Things from Another World

Chapter 1007: The origin of chaos

On the dark plain, beside a dazzling bonfire, a group of people were surrounding a small box in the middle.

Rodriguez's lifebox.

At this moment Rodriguez's soul was like a candle in the wind, and he didn't know how weak he was than Victor beside him.

Although he was transformed from a legendary realm to a Lich, and his soul strength is very strong, Tang En did not use much gentleness when stripping the power of chaos in his soul.

The simple and crude purification process by the way also made Rodriguez tossing enough, but now that he is awake, he still has to thank Tang En.

"So, can we talk about it?"

Down gazed at Rodriguez and pointed to the tasers and hackers lying next to him: "Speak up, what the **** is going on."

Rodriguez's soul swayed for a while, then finally spoke under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"This is a mistake I made, but I don't think I was wrong. I just want to do my best to protect the world."

Rodriguez sneered at the first sentence.

Transform yourself into a Lich, and enslave the souls of two dragons?

You say you want to protect this world?

"What I'm saying is true."

Rodriguez said very seriously: "You haven't experienced that war, you don't understand how desperate the Prandall beings were then."

"I can testify to this."

Sasha Glo nodded characteristically: "The entire plant was indeed on the verge of total destruction at that time."

"At that time, the living force in our hands was very precious, but the chaotic army was like endless. We must fight with them with precious lives, which is not very cost-effective."

Rodriguez's gaze fell on Taser Hacker: "At that time, I, Taser Hacker, Tim Ray, and other masters of alchemy, together designed the Gold Titan Legion, He also produced a royal staff of Illus to serve as the controlling end of the Golden Titan Legion. "

"After the Golden Titan Legion joined the battle, the pressure on the front of the coalition forces suddenly eased a lot, so we saw the hope of victory, but it was precisely because of this, that gave me an idea."

"Since the Golden Titan can be used, can other powers also be used?"

Rodriguez said quietly, "At that time, I began to study the necromancy secretly."

Victor frowned: "Are you planning to use the power of Necromancer to summon the dead to fight the chaotic army?"


Rodriguez admitted very frankly: "At that time, in order to continue the entire human race, the lives of any living beings were precious. Only war dead were different. If they could awaken their bodies and let them continue Fighting to protect this world, I think they are happy-the only trouble is that this approach will not be recognized by others. "

"I remember."

Taser Hakrow suddenly said: "After we died in the battle, Rodriguez secretly intercepted our souls and buried our bodies. He later awakened us and let us assist the coalition forces in the rear battle, and We were really happy to continue fighting for the world. "

Rodriguez added: "At that time, I popped aside the Pope of the Holy See and was rejected. He thought it was a blasphemy against the dead body, so I had to give up the public use of necromancy, only Use it secretly. "

"This is a great idea and a very great act."

The maiden Illuli said very seriously: "But that doesn't explain why you took them with you to be corrupted by chaos."

"That's what happened next."

Rodriguez said bitterly, helplessly: "At that time, I still had Alborn, and an idea was born ..."


As soon as Tang En raised his eyebrows, another acquaintance appeared?

"Since the power of chaos is so powerful, can we master the power of chaos by analyzing it and use it to fight against chaos itself."

Rodriguez said very calmly: "From the beginning, the power of chaos was born from disorderly void, and chaos is its characteristic, so I put forward a hypothesis that if we should control it, weaken its nothingness. Order, will it translate into controllable power? "

"If the power of chaos becomes controllable, does it mean that its threat is also controllable, or even reversible?"

"After the end of the first Chaos Invasion War, in order to cope with the foreseeable future crisis, I left behind a small piece of chaotic creatures privately, and started the research on the power of chaos in private."

"And that's the root of it all."

Rodriguez sighed: "The power of chaos is so mysterious, so ... elusive, in the process of observation, you can never accurately predict its next wave, next flash, next split, It's like being completely independent of your observations, but whatever you can think of, it's perfectly circumvented, leaving only a variety of incredible characteristics. "

"The more I study, the more I become obsessed, and the more I want to understand the power of chaos until ..."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Rodriguez slowly said, "... until one day, I couldn't hold back the temptation, and finally decided to use my own body to feel what the power of chaos is."

Lying down! Discover a crazy practitioner who dedicates life to science!

"During the Chaos Invasion War, I saw too many people become lunatics after being corrupted, but I am very confident in my reasoning and self-control. I believe that I can fight the corruption of Chaos, and even in the process, Record my own personal feelings-I did, and I can still remember how I felt back then. "

Tang En swaggered. The drug addicts thought the same at first, but then they all lost their lives and became mad.

"In my words, it is incredible ... you can feel like you have become another life form, independent of the existence form of the body, you can see more things and master more power ... but at the same time , The body will be severely corrupted and gradually collapse. "

"I persisted for a hundred years at this stage, and what happened during this period was the best known to Taser and Murphy. In order to prevent them from being corrupted, I took the initiative to isolate myself."

"In this stage, I started to try to control the power of chaos. At the beginning, I used magic to control it, but I found that it was useless. After contact with the power of chaos, it would only be assimilated. Weak power of chaos. After a few attempts, I found that the power of chaos is growing fast and my body is beginning to collapse. I gave up this method. "

"In order to continue my research, I decided to transform myself into a Lich. I don't know if it was because of the power of chaos. The process of transformation was quite smooth. I successfully went through several difficulties and became a Lich. "

"After becoming a Lich, I lost my feelings and desires, my mind became calmer, and my clues became more precise."

"At this time, I began to try to use magic to control the power of chaos, treating it as an unknown, but controllable power."

"This process took me two hundred years."

"During this process, I didn't even realize that my sanity had been corroded little by little by chaos and became more and more extreme."

"Later, I finally found a way to control the power of chaos to some extent ..."

Having said that, Rodriguez was silent for a moment, then slowly said, "It's also this time, I finally got crazy ..."

The hearts of everyone were surprised that Rodriguez's willpower was enough to be proud of the world under the chaos corruption.

"When I found a way to control the power of chaos, I was crazy. At that time, I was surrounded by all kinds of crazy hallucinations. It was almost impossible to distinguish between reality and hallucinations. At that time, I no longer even thought about it. Am I already corrupted by chaos ... Now think about it. The reason why I was able to control the power of chaos at that time was probably simply because I was completely corrupted by chaos at that time. "

Rodriguez frowned dry lips and continued: "But at that time I was crazy and I didn't care so much. I just wanted to spread the power of chaos control to let people understand that chaos It's not uncontrollable, it's not invincible, no more worrying about the invasion of chaotic creatures ... I was completely out of control at that time. "

"The latter thing makes me look like a nightmare ..."

Rodriguez stared at the campfire in front of him, as if he could see his past in the campfire.

"I used a spell to control a group of people. In order to spread as soon as possible and to collect more experimental data, I taught them the method of controlling the power of chaos. In order to reduce people's fear of chaos, I made up a fiction. A **** of chaos, Kaos, let them worship ... "

rub! Tang En secretly slanders, I know that Chaos Religion is absolutely inseparable from him!

"You should understand that a **** that can worship can at least reduce people's fear. Therefore, the development of chaos theology is much faster than I expected ..."

Having said that, Rodriguez raised his head and said slowly: "... Yes, the founder of Chaos is me."

This **** ...

Angus, Jean, Victor, Irilly, and others all aggressive.

Damn it! What the **** is this! ?

Rodriguez Hohenheim, who designed and created the Legion of Gold Colossus, was the hero who saved the world in the first chaotic invasion war, but at the same time, he was the founder of the chaos theology that has scourged the world for hundreds of years people!

How does this count! ?

"Although merits cannot be offset, but ..."

Tang En slowly said: "If you did not perform in the first Chaos Invasion War, Prendall would not have been now, so your credit can offset the things of Chaos.


Tang En continued: "This is not a proof of your innocence. On the contrary, for the sake of this world, you need to continue to atone for your sins ... you will be mentally prepared, and this time will be long."

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