Things from Another World

Chapter 999: Crazy Lich! (thousand

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, it is just a meal, the situation is reversed and then reversed!

The resurrected skeletons, which were just immeasurable, turned into weak chickens in a blink of an eye, and could not even move. Even those resurrected skeletons that were barely able to maintain their operations lost their threats. The soldiers struck them lightly. Beat them to pieces.

"What's going on !?"

The Templars were stunned.

Obviously, without the help of Purification, how can the resurrected skeleton become so fragile?

You don't even need divine magic, you can smash them-the resurrection skeleton harder than steel is now weak like glass!

Ellington's elites are not surprised by this situation. The same situation has occurred several times in the past. The kind of warm power that is different from the power of the Holy Light, but also a steady stream of warmth, is more easily accepted by their bodies. And with the help of that force, the flesh wounds on the body also began to heal quickly, but the effort of a tea disappeared, and the strength of the life field gave them great confidence and courage.

A Templar knight watched the resurrected skeleton falling down on the ground suddenly disappeared, and Sensen's bones also decayed directly into the soil under the action of that power, exclaimed suddenly: "This is definitely the life force of the goddess of the earth ! "

"Did the earth goddess come !?"

"A miracle! This is a miracle!"

"Fool! This is Her Majesty's power!"

There was a boom, and the soldiers in the rear shouted, "Stupid! What are you doing on the battlefield! Beware of chaotic believers!"

Chaos Disciple!

Correct! And they!

Although the power of life completely restrains the resurrected skeleton, it has a modest effect on the chaotic believers and chaotic creatures. They will not stop attacking because of the power of life.

Beicheng District.

Elsa, who has long been the **** of war, doesn't care if the resurrected skeletons have become stronger. Here, she is completely centered on her, forming a mob formation. Part of the Templars helped to suppress those resurrected skeletons in a region, and then El Sha picked up the huge warhammer that he had snatched before and kept hitting the gopher, and the resurrected skeleton did not have any chance to fight back.

Others are responsible for suppressing Chaos believers with assault rifles, electromagnetic sniper rifles and turret machine guns.

In addition, a group of ten Templar knights was specifically split to help block the attacks of chaotic spells and supplement the bright blessings on others.

Just now Tang En's magic halo and the powerful power of Illus's royal power cane made Elsa even more powerful, and the area of ​​life that followed her directly turned her into a rampant killer.

"Go away, go away!"

Elsa wielded a huge warhammer and rammed through the battlefield. Enemies smashed everywhere and obstacles destroyed.

Relying on the mixed blood of the dragon and human race, she has a certain resistance to the chaos breath, and she is not afraid of the corruption of the chaotic believers, so she is more open to her own strength.

As a result, her performance directly transformed her into a goddess of war in the hearts of those soldiers behind her.

"The older sister's head is getting stronger and stronger, this is not-ah! This is good news!"

An Ellington could almost blurt out, and fortunately he stopped the car in time.

"Yeah, I didn't expect Elsa to become so powerful now, I only knew she was very powerful ..."

This person is a member of the Ellington Militia and has known Elsa for a long time, but it is still difficult for him to believe that this powerful and invincible Valkyrie is actually that Elsa.

"What are you talking about!"

Elsa smashed the last resurrected skeleton in front of her, and waved a warhammer with a whistling sound. She glared at the soldiers: "Hurry up and follow my footsteps! Your Majesty's brother has let ... have opened up the realm of life , Now is a great opportunity to solve the resurrection skeleton! Otherwise, it is more dangerous to mix with the Chaos believers! "

"Observe! Big sister head!"

Xicheng District.

Aigwin shook off the blood on Longgang's sword and stood on the corpse mountain and looked at the central city area. The strong power of life flowing from there made her cheer in her heart.

The power of life is very similar to the power of the goddess of the earth. As the representative of the goddess of the earth, the power she just released can only maintain this small battlefield and help the soldiers suppress the resurrection skulls here, but now, from the center of the city The power of life covered the entire city.


Except for her, I am afraid that only the goddess himself can release such a powerful life force!

Aegwynn was pretty sure this was Nora's power, and it wasn't the first time she had seen Tangn use Nora's power to save the situation.

Aigwin's heart was a little relieved. Nora's life was in it. At least don't worry about the safety of these soldiers.

The camera returns to Down.

After Nora opened up the realm of life, a large number of resurrected skeletons fell down, and at the same time also eliminated a lot of chaos breath, to a certain extent suppressed the ability of chaotic believers and chaotic creatures.

Tang En smiled slightly. Although this little guy is usually greedy and playful, at least it is quite reliable at critical moments.

"Ahhhhh-it's the power of **** life-I hate the goddess of the earth!"

The Lich Rodriguez was burned by the power of life, and growled in pain: "I'll kill you-kill kill !!!!"

Rodriguez has a large number of bone spears and swirls of magic nearby, relying on the powerful casting talent of the Lich, it can release multiple spells at the same time.

"Go to hell!!!"


Tang En scorned his mouth and patted it. The turbulent magic tide accurately dismantled the flying spells. After the stability was lost, those formed spells would re-spatter into the flow of magic and elements, although it would also cause certain Shock damage, but it's not worth mentioning for Tang En.

[Nora. 】

Tang En shouted in his heart: [Find out where this guy's life box is. 】

【what? I'm busy too! 】

This guy is lazy again!

Tang En sighed: "What are you doing!" Don't think that I don't know that after you open the realm of life, it will automatically take effect even if you don't care! 】

【Alright alright! I ca n’t help you! 】

Annoyed Nora flew back again, fell directly on Tang En's head, and kicked hard.


Seeing that she had just made a great contribution, Tang En decided not to see her in general.

"——Mage dare to walk away in the battle of the mage--Go to death!"

Rodriguez suddenly raised his hand, and the magic that had been quietly prepared for a long time suddenly burst out, and the dark purple beam hit Tang En's body instantly!

A finger of death!

Tang En's multi-layered spell armor instantly collapsed, and the powerful spell power drove straight into it, trying to tear his body.

For a moment, Tang En felt a sudden cardiac arrest, but soon returned to normal. The torn body began to heal quickly with the help of the realm of life.

As I said a long time ago, the lethality of the super powerful single-leg legendary spells such as finger of death, disintegration, and cleavage are inversely proportional to the power of the target. The greater the consumption and the less power, the oracle may use the finger of death to poke a dragon at random (although they may do the same with one finger), but a mortal magician is definitely not that easy Kill a dragon with one finger.

In the same way, in the face of the brutal surpassing dragon, the magic pool is Tang En, which is connected to the whole world, and the finger of death cannot cause much damage.

Even though the Lich is a legendary caster, it is still impossible to kill Tang En with this legendary spell.

On the contrary, due to the powerful self-healing ability brought by Tang En himself and the realm of life, the finger of death did not work, but the Lich named Rodriguez consumed a tremendous amount of magic.

The Lich's magic pool is larger than the average magician, the magic is stronger, and the amount of magic can be controlled, but after all, it is not as open as Tang En, this legendary spell consumes nearly half of its magic !!

It shocked it.

"You are not dead!"

Rodriguez screamed: "Who are you !? Who are you !? You are a god! That must be the case! How can mortals contend with legendary spells-no! How gods come! The whole world has been Shrouded by the power of Kaos, they will not appear! They should not appear! They also cannot appear!-So you must not be a god! "

Tang En said coldly, "Shut up, you idiot! You have to wait for death now!"

Also Kaos, I do n’t know if my soul is corrupted, but it ’s a Lich!

Tang En is thinking about how to make this Lich-the magician who can become a Lich is not weak, and the soul strength is quite considerable. After killing him and purifying, he throws it to the Hall of Spirits, and it ’s not bad to be a companion with Gazas. ?

As for whether the Lich will play tentacles against Gassass, he doesn't care so much.

"You want to kill me !? You think you can kill me !? I'm the Lich Rodriguez! I'm the King of the Undead! I'm the King of the Lich! I'm the Dead God! "


Tang En covered her face and didn't know what to make.

He looked at the Lich Rodriguez in front of him and wanted to vomit, but he didn't know where to vomit.

"Mortal-no matter how strong you are, you have no choice but to die!"

Suddenly Rodriguez flew up into the sky. He held up his staff, and the soul fire in his eyes became extremely vigorous, and the huge magic began to converge.


Rodriguez's body was surrounded by a mass of corrupting magic.

"A city reborn in destruction!"

Tang En suddenly, rebirth in destruction? What do you mean?

"A city-a city that will be destroyed again and you will be buried!"

In the laughter of Rodriguez, the already tilted cathedral collapsed, the ground beneath him suddenly began to shake and crack, and a cold breath spewed from the depths of the earth!

"Come out! My servant! It is time for us to rule the world!"

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