Things from Another World

Chapter 1017: Tampered History

Hohenheim, Hohenheim again!

Tang En has a headache. The history of this family is really speechless.

The old ancestor Rodriguez Hohenheim designed and produced the Golden Giant Idol Army, and worked hard in the first Chaos Invasion War, but later whimsically wanted to control the power of Chaos, but was corrupted and gave birth to Chaos Teaching this freak has harmed the world for more than a century. Although Rodriguez has been purified, he will bear these sins forever.

And what about his offspring?

Genius lunatic? Or a lunatic genius? In the Second Chaos Invasion War, Horus Hohenheim created another freak called "sleepless". Although it helped solve the crisis of the Second Chaos Invasion War and saved the world, it also changed. Became a new enemy.

Even the dragons can only choose to seal them.

And now? It seemed Tang En's turn to memorize it.

Tang En felt that the gods were just kidding him!

The reason why he chose Ellington as a development base was because he was guided in the game, and he liked the innate conditions here.

The result now tells him that near Ellington, the underground of the Ambris Mountains seals the Army of the Sleepless who can repel the chaotic army!

What is this?

It is simply a time bomb!

What if the Army of the Insomnia suddenly awakens from the seal, Ellington will suffer first!

If any shrine comes to him at this moment, Tang En will certainly be unable to help yelling at the other person's nose: You are playing with me! ?

For Prandall to develop at a high speed, his deliberate guidance is indispensable, and this guidance must be supported by a stable and efficient rear operation. Ellington is his solid backing and is continuously transported from here. Products will promote the development of this society, and the new technologies emerging here will further enhance the technical strength of Prandall.

Everything is very beautiful now. As long as enough time is given to Tang En, even Lolita and Loriya can board it for you to see. The era of the magical transformation of the Starship Cannon is not a dream, but these have one. premise.

That is stability!

The development of society must be supported by a sufficiently stable environment. If continuous wars break out and various resources are consumed in internal consumption, even if Tang En is given another hundred years, he will not be able to develop the world. Out strong enough to come out.

What should he do now?

"A large number of legendary strongmen died during the Second Chaos Invasion War. Why did people not find their bodies? That's because their bodies have been transformed into sleepless people."

"The technology used by Horus was very powerful. After the dying became sleepless, they became endless fighters."

Sasha Glotter slowly said, "Chaotic creatures corrupt everything indiscriminately until the world is destroyed, and the sleepless person will slaughter all beings and turn the world into a dead domain."

"The sleepless are terrible. Even the Horus who created them cannot control them. Unlike the chaotic creatures, what remains in their bodies is a strong sense of warfare at the time of dying. No matter what enemy they face, they will do their best. Go and kill everything in front of you. "

"That's why I say sleepless people are dangerous."

Tang En suddenly said, "However, there is some good news."

Sasha Glott raised an eyebrow: "What good news?"

"At least the insomniacs will not continue to spread like chaotic creatures, and they will even be resurrected."

Tang En calmly said: "The number of them is fixed, kill one less, don't you?"

"On the premise that you can kill them."

Sasha Glott spread his paws: "After the legendary powerhouse is transformed into a sleepless person, it is equivalent to losing physical limitations, becoming more powerful, and having a very strong desire to attack. Even if you are accidentally, you may suffer.

Tang En was silent for a moment and asked, "Since the sleepless are so powerful, why hasn't anyone mentioned them?"

"How could anyone know about this?"

Sasha Glott shook his head: "It is not a glorious history for Horus to turn the dying into an insomnia. It can be said that this is the dark history of the Prandall. . "

"Considering that the insomniac is too terrible, it gives people a very strong sense of crisis, and the negative significance of the event itself, so we made a decision after a difficult win."

Sasha Glott said slowly, "Our family moved, erasing the memory of the vast majority of people who knew it."

Tang En raised an eyebrow: "The vast majority?"


Sasagolo nodded characteristically: "Only a few strong men with the best strengths were granted the privilege of retaining memories, on the one hand because they would not leak, and on the other hand, because the power required to erase their memories was too It's huge, and we don't bother to work so hard. "

"That is to say, Angus, Jean, Aegwynn, Eberon, Sharp Tooth and Peltis are all insiders?"


Tang En's nose suddenly crooked: "None of these guys told me this!"


Sasha Glotter smiled bitterly: "You can't blame them. At the time, they had all sworn vows, and they would never leak them."

Tang En pouted: "I know, I'm just a little upset."

The insiders are top powerful men with dignity (?) And discipline (?). The vows they make will not be violated, so Sasha Glott never worried that they would leak.

And the remaining people, even if they participated in the Second Chaos Invasion War, were modified by the dragon's memory. That memory became very fuzzy and nearly blank, so people are celebrating the victory of the Second Chaos Invasion War. , But few people know exactly how the Second Chaos Invasion War was won.

This is a piece of tampered history.

But it is undeniable that Sasaglotte's approach is for the entire future of Plantar.

If people live in the shadows of chaotic creatures and sleepless people all day, I am afraid that the world will be completely in despair, and the dawn of hope will no longer be seen.

Tang En suddenly asked: "Since you were unable to solve the sleepless because of your vitality, you had to seal them. Before you have recovered your strength, why not just solve them directly?"

"Look at what you said."

Sasha Glott buckled his thigh and said, "Anyway, the seal is good, the world is peaceful, why should you bother yourself? In order to solve them, you have to take the initiative to unlock the seal, in case you accidentally run away. One, I'm afraid your Ellington won't be able to keep it, so one thing is worse than one less. "

Tang En is so weak that he can't talk. Is there any guy in this world who is more lazy than you?

But Tang En thought for a second, Sasha Glott seems to be right, the dragon's seal is still very reliable, anyway, there is no problem now, there is no need to deliberately trouble yourself so much, what is really wrong, Just fix it.

Anyway, now that the dragons have recovered their strength, the enemy is still a sleepless person who can let go of his hands and feet, and there is no need to worry.

So Tang En said, "In that case, I won't care about it first, but I can say ugly words in the front. If your seal is not reliable, what's wrong, then you don't think about Long Island. Peace. "

Sasha Glotter stared, "You are threatening me!"


Tang En confessed bluntly: "Don't beg me if there is a kind of chaos after coming to the door."


Sasha Glott immediately knelt: "Okay! I promise! If there is any movement over the Tomb of the Sleepless, I must rush to Ellington to help you! Is this the head office?"

Tang En was content and ready to flash.

"Hey, don't leave before you wait."

Sasha Glott stopped him: "So what magic cannon armor is a little bit more? Only these ten sets are not enough for us!"

Tang En's eyes glanced: "You are the wind blow from Oliha Steel? Now the Dixinglong breeding industry has just started, and the first batch of blood has not arrived yet. I will use your face to make magic armor for you? Unless ... "

Sasha Glott still didn't know what Tang En was thinking. She gritted her teeth and scolded, "I know! I'm not able to solve the problem of Oriha Steel!"

For the Dragons, making Oriha Steel is really not a big problem. There are tens of billions of gold coins on Dragon Island. There is no shortage of gold. Each member of the Dragons is strong and strong, and it is not a problem to put a little blood. The main catalyst There is no shortage of dragon blood. As long as the dragons want to get stuff like brass, they can get a lot of piles at any time. After solving these main materials, other things will not be a problem.

Now all the dragons are jealous when they look at the magic cannon armor. They all want it, but the capacity is not enough. What should we do?


Who wants? Let yourself bleed!

As long as enough Oriha steel is made, the magic cannon armor produced by that time belongs to you!

"Of course, but ..."

Tang En began to roll his eyes again.

"What do you want !?"

Sasha Glott immediately became vigilant.

"-But the offer this time is not 1,200 tons of Oliha Steel."

Tang En opened his hand: "--but 1,500 tons."

Sasha Glott's eyes widened: "Why three hundred tons more !?"

"Did my workers keep working for you!"

Tang En said angrily: "The extra 300 tons of Oliha Steel is counted as our labor costs. Next, I will produce some weapons and equipment that just work."

"No! That's too much! You're dragon blood, that's your aunt!"

Even if the dragons are strong and strong, the blood is not just released!

"Oh, my aunt understands?"

Tang En turned around and left: "Just count this, exclusive product, love it or not."

"Don't go!"

Sasha Glott turned into a moment. The human form embraced Tang En's legs: "I want it! What if I want it?"

Those guys stared at his magic artillery armor every day, if he messed up this thing, it is estimated that they would jump up and clean up his family!

"That's good."

Tang En turned around and smiled at the dog's head ... Ah no, it was the "Dragon" head: "Trust me, the technical strength of Datang Heavy Industry will not let you down. We have collected a lot of data after the actual battle, but we have A lot of improvements ... "

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