Things from Another World

Chapter 1016: An unknown past

The Temple of Order suddenly fell into silence.

Sasha Glott stared at Tang En blankly, and then scratched his head with his paw and scratched his head, looking at Tang En with a little confusion: "What do you ask suddenly?"

"What do you ask me to do!"

Tang En said angrily: "Abbdon all found me and told me to move to the city, fearing that Ellington would be accidentally destroyed in the future."

"Ellington ... The city is good, it's a good thing, it's a pity to destroy it. Then you can move to the city. If you are in trouble, we can help."

Sasha Glott turned away from the subject.

"Don't interrupt, I want to know the truth."

Tang En stared at Sasha Glott, trying to see what was on his face. Unfortunately, the dragon's face was too large, and his expression was so delicate that he could not see anything.

"It's not something you should manage."

Sasha Glott scratched his head again: "Just leave it to us."

"Light words, I can't sleep without knowing the truth!"

Dunn said angrily, "What secret is Abbotton helping you to guard? Or, what's underneath the Ambries?"

If you do n’t know it, you may not care, but if you know a little bit about it, but you do n’t know the truth, Tang En feels that his city is covered with a time bomb. Maybe it ’s going to go to heaven anytime.


"Can't you think I can't help with my strength?"

"That's not it, it's just--"

"So, tell me!"

In the face of Tang En's unwillingness to swear, Sasha Glott scratched his head and hesitated for a long time before he finally surrendered: "Okay, okay, then I'll tell you."

"That's right."

Tang En smiled victoriously: "If there is any difficulty, we can work together and solve the problem together."

"This issue is not simple. It belongs to the legacy of history."

After making the decision, Sasha Groth simply straightened out his words: "Do you know what the first chaotic invasion war, valuable time for the Prandall coalition, and what laid the foundation for victory?"


Sasha Glott shook his head: "The gods joined the battle very late."

"Wandering Swordsman Alborn?"

"Albourne contributed a lot, but it was not a decisive factor."

Tang En flashed his light, blurted out: "Master Hohenheim-or, in other words, Master Hohenheim's legion of gold giants!"

Sasha Glott nodded: "Yes, you are right. At the critical moment, it was the appearance of the Hawking Titan Legion that won the respite for the coalition, greatly reduced the casualty rate of the coalition, and gained valuable gasp for the coalition. Time has saved precious living power and persisted in the war of the gods. "

"Although the later battle has exceeded the ability of the Prandall coalition, it has become an out-of-specification battle, and the Golden Titan Legion has fallen asleep because of overload, but it must be said that it was precisely because of the birth of the Golden Titan Legion. Laid the foundation for later victory. "

As the long-lived species, the dragon observers of the world participated in the first chaotic invasion war, and their history and records must be the most authentic.

Tang En couldn't help but be sighed. Although Rodriguez was later corrupted, before the end of the First Chaos Invasion War, he must be a well-deserved hero of Prandall.

"You know the key to the victory of the first Chaos Invasion War, but ..."

Sasha Glott turned around and asked suddenly: "... Do you know what laid the foundation for victory in the Second Chaos Invasion War?"

"Aigwin them?"

Sasha Glott shook his head: "Obviously not."

"Don't tell me it's the dark snake ..."

"What a joke, that idiot named Gazas is just a clown jumping clown."


"No, according to Rodriguez's account, at this time the Chaos religion has just been born."

Sasha Glott shook his head: "Don't guess blindly, you can't know, because this is a secret that only a handful of people know, and you can't tell it."

Tang En froze.

Because he really didn't know.

Obviously, the end of the Second Chaos Invasion War has not passed for more than 100 years. To be precise, it is 167. According to common sense, the closer the time is, the more complete the data should be. The record of the process of the Chaos Invasion War is rather vague and scarce, even less than the record of the first Chaos Invasion War, which is very unscientific.

When chatting, Tang En didn't deliberately ask Angus, Jean, and Aegwynn, and they almost never mentioned the Second Chaos Invasion War.

Tang Enping usually didn't feel anything. After all, people have to look forward when they are alive. It is not necessary to hang on to their lips every day.

But Sasha Glott said that he suddenly felt very strange.

If Aegwin did n’t say it, sharp teeth did n’t say it, Abbron did n’t say it, it ’s understandable, they ’re not so gossip, but Angus and Gene never said anything about that time, this It's a little strange.

Don't look at the two of them being so stable, in fact, they are both boring. The two of them quarreled or rolled up their sleeves to dig into each other's history.

But even in this case, they have never heard them talk about the dark history that occurred in the Second Chaos Invasion War, which is strange.

The only thing Tang En knows about at this time is that Selna once fled, but this has nothing to do with what is being discussed now.

Tang En knew that he seemed to have touched a secret that had been deliberately concealed.

Sasha Glotter began to slowly talk about what happened that year.

"The Second Chaos Invasion War broke out in Order 631, that is, 167 years ago, the Gate of Chaos emerged from the southern coast, and a large number of chaotic creatures emerged there, starting to advance from south to north. The first victim was Luo at the time. The province of Netant, which is now the Kingdom of Roninet. "

"A steady stream of chaos came out, and in a short period of time, the province of Roninante was completely destroyed, and it approached the current border of the Illus Empire. At this time, the Prandall clans found out. , The Second Chaos Invasion War has come. "

"The time has passed 631 years. Among the short-lived races, the original war has long been forgotten, and the Prandall coalition has become a cloud of sight, but the danger is coming again. They have to rush to form a coalition again to fight the chaotic army together. , Including our dragons, have joined the battle again. "

"However, after more than 600 years of peace and stability, the long-lived species is okay to say that human beings have very weak combat effectiveness because of the peaceful environment. Therefore, this hastily formed coalition has been defeated, and the chaotic army soon Spread into the heart of the Illus Empire. "

"In this war, Angus, Jean, Aegwynn, Issali, Abelon, Sharp Teeth, including the bright scale Naga Queen Pertis, and others all shined their own light, for the confrontation Chaos has made great contributions. The gnome's engineering machinery and various goblin weapons have also played a huge role. Even some weak races, Lin Jing, and Goblin have joined the war. This is a battle. The war that affected the entire Prandall ... "

Sasha Glott's voice was very heavy, and from his description, Tang En saw the terrible war: countless people died in this battle, countless powerful men were exhausted in order to kill one more enemy, The battle died on the battlefield. Even the dragons and elves sacrificed a lot. Angus, who was able to survive in the end, was actually just a lucky group ...

"Although the coalition forces are doing their best to resist, the situation is getting worse and worse. Now the territory of the Empire of Illus has been completely captured, and the human coalition forces have continued to retreat northward to the present Kingdom of Soland. As of now, the entire Planland Dahl's life has disappeared for almost a third ... "

"Facing the increasingly dangerous situation, people suddenly discovered that they were retreating."

"Continue northward, it will be the permafrost, and humans cannot survive there."

"To the west, either a desolate whistling plateau or a deserted Rennes empire, the barren land cannot support the remaining population ..."

"There is nothing to retreat from, they must stay in the position in the province of Solent, even if they die here."

With that said, Sasaglotte was silent for a moment, and Down's heart was lifted, and he knew what would happen next was the key: "What then?"

"Then there was a man who was definitely called a wizard of the world, and he made a suggestion ..."

Sasha Glotter sighed and said: "At the time, this proposal might be a helpless choice, but I have to say that it was his proposal that saved the entire Prendall ... although it now seems that this It's a very bad and bad idea. "

"What offer?"

"He said that since the soldiers of the coalition died on the battlefield and would eventually only be corrupted by chaotic creatures, then why don't we take the initiative to use these war dead?"

Tang En stunned: "Using the power of Necromancer?"

Sasha Glott said quietly, "If only it was ..."

"That's not a necromancy spell, but the power of alchemy. While the war dead still have a breath, he refined them into a crazy warrior who is tireless, will not die, and is not afraid of the corruption of chaos."

"Due to the abandonment of life and reason, warriors after transformation are no longer order creatures, and the characteristics of chaotic creatures have no effect on them. The stronger the strength before transformation, the stronger the warriors after transformation, and the threat to the chaotic creatures. The stronger, especially the transformed legendary powers ... "

"The birth of them finally gave the coalition forces a glimmer of hope for victory, and they did live up to expectations. After they entered the battle, they undertook tremendous pressure and greatly reduced the casualties of the coalition forces."

"But it wasn't until we finally won that we found out that although we won, we also created an enemy that was no less dangerous than the chaotic creatures, so we had to spend a huge price to replace them The seals were up-yes, seals, we were too weak at the time to even kill them. "

"That genius is called Horus Hohenheim."

"It is a direct descendant of Rodriguez Hohenheim."

"The fighter he created is what we call the 'sleepless man.'"

Sasha Glotter said in a deep voice, "And what Abbotton is now guarding is the seal of their" Tomb of the Sleepless. "

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