Things from Another World

Chapter 1015: Unconfessed secret

While Elsa was chatting with Tessa Hacker, Abton winked at Tang En, and Tang En left the living room with him to the yard.


Abbot poured a cup of tea for Down, and the two sat in the shade of a tree by the pond, watching the sparkling water surface fragrant.

After sipping hot tea, Abbotton looked at the water and whispered, "I said I was looking for you, but then I left Ellington again, and I never found a chance. I only came back in the past two days, I hope I didn't let you Wait long (see Chapter 970 for details). "

Tang En smiled and explained, "No, I was too busy a while ago. I forgot about it and didn't come to you."

Abbot also smiled. "It looks like today is a good time."

"What do you want to say?"

After Abton groaned for a moment, Suddenly paused for a word.

"Her Majesty Down ... I wonder if you can remove Ellington?"

Tang En felt like he had a hallucination: "What are you talking about? I just heard it wrong."

Abbotton repeated it again, adding very seriously: "His Majesty Tang, I'm not kidding, I hope you can seriously consider this matter."

Down found that Abbotton was not joking, and his expression was serious: "I need a reason."

Move Ellington away? This is simply impossible!

Now Ellington is no longer that small village. Now the Datang Chamber of Commerce is in full swing. The entire Ellington is about to become the economic and financial center of the Illus Empire. Although it is remote, it is driven from the highway every day. There is a constant stream of businessmen coming.

Hundreds of thousands of people live and live here, and the total population continues to increase every day. Ellington is also actively absorbing migrants. A large number of labor gaps and talent needs have made this place the best place to find employment. Planning concept, developed urban infrastructure, comprehensive residents' welfare, etc. also make it the most suitable city to live in.

Not surprisingly, in less than five years, this place will surpass Yalinks and become the largest city in the Illus Empire.

Now too many people have taken root here, and deeply love this land, love this city, and regard it as their home.

How can they be migrated without a strong enough reason to convince them?

Even if those residents are not mentioned, Tang En himself is not willing to relocate to the city suddenly, labor and people's expense is a trivial matter. The development time lost in the process and the breaking of his long-term planning are the most terrible.

In the long-term planning, the entire periphery of Ellington, including the Ladiya Forest, Ladiya Plain, and part of the Emerald Forest, and the Ambris Mountains in the upper left corner have been included in the future development plan. He and Fior It took a lot of energy for Na, Klotto, Isari and others to complete the plan. How could it be possible to move the city because of Abbotton?

Of course, Tang En knew that Abbotton was not simple. He was very mysterious. The Dragons asked him to keep a secret, but if Tang En was not told the secret, how could Tang En be so casual?

"Reason ..."

Abbotton was silent again, and looked back at the direction of the living room. He hesitated, then said, "Maybe you should call the Dragon King to come down. After all, I have promised that he will keep this secret until death. I can Don't want to break the vow. "


"Yes, if he is willing to tell you, he will tell you that secret, but it should not be leaked from me."

Abbotton sighed. "All I can tell you at the moment is that you want to move Ellington away."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Tang En frowned slightly: "If you tell me what's secret here earlier, maybe I wouldn't choose to start long-term planning here."

Abbotton smiled bitterly: "When we first met, how could I think that you have such talents ... I thought Ellington would become a small village at best, but it only took more than a year and a half to think of it At this point, it has become a big city with a population of over 500,000! "

"According to the current development rate, within five years, the population here will break through the one million mark. At that time, it will become a city with Yalinks, Hymn City, Nanila, Blood Rock City, New A huge city like Burkeso! "

"If a village has a disaster, the loss is acceptable, but once it develops into such a city and another irreparable disaster occurs, the loss is unacceptable."

Abbotton sighed and said, "I struggled for a long time, and finally decided to tell you in advance, I hope you can make your choice as soon as possible."

Tang En thoughtfully looked at Abbotton: "Disaster? What a terrible disaster?"

"Once something really happens, it's scary."

Tang En tapped the armrest of the chair lightly: "It's scarier than the dark snake? It's scarier than the Chaos God? It's more dangerous than the chaotic creature?"


Abbotton nodded: "Compared with them, the dark snake and chaos are like meek and harmless animals. They are as dangerous as chaotic creatures, and in some ways even more terrible than chaotic creatures. . "

Down noted that he was talking about "them."

He pondered and searched for relevant information in his mind, but he did not recall any relevant information.

In the game "Chaos of Chaos" on Earth, there is no relevant background description, and no clues have been revealed in hidden tasks. You know, that game is the gods, or some mysterious Helper, created specifically for the selection of the savior, the background of the game is almost exactly modeled after Plantar.

That is to say, this so-called disaster, which did not appear any information in "Chaos of War", is a huge difference between the real Plantar and that game.

"I can't say more specific news. This is a man's promise. If you want to know, ask His Majesty the Dragon King."

"Isn't Azokamanda?"

Although I don't like that guy, I have to say that the success rate from him is the highest.

"Although he knows, he cannot say without the permission of His Majesty the Dragon King."

Abbot urged Down: "Whatever your decision is, please prepare as soon as possible."


Tang En frowned: "As far as I know, there should be an agreement between the Dragon King and you. Your responsibility should be to guard or solve this trouble ... Is there any trouble?"

"It's not a problem, everything is fine for now."

Abbotton smiled bitterly: "It's just that your relationship with Elsa and Elijah is already like this. I just don't want to see you affected by it. This is my bit of selfishness."

Tang En heard that it was a little sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "It's just that you are worrying blindly, rest assured, even if there is really any disaster, I can solve it."

His mission to this world is to deal with the ultimate crisis of world destruction. If the army of chaos has not arrived yet, it will be solved by a small disaster, what is it?

It's like the task of a brave man is to challenge the devil to save the world. As a result, the devil did not die, but he died in the hands of the soldiers under the devil. Isn't that nonsense?

Now he forgot, how could a brave man who died in the hands of a soldier be called a brave man?

The so-called brave is the result of causality. It is precisely because the result is doomed to defeat the demon king and return alive, the brave will be the brave, otherwise it will only be a stepping stone for the real brave, a nameless bone in the wilderness.

The same is true for him. Choosing him to save the world does not mean that he can save the world. Only when the task is completed, he is an absolute hero. The savior. If the task is not completed, he will just have countless possibilities to save the world. Just one of them.

Abbot shook his head: "Although I also believe in your strength, I still hope that you can be cautious."

"I see. I'll ask Sasaglot and if necessary I will take your advice."

"So good."

Abdon was relieved and laughed: "I'm cooking lunch with Clara. If you don't mind, stay and eat."

"Although I also want to try Aunt Clara's craftsmanship, the Lord's Mansion is already preparing lunch here. If I don't go back, those guys will probably be silly waiting there."

Tang En stood up with a smile and said, "I'm going to take a step first, and give you two ... no, I should say, leave some space for your family."

Tang En believes that Taser Hackero and Murphy Hackshasa must have a lot to say to the Abbotts and Elsa, who will be reunited for a long time. It will also take time to accept the two biological parents. Disturbing was a bit inappropriate in the past.

After saying goodbye to Abbotton, Tang En returned directly to the Lord's Mansion. After lunch, he returned to his room, sitting at the table with his eyes closed and thinking for a moment, then suddenly opened his eyes, and from the room the next moment Disappeared and came to the Temple of Order on Long Island.

"Your Majesty the Dragon King."

"Ah! Tang En! You scared me!"

Sasha Grote is lying lazily on the ground, with a comic book larger than the house floating in front of him—the original comic book is too small to look at, and he uses deformation to enlarge it hundreds of times ... ...

As soon as Tang En appeared, he closed the comic book in an instant. Tang En pointed his eyes at a corner of the book. The picture was quite exciting ...

"I didn't expect you to be so elegant."

Tang En sarcastically sashaglot, yes, this goods turned out to be such a sacred place.

"Hey, isn't this idle and boring."

Sasha Glotter said with a smile, the dragon's expression was very subtle, and he couldn't see if there was any embarrassment on this guy's face.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, I'm looking for you."

Tang En went straight to the theme: "What exactly did you do with Abbotton? What secret did he keep for you?"

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