Things from Another World

Chapter 1024: The unavoidable "fight"

Tang En has seen the lizardman long ago, and this time he saw the lizardman again, it is not as fussful as before.

He looked with interest at the five lizard people in the cage. These three lizard people were obviously strong among the lizard people. Compared to other lizard people, they were stronger and stronger, and their eyes were more Bright and godlike, the scales on them are also harder and smoother, which means that they can often get food, which is very rare in the underground world.

Perhaps because they are relatively strong, they can smell the food in the trap over such a long distance, and then fall into the trap.

At this moment being locked in a hard cage, the five lizardmen were extremely irritable, tearing the cage frantically, and even biting with their teeth. However, the strong universal alloy is much harder than their teeth. There is no benefit to making them more anxious.

"What are you going to do?"

Lola looked at Tang En with curiosity. The Dark Elves hadn't thought about domesticating Lizardmen working for them before, but several attempts in history ended in failure-this kind of creature has no loyalty and integrity. Once they have a chance, they will run away, or even turn around to eat the Lord.

The costs and benefits of domestication are completely disproportionate, so in the end, the dark elves simply gave up domesticating them, directly treating them as a worthless enemy and implementing a total elimination policy.

"Don't treat them as intelligent creatures, just treat them as animals."

Tang En took a piece of meat and placed it on the side of the cage, while a whip suddenly appeared in his hand.

After seeing that piece of meat, the five lizardmen were instantly excited, regardless of their imprisonment status, and immediately rushed up-for them, when they saw the food, they ate it immediately. .

However, at this moment, Tang En quickly waved his hand, "Pop!", The whip was drawn fiercely on the front lizard man, turned it back, and waited for several other lizard men to approach, Tang En They whip up again, screaming at them.

But the appeal of food to them was beyond imagination, and even though they were terribly painful, they still did not give up and rushed up again.

The expressionless Tang En continued to wave his whip, exactly like a robot, and he could accurately draw the weakest scales on them every time. Especially, these few lizard men were also male lizard men. After a while , Even the next Lola looked at the corner of his eyes, and secretly murmured that Tang En started hard enough ...

If they rush this way again, it is estimated that it won't be long before they have to think about having children.

The Lizardmen charged the meat again and again, and Tang En pushed them back again and again, very dull and boring, and the dark elves around them lost their interest after a while.

The little queen Rowling couldn't help asking: "Is this okay?"

The dark elves did the same before, enslaving the lizardmen through cruel corporal punishment, but the final result was not good.

Tang En smiled slightly, shook his hand, and toppled another lizard man to the ground: "Of course, if it's just corporal punishment, it won't work."

"It feels like you're doing useless work ..."

Lola pinched her mouth, and said a little helplessly: "If the lizard man's intelligence is higher, it would not be so troublesome."

Tang En nodded in disapproval.

If the lizardmen's intelligence is higher and they can communicate normally, they can be controlled by the power of the spell, but it will be much easier, but the trouble is that the lizardmen's IQ is very low, which is equivalent to eight at best. A nine-year-old child is still the kind of retarded.

Even if their will is controlled by spells, they just become puppets, and will not move at all without instructions.

Tang En doesn't have so many magicians give them instructions one by one. If there are so many magicians, instead of trying so hard, it is better to let the magician change to be a miner, and the daily output can break 10,000 tons. Now ...

Of course, Tang En can now train a lot of magicians, but don't you think that the power of magicians is wasted in this regard?

Therefore, it is still the most cost-effective way to domesticate the lizard and the doghead to become miners, even if they die unexpectedly.

The meaningless flogging lasted for several hours, and the five lizards seemed to finally understand that the piece of meat was not something they could touch, and they looked at the corner of the cage in fear, and looked at the piece of meat for a while. After looking at Tang En holding his whip for a while, a low roar of "咝 咝" was made in his throat, but he did not dare to yell at Tang En.

They finally knew they were afraid.

Looking at the shivering lizard man, Lola, who was still accompanying him, shrugged: "They seem to be domesticated only to this extent."

"That may not be so."

Tang En looked at them with a smile. The lizards were licking their wounds. Although their scales were very hard, Tang En showed no mercy when he whip his whip. Many scales were torn by him. They A lot of blood came out.

[Nora, lend me some strength. 】

Nora had been bored looking a long time ago, and now she was dozing off. When she heard the words, she shared some of her power with Tang En: [What are you going to do, so boring ...]

[Good, sleep. 】

At this moment, when Tang En snapped his finger, the emerald green life force fell on the Lizardmen, and the wounds on them quickly healed, and they recovered their health in a blink of an eye.

The five lizardmen were shocked and terrified, wondering why the "food" in front of them smoked them and healed them later.

In the eyes of a lizard man, everything that can be eaten is food and nothing is wrong.

After treating them, Tang En stood there motionless. The few lizards saw him, thinking that Tang En was tired, and carefully approached the meat block-no food for several hours, they were already a bit hungry.

Just as they were about to run into the pieces of meat, Tang En's whip flew out and whipped hard.


Although only one of the lizardmen was pumped, they were all scared **** urinating, and they went to the other end of the cage like crazy.

"You plan to consume them like this?"

Laura asked curiously, "The lizardmen are very stupid. Even if you let them know the fear now, they won't forget it soon."

"Relax, it won't."

Tang En smiled very strangely: "This pain will be firmly engraved in their bones and inherited from generation to generation ..."

Even unwise animals can be trained to be obedient, and Tang En doesn't believe in the Lizardman.

"But I'm so bored."

Lola sticks to Tang En as he speaks, rubbing lightly on his back, whispering in his ears, "We can do something interesting ... if you want to play with a whip, I also May I stay with you ... "

Tang En twitched his lips and froze for a moment. The reason why he didn't want to come to Salhera was to be afraid of this situation, but there was nothing he could do, only he could come here in person.


Luo Lin stared at Laura: "Don't you always do this! He is my husband!"

Lola licked her red lips and said, "That's why I'm going to help you take care of yourself and develop his skills for you to make your life better."

"No! I can do it myself!"

Luo Lin screamed and rushed up, and then ... fell to the ground.

"My good daughter, look at you, let's learn to walk first."

Lola taunted her daughter mercilessly, and pulled Tang En away.

"Wait, wait! At least let me arrange it!"

Tang En knew that this battle would be inevitable tonight, he shouted, "Let them stay in shifts, all holding their whip. Lizardmen will smoke when they come to grab meat, and they will smoke if they want to sleep. They cannot rest."

"Did you hear everything?"

"heard it!"

"Then don't hurry up!"

There is no shortage of whips in the dark elves, and they soon guarded the cage with a whip, staring at the five lizardmen inside.

Tang En was dragged to the Queen's Palace by Lola.

"Come, eat, this is the food I prepared for you, so I can replenish my energy."

Tang En looked bitterly at the plate of food in front of him, which felt a bit difficult to get in.

He really didn't want to eat those things. He simply turned from passive to active, raised his eyebrows, and deliberately asked, "Do you think I need these things?"

Lola was glared by Tang En's intrusive gaze and suddenly softened, struggling to pinch her legs with a hot flush: "Of course not, I just want to make you stronger."

"Huh, I think you mean that, it seems I need to give you a taste."

As soon as Tang En's words fell, Lola immediately rushed up: "Give me! I want to 'taste' your strengths!"

This girl is going crazy! !!

Tang En couldn't parry her, and she ran out of her clothes at the dining table. Luo Lin, who was next to him, was glaring. She just wanted to come up with her hands and was kicked aside by Lola.

"While going, let my old lady have fun!"

"Mom, you are too much!"

Luo Lin ran out cryingly.

Tang En was a little speechless: "Are you a bit overbearing ..."

"Why, does God make adults want to taste Luo Lin? Then you have to satisfy me ..."

"No, I mean you are too-hiss!"

Tang En took a breath of cold air, and immediately released himself "Angus' local hard surgery" without hesitation.

Now that Haikou has been boasted, now I can only stick my teeth and stick to it.

While Tang En and Lola were fighting hard, Nora hiding above Tang En suddenly woke up and looked at them brightly.

Nora pursed her lips, complaining about Tang En in her heart.

Really, I said whatever I wanted, but I never gave it a chance, and it wasted days for nothing.

After waiting for a long time, I finally found the opportunity to get the materials!

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