Things from Another World

Chapter 1006: Words rob you of your son-in-law

Elsa was panicking now, yes, very panic!

In front of her, standing with two skull dragons was very thrilling, but ...

These two skull dragons turned out to be her true parents!

This is even more thrilling!

Having said that it has been dead for nearly a thousand years, why suddenly stood in front of it again! ?

Your Majesty, come here quickly ... I, I don't know what to say ...

Helpless Elsa was crying now.

"Murphy, look, her eyes look like you! And her scales are so beautiful!"

"Her tail is similar to you, Taser."

The fire of Murphy Hackshaw's soul swayed and stunned on Taser Hacklo: "I'm so excited, I didn't expect that I could still see Elu growing up in this life ... I really want to thank Lord Dragon God. "

Is it clear that your soul can live to this day thanks to Torodrigues ...

Elsa resisted the desire to vomit, and she felt uncomfortable facing the eyes they looked up and down.

The atmosphere is too rigid.

"Taser! Murphy!"

At this time, Sasha Glott, who finally solved the door of chaos, whistled down from the sky: "Awesome! My man! I never expected to see you again!"

"Your Majesty the Dragon King! And my friends!"

The two skull dragons immediately knelt down on the ground and sent a courtesy to Saschaglot. Murphy Haksha said a bit bitterly: "It's good to meet again, but our current image is bad."

"Do not hinder things, do not hinder things, anyway, you have recovered your mind, haven't you?"

Sasha Glott didn't care much: "Thanks to His Excellency Don En, if it weren't for him, I'm afraid we would only fight if we met."


That's right!

"Thank you again, Your Excellency ... Where has Your Excellency gone?"

After Taser Hackero spoke, he found that the other dragon was missing.

"I am here."

The voice came from above Sasha Glot.

Taser Hakrow snapped: "Why are you standing on the head of His Majesty the Dragon King? This is so rude ..."

Sasha Glott's heart is not ordinary: "It doesn't matter, he is not our dragon, and there is no need to abide by our rules."

"Not a dragon !?"

The Tassels froze again: "You mean, what he just looked like ... is that legendary spell?"


Sasha Glott admired: "His best friend, the best human magician I have ever seen. His mind, talent, and ideals are far superior to others. He is a strong man worthy of our equal treatment! Also a hero of our dragon family! "

Taser didn't realize that Sasaglot's evaluation of Tang En was so high that he couldn't help looking at him.


The other dragon slammed into it fiercely: "Say! Why were you so cruel!"

It's Nar Haksha.

"Nal! Calm down! I'm dead! Dead!"

Taser Hackero was shocked, and Murphy Hackshaw was staring at him staring at him!

Nal Haksha snarled at him: "Obviously we knew it first! I obviously taught you your fighting skills! His Majesty Dragon God wants us to be husband and wife! Obviously everything comes first Why would you choose Murphy! You would not choose me! Answer me! "

Elsa stared at this scene in dumbfounding, feeling as if she had seen something extraordinary.

Can this be compared!

Because you are too special to fight, I dare not choose you!

Although Murphy is also very strong, at least Murphy will not want to bite my life!

Stay away from you for your safety!

Taser Hakrow whispered secretly, if it was told, I'm afraid he would die again.

Murphy Haksha was elegant (yes, Dunn wiped his eyes, he even saw the elegance from a skull dragon!) Walked to Tasser, nuzzled on his smooth head, and then waved Unexpectedly said, "Mr. Naer, don't you think our two images are a good match?"


Everyone was speechless!


Nal Haksha snorted and said with gritted teeth: "Teach an apprentice, but robbed my husband, I will never forget you!"

"Excellent dragons are the best everywhere."

Although Murphy Haksha is only a skull dragon now, Tang En promises that if she can laugh at this moment, she must be laughing at Nal Haksha!

"Well, Nal, don't get excited, things have passed for so many years, haven't you been good?"

Sasha Glott had to stand up and round the field.

"It's a pity Ello is a woman!"

Nal Haksha gritted her teeth and said, "Otherwise I must--wait? It doesn't seem to be a woman ..."

What do you want to do! ?

Tang En and Sasha Glotter breathed in air-conditioners. Isn't this cargo going to bend Elsa if they don't agree? ?

What rushes at me! Don't start with Elsa! She's just a child!

"Nar, don't mess around. Our family's fertility rate is already very low. As an early generation, you have to lead by example. But don't think about messy things! Otherwise I can't spare you!"

Sasha Glott immediately warned Nal Haksha, at the end he winked at Nal and drew at Don Enunu, you know?

When Nar Hakshah's eyes lighted, he immediately understood what Sasha Glott meant.

Murphy's revenge against her husband can't be reported. Don't make Ai Lu's idea. Isn't there a Tang En?

Not surprisingly, he must be El Lu's husband, and it's perfectly possible ... um ... to grab her daughter's husband!

Moreover, Tang En's power is very special, which can purify chaos. If he can have a child with him and inherit this power, the dragon will be safer in the future!

……what? Ellu is also a Dragon Race?

Give me a break! Is she all on the human side?

Only me, the first black dragon Nal Haksha, is really thinking about the future of the dragon race!

That's right! That's it!


After making up his mind, Nal Haksha took a step back, no longer forcing Tather to take a stand.

Taser breathed a sigh of relief, and Murphy felt that she had won another game, and she was more happy, and her daughter's eyes (if any) were more gentle.

"Going back to the old words, I think the most critical issue now is to end the battle before solving Rodriguez."

Tang En looked around and felt his heart bleed. He had warned the soldiers to take care. He also wanted to keep Lor'mar's foundation. He could emigrate from Ellington and insert a heart in the heart of the Kingdom of Solent. nail.

As a result, the fighting has been escalating, and now the city can be said to be close to being scrapped. Rebuilding a city is more efficient than repairing it.

Thinking of this, Tang En simply decided to let go of his hands and feet. He took out the walkie-talkie and gave an order to the whole channel: "Now, everyone will immediately evacuate Lotheramar City and wait for the order outside the city! Repeat-"

Suddenly I heard the instructions on the intercom, and everyone was stunned.

"What the hell! Your Majesty has an order! Evacue now!"

A Templar could not help but said, "But now we are killing ..."

The Ellington warrior said angrily: "You want to die and no one will stop you! Your Majesty will give you this order for one reason, that is, it has lost its use value and decided to destroy it completely."

The Templar was stunned, and destroyed with a word of destruction. This king is too overbearing! ?

This is Sorant, not Illus!

In any case, the order must be obeyed. After receiving the order, all the commandos immediately contracted the front, quickly boarded the vehicle, and began an orderly withdrawal from Lothermar.

The perimeter has been cleared, so there are few obstacles, and the evacuation efficiency is much higher than the offensive. However, under the powerful transportation performance of a high-speed off-road vehicle, all soldiers have evacuated from Losermar City.

After checking all the teams in the walkie-talkie and confirming that there are no friendly personnel in Lossermarn City, Tang En told Saschaglot: "Your Majesty the Dragon, I will trouble you."

"Just leave it to us!"

Nal Haksha rushed to answer Dunn: "Guarantees of chaos believers are left with no dregs!"

Tang En glanced at the particularly positive Nal Haksha, nodded, and the crowd rose into the air.

At this time, Angus and Aegwin also returned. Angus hurriedly asked, "Don, why did you suddenly retreat? Now is a good opportunity to clean up here!"

"no way."

Tang En sighed, pointing to the central city that has been completely ruined: "The blessing of Torodrigues, this place has completely turned into a ruin. Our previous battles with Taser and Murphy also spread to the outer city. The whole Lostmarre has no meaning of rush repairs, it's fine. "

Angus smashed his mouth: "I knew that this was the end result, and it would be better to let His Majesty the Dragon King blast it out."

"Who would have thought that there would be a Lich Necromancer here? Who would have thought that Rodriguez would still enslave two Necromancers?"

Tang En was helpless: "If it weren't for him, the city could obviously be reused, which is a pity."

The crowd left Lothmar, and on the other side, Sasha Glott had begun to destroy the city with magic.

Powerful and horrifying magic cannons descend from the sky, ten dragons plow from side to side of the city side by side, and then make a turn to continue ...

The power of the magic cannon is terrible. Even chaotic creatures can't resist it, not to mention those chaotic believers. Just rubbing a little to the side, the chaotic believers are evaporated directly, leaving no residue.

The Resurrection Skull of Mancheng stood there stupidly, completely unaware of dodging, and completely turned into a living target.

The ten dragons just sprayed back and forth a few times, the entire city completely disappeared into the lava and no longer existed, and Lorthemar also completely disappeared from this world.

The chaos breath released by the chaotic believers when they died was partially neutralized by the realm of life, and the other part just came together to form and was purified by Tang En when the intention was to open the door of chaos.

At this point, the battle of Lothermar can finally be declared over.

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