Things from Another World

Chapter 1028: Step into the abyss

The research work on Ellington is in full swing, and various new products are coming out of the factory in a steady stream, and are transported to the Illus Empire through convenient space rings and teleportation arrays for the Illus Empire. The economy has injected strong vitality, and also brought huge wealth to the Datang Chamber of Commerce.

These wealth were then circulated through various construction work according to Tang En's will. Between entering and leaving, the Illus Empire entered a fast-growing high-speed channel. This once-aging empire now looks like a new life. The country is also full of vigor and vitality, and everyone is full of confidence in the re-emergence of the empire.

In contrast, the old powerhouse Sorant ...

These days, driven by the secret agents of the ghosts and the thieves' guild, the mixed news about Klein has spread to every town in the entire Sorant Kingdom. Almost everyone knows that Klein used to Do stupid behavior.

Catalyzed by these news, the citizens of the Kingdom of Solant have complained about Klein, which has swelled to a very terrible level.

Even some of the Grand Duke lords have begun to violate Klein's orders, and their execution efficiency has been greatly reduced.

Although these lords were all close relatives of the Solent royal family, after more than a hundred years, the original loyalty was a bit intriguing.

Originally, the Emperor was far away, but now Klein's reputation is not as good as before. If he was not worried about Klein's backhand, I was afraid that the powerful dukes could not help but want to rebel Already.

Back hand?

Klein does have some backhands, but can those backhands be used for the time being, even if they are used, can it be effective for Tang En, the city of silver, the Holy See, or even the Dragons? Will there be a threat, or is it another matter.

Now all Sorantes know that Klein made an extremely wrong choice because of his bulging ambitions, and now, those who are interested are waiting for the day when they completely collapse.

Troubled times have always been the favorite of ambitionists.

Unfortunately, someone will not give these ambitionists any chance, he doesn't want to see troubled times.

Anthem City, Royal Palace, Throne Room.

The palace guard hurriedly rushed in: "Your Majesty! Bad!"

The ministers on the left and right below the throne immediately snored and bowed their heads without saying a word.

A gloomy Klein almost squeezed a word out of his teeth: "Say!"

"Like last time, the rumors of the rumors caught yesterday disappeared from the death row! Captain Myerson, who was guarding the death row, found no clues! Those guys seemed to disappear from nothing!"

Klein's face was fierce: "All the guards responsible for the death row were dragged out and chopped! And Myerson, let me down three times in a row, and dragged out and chopped!"


The ministers breathed in air, and Klein said that more than 50 lives were lost.

"Your Majesty, no, Captain Myerson is--"


The fierce fist fell, and the Duke of Guis, who looked up and spoke, was instantly blasted into a mass of meat sauce.

Klein retracted his fist and said arbitrarily, "My order is beyond doubt."

The audience was silent.

No one dared to speak for Grand Dukes, who died for no reason.

"Not yet, do you want to die?"

"Yes, yes, yes, sir, sire!"

The palace guard finished speaking, and turned and ran.

"Huh! What a waste!"

Klein snorted, feeling even worse.

He is very clear that the recent news spreading around the Kingdom is definitely not targeted. There must be some secret behind it. Those guys who can convey the news are really too cunning. Even if they are caught by accident, they just need to pay attention. In a blink of an eye they disappeared completely, almost like using teleportation.

But how is that possible? Even if you are a master magician, not everyone can master teleportation, those guys are even more impossible!

Klein is now very eager to know who is behind him to discredit him, and what the intention is to discredit him!

"These messages are basically certain from the Thieves 'Guild, but until now you haven't investigated where the Thieves' Guild is. Who can you tell me, why? Uh?"

Klein looked down, but no one dared to answer his question.

"Marquis Hogman? Uh?"

The Marquis Topney Hogman trembled and lowered his head and said, "This is not the scope of the minister's duties, so the minister does not know, but I think the Duke of Caton's family is big and well-informed, and he will definitely figure it out."

Topney, I **** you!

The nearby Morrison Caton heard that he almost jumped up on the spot. Now Klein is a time bomb. Whoever touches who is unlucky, this guy wants to lead the misfortune to himself and burn him! ?

Klein's gloomy gaze fell on the Duke of Caton, and a moment later he looked at the others.

Ministers who were swept by Klein's eyes felt a cold neck, saying that companions are like tigers, but they have never been so frightened as in these days.

"Okay, good. There are so many pillars of the Soland Kingdom present, but even a little thief guild can't dig out, hum ... ha ha ha ha ... what do I want you to do !?"

Klein yelled, and all of the people in the audience suddenly shrank their necks.

Mother, this is bad!

The princes and aristocrats present were bitter in their hearts. What "little" thief guild? The Thieves' Guild was established much longer than the Kingdom of Solant, and how big was it? The guild members are everywhere in Prendall. Who dares to say that the Thieves' Guild is an insignificant organization?

Eyes on Klein had been driven crazy by these recent bad news, and everyone in the throne suddenly threatened himself, and no one wanted to be the next person to die here.

"Marquis Hogman."

Due to Down's sake, Klein's tolerance for Topney Hogman has become very poor. He desperately needs a channel for venting. Klein stared at the Marquis Hogman and whispered, "I give One day, find out where the thieves' guild is ... if you can't find it, you can die. "

one day! ? What a joke! This is obviously trying to find an excuse to kill yourself!

As soon as Topney wanted to speak, he saw the murderous expression on Klein's face, and swallowed the words again.

If you ca n’t complete the mission, you will die the day after tomorrow, but now you speak, you must have died on the spot ...

Now Klein wanted to kill, I'm afraid he was too lazy to make excuses.

"Duke Caton."


"Give you three days and find out who is behind the news."

Morrison saw Klein's cold expression and bowed his head. Even if his daughter is now a queen, he did not dare to touch Klein's mold.

Klein now has six relatives who do not recognize him.

No, he is already a lunatic.

Morrison remembered the last queen, and his heart was cold all of a sudden, wouldn't they be victims?

"Whoever it is, I'll let him die when it comes out!"

Klein yelled, "Send an urgent letter to notify the city owners immediately. From now on, the Kingdom of Solant will enter a state of martial law and impose a curfew! All those who rumors privately, members of the guild of suspected thieves , Kill without pardon! "


I'm afraid it will be a national chaos!

A group of ministers drew in air-conditioners. Although martial law had been implemented a while ago, they began to search for rumors in various places, but the means were not so extreme.

Now it is necessary to enforce the curfew, and to kill any suspicious person without discrimination, which will definitely cause the Kingdom of Solant to panic!

However, at this moment Klein had completely lost his mind, and now he was full of brains only to kill those who discredited him.


"Captain Myerson! Bad!"

After the former palace guard left the throne, he did not immediately execute Klein's order, but instead gritted his teeth and ran to find Captain Myerson.

Captain Myerson is also very anxious at this moment: "Sitney, what's your attitude there?"

"Your Majesty is so angry that he will kill all the guards and kill you!"

The palace guard Sitney said a little anxiously, "Your Majesty is crazy now! He just killed the Duke of Gisse on the spot!"

Captain Myerson was immediately shocked: "What !? Even the Duke of Gisse was killed !?"

"Yes! Captain, let's run away with everyone!"

Sitney was very anxious. Captain Myerson was very good to everyone on weekdays. Now he saw that he was going to be executed. He was impatient: "Before the order has been passed, Captain Myerson, you take everyone to execute. Leave the city of Sacred Song in the name of an arrest warrant! I ’m afraid you wo n’t be able to go any further! ”


Myerson punched the wall with a punch and gritted his teeth: "How can such a king make people loyal to him !?"

"Captain, what else do you expect from Her Majesty Klein? He has abandoned everything in order to realize his ambitions!"

Sitney lowered his voice, "Don't forget about Queen Lisa."

Queen Elisabeth is Klein's ex-wife, and their son Henrietta Solant is a very good prince. He has a high reputation in the city of Anthem. Later, due to Klein's concubine pregnancy, Sa was worried about his status, so he encouraged Prince Henrietta to urge Klein to set up a prince as soon as possible, but Klein felt that their mother and son wanted to seize his kingship, and both of them were killed by Klein in anger .

This is an open secret that no one dares to talk about, but everyone knows it.

As the saying goes, the tiger poison does not eat, but Clay didn't even care about the lives of his wife and children because he held the kingship in his hands. What expectations can there be for such a king?

Captain Myerson fled.

Such a king is indeed not worthy of his life.

Driven by Tang En's secret hands, various factors have been fused together to continue to ferment. Klein's shortcomings have been perfectly utilized. He is stepping into the abyss ...

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