Things from Another World

Chapter 998: Life field

What a noise!

Tang En frowned slightly, no matter what the world's Lich had this problem, relying on his own life, he thought he was immortal.

But finding its life box is really tricky.

Maybe you can let Norah sense its soul, and its soul source is in the life box, and now only one of the splits is acting in this body, which is equivalent to a remotely controlled copy. Since it is remotely controlled, it ’s There must be a link.

After Tang En thought for a moment, he simply let go of the Lich's head and kicked it out.

"嘭, 嘭, 嘭", after the Lich's head bounced a few times on the wall, it was grasped by its mage's hand and reattached to the body, and then it noisy again: "You will submit to Under the majesty of the **** of chaos, Kaos, in order to punish your disrespect, you must give your life and soul, and my army of undead will drown everything! "

Tang En was too lazy to care about this guy, and was going to ask Nora to come down and help sense the position of his life box.

"Get up! People who don't want to sleep!"

"Get up! Abandon your flesh and blood and build a new line of defense with your bones!"

"The dead are recovering !!!"

The Lich screamed and exhausted, holding up the bone wand in his hand, and the miserable blue and white halo spread out instantly. It was actually carrying Nora's life realm, and awakened the dead in Lotheramar!

"Plague Rain !!!"

The miserable green rain clouds spread instantly ...

The soldiers of the 051 team followed in the footsteps of Tang En and rushed into the central city, but at this moment, they stopped suddenly.

The assault team that was slaughtering the enemy suddenly found in horror that the bodies of the chaotic believers that had been killed before had decayed quickly, and then the skeleton stood up shaking!

The corpse became a resurrected skeleton!

Damn it!

Necromancer's Revival Spell!

"not good!"

A Templar suddenly exclaimed: "The atmosphere of chaos here has become stronger!"

The light blessings on him suddenly began to dim a lot, and even the sound of "Zi Zi" was heard, because of the fierce confrontation between the power of the Holy Light and the chaos in the air.

The Templars of the 051 Commando immediately began to reapply the light blessing, but at this time they found that after chasing the steps of Tang En and rushing into the depths of the city, the chaos here was almost terrifying.

Under such circumstances, normal people may not be able to survive for a day and will be completely corrupted.

But now, the troubles have just begun. The resurrection of the Lich's dead has awakened the dead in the whole city. Sensen's bones peeled off the flesh and blood of those corpses, absorbed the purification of flesh and blood, and the chaos in the air became more powerful Resurrection Skull.

Although thanks to the great aura brought by Tang En's magic aura and the royal staff of Illus, the soldiers will not fall into the downwind, but the number of resurrected skeletons is too large!

More than 50,000 Chaos followers have been killed in previous battles, and most of them have not been completely crushed. At this moment, they have all become powerful resurrected skeletons and joined the battle.

Coupled with those cremated corpses that did not abide by the Holy See's rules and were secretly buried, the number of resurrected skeletons in the entire city now exceeds 100,000!

Looking around, the streets of the entire city are full of pale resurrected skeletons!

No matter how a hundred commandos can fight, if they continue to fight for a day, they will be exhausted if they are overstretched!

And this is also one of the most troublesome places for Necromancers-it may not have a strong combat effectiveness, but it can always bring down the enemy with the tactics of supporting the sea.

The tragic green rain cloud that followed immediately overshadowed everyone's hearts. This spell has been used many times in history by a necromancer, a plague that can easily kill an entire city.

In the city of Losmar, the situation turned sharp again, and most of the forward teams were blocked by the dense resurrected skeletons.

"I hate these guys!"

Angus growled and smashed a resurrected skeleton: "They always make me feel like they are laughing at me!"

"Master Angus, their mouths just trembled because they had lost the restraint of flesh ..."

"I don't care! I just want to kill them!"

Angus glanced, and found that the street behind him was full of resurrected skeletons. After there were no traces of chaotic creatures, he jumped back and appeared at the end of the team. Holding the right wrist for a short time to accumulate magic power, a sudden burst of hot rays more than two meters in diameter!

Third-order spells, flame rays!

The flame ray at this moment was not so much a ray as a beam of light. The mighty flame ray whistled through the entire street, and Yu Wei continued until it penetrated the city wall, and then slowly disappeared.

At this time, Angus had appeared in front of a spacious red channel directly to the outside of the city-because the underground soil had turned into tumbling lava-all the resurrected skeletons were burned to ashes.

"Still so cool!"

Angus spit, then pulled out his staff, and with the awe of the others, he returned to the front again as a pioneer.

In Xicheng District, the sudden increase in the number of skull seas prevented the team from moving forward. Eggwin, who was cleaning up the original chaotic creatures, had to stop and start helping to clean up the mortal resurrected skulls.

The trouble with Resurrection Skulls is their immortality. If you want to kill them, you can't break them down. You can either smash them into powder and can't move them, or you can use restraint power, such as the Holy Light, the power of life, The soul is thoroughly purified.

Soldiers usually use the first simple and crude method. The chain saw sword has no advantage in dealing with the resurrected skeleton. The Ellington holding the chain saw sword is responsible for fighting the chaotic believers, and the Templar knight with the chain hammer, warhammer and shield. They are responsible for dealing with the Resurrection Skull.

Aigwin's approach is more direct.

She held the Long Steel Long Sword, kneeled on the corpse mountain with one knee, stretched her hands to the sky, and chanted prayers as she looked up at the sky: "In the name of the goddess's agent, exercise the purification mission, the great goddess of Nissclair, please listen to me Come, pray, God's will! "

The emerald green goddess power fell from the sky and was directly poured into Aegwynn's body. For a moment, Aegwynn was permeated with a sacred and inviolable temperament, and her resurrected skeleton was severely burned immediately. The power of the goddess' life They are natural enemies, and the resurrected skeletons closer to Aegwynn take more damage.

At the moment when the goddess' will came, all the resurrected skeletons within a radius of ten meters of her were all wiped out.

Eggwin closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them again, his eyes became cold.

Divine grace is mighty, and divine power is as prison!

After the will of God came, Aegwynn was no longer Aegwynn, but became the incarnation of the earth goddess Nisse Clair in Plantar, performing the will of God on her behalf!


Just listening to a bang, suddenly centered on Aegwynn, exploded a group of horrible forces, and the strong wave blew everything within 50 meters of her radius. The strong force of life burst out and counted around her. The 100-meter range is completely covered.

The field of life!

Due to chaos, the will of the coming God is very weak, and can only support Aegwynn's opening of the life field of this size, but even so, within the realm, all strengthened resurrection skeletons have been severely affected. Injured, their movements became slower and slower, and their bodies began to gradually collapse, shaking in the realm of life.

"It's the power of the earth goddess!"

The soldiers cheered: "Follow the steps of Lord Egwin! Kill them all!"

"Kill those **** skeletons!"



The situation seemed to be getting worse again. After realizing the sudden strong breath coming from the west, Tang En smiled slightly and shook his head.

[Yeah! hate! 】

Nora fluttered to him in front of her wings, covering her chest and shouting angrily: "What are you doing! 】

"Don't see it yet? It's your turn."

Tang En shrugged. Originally, there was Illy, and Nora was not used. Nora's life force was too strong. Tang En didn't want to scare the necromancer away, and he planned to cut the grass and root it out.

But Illuli's magic has now been blocked, so she can only let Nora perform.

[Hum, do you finally know that Nora is strong? Hurry down and ask me! Maybe I'll help you as soon as I'm happy! 】

Nora raised her little head with a great deal of energy.

[Less nonsense. 】

Tang En held up her wings and looked at her expressionlessly: [Don't delay time, a lollipop to work, or a cotton swab to punish, you can choose it yourself. 】

[Tang En is abnormal! Don En smells gangster! Don is a satyr! 】

Nora exclaimed and rushed into the sky. Although she constantly scolded Tang En in her mind, she still opened the realm of life honestly.

It seemed she had made a choice-although Tang En didn't give her much choice.

The sudden surging vitality once again stabilized the precarious battle situation, and the resurrection skeleton without a tea kung fu had just withered the power and instantly withered under the strong force of life.

The powerful force of life even blows away the plague rain clouds in the sky and purifies the toxins in the air!

Unlike Eggwin, under the power of Nora, these resurrected skeletons are not even qualified to tremble. Nora was originally loathing the breath of necromancy. The power of life released this time was really too powerful, It's too rich, it's horrifying.

Just standing in the realm of life, the Resurrection Skeleton has already suffered extremely serious injuries, and the body is constantly glowing with white mist, as if it had been severely burned.

The power of the necromies and the power of life are completely opposite. They are completely similar to water and fire. Facing the power of Nora's life, these resurrected skeletons have no resistance at all. Some resurrected skeletons are even fragmented and directly dispersed during the charge. .

The situation reversed again.

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