Things from Another World

Chapter 1009: Ignite

When it was said that the troop was withdrawn, all combatants evacuated from the battle area that night, returned to the Silver City, and then returned to Yalinks and Ellington through the Silver City's teleportation array.

Don, it was easy for them to evacuate. It was a pain. The soldiers of the Solant Kingdom who had been staying outside, especially Klein in the rear. This ambitious guy didn't sleep well all night. My mind kept tossing between "offensive" and "retreating."

Until the next morning, Jean suddenly returned to God to lift the stone wall.

The disappearing stone wall caused a great commotion. Almost all the soldiers of the Solent Kingdom on the outer defense line awakened from their sleep, and the vigil soldiers were gazing at the situation in the distance. Come on.

"I, I, I am not dazzled ..."

"Gods are here! Where is Lothermar !?"

"Oh my God! How did Lothermar disappear ?!"

"I said that there was such a big movement last night that they even razed Lotheramar to the ground !?"

"The point is-what about them !? Why are all of them gone?"

"Should they have all evacuated and returned to the Silver City ?!"

"Communicator! Come on! Send your message to Her Majesty!"

The Solant soldiers were in a mess and had no idea what to do. Now even if Klein wanted them to die, no one came to kill them.

After receiving the news, I am afraid the most aggressive is Klein.

He was tossed by the thoughts in his mind and didn't sleep well all night, but when he woke up in the morning, he found that Lothermar was flattened, and no one had disappeared!

Take the opportunity to ambush? I haven't even made a haircut!

Klein was relieved at first, but then he was furious: "Damn! They must have deliberately opposed the king! Since Tang En appeared, nothing really went well!"

Well, he counted it on Tang En again, and even the fear of the Silver City and the Dragon Legion disappeared last night.

Isn't that the case for people? When everything is right, everything feels indifferent. Once things really happen, they start to panic again. Klein is a typical example.

Klein, who was planning to fail, had to issue an order to withdraw, and the original Solanth army, who had complained, was relieved, and without any word, began to organize the withdrawal.

For them, there is no need to go against the Silver City or the Dragon Army, nor is it necessary to die, which is of course the best result.

Although the king's order must be executed, everyone has a mind. Whoever is okay will want to die?

What's more, the enemy is simply not the kind who can win.


"I didn't expect them to raz Lor'mal to the ground!"

On the retreating carriage, Klein's face was very poor. Although he knew the opponent's strength was strong, he didn't see it with his own eyes. He always had less impact and the two sides were not officially enemies. Fear.

At this moment he only felt that the Silver City was pulling his face!

Lothermar is the inherent territory of the Kingdom of Solant. Now, they have come here and said nothing to flatten the city, isn't it to draw his face?

The king who was completely blinded by his ambitions even completely forgot that it was precisely because of his inaction that it would lead to the tragedy of Lorthemar, only to cause the Silver City to have to make such a big move, and then it would cause great The Dragon Legion appeared here.

This incident was a mistake made by Rodriguez, and it was also a mistake made by Klein.

But now, what makes Klein uncomfortable even more is that after the Silver City came here, it seemed that it had no intention to leave anymore, so it floated above the sky without any intention of moving.

What does Gene want to do?

Klein is not an Oscar of Ronentante. Even the Silver City can find ways to make money online. The Silver City hangs in the sky. Klein only feels like a sharp sword hanging above his head. Coming great threat.

It is the so-called not doing bad things, not afraid of knocking on the door, and Klein is so worried about the Silver City because of his previous thoughts. Otherwise, he may only be excited that the country has a strong backing.

Just like the Oscars who know the news now-knowing that the city of silver has left the kingdom of Ronentante, this guy is directly aggressive.


Because there are still a lot of supplies expected to be supplied to the Silver City!

It's all in my hands now!

When such a big gold customer ran away, he didn't cry anywhere!

After Tang En returned, he immediately found Carl, the head of the newspaper, and told him that the branches of Datang Daily would be fully operational immediately ...

Later, Down found Selna again, and wanted to use her influence in the Rogue Guild to spread the news of Lor'themar further in the Kingdom of Solant.

Several of the Daxas that were originally compiled can be used as entry points. Through them, they can spread the news and let the thieves' association secretly stir up the flames and give Tang En's subsequent actions a momentum.

As to whether the news would leak from the thieves' guild, Tang En didn't believe it.

First of all, these guys are some masters who see the money open, and Tang En, the most indispensable right now is probably the money. Let me say a word, when the banknote printing machine is turned on, the banknotes are rushing out ( Of course he wouldn't do that.), Which is basically equivalent to the empty glove white wolf.

As long as the problem can be solved with money, it is not a problem.

Secondly, and most importantly, Selah Kohler is a well-known figure in the Thieves 'Guild. When she appeared, what did the guys in the Thieves' Guild dare to say? Definitely one or two, how dare you dabble in front of the ancestor of the thief?

So Tang En was very relieved.

In a pub in Alcanretia, a guy with a slick noodle patted the shoulder of a person next to him, and he smiled and said, "Hey! Lycra, I don't know if you are interested in knowing? Please drink a glass and let me Tell you."

The businessman named Lycra was skeptical: "Lather? What good news can you have? Are you trying to get me to drink?"

It was Rather who was rescued by Tang En: "Absolutely not! I promise this news is very important to you! Haven't you always walked to Loser Mare before? Uh?"

Lycra's eyes lit up, and she took out a few copper coins and patted him on the table: "Give him a glass of ale! Get the cheapest!"

The bartender was about to put away the copper coins, and Rather said, "No, you want the best ale, and you can't mix it with water."

The bartender glanced at the copper coins and said lightly, "This money is only enough to drink the cheapest."

Ruther looked at Lycra with a grin, and while she complained, she drew a few more coins and threw them over: "Damn! Ruther, if you don't have any good news, I will make you regret it!"

"Rest assured, this news is absolutely explosive."

"You said it!"

"Don't worry, I will moisten my throat when ale comes."

Regardless of what Rika did, Rather didn't say, waited until the bartender finished the ale, and after taking a sip, he complained: "Damn! The wine you sold to me was really watery!"

The bartender completely ignored him.

Laika urged: "Speak quickly!"

Ruther said mysteriously, "Have you heard? Losermar is gone!"


Laika was really surprised: "How is this possible! I plan to check it out later! If the blockade is lifted, I plan to go in and charge the bill!"

"The blockade has been lifted, but you don't know? Lor'themar has been razed to the ground by the Silver City!"

"Why !? How dare the Silver City do it !?"

"You don't know the truth about the blockade yet?"

Although Jean asked Klein to publicize Lothermar's news, Klein did not do so, so the truth of Lothermar's blockade was still a fog.

"you know?"

"What do you think?"

Ruther whispered, "Don't forget, I used to be in Lorsemar. I know what happened there."

"Don't sell off! You will be told water count!"

"Okay, okay, let me tell you frankly, the reason why Lothermaar was blocked was because it was completely corrupted by Chaos!"

Lycra exclaimed, "Mixed--"

Rather covered his mouth with a hand: "Are you crazy!"


Lycra took a deep breath and was shocked by the anomaly: "The Church of Chaos has corrupted the city of Lothermar !? How is this possible !?"

"But it's true!"

Ruther whispered: "It was because Chaos was so upset that the entire Lothermar was not saved, so Klein ordered the lockout of Lothermar to prevent others from continuing into Lothermar. Mar. "

"But corruption cannot happen overnight, but it is a long process. How could Her Majesty Klein be unaware !?"

"This is where Her Majesty Klein's dereliction of duty is. He may not know, he may know, but you don't think he has no excuse for not knowing it. Would it be more terrifying if he knew it and remained indifferent?"

Lyca thought, her face became even more ugly.

As Ruther said, if Klein knew the situation was indifferent and allowed Chaos to continue to spread, this would be the most terrible thing.

With such a king, how could the Kingdom of Solant have a future!

"It was because the situation was completely out of control. After this information was learned by the Silver City, Master Gene would transfer the Silver City to Lorsemar, and the mages of the Silver City, including the Knights Templar, would be dispatched. It's up! "

"It is said that because of the particularly dangerous situation this time, even the dragons were alarmed. The huge movement in the northeast last night was caused by the dragons."

"It is said that the dragons found that Losermar's corruption was particularly serious, so they shot directly and razed the entire Losermar! Now there is no grass there, and it has completely become a wasteland."

"This this……"

Rather drank all the ale and patted him on the shoulder, and whispered, "I only told you the news, you must not tell anyone else!"

Rusher slaps after talking. The stock is gone.

He walked with ease, but Lycra was at a loss, his face blue and purple.

If the account does not come back, it is second. The key is that an important commercial road in his hands is in Lorsemar. The blockade of this time has made him sad all day. Now it is better. Lorsemar is gone ...

After a moment of stagnation, Lycra stunned and suddenly burst into flames, rushing like stocks, and rushing out after checkout.

Ruther, who was hiding in the dark, smiled slightly, pulled out his magic phone and dialed the number of Texas, and whispered, "It's done."

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