world, Sasha Glott, who had been gazing at the comics in the Silver City, suddenly changed color, and other early dragons also got up sharply, one by one in shock. Looking at each other in wonder.

"This is-Dragon Roar !?"

Sasha Glott's face was incredible: "How is this possible !?"

The dragons immediately appeared next to Jean, looking down at Lor'themar below. Although separated by a thick layer of chaos, Sasha Glott could clearly perceive the thick necrotic breath below.

His face became extremely ugly: "--is that Necromancer--"

"Your Majesty the Dragon King!"

Jean's expression was also quite ugly: "If I read it correctly, that necromancer summoned a necromancer !? What is going on !?"

Sasha Glotter is very clear about what Jean is asking. So far, there have been no examples of natural deaths in dragons. All dead dragons have either been fighting to death or died unexpectedly.

And since the first time a Necromancer drew the idea of ​​a dragon bone and successfully summoned the Necromancer, Dragon Island has a new rule. Regardless of what caused the dragon to die, Dragon Island will Send the dragon to recover his body and let him return to the dragon tomb to rest peacefully.

Since then, Necromancers have basically only existed in legends. The strongest corpses that Necromancers can find, that is, the corpses of some high-end sub-Dragon Warcraft, and they are called Necromancers. .

But now it's different. What appears at the moment above Lor'themar are obviously two real necrotic dragons!

Even if it is dead, you can feel the very obvious Long Wei from it!

"Sir, wouldn't it be ..."

"It shouldn't be! Impossible! They already--"

Sasha Glott closed her mouth suddenly, her face grim and terrible.

Even if it is impossible, this is also true, he must admit that the necromancer has enough patience and luck!

The next Jean felt very clearly that the anger in Sasha Glott's heart was about to erupt, and he subconsciously took him a little further.

Necromancers enslave the dragon's remains and make them their own slaves. This is a blasphemy behavior that the dragon family cannot tolerate!

One of the dragons is angry, thousands of miles away!

But Jean still felt very puzzled, because the dragon's body was very incredible here!

And it's not the end! It's both!

Recalling what Sasaglotte had just arrived here, and what other dragons said just now, Jean felt that Losermar was not an ordinary place on the surface.

In Beicheng District, Elsa, who was struggling to slaughter the enemy, suddenly heard a dragon roar from a distance, her body shuddered, and she almost fell.

"Sister head !?"

"I'm fine!"

Elsa blasted the Resurrection Skull rushed to the ground with a blow, and wrapped her chest very uncomfortably, looking at the city center in shock.

"what is that!?"

Elsa stared blankly at the skeletal dragon, blank in her mind, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable.

"this is……"

Elsa touched her cheek lightly: "Tears? I'm crying?"

She felt very incredible: "Why am I crying?"

Tears were completely out of her control, and more and more, almost tears were streaming into the river.

One after another, Dragon Howl made Elsa's heart more and more depressed and uncomfortable. She finally could not bear it. She roared into the sky and rushed into the dragon!

"Sister head !?"

Some Templars looked at Elsa's figure unbelievably: "Your eldest sister is a dragon !?"

"That's right! You don't know?"

"Hell! Who knows such things!"

Who would have thought that the little girl who had been fighting in front turned out to be a dragon! ?

They are fighting with a dragon!

No wonder her power is so powerful and her defense is terrible!


"Look at heaven! There are two skeleton dragons there!"

"Undead Dragon !? That Necromancer has two Necromancers !?"

"Damn! How is this possible !? The last time Nepalosaurus appeared in Prandall was thousands of years ago! Dragon Island could not allow this to happen!"

"But that's really two Necromancers!"

"Big sister's head turned into a dragon and rushed over!"

"Gods bless! This is not a good sign!"

Almost all the soldiers in the whole city saw the two necrotic dragons in the sky. Elsa and Angus stopped the attack as soon as they discovered the abnormality. After thinking for a moment, they also temporarily left those soldiers and rushed towards Central city.

Under the power gains of Tang En's magic aura, Illus's royal staff and Nora's life realm, there is no need to worry about their safety. Instead, it is the two undead dragons that are now the most dangerous enemies.


How could there be two Necromancers here! ?

The camera returns to Down.

"Ha ha ha ha ha-you're dead! No one can withstand the attack of Taser Haklo and Murphy Haksha!"

Rodriguez, standing on the head of a Necromancer, laughed anxiously, standing there overlooking the city below, like an invincible king who ruled the world.

"Come on! Tessa Hackero! Kill them all!"


Taser Hakrow growled and spit out a bite of breath, the cracked earth was completely frozen in an instant, and the cold deep into the bone marrow continued to spread, completely freezing the chaotic believers around the cathedral to the ground, even corrupting them. His soul was shattered.

This indiscriminate attack surprised the commando in the distance, and the Templars and the Shield soldiers immediately joined together to help others resist the cold.

"Shield of Light!"

"Combat Skills-Shield of Hope!"

The shield formed by the strong divine light and blood power shelters the comrades in the rear, but the cold shock wave of the cold air freezes them into ice sculptures!



The comrades in the back shouted and shouted their names, and sadness, anger, and murderous emotions spread in their hearts.

Rodriguez laughed wildly: "Look! The soldiers fighting for you fall down one by one, feel the pain, the sadness, then open your arms completely and accept the blessing of Kaos!"


Tang En's attention at this moment was completely focused on the two necrotic dragons, and he didn't want to ignore the idiot at all.

He frowned as he saw the few people frozen into ice sculptures, begging Nora to help, and then he fluttered lightly and moved the battlefield into the air.

"The Necromancer is indeed powerful."

Tang En said blankly, "But you chose the wrong enemy at the wrong time, in the wrong place, and in the wrong way."

"Do you think I'm afraid of you !? Even you-the dragon !?"

Before Rodriguez finished speaking, he saw a dragon suddenly flying from Beicheng District, and he paused for a moment: "How could a dragon appear here !?"

Elsa! ?

Tang En was shocked, and now the last thing he wanted to see was Elsa!

After all, the two Necromancers are probably her parents!

"Your Majesty Brother!"

In the form of dragon, Elsa came to Tang En, her eyes kept staring at the two undead dragons. Without knowing why, her eyes were always difficult to remove from them.

"Elsa ... why are you crying?"

Tang En stared at Elsa with a puddle of tears dripping from her eyes.

"My brother, I, I don't know what's going on."

Elsa shook her head and said, "I, I just feel uncomfortable in my heart ... but maybe I saw my fellow corpses being enslaved by Necromancer ..."

Fellow? That's not just fellow citizens ...

The reason why she cried may be because the genes flowing in the blood are calling her ...

"Elsa, the two Necromancers are probably--"

Tang En stopped talking and hesitated again and again.

Elsa bent her head and looked at Tang En: "Your Majesty?"

Tang En sighed and said very helplessly: "—They are probably your parents!"

what! ?

If the thunderbolt exploded in his mind on a sunny day, Elsa's brain was blank for a moment.

Your brother, what did he say?

The two necrotic dragons are my parents! ?

But how is this possible! ?

"Hahahaha-fun! It's really fun!"

Rodriguez laughed wildly: "Tethakro! Go and kill her!"

The bigger Necromancer stared at Elsa quietly. After a while, he growled and rushed at Elsa!

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