Things from Another World

Chapter 1011: Human exercise ...

On the first day of the sales of the Maneng sedan, the first batch of pre-production Maneng sedan was sold out, including 500 "Datang" positioned in the high-end market, 2000 "Da Song" positioned in the mid-end market, and 4000 The car is positioned as the "Bright" of the low-end market.

Thanks to the hot sales of Maneng sedan, Tang En made the ancillary products produced at the factory, such as seat covers, interior trims, air pumps and other peripheral accessories sold very well in advance.

People in Plantar have never seen a magic car, how can they know that many things are not necessary? It was just stated in the propaganda that those local tyrants immediately waved banknotes to buy and buy.

In the process, even the first oxen appeared.

The “Daming” Maneng sedan, which was originally targeted at the low-end market, has insufficient production capacity and insufficient supply, and because of the huge appeal of the Maneng sedan, many people with money in their pockets are rushing to buy it.

After some of them bought it, they sold it to others, earning a lot of difference.

Although Down and Fiona both wanted to curb this behavior, there was no effective way.

The car is sold, you can't always stipulate that he must use it himself? It ’s his own thing whether he sells it to others or use it for himself. It ’s his own business. No matter how strong Tang En is, he ca n’t care about other people ’s personal affairs.

In the end, Tang En had no choice but to work on the two sides of the car and the road.

When listing, you must apply for an identity crystal card. The license of the magic car is bound to the identity crystal card. A resale within one month requires a handling fee. The earlier the time, the more expensive the handling fee.

Secondly, people on the road must have a driver's license to drive a magic car. As soon as this rule appeared, some people with flexible minds immediately discovered new business opportunities.

Those big nobles do n’t have time to test their driving licenses, they have them!

After the exam, those nobles always drive when they buy a magic car? They ca n’t drive, they can drive themselves!

As a result, in a short time, Prandall was born with two professions: "full-time driver" and "part-time driving", and these first crab eaters also made a lot of money, and soon organized With a chamber of commerce dedicated to this, it attracted a large number of people to make a fortune, and their monthly income exceeded 500 gold in a straight line from the original tens of gold, striding towards the 1,000 gold mark ...

After Tang En learned of this incident, he also talked to Fiona specifically to make them more clear about the core purpose of Datang Chamber of Commerce: "take it from the people, use it from the people, benefit the society, and create the future together".

To put it another way, it is to create the market, guide the market, develop the market, and finally lead everyone to become rich together.

In order to cope with the large number of magic cars entering the market, Tang En specially found Aurelia, and added a large number of traffic police to maintain traffic order. At the same time, he also distributed a large number of free traffic codes to help citizens understand the traffic rules.

Not to mention, the private car is not a threat to the Apocalypse, but once it runs, it hits ordinary people but hits it. Even if the factory has already limited the maximum speed to 80 yards during production, 70 yards It can be dangerous to fly people over ten meters, right ...

Not only that, with the official release of the Maneng sedan, a series of derivative industries followed. In order to promote the industrial development of Prandall, Tang En asked Fiona to make a public tender, increase the scale of authorization, and support other small and medium-sized business associations to join In this industry, they cannot produce large-scale industrial products, but small parts, decoration, and peripheral products are still possible. To this end, Tang En is also particularly open about his life. The Datang Chamber of Commerce will provide technical support for successful bidding chambers of commerce. And training.

As soon as this news was released, the entire Illus empire was boiling. Countless people were jealous of the Tang Dynasty Chamber of Commerce's ability to make money, but few imitators. Why? Because there is no technical ability!

Now, people have said directly, you have no skills? We give!

Do you have any equipment? We sell!

Want to make money? Just join us!

What are you waiting for?

As a result, the first bidding conference almost crowded out the entire Yalinx championship arena. Hundreds of chambers of commerce, large and small, were waving banknotes and various unequal treaties that were actively written. The Chamber of Commerce is hitchhiking.

Fiona didn't quite understand at first, but after thinking carefully, she finally understood Tang En's good intentions.

This industry is really too large. It is impossible to completely eat it with the Datang Chamber of Commerce alone, because the main development direction of the Datang Chamber of Commerce is to create markets and standards. All the ultimate goals are for Tang En's ideas. And the service.

If you want to develop this industry as soon as possible, you must gather enough resources and manpower to work together to develop it.

As a result, Fiona and Down were very happy to formulate quite harsh terms, and tied those chambers of commerce that met the standards to their own chariots.

Of course, in fact, the so-called harsh terms are just to limit those people's ambitions. Do you want to make money? No problem, follow me to eat meat, and you can mix well-off without dropping a bit, but you want to play independence after you develop, or even want to eat the other way around? Sorry, you will die terribly ...

The advent of the Maneng sedan has not only completely changed the way people travel, the most important point is that Tang En finally began to push heavy industry into this world.

With the joining of hundreds of chambers of commerce, large and small, the factories in various cities will soon bloom everywhere. As people's needs increase, the precision of processing will continue to increase, and various technologies will also improve, and the accumulation and inheritance of knowledge will also increase. It will accelerate, and maybe soon, the world will have some unexpected geniuses, which will inject fresh blood into the subsequent development of these industries.


Thain is the boss of the God of War chariot. In the past, his main business was to provide carriage rental services for those people. Hundreds of carriages in his hand shuttled around the streets and lanes of Yalinks for a month. After deducting wages and operating costs, he can also earn thousands of gold coins. Although he is not enough in Yalinx, he has more than that, and his life is not bad.

Since the advent of bicycles, the business of God of War coaches and horse dealers has decreased a lot, because many people have chosen to ride bicycles for short trips and are no longer willing to spend money on renting a coach, but fortunately, the main customers are not those who occasionally ride on coaches Of the civilians, Thain also comforted himself that those people would definitely return to the embrace of the carriage after the heat.

But the subsequent birth of motorcycles made Thain even more uncomfortable, because not only civilians, but also some aristocratic customers also invested in the embrace of motorcycles. Compared to slow carriages, they can be freely controlled and more stable than riding horses. A motorcycle that is faster than a carriage is obviously a better choice, and the monthly sales of motorcycles have fallen a lot.

However, Thain is also very lucky. After all, motorcycles can only be used by one person. If they want to travel with the whole family, they must still choose horse carriages. This is their only choice.

Later ... the magic bus came down so suddenly.

This is a bad news for Thain!

Easy-to-access bus lines and comfortable riding environment make it easy to reach wherever you go in the city. You do n’t even have to worry about time, because you missed one bus and the next, you do n’t have to pay extra rental fees ... ...

After the popularization of buses, the business of God of War chariots plummeted, because renting a carriage, even the cheapest would cost fifty bronze, and the magic bus? After completing the identity card, it only needs a few copper!

Even aristocrats who don't like crowds with civilians, nowadays, for convenience, they choose to take the magic bus ...

Facing such a bleak business, Thain has retreated, and he found that the times have changed. In the future, maybe the carriage will only become something in people's memory.

However, in the face of many years of foundation, Thain has been relentless to end all of this himself, so he is still struggling to support it for a while.

His efforts were finally completely defeated in these days.

On this day, the owners of the carriages of the Illus Empire finally recalled the fear once controlled by the Datang Chamber of Commerce!

Private magic car!

This is a more terrible news than the magic bus!

Not only the God of War chariots and horses, but also the great windmills and windrunners and horses in the neighbouring home were all aggressive after hearing the news.

Unlike the bad news brought by the magic bus, the private magic car brings the end of the line!

With a private magic car that is warm in winter and cool in summer, comfortable and fast, who would want to ride a carriage? Who will endure the stench on horses?

No money to ride a bike or take a bus!

Wealth-driven private magic cars!

Who would want to ride a carriage?


This is the real end!

With a burly body like a strong warrior, Thain sat idly in the carriages and horses, and looked at the crowd in front of him, feeling like a poor worm abandoned by the times. No one would pay attention, no one would care about him. Life and death.

Blame him!

A voice sounded suddenly in Thain's mind.

That's right! Blame him!

If it was n’t for Her Majesty Tang En ’s development of a private magic car, his car and horse business would still be good, and he would still live a happy and happy life, instead of being as decadent as a scumbag, suffering Waiting for business to come!

All of this is his fault!

It is the so-called promotion of Mi Mi and Mi Qi, because of Tang En's people who have increased income will certainly appreciate him, but those who have greatly reduced their income due to technological upgrades, worry, anger, hatred, these emotions are in the hearts of those people Breeding out of control.

Saen, who was full of grievances, said, "I am Saen, who died poorly, starved, and died on the streets outside. He would never support him again!"

At this moment, a person suddenly rushed in: "Boss! Good news! Good news! His Majesty Tang En just announced that the Datang Chamber of Commerce will provide magic cars for chariots and horses for free, and sponsor the reorganization of existing chariots and horses for rent Car Chamber of Commerce! New and more comfortable car rental service for the general public! "


The hatred in his heart disappeared instantly, and Than jumped ecstatically: "Your Majesty Tang En!"

This guy instantly forgot the vow he had just given.

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