Things from Another World

Chapter 1027: Elijah's campus life

"Master Messenger."

As soon as Tang En stepped out of the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute, Yusita stopped him.

"what happened?"

"I need a sample of astral creatures."

Yusita smiled and said to him: "Transferring in the astral world is different from Prandall's teleporting to the astral world, so you need to refer to it. As far as I know, astral creatures have this ability. If they can, it is best to help I ’m catching an astral creature back, should n’t your ability be a problem? ”

"No need to capture, follow me."

Tang En walked and said, "It's available, but I have to ask more, don't you want to slice it?"

"Of course not, just analyze the frequency and method of magic wave use when the astral creature opens the portal."

Yustisa quickly followed in the footsteps of Tang En, gathered her long silver hair, and said softly, "It's not what you said, you must continue to study the nature of things, and explore the roots to see the truth. . "

Tang En smiled, but did not expect Yusita to remember this sentence quite clearly.

The two came to Ellington College while chatting.

"What are you doing here?"

"Wait for class."

Tang En watched the situation at Ellington College with interest. Now Ellington College is very different from the beginning. A large number of foreigners settled in Ellington, which also brought a lot of students here. Over the past six months, many schools have been built around Ellington, not only primary schools from scratch, but also professional schools that specialize in developing various skills for adults, so-called technical schools.

As for higher education, it is not necessary to use the current education foundation. After the first batch of primary school students graduate, they will start junior high school, then high school, university, etc ...

Of course, in the future, the development plans of these schools must be combined with the realities of Prendall, and it is impossible to completely follow the set on the earth.

At least, in the schools here, physical education is completely replaced by magic and combat skills ...

After waiting for a while, the school was closed. During the fifteen-minute break, students rushed out of the classroom and ran out to ventilate.

Seeing the students, Tang En couldn't help remembering his life when he was in school. After graduating from college and entering the society, he realized the carefree life in school ...

Seeing their pain, he was relieved.

"Big brother!"

At the tip of her eyes, Ilya saw Tang En standing outside, cheering and flew directly out of the window, into Tang En's arms.

Tang En hugged her around and shaved her nose: "Such a girl of this age is not ashamed."

This year, Elijah is 13 years old. Even on the earth, she is also the big girl of the first and second grades. On earth, who is so sticky to a girl like her? It is simpler, receives less information, and has a lower psychological age.

"Hey hey ..."

Ilia smirked: "Are you coming to see me exclusively?"

"Yeah, aren't you happy?"

"Happy, of course!"

Elijah looked at Tang En with anticipation: "I would be happier if you took me away from home now!"

"That is impossible."

Tang En decisively dispelled her desire to skip the class: "How do you feel at school?"

"not bad……"

Elijah pursed her lips and started to go to school, only to find out how carefree and free she had been in her previous life. Now she reports to the school on time every morning, and then sits in the classroom and listens to it. It's too boring for the teacher to talk about that knowledge ...

Because she feels that what knowledge is completely meaningless to her, she has an intuition that she will know all of it naturally sooner or later, so she thinks that she is wasting time in class—of course, she can know more Buddies, and Nicole, Betty, Gillian, they also have more playing time is a rare benefit.

"I'm not interested in the things the teacher said ..."

"Nicole and Betty successfully realized the magic. The teacher said that they could wake up to their talents very soon. Originally, Gillian hadn't felt the magic yet, so she was a little worried. As a result, she also felt the magic these two days ..."

"Witt didn't know what luck was going on. He obviously didn't feel anything in the classroom, but suddenly awakened his talent when delivering the newspaper. The teacher said that if he studied hard, he could become a magician ..."

"That stupid person has been thinking about becoming a great warrior, but now the teacher says he is more suitable to be a mage, and you don't know how funny his expression at that time!"

"And that Marshall, Wit's younger brother, it is said that he is now awakened with talent, seems to be hidden. It is said that he can become an assassin ... or a thief.

Elijah talked about what happened in the school to Tang En, and smiling Tang En and Yustis quietly listened, looking like a couple visiting the children at school .

"Hey, that's Lord Lord ..."

"What do you say, now he is our Majesty ..."

"His Majesty the King, why not stay in the palace but stay here?"

"I do not know either……"

"I envy Elijah, can you know Her Majesty ... Nicole, I heard that His Majesty also knows you?"


Nicole, lying on the edge of the corridor next to the corridor in a daze, nodded and said, "Yeah, we knew each other when Brother Tang En came to Ellington. He also knew Betty and Gillian."

"What do you call your brother?"

A boy said timidly: "Too disrespectful to His Majesty ..."

He comes from a civilian, and is a little scared of Nicole, who wears beautiful clothes. Although they are all civilians, Ellington developed earlier here, so the economy is developed. Their family now lives better than the little nobles elsewhere. The conditions are excellent, and it looks like a noble lady.

Although thanks to Tang En's request, all people are included in the same class without any discrimination, but the children of civilians are still unable to get rid of this sense of cowardice-for the full realization of equality for all, I am afraid at least two generations will be needed. Work hard.

Nicole proudly said, "That's because His Majesty's brother said at the beginning, we can call him brother."


There was a scream of excitement nearby, and those envious and admired eyes made Nicole very happy. He slightly raised his neck and said, "Brother Tang En is a good man, do you know mints? But he invented it specially for us. Then. "

There was another exclamation in the corridor.

A little girl held her hands on her chest, her eyes glowing: "I'm so envious of you, if only I could know Your Majesty ... then His Majesty the King! If only I could marry him later ..."

Nicole could not help but said, "Don't think about it, you have no chance."


"Now I don't know how many girls secretly love His Majesty and want to marry him!"

Nicole drew a big circle with his hands and said very exaggeratedly: "But you know, now her brother does not have a concubine except Queen Olina."

"Well? Didn't you say that Lord Fiona is also your concubine?"

"Well this--"


Gillian ran over and dragged her, glaring at her: "Don't talk nonsense."

Nicole spat out his tongue, knowing that he almost said something he shouldn't say again.

"Jillian, you tell us more about Your Majesty. We all want to know about Her Majesty Tang En."

"Nothing to say, we know what you know, it's scattered."

Gillian whispered about Nicole secretly as she opened up the topic. This stupid mouth didn't cover it. If these guys knew that they often saw Tang En with Ilia in private, wouldn't it be ok? Don't be afraid to stop in the future.

Gillian glanced at Betty, who was quietly reading in the classroom, and sighed, if only Nicole was as quiet as Betty ...

On the playground, Tang En couldn't help laughing after listening to Elijah's talk.

Although Elias has always complained that she is not free in school, but he can feel that this girl is still very happy. Here, she can meet more friends and make up for the childhood childhood that was discriminated as a child. The shadow in her heart is completely Was wiped out by the school atmosphere.

This is good, at least, after the memory of Ms. Disaster is unlocked in the future, she will not do anything extraordinary to this world because of her childhood shadow ...

Tang En is satisfied with the effect now.



"I have something to look for you."

Elijah's eyes lit up: "We're going out again-I mean, have you traveled?"

Tang En couldn't help laughing, how much this girl wanted to travel!

"There will be opportunities in the future."

Tang En rubbed her head: "This time I came to ask you to borrow‘ Invincible ’. Sister Yustisa needs to do some research and needs invincible help. Can you call it?

"no problem!"

Tang En spoke, and Ilia had absolutely no problems, nor did she know how she did it. The space next to her suddenly twisted and opened a space door, and then the beautiful star warrior "Invincible" appeared on them Before it.

The students in the school have already seen Elijah's "Invincible", but after seeing it at the moment, there is still a burst of exclamation.

Yustisa's eyes lit up: "Astral creature ... it really is the same as the legend ..."

Ilia believed in Tang En, but she didn't trust Sosissa so much, and asked, "Sister, you won't hurt invincible, right?"

Yusita couldn't help laughing, "Of course, otherwise your elder brother would not let me go."

No need for me to do it at all ...

Tang En silently spit out, and if he is unhappy with Elijah, drinking cold water may be choked to death ...

"Then I will give you the invincible!"

Elijah pointed to Yu Stisa: "Invincible, go, listen to Sister Yu Stisa."

Although invincible was a bit reluctant, he still obeyed Elijah's order and slowly walked to Yu Stisa.

Yu Stisa looked at the astral warhorse, her eyes were bright, and with the samples of astral creatures, the most troublesome astral teleportation could be traced. The next thing to do is to find the rules ... Come back!

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