Things from Another World

Chapter 996: Power of the Virgin

Necromancer found in Lothermar!

The news spread instantly throughout the Silver City, all the magicians of the Silver City were boiling, and the anger was spreading among them.

No magician will forgive the necromancer, let alone a corrupted man who is corrupted by chaos. It is more dangerous than an ordinary necromancer!


Even Iluli was startled: "Isn't it a Chaos believer? Why is there a Necromancer !?"

"We also don't know. It's the news from Angus-oh, just now, Tang En also encountered a resurrection skeleton!"

Jean hurriedly said, "In short, you are ready to summon the Angel of Light as soon as possible, and at the same time prepare the purification, the resurrection skeleton is more vulnerable to the influence of chaos. In the current environment, immortal will be more dangerous!"

"I understand!"

Illuli accepted their request without hesitation, stood on the edge of the city of silver, opened the blessing scriptures, and immediately began singing the prayers loudly, and the circle of divine runes flew out of the blessing scriptures , Dancing around Elully, the dazzling divine light descended from the sky, the whole city of silver was shrouded in the divine light, it was almost evening, but at this moment it was as bright as day.

Soon, the angels of the light formed by the consolidation of the light formed in the air. They held the sword of light and fanned the wings of light, forming a square array in the air, waiting for Yi Luli's instructions.

With the help of the scepter of light and the blessing of the blessing, Elury summoned a hundred light angels in one breath.

"Go on!"

Illuli pointed to the city of Losermar below: "Go and destroy the evil there!"

With an order from her, the Angel of Light was like a white meteor, falling down and brushing directly into the fierce battlefield.

Afterwards, the pages of the blessed scripture turned quickly, and Illuli began to prepare for the purification.

Purification is a high-level divine spell, and it takes a long time to prepare. She must do it as soon as possible.

Los Angeles Mart, Team 021.

The situation is a bit bad.

"Damn! They're leaking, and bullets can't handle them at all!"

The machine gunners noticed this headache for the first time. Due to the physical structure of the resurrected skeletons, it was difficult for the bullets to hit their bodies, which was awkward ...

Assault rifles are powerful, but mainly rely on the kinetic energy of bullets and blasting power to kill enemies. Resurrected skeletons are simply natural killers of firearms.

As a last resort, in addition to the machine gunners on the tank turrets continuing to suppress chaos believers, other soldiers have stolen assault rifles and electromagnetic sniper rifles, and replaced them with chainsaw swords and the Templar chain link and Shield.

The best weapon to deal with skeletons is the hammer. Of course, the chain saw sword is smashed directly. The power is not much weaker than the hammer. The Templar's chain hammer is a brutal force in smashing things.

"go to hell!"

The Templar shouted and raised the chain and smashed it up!


The grate was bounced back by the hard bones of the resurrected skeleton, and the Templar knight who was shocked was dizzy!

"I seem to hear a metal crash !?"

A Templar said incredibly, "How could their defense be so strong !?"

As soon as his words fell, a resurrected skeleton had screamed, and the guy immediately raised his shield and defense!

Hearing only a bang, the silver-level Templar was half a step back by the sword of the resurrected skeleton!

"Damn! They must have absorbed the breath of chaos and strengthened their power!"

The Templar shouted angrily: "Go on purification!"

The comrades in the rear immediately released the purification technique, and the warm holy light fell on the resurrected skeleton, immediately causing great damage to it, and a lot of black gas floated out from the sensen bones.

The other Templar rushed forward and smashed down, smashing the resurrected skull into pieces.

"Sure enough, it's a chaos atmosphere! Use purification!"

The comrades looked desperately at the sea of ​​skulls flowing in front of them, saying, "We can't purify so many resurrected skeletons from exhaustion!"

"What a fool!"

Angus, who rushed into the depths, rushed back like a gust of wind, and wherever the staff went, the Resurrection Skull partly collapsed.

"Master Angus!"

Angus kicked the Resurrection Skull flying up, knocked it into pieces with a backhand, and then said, "Keep it up-under the crown of the maiden is preparing for purification!"

Great Purification!

The Knights Templars were overjoyed: "With the purification of the Holy Virgin, don't worry about these resurrected skeletons!"

"Continue to suppress Chaos believers! Their existence can strengthen the power of the resurrected skeleton!"

The Templars and Shield warriors rushed to the front: "Let's block the sea of ​​skeletons! Shoot from the back! Prioritize killing Chaos believers! Tanks should pay attention to killing native Chaos creatures!"


"It's tricky."

Angus grumbled as he slaughtered the Resurrected Skull.

Chaos believers, chaotic creatures and resurrected skeletons are like a hedgehog.

If there are no chaotic creatures, only chaotic believers and resurrected skeletons, any one of him, Jean, and Aegwynn can easily destroy the entire city, but the appearance of chaotic creatures makes them completely unmanageable.

These resurrected skeletons could only face the awakened apocalypse, and even the bronze or black iron apocalypse could easily kill them. After being mixed with the chaos believers, they got the chaos. Amplification of Forces—Skulls and other undead creatures have no sense at all, let alone corrupt and depraved madness. The power of chaos is just a stimulant to them. After strengthening, they can even compete with the silver apocalypse.

The only good thing is that this time, the Virgin Illuri is also accompanying her. Her great purification can suppress the power of these resurrected skeletons. Although there is no way to directly kill them, they can also make them into waste wood again.

After a brief stalemate, a huge ring-shaped space suddenly appeared over Lostmarr City. A huge and complex rune of God's Word slowly rotated, while laying down the holy light, and descending the height, very Soon they completely covered the city of Losmar.

After the warm light came, a strong dark air appeared over the entire city of Losmar-the chaos breath forced by the light.

Everyone in the Silver City was stunned to see the dark black sky.

Jean's mouth was full of dryness: "This must be how bad the corruption is ..."

Corruption of this scale was previously only seen in the towns after the invasion of the Chaos Army, but now, 167 years after the Second Chaos Invasion War, it will once again be peaceful when the world is peaceful see……

A sense of fear from the depths of his soul made Jean want to summon the meteorite rain and razed Lor'themar, including its surroundings, to the ground.

Those who have not participated in the Chaos Invasion War will never understand how desperate that fear is.

"Mage team is out!"

Jean decisively ordered: "Immediately block the area around Lothermar! No suspicious infected people are allowed to leave here!"


At this moment, Jean took a deep breath and flew out. He looked down at the city of Losmar, and after calculating for a moment, he took out his staff, and the surging magic began to gather quickly to him.

"Get up!"

Jean drank a little, and raised his right hand gently, and the ground immediately trembled. A ten-meter-thick rock fence suddenly rose around the city of Lostmar, and the fence was as high as tens of meters. Seoul was completely sealed off, and unless wings were inserted, he could not leave there at all.

Not far from the stone wall was the blockade line of the Kingdom of Solant. When the soldiers saw a stone wall rising from the ground, completely blocking the city of Lothermar, they all panicked.

"Report to the commander! No! The City of Silver is out! They have blocked the city of Lothermaar!"


The commander was still wondering why there was an earthquake, and Wen Yan rushed out of the camp, but as soon as he looked up, he saw the tall suffocating stone wall.


The commander couldn't help but yelled, "What's going on inside !? How can we do that ?!"

His intuition told him that something terrible had happened in Lossermar, otherwise the response of the Silver City could not have been so great.

"Just now we saw a great light falling from the sky, and then this stone wall rose ... Oh my God! Look! There are so many magicians flying out of the Silver City!"

Those people stared at each other and panicked, didn't they? The magicians fell to the stone wall, stood one at a distance, and looking at them, they were clearly alert.

"Commander, should we use Warcraft Knight to fly up to investigate?"

"Are you stupid !?"

The commander tossed the soldier to the ground with a slap: "The magicians of the Silver City are guarding there. Would you let the Warcraft Knight fly up as a target !?"

"Then we ..."

"Just don't see it!"

The commander scolded and said, "What they love, anyway, we can't afford the Silver City! With their defense, we are more at ease! Go back to sleep!"

In the city of Losmar.

"Great Purification! Great Purification!"

"It is indeed under the crown of the Virgin!"

"The waste wood is useless!"

Cheers rang out from all parts of Losmar City, and the tempted knights of the Templar who were suppressed by the resurrected skeletons, one after the other, were smashed into the blood, and rushed out again, unfolding the resurrected skeletons that poured out like tide With a fierce counterattack.

"Ha! Sure enough waste wood or waste wood!"

After the coming of Purification, the Resurrected Skull became a weak chicken again, and the chain slammed it. Without a strong defense and strength, the slow-moving Resurrected Skull was not based on evidence.

"Cover us! Let's get rid of these scum!"

The Templars hurriedly rushed up and started smashing the skeletons under the cover of the machine gun.

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