Things from Another World

Chapter 997: King's Staff

"It doesn't seem to be bad to bring Elully."

After the coming of Purification, Tang En found that the threat of the resurrected skeletons disappeared in an instant, and the originally threatened line of defense stabilized once again.

Purification not only solves the threat of the resurrected skeletons, but also clears the chaotic atmosphere accumulated on the soldiers to a certain extent, allowing their heavy bodies to be liberated again.

The morale surged, and the soldiers immediately counterattacked.

In the face of the tide-generating enemies, you don't even need to consider any tactical issues. The quickest and most effective way to kill the target is the highest criterion for all actions.

Use machine guns to kill chaotic believers, use tank main guns to suppress native chaotic creatures, use chain saw swords, shields and grates, and tomahawks to solve the resurrection skeleton. The choice of tactics has become the choice of weapons, and the difficulty has suddenly dropped more than one level .

With just one meal, all the squadrons pushed the front forward a lot, and closer to the central city, where the steeple in the church can already be seen here.

You must find the Necromancer as soon as possible and solve him.

Tang En's eyes were slightly cold. After solving the most threatening native chaotic creatures in three strokes, five strokes, two strokes, a sword split the road blocked by the resurrected skeleton, and rushed into the central city with a stream of light.

Thanks to the help of divine magic, the 051 team should not encounter too much threat in a short time. He can take a moment to solve the problem of the necromancer.

[Nora, can you feel the position of the necromancer? 】

【just in front! 】

Nora vowed to point to the front cathedral: [Trust me! He must be there! 】

[You better not get it wrong. 】

Tang En didn't have much hope for Nora's IQ, but at least she was still sensitive to the dead spirit, so he began to run on the street. The dense chaotic believers were as fragile under his sword as the straw in the wheat field. Everywhere I went, I fell down.

Just as Tang En was about to rush into the church, a large amount of extremely strong chaos suddenly emerged from the cathedral. The black chaos swelled from all sides of the church, and black smoke floated into the sky.

Tang En paused: "This is-the door of chaos !?-No, no! The shape is a bit abnormal!"

Tang En frowned, and immediately followed him to find that the chaotic atmosphere was covering the sky with pervasiveness, separating Lorthemar and the Silver City!

"Come on! Victory is in sight!"

The 051 commando captain shouted, struggling to break a skull's head, and completely smashing his body into pieces.

Tang En's magnificent aura of spells gave him endless strength and courage. Even with so many enemies, his heart was full of fighting spirit.

It has been fighting for almost a day, but the soldiers who have not yet entered the grain did not feel hungry at all. Taking the time to drink saliva under the cover of their comrades, relieve their thirst, and return to the front again has become the normal state of this battle.

As the soldiers became more excited and rushed to rush into the central city, the shadow suddenly appeared!

"what is that!?"

The scouts in the sky were the first to find anomalies, and a large amount of chaos suddenly emerged from the central city. The rich chaos did not spread after rising to the sky, but slowly gathered together, like a devouring one. swirl.

It seemed as if time had suddenly entered the night from the evening, the entire city became dark, and the vision was suddenly suppressed, while those who were chaotic believers and undead were not affected.

What's worse, I don't know if it is because of the chaos atmosphere, the effect of the great purification technique released by Illuli disappeared slowly!

The strength of the Resurrection Skeleton is gradually increasing. One part of the chaos breath from the dead Chaos believers is absorbed and strengthened by the Chaos creatures, and the other is absorbed by the Resurrection Skeleton.

In the dark, they became more powerful!

A gold-level Templar was killing the Quartet, and suddenly there was a murderous attack in front. He suddenly raised his shield!

"Well !!!"

After a loud noise, he actually stepped back and forth a few steps. He thought that when he encountered a strong enemy, he looked up and found that it was just an ordinary resurrected skeleton!

The eyes of the Resurrected Skull flashed with the corrupted black-purple soul fire. The flickering soul fire seemed to be laughing at the Templar.


At the same time, screams suddenly sounded around, the soldiers who were not aware of them were caught off guard by the sudden counterattack of the resurrected skeleton, and more than ten people were all painted at once!

"Oops! The effect of Purification is gone!"

The Templars found that the effect of Purification had disappeared!

In this case, the situation is terrible. Without the auxiliary effect of Purification, the resurrected skeletons would have been difficult to entangle. The current environment has given them a certain amount of power. More chaos makes them even more terrible.

Enemies that were originally weak and were not considered at all, have now turned into extremely difficult stubble, not to mention that they have a crushing level advantage in quantity!

Outside the cathedral, Tang En had noticed that the situation outside was reversing again, and he sighed, and silently took out the cane of Illuth's kingship, which had just been repaired for a long time.

Just try the effect of this thing.

Tang En held up the royal power cane and silently activated the special effects of the royal power cane.

Special effect 1: The holder gains the aura of undead kingship, the damage of his affiliated combat units is increased by 100%, and the life recovery speed is increased by 100%;

Special effect 2: The holder gains the legion asylum aura, and 80% of the magical damage taken by friendly creatures on the battlefield is shared by nearby legion units;

Special Effect 3: The holder gains the aura of the legion leader, the legion unit damage is increased by 300%, the action speed is increased by 300%, the defense power is increased by 300%, and the magic defense power is increased by 300%.

The effects of powerful superior artifacts are almost unimaginable, almost just a blink of an eye. On the battlefield, all soldiers under Her Majesty Tang En's are as violent as stimulants!

Suddenly powerful forces swelled each soldier's muscles, boiled blood all over his body, and it was almost difficult to control the strong desire to fight, and they sprayed a hot breath to kill the enemy.

The Resurrection Skull, which had just counterattacked less than a cup of tea, was suppressed once again-and still completely suppressed!

Both chaotic believers and native chaotic creatures have also suffered. This time the power increase is directly increased by multiples. The sudden burst of powerful power not only makes it difficult for soldiers to control their violent impulses, but also makes them more brutal.

"Ahhhh-what a mighty power! This must be Your Majesty's help!"

Ellington elites are fully prepared during normal training, and once they encounter this situation, they know that this is the rhythm of the total attack.

So they picked up the guys one by one, screaming and rushing forward as if playing.

Especially the 051 team that followed Tang En before, it was even more red-eyed, rushing to catch up with Tang En, and rushed into the central city.

"Great Jebirney! Please forgive me-but I must be the **** of war Caroma River!"

A Templar was praying while slaughtering the resurrected skeletons crazy. They were fully transformed into human armored vehicles in heavy armor, and no enemy could block their advance.


At this time, a heartbreaking scream suddenly sounded in Lostmar Cathedral: "Who-who dares to ruin my beloved children-I will kill you !!!"

Tang En froze, then entered the door without hesitation, and ran straight to the necropolis behind the church.

When Tang En saw the Necromancer in the necropolis, he froze.

"It's you-it's you who killed my children-I'm going to kill you-killing you !!!"

Standing in the middle of the necropolis is a Lich.

That's right, it's not the necromancer that everyone imagines, but the more rare Lich!

"It's you-it's you who killed my children-I'm going to kill you-killing you !!!"

The Lich with a chill all over his body was roaring wildly in the middle of the necropolis. As soon as Tang En appeared, the Lich launched an attack, and the surrounding corrupted magic tsunami smashed over!

The ground "tangling" around Tang En shattered, and the corrupted magic had a strong ability to corrode, and the spell armor on his body immediately screamed and white smoke was emitted.

The Lich tried to block Down's actions with a magic tide.

"Go to death! Mortal!"

The crazy Lich growled and raised his right hand, and a row of white bones suddenly flew out from the necropolis next to him. Under the action of magic power, Sensen white bones quickly twisted into sharp bone spears, and then screamed and stabbed at Tang En's heart!

Standing on the spot, Tang En shook his right hand and waved the elemental sword in an instant. The buzzing sword smashed the bone spears directly, and the shock wave that spread out hardly shook the surrounding houses. The tall Luo Semaar Cathedral also began to tilt, showing signs of collapse.

"Your strength is beyond my expectations, but this will not keep you alive!"

The Lich shouted and raised his staff, and a black glint suddenly appeared on the tip of his right finger: "No one can stop me from coming to heaven! No one!-And the first one is you! Let's die !!!"

Arcane Torrent!

The corrupted magic turned into an entity, roaring towards Tang En!

However, before the arcane torrent hit him, the expressionless Tang En stepped forward. His body appeared in front of the Lich in a blink of an eye. He moved very fast and grabbed the head of the Lich. The Lich even Without a chance to respond, a sword went down and cut off the Lich's head.

Of course, Tang En knew that the Liches would not die this way, because their bodies would never die.

In the eyes of the Lich, the faint blue fire of the soul flickered, and even if his head was grasped by Tang En, it still had no fear: "Mortal! Your efforts are futile! I! The great Rodriguez , Will come to the world with the body of the Lich! Ignite the fire, and achieve the deity! "

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