Things from Another World

Chapter 1005: Hyper Dragon

Rodriguez, who was trapped in the ball of life, was going crazy now-oh no, it was already crazy.

"What the **** is this !?"

"Life !? This is the power of life !?"

"How could Plantar have such a strong life force!"

"It's impossible!"

"Reluctant to accept reality? Master Hohenheim?"

Tang En, who restored the human form, came over and said coldly, "I honor you as Master Hohenheim, because of your dedication to fighting chaos, but now ... you let all worship Your people are disappointed. "

"Fight against chaos? Hahahaha-Ignorance! Arrogance! You don't understand at all! Only by contact with the power of chaos can you understand the greatness of Kaos!"

Rodriguez laughed wildly: "Order is short-lived, only chaos is eternal! The world will eventually be destroyed, Kaos will rule the world and devour this unreasonable world!"

Sure enough, the lunatics couldn't communicate.

Tang En pouted and said to Nora, "Let it go."


As soon as Nora dispersed the ball of life, Lifebox whistled and fled to the distance.

Tang En waved his hand, and the mage's hand grabbed the life box back, the hot flames gushing from the palm, wrapping the whole life box.

Rodriguez screamed immediately: "You **** reptile-you will pay for what you do! Kaos will crush your soul!"

Tang En said lightly, "Before Kaos crushed me, you were crushed to death."

"You can never kill a Lich! Give up! This is in vain! Join us and you will have supreme power!"

"Idiot, my life box has fallen into my hands. What are you still wondering about?"

Tang En sneered, the flames in his hands began to turn white, and the little bit of void power penetrated into them, causing even more serious damage to the life box.

The purifying effect of the power of the void on the power of chaos is obvious. Rodriguez, the entire soul has been screamed, and soon the sound of the screaming can no longer be heard. Weak and fragile, as long as Tang En added a force, he could easily crush it.

But at this time, Tang En did not kill it directly, but weakened the elemental fire's composition, and instead all used the power of the void to begin to purify Rodriguez's soul.

He needs to dig up some news from Rodriguez.

Whether it is Rodriguez's power to control chaos, open the door of chaos, or the origin of chaos theology, you can get answers from Rodriguez.

Tang En had an instinct that the origin of this chaos religion could not be separated from Rodriguez.

While Down was purifying Rodriguez's soul, the battle of Lor'themar also entered the stage of fever, and the resurrected skeletons lost control of Rodriguez, all staying there and turning into living targets, bathing in life In the field, even if they are not attacked, they will soon collapse completely.

The original chaotic creatures were also cleaned up by Angus and Aegwyn non-stop, and the rest were only chaotic believers and those humble chaotic minions.

Without the aid of the Resurrection Skeleton, the threat of those Chaos believers has been greatly reduced, and they can only be drawn to the front of the raging commando.

The battle in the sky is also very smooth. The continuous bombardment of ten dragons has made the chaotic creatures passing by have no chance to counterattack. The moment they appear, they completely disappear, and it is even more surprising that the pure magic impact on The Gate of Chaos has also caused great suppression. The gate of Chaos in the sky has been reduced by one circle compared to the original scale. If it is not unexpected, it will eventually be completely broken by the dragon's attack.

It was already night, and Klein in the distance looked at the huge beam of light above Lor'themar with a pale face.

He didn't even know what was happening inside Losmar now.

However, what is certain is that the situation in Losermar City must be extremely bad, otherwise the Dragons would not suddenly join the war.

The appearance of the Dragon Clan will disrupt even his original plan.

"Damn it!"

Klein was extremely anxious. Since Down's entry into the Illus Empire, nothing has gone smoothly.

Does this plan end without problems?

What a joke!

This is the last chance!

If you don't break Down now, the Illus Empire will become more and more difficult to compete in the future!

How could Klein now know about the fierce battle in Lossermar? The scale and level of the fighting that erupted in it now, I am afraid he can't think of breaking his mind.

Including the couples of Tessa Hackero and Murphy Hackshasa, a total of thirteen dragons (not Tang) and three legends (not Tang) participated in this battle. The Holy See ’s Templars More than half of the members entered the battle, and even the silver city of the neutral camp officially participated in the battle for the first time. This battle is the highest-standard battle in hundreds of years.

His Solent army threw it in, for fear that it wouldn't lift a splash.

The camera returns to Down, Rodriguez's life box has been purified at this moment, but at the same time, Rodriguez's soul is also severely damaged and extremely weak, and he does not even dare to get out of the life box. Come out-because the outside life realm will directly let him go.

Now his soul strength is worse than an ordinary person.

Tang En asked: "Are you awake now?"

"……thank you."

After Rodriguez was silent for a moment, he said, "Also, I don't have a brain anymore ..."

After turning into a Lich, where else is there a mind?

"This joke is not funny at all."

Tang En said coldly, "Do you know how many innocent people have died because of you?"


"Now tell me, what exactly is Chaos God? Is it something you did?"

"It's me, not me."

Rodriguez said in pain: "I made a big mistake ..."

"It really is you."

Tang En gritted his teeth and said, "Do you know, I can't wait to pinch you right now."

"If my death can redeem sin, then let me die."

"Want to die? It's not that easy, you wait to atone for sin in a long time."

After Tang En said coldly, he put away his life box, and rushed directly into the sky. Next, he wanted to help Sasha Glott to close the door of chaos.

"Ha ha ha ha-come, come, come again!"

Sasha Glott was completely insane at this moment, suppressed by the chaos for thousands of years, and now he finally avenged his revenge. How could he not be excited?

For the first time, Sasha Glott felt so excited to see the chaotic creatures that had been annihilated in the cannon.

"Just a bit, pay attention to your body."

Tang En was frightened for them. He could not bear the magic power output for such a long time.

"No problem-is your problem solved?"

Sasha Glott has not been distracted to pay attention to the situation on Rodriguez's side.

"Resolved, both Taser and Murphy have recovered their sanity and are talking to Elsa."


Sasha Glott was startled, and then exulted: "They can be restored to reason by being corrupted like that !?"

"It can only be said that it is a fluke. Rodriguez enslaved their souls long ago, but corruption has only begun to appear in recent years. The dragon's soul is so strong that it can survive."

Tang En spread his hands: "Of course, your bodies have no resistance to chaos, so I cannot help their bodies."

"No, that's enough. At least, let's meet with them again."

After hearing the good news, Sasha Glott's fighting spirit became even higher, and the sound of a loud roar raised the output of magic again.

"There are plenty of opportunities in the future."

Tang En doesn't plan to release Taser and Murphy to the kingdom of death. The soul of the dragon is many times stronger than the soul of the apocalypse. What a good coolie ... I mean, what a good fighting force.

He glanced at the magic cannon armor on Sashaglot. After thinking about it, he stood up directly, then pressed his hands on the magic cannon armor, and the power of the void penetrated directly into it, mixing with the magic cannon. Go out.

After being attacked by the force of the void, the chaos gate suddenly became abnormally chaotic. The twisted space began to twitch frantically, the chaos breath disappeared quickly, and the chaos gate began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What did you do !? The effect is amazing!"

Sasha Glotter shouted, "If you can, keep working hard!"

Work harder? Kill me!

Tang En pumped the corners of his mouth, purifying three souls in a row. He felt as if his body had been emptied.

With the help of Tang En, the Gate of Chaos has become smaller and smaller, and there can be fewer and fewer chaotic creatures. Until the end, the entire Gate of Chaos has been completely smashed by magic cannons. Through the clouds and shot into space, it became a firework to declare victory.


Sasha Glotter laughed wildly: "Honour Don, do you believe it? This is the easiest time we have ever had against chaos!"

"I believe……"

In the previous process of fighting against chaos, the dragons were all tied hands and feet. The stronger and stronger chaotic creatures were the hedgehogs that could not be touched. It was also because they did not understand at the beginning that the first chaos invasion war Will stand dead for 170 years.

With experience, the duration of the Second Chaos Invasion War has been greatly shortened, and it has ended only after 52 years-although there are still a lot of sacrifices made by the strong, all of this makes sense.

Now, with the magic artillery armor that Tang En developed for them, they can now press the chaotic creatures under pressure, and they can't take the lead in the chaos door!

This is simply a miracle!

"Right! Where's Taser and Murphy !?"

After returning to God, Sasha Glott remembered this key question: "I still have a lot to say to them!"

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