Things from Another World

Chapter 1010: You do n’t understand the power of gossip

Secrets are secret because only one person knows.

When the second person knows, the secret is no longer a secret.

Because, this matter will soon be known to third, fourth, and even countless people-men with girlfriends should have a very profound experience.

In particular, when this "secret" is related to King Klein of the Kingdom of Solent, and also to the future of everyone.

The disappearance of the city of Losmar is simply beyond cover.

The movement last night was so huge that Alcanretia was not too far from the straight line from Losmar, and the movement over there could be noticed.

Some apocalypse can even clearly hear the roar of the dragon from afar. They originally thought it was an illusion, but when the news came to them, they knew that everything was not an illusion.

Just when the news spread, more news about Lothermar and Klein spread ...

"Have you heard? The reason why Lor'themar was completely corrupted by the Chaos believers is because of the inaction of His Klein! He had known about it for a long time, but he never contacted the Holy See actively because he Don't want to bow to the Holy See! "

"Yebilny is on! Does he want to betray the **** of light !?"

"Did you know that Her Majesty Klein has abandoned the God of Light! He wants to suppress Lor'themar, because he thinks the life of that city is insignificant!"

"Gods are up! Isn't he afraid of being punished by God !?"

"Did you know? The Silver City and the Holy See joined forces this time, originally intended to rescue Lothermaar, but found that Lothermaar had not been rescued, Klein concealed the news, which led to a total out of control! The events of Sub-Lothermar even shocked the dragons! In order to completely purify the pollution of chaos, even the dragons were dispatched! "

"Dragon !? They all startled !? Does he want to destroy Solent ?!"

"Have you heard? Recently, the big nobles in the city of Anthem rushed to sell the property in their hands. Do you know why? There are so many days ago, why do you know why? Klein intends to risk the world It's a big deal, and face down with the Silver City and the Holy See! He even wants to be an enemy of the dragon! "

"Gods are up! Is he crazy !?"

"Have you heard? Klein is now completely ill and crazy! He wants to be the enemy of the world! He wants to be the second Gilad Illus!"

"God! He really is crazy!"

Under the sway of Tang En's secret fantasies, one by one the news in the taverns, mercenary halls, and streets in the cities of the Kingdom of Sorante spread quickly. People's gossip desire made these news impossible to stop. Many news spread more and more outrageous, more and more exaggerated, and even completely out of the original form.

But no matter how it changes, the core idea of ​​these gossip messages will remain the same.

Klein was crazy, Klein wanted to fight against the three behemoths of the Holy See, the City of Silver, and the Dragon at the same time!

Within a short period of two or three days, the citizens of the northern Kingdom of Solant were overwhelmed by these gossip messages. This rapid spread of gossip messages even left people overwhelmed-they had never experienced such a means of information bombardment. !!

In the beginning, someone went to another city and wanted to use the news they learned to sell a good price, but when you look at the place, people on the streets are talking about all these things!

The gods are on!

When is the news so informed! ?

How did the residents of the Kingdom of Solant understand the power of the magic phone? ——When Selna returned to the headquarters of the Rogue Guild with a thousand sets of magic phones and showed them the performance of the magic phones, the chairman of the Thieves Guild George Roussiru immediately clapped and used Tang En to give Their propaganda funds bought these babies-the money was not warmed up in George's pocket, and after a turn, he returned to Tang En ...

In the real-time communication performance of the magic cell phone, the rapidly dispersed thieves have completely linked the big net that the Kingdom of Solant flew away, and the speed of transmitting messages has never been faster.

Now the citizens of the Kingdom of Solant suddenly find themselves living in the depths of the water, and King Klein is almost like a fool king who does nothing.

The power to guide public opinion is so terrible. Without Klein's knowledge, the public opinion of the entire Sorant Kingdom has completely fallen aside, and only if someone ascends to shout, I am afraid that the torches of the insurrection will be lit up everywhere- — Of course, this is just talking.

After all, the apocalypse in this world is so powerful, how can ordinary civilians have the power to resist the ruler? If we really had that ability, the feudal society of Plantar would not last that long.

After they have the ability of the apocalypse, they will naturally be promoted to the upper class of society and separated from the original class. From this perspective, the world is actually quite fair, because everyone has the opportunity to awaken talent. ...

While the people of the Kingdom of Solant were complaining, Illus was actively marketing private magic cars.

That's right, as soon as Tang En was about to start working on Lor'themar, the promotion activities of the magic car had blossomed everywhere. The residents of the Illus Empire were shocked to find that they made surprises from time to time. The Datang Chamber of Commerce started to work again this time.

The bad luck this time is still the traditional carriage industry.

Not only those chambers that produce cheap carriages, but even those chambers that specialize in producing luxury carriages have also suffered this time—because the products launched by the Datang Chamber of Commerce have rushed to completely replace carriages.

"Do not want to wait for the magic bus? Don't want the carriage to toss your fart. Cheers! The age of the magic car is here! 》

"Private Magic Car! Status symbol! 》

"Datang Maneng Sedan! you deserve to have! 》

"Comfort? cheap? big space? Everything! 》

"Magic Sedan Test Drive Experience-Loyal Customers from Datang Chamber of Commerce: Anonymous"

"After the Magic Phone, the same epoch-making product was born! — Honestly, I'm numb to this title, because I don't know how many times it's epoch-making! 》

In various sections of the Datang Daily, no effort was spared to propagate the Mogneng sedan, and various preheating promotions were held one after another. In order to popularize the Mognund sedan as soon as possible, free driving school training and car purchase vouchers should not be spilled. Anyone who has paid attention to this area is now carrying several vouchers.

Hey, although they have seen this kind of voucher for the first time, they have to say that a voucher can be used for coins with different prices and can be used in conjunction with discount activities, which really motivates people.

Fiona initially strongly opposed the money-spending behavior of Tang En-although printing vouchers was not for money, the problem was that the reduced discounts were small but real profits.

However, seeing the fierce publicity effect and people's desire for private magic cars, she suddenly discovered that she and Tang En are indeed a bit different in marketing.

That's the difference between heaven and earth ...

A little profit is lost, and the sales volume may be increased several times. I do n’t know how many times I can make it back!

"You don't understand the importance of vouchers at all."

Tang En smiled and said, "In order to maintain the brand value and status symbol of the product, the price cannot continue to decrease, but we must promote the product as soon as possible, so using vouchers to lower the purchase threshold is the best choice."

"As long as you participate in our promotional activities, you can get a minimum of 50 gold vouchers. If you participate many times, you are lucky enough to even get a 500 gold voucher. This is equivalent to a 50% discount. Target civilian customers. The "Da Ming" magic car with the original price of 1,000 gold can be bought with only 500 gold. Who doesn't want to move? "

"It might have been insufficient for family savings, but now the voucher activity has given them hope to buy a magic car, and they will certainly take an active part in it."

"Their participation will arouse the enthusiasm of other bystanders. One pass from one pass to the next, the effect of this publicity will be achieved."

"More importantly, our purpose of making money is to use this money to further build this country, promote the rapid development of this country, earn the money they have saved, and let this money circulate in the market. This is our purpose, so Don't get into the eyes of money. What we want to see is the final result-don't forget that the current money is what we are printing. It makes no sense to us to earn more or less. "

"We need to continue to increase the average national income, and continue to increase the output value of agriculture, industry and commerce, and further improve social productivity. Believe me, what the future of this world will be like you can't even imagine!"

Fiona found that she may be an expert in business management, but she is far inferior to Tang En in marketing.

Whether it is marketing methods or marketing ideas, Tang En thinks too far ahead.

And more importantly, Tang En's goal is still very great-he is constantly working for the progress of the entire world!

No matter what happened during the period, the final effect is obvious. As soon as the Mo Neng sedan was on the market, it immediately triggered a wave of snap-ups!

Even if it was explicitly stated at the car purchase site that customers who purchased the Mo Neng sedan must participate in the training exams of Datang Driving School, and be allowed to go on the road after obtaining a driving license, they still cannot resist their enthusiasm for buying.

Many customers who have long been interested in buying have even completed the driving training course at Datang Driving School before going on the market. They picked up the car on the spot and registered the license. They immediately drove the car away, attracting Countless people have envious eyes-of course, why are those aristocrats so active not to see these envious eyes?

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