Things from Another World

Chapter 1008: Nora's bad plan

Down's sentence was basically a sentence of life imprisonment for Rodriguez, and it was still irresistible.

The Hall of Spirits is now almost completely bound to him. Without his permission, Rodriguez could not leave there to the kingdom of death.

It is not that Tang En is too Virgin, and he is kind-hearted, but because he needs his ability to save the world.

Although the chaotic theology created by Rodriguez caused many tragedies, his ability is undoubted. He can create the Legion of Gold Colossus and is also known as the most powerful alchemist in history. For the iniquity he created.

With Rodriguez, Ellington's R & D capabilities will once again leap forward. When Tang En teaches him the concept of scientific development and thinking methods, perhaps he will bring more surprises to Tang En.

On earth, science is the root of progress, and in Prandall, magic is the root of everything. Here, magic is science, and the methods for analyzing and solving difficult problems are universal.

Rodriguez accepted his destiny calmly, and offered his loyalty to Down.

After his problem was solved, it was the problem of Taser Hackero and Murphy Hackshaw.

They are Elsa's parents and the situation is more complicated.

At the beginning of the transformation by Rodriguez, they were also sane, and even secretly made a lot of contributions to this world, but as Rodriguez went crazy, they were slowly affected, and eventually they would It looks like it is now.

After being purified by Down, they have now recovered their sanity. To put it simply, they should no longer be considered Necromancers because they are no longer under the control of Rodriguez.

They have restored their freedom.

However, the biggest problem is that their bodies are now skeleton dragons.

No matter where they are, there is a legend that the most powerful summoner of the necromancer is the skeleton dragon. No matter where they go, they will cause panic. Even if they know that this image is very convenient in some cases, It's impossible for Tang En to use them to help.

The only thing is to let them give up their current body and build a body for them.

But about this body ...

Tang En thought of Nora's powerful power, he suddenly asked whimsically: [Nora, can you help them reshape a dragon body? 】

Nora nodded her lips for a moment, and said with uncertainty: [Should be okay ... I seem to have learned ... Life creation ... but it seems like I forgot about it ...]

Tang En pulled his face. Is this little guy reliable or not?

Having said that, I seem to have heard something terrible just now? The lesson of life creation? Are they even going to class?

【Ok! should be no problem! 】

Nora finally nodded and said airily: [Leave it to me, but the dragon has been growing for a long time, so it takes a long time to transfer the soul, and it also needs some raw materials-]

Tang En interrupted her words in her mind: [The portable space is open to you. You can take what you need directly. You do n’t need to be polite with me. This matter is left to you. 】

[I do n’t need those ... But I know, I will work hard! Hey! 】

Nora cheered herself up. It seemed that she hadn't done this job for a long time in her memory.

Fortunately, there is no need to start from scratch or create a soul, as long as two blank bodies are made.

For the best compatibility of the soul, it is best to use the original flesh and blood of Taser and Murphy, but they have decayed and their bones have lost their vitality, so they are not considered at all.

Nora's gaze fell on Elsa, and she suddenly patted her hand and got an idea.

Yes, Elsa is their child. Her blood contains exactly the components of Tasser and Murphy. With her egg cells as the material, the body that is cultivated is absolutely no problem in compatibility!

In addition, some "seeds" are needed ...

Nora glanced down at Don, eh, he seemed to say what was needed?

In this case, you don't need to be polite with him. Surprise him after everything is done!

But ... Elsa is their daughter?

If they made two bodies like this, would they be the sons and daughters of Elsa and Down?

Parents become daughter's son and daughter? It always feels weird ... Well, it doesn't hurt anyway, it doesn't matter, anyway, it just needs to use the body.

After Nora planned in her heart, she was very satisfied with her arrangement, and then fantasized about it. After Tang En saw the two dragon bodies, she would reward her with some delicious candy.

Do n’t know what Nora ’s plan is. If he knows what other ideas Nora has, he may reject her on the spot. Unfortunately, this world has no regrets ...

"Tesser, Murphy, although it's a shame, you have to abandon this body now."

Tang En found them directly and said, "I will arrange you to temporarily live in the Hall of Spirits. If you want to accompany Elsa, I can also arrange a soul core for you to live, how?"

"Abandon this body? No problem, anyway, we are dead, this body has no meaning at all, take it if you want."

Taser Hakrow readily agreed with Tang En, knowing that Tang En and Elsa had a close relationship, he did not care what his bones would be taken by Tang En.

"I don't want these keels ... well, of course if you can use them, just ..."

Discussing with others how to use his body wastelessly, Tang En feels a little weird ...

"How about this."

Tang En sighed and said, "I let the craftsmen under you build a body for you temporarily, you can always stay with Elsa, of course, and then I hope you can also contribute your strength, I will tailor-made for you A powerful body, you can use that body to fight, and after a while, I will find a way to get you back to the dragon body, how about it? "[Building the Adamantite mechanical baby dragon body for Taser and Murphy for them use]

"no problem!"

Tethy Hackero said very happy: "As long as we can stay with Elro ... she's Elsa right now? As long as we can stay with her, we are very satisfied, as you said The body of the dragon doesn't matter. "

Recreating a body out of thin air is something that the oracle can do. Even how powerful Tang En is, it's impossible to achieve that kind of level. Taser Hackero and Murphy Hackshaw had no expectations from the beginning. .

If we can be resurrected like this, what else is there to fear of death?

"It's so decided."

Tang En finalized.

"Losemar's problem has been temporarily resolved, and the roots of Chaos Theology are completely solved, and the chaotic believers who have been diverted from here in the early stage can then be slowly cleaned up, and then ..."

Tang En angled his lips and looked to the south: "Our guests may be hesitant to do it now."

The expression on Jean's face was very weird: "If he dares to see it all like this, I really have to wonder if his brain is broken ..."

"What can he do if he's scared?"

Tang En Jianmei raised his eyebrows: "I'm still waiting for him to take the initiative to provoke, and then fight back against the wave."


Angus was stunned: "You want to take advantage of the situation to sing the city of Anthem !?"

"I can't be so exaggerated, just thinking about taking Solant by the way."

Victor stunned: "Isn't that exaggerating enough ..."

For decades after he was in office, he did not make the Illus Empire strong.Thann, after less than a year of ascending to the throne, intends to begin to regain the Soland Kingdom ...

Sure enough, people are more deadly than popularity!

"Don't the previous battle really scare him?"

Tang En was a little worried that Klein didn't dare to let him take the initiative to bully people. He couldn't do such a thing.

"Do you think it's you who saw this and would still make that kind of decision?"

Tang En shook his head.

"That's amazing!"

Jean said angrily: "Although Klein was ambitious, he was not stupid enough to see the reality. In my opinion, when I lifted these stone walls around, they saw Lorthemar completely from After the world disappears, I'm afraid that the legs will be scared and the feet will be soft. How can I still have an ambush attack? "

"That's troublesome ..."

Tang Enmo rubbed his chin and said suddenly, "Well, let's do another show, but he?"

"forget it."

Speaking of Illuli, she couldn't bear it: "After all, those soldiers are innocent. If Klein was deceived by you and an offensive order was given, those soldiers would die here because of his instructions. This This internal death is meaningless. "

"Then what do I say?"

Elully, Angus, Jean, and Lyon all said in the same voice: "Capture Klein directly and force him to abdicate!"

"Oh? That works?"

"If it had been before, it would have been useless, but it would have caused the Kingdom of Solant to fear and resent you, but it is different now."

Jean said faintly: "The thing in Losmar Mart has been made public. If you continue to fan the flames behind it, it will pass faster. Soon all people in the Kingdom of Solant will know what happened here, including our settlement. They will also know about Losermar. "[Use public opinion to stir up the flames and build momentum for the recovery of Sorant]

"When they discovered that Klein let the Chaos gods stay in the territory regardless of leaving a city to be corrupted and sacrificed so many innocent people, they would definitely be dissatisfied with Klein's rule."

"At this time, if you make a strong appearance and directly capture Klein, let him meddle in you, and let the Soland Kingdom return to the Illus Empire, the resistance of the people of the Kingdom of Soland will not be so It's strong. "


Angus nodded: "After all, more than a hundred years ago, Solant was still part of the Illus Empire. People in many areas have a stronger sense of belonging to the Illus Empire. The return to the Illus Empire is destined. "

"At the same time, between the Kingdom of Solant and the Empire of Illus, the principalities that have been acting as buffer zones can finally breathe a sigh of relief and merge into the Empire of Illus with peace of mind."

Tang Enmo rubbed his chin: "You seem to make sense ... Since that's the case, let's do it!"

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