Things from Another World

Chapter 1023: Go and watch my son go!

"Take the Lizardman as a miner ..."

Laura thoughtfully. After a while, she suddenly asked, "But if you train them and let them grow further, what if they become another disaster in the future?"

"It's easy to say that if they can be integrated into an orderly society, it is naturally the best. If they are still the same as wild animals, then they can only be dealt with by dealing with wild animals."

At this time, Tang En didn't have any sympathy for his men, and said without hesitation: "There are often accidents in the mine, and it is a matter of course to kill some lizard people, right?"

Once the fertile creatures have a stable living environment, they can easily break out into a disaster. To contain such disasters in advance, they can only take the initiative to control their living conditions.

Tang En can tame them, they can be destroyed naturally, they can be brought to mines, and they can be provided with food, and what they need to pay is labor, which is their rare chance of survival.

Lizardmen and dogheads have a certain amount of wisdom, but they are not as clear and clear as intelligent creatures. To be precise, they belong to the half-orcs defined by the Rennes empire. Order, but it ca n’t form a complete conversation, so communication is impossible at all.

If Lizardmen can further evolve, form true wisdom, and gradually integrate into a society of order and become a docile ethnic group, Tang En will not mind giving them a reasonable and legal racial status.

But if they only know how to work and eat like beasts, and they want to eat the Lord in turn when there are more, then they can only deal with them by dealing with beasts.

At that point, the injured, aging, and unable to provide labor will be abandoned by him and directly humanely destroyed. At the same time, the larvae will be kept in captivity, and this race will be completely domesticated into horses that sell labor as livestock.

Not to mention Tang En's cruelty, his method is actually very gentle.

"Forget it, I don't care so much. Anyway, if you want to do this, I will help you."

Lola was too lazy to think about it so much, the lizard man. If she hadn't drilled too deep to find trouble, she would have destroyed the other person by herself, and forgive them.

"What I want to know now is the area where lizard people often inhabit. We need to catch some lizard people first and tune them."

Barod looked at him with curiosity: "What to do?"

Tang En smiled with a demon-like smile: "Have you heard of the Tamer?"

Barod grinned. "No, but I'm looking forward to how you tune. Teach those bastards."

"Of course, we need to catch some Lizardmen first."

"This is simple."

Laura laughed. "Find a way to put some food in the past, and guarantee that they will be hooked in a while, just wait for a cage trap."

Lola's plan is quite simple, but it has to be said that it is a very effective trap for lizardmen. After smelling the breath of food, their instinct to eat will allow them to escape.

Luo Lin immediately called for some dark elf guards and ordered the matter to go on, and they immediately executed it.

After explaining the things over here, Tang En planned to arrange the dog-head people's affairs in Hammer Fort, and Lola stopped him.

"My dear, don't you go and see our 'children'?"

child! ?

Luo Lin was terrified. When did the mother and dear have children! ?

"You say little?"

Tang En froze, thinking of the cute man, who occasionally took the time to give it some soul crystals, but later he was too busy and rarely came over. The soul crystals were also sent by Torola.

Lola nodded. "Yeah, it's boring there. I miss you so much."

At this time she really felt a little bit like a mother.

Tang En nodded after thinking about it, "Okay, let's visit it."

Speaking of which, Tang En promised to accompany him often when he left, but because he was too busy, he didn't come a few times in total. Tang En was still guilty.

Barod remained in Sarhera. Originally, only Tang En and Lola had gone. As a result, Lorraine had to go together, and finally had to take her with her.

After arriving at the Demon Stone Cave, Tang En endured the strange feeling of being isolated by magic and descended to the bottom of the Grand Canyon in a crane.

Now the Grand Canyon is not as desolate as it used to be. Since Tang En and Xiao Xiao reached a cooperative relationship, Xiao Xiao has controlled the rock every day and sent a large number of eliminators here. Hundreds of dark elves set up here. A few houses were stationed here to receive those eliminators.

After saying hello to the busy dark elf soldiers, Tang En shouted at the Grand Canyon: "Little!"

The sound resounded in the Grand Canyon. After a while, a small figure suddenly popped out from the veins of the eliminator stone beside him. It was exactly Q Meng's cute soul stone man.

Seeing Tang En, Xiaoxiao ran over with great joy: "Tang ... Sow (Lola gave Tang En a hard look) ..."

"It's Lola! Not a sow!"

"Lola ... is it a sow?"

"Wrong! It's Lola, not the sow!"

"Sow ... is Lola?"

"Damn-see what you did!"

Lola was very annoyed. If it was on the boudoir bed, Tang En was willing to play, but this guy just joked casually at the time, but was firmly remembered by this soul body. Little was ruined humanely.


Luo Lin's mouth twitched and she had a subtle smile.

She seems to have forgotten, if Lola is a sow, what is she?

Tang En chuckled, and he didn't expect Xiaoxiao to remember it so clearly.

"Little, her name is Lola, not her sow, don't call her wrong."

"Lola ..."

Xiao Xiao seemed to be reluctant to change his mouth, and Lola finally raised her brows.

"Have you been okay recently?"

Tang En took out a piece of soul crystal and handed it to Xiao Xiao, and he was very happy to take over the soul crystal. He squeaked and swallowed it, and Mengmeng looked at Tang En with his eyes: "No ... the door ... a lot ... …demon……"

Tang En froze, Jian Jian frowned slightly, but this was unexpected information.

"Take us to see."

"it is good……"

He nodded a little, and then the ground rolled. The rock that rolled quickly formed a stone giant that was several meters high. The stone giant picked up three of them and ran to the depths of the canyon.

When crossing the wall illusion again, when he came to the empty cave, Tang En couldn't help taking a breath.

The black-purple portal with a diameter of 100 meters is no different from the previous one. If there is a difference, there are two tall stone giants in front of the portal, together with the original stone giant, forming a tight line of defense.

The demon bones around have suddenly increased a lot, and through the twisted portal, you can clearly see the demon in the abyss of purgatory opposite!

The last time there were obviously not so many demons!

"A lot of demons!"

Luo Lin exclaimed, took the opportunity to fall into Tang En's arms, firmly hugged his waist, and vividly interpreted a little girl who had fallen into fear.

Lola was also more serious now: "The demon found this portal !?"

"It depends."

Tang En frowned, because no one had passed through the portal, so no one knows exactly where the portal is. The purgatory abyss is very large in legend, and it is not bad compared to Prandall, so huge In the area, a portal with a diameter of 100 meters is too inconspicuous.

However, opposite the twisted portal, the demons seemed to have formed an army. They were clearly observing the situation, but they did not act lightly—perhaps because all the demons who came in had died, so they Only then stopped.

"Recently ... many ... demons ..."

Xiaolian even said that with gestures, Tang En finally understood what happened this time.

From a few months ago, the demons that appeared only sporadically began to appear frequently. The number of demons here suddenly increased and brought a lot of trouble to the little ones. It had to increase the number of stone giants to guard against Stay here.

In this area, the power of the demon stone veins is enough to make any demon fall into the sand, come in one dead one, come in a dead pair, and Tang En even found the remains of the demon lord here!

I'm afraid that even if the demon Prince suddenly appears in such an environment, he will suffer if he is not careful.

But why is this happening?

Tang En frowned, shouldn't it be his own pot again? Little can't describe the time accurately, he can only guess, a few months ago, it might be when he pretended to tear the earth and block the army ...

But it doesn't make sense, can tearing the ground change the situation across the portal?

The bewildered Tang En can only touch his small head in the end, complimenting him for his good work, but he can give the small one happy.

Tang En found that Xiao Xiao really looks more and more like a pet, but this pet is a little weird. He is really a vein ...

"You pay more attention to it recently, and contact me if there is any situation."

Tang En told Lola that although the demons couldn't get out of here under a small block, they weren't afraid of 10,000 just in case. Who knew what the demons would do when they started crazy? In case the devil rushes out, he may have to solve the trouble here first.

Lola nodded her head to understand that the Devil's Stone Cave is not far away from Salhera. If the demon really ran out and the dark elves would suffer, she must be concerned.

After chatting with the little boy for a few days, by the way feeding and feeding, to help it master more vocabulary, Tang En they are ready to return.

Xiao Lian reluctantly sent them out of the Grand Canyon, and then returned to the cave alone again, squatting on the ground watching the portal began to be dazed.

However, at this moment it was obviously more agile in her dumb eyes.

Barod looked at the three returning strangely: "Visit the son back?"

"Stop talking nonsense."

Tang En was speechless: "How is it?"

"The timing is right, five lizardmen have been caught over there."

"Good, you can start experimenting."

Tang En smiled. "Prepare some food, I'm going to start taming animals."

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