Things from Another World

Chapter 1033: The realm of kings?

Down, Gunther, and Klein drifted over the streets of Anthem.

"Don—I want you to die !!!"

After Klein stayed for a while, the volcano that had accumulated in his heart finally erupted. The resentment that Tang En kept bringing to him for the past six months was all vented in this roar.

Klein, who was completely mad, raised his hands, and all the weapons of the apocalyptic dead below were dragged into the sky by him. Klein growled and pushed forward, and hundreds of knives and swords whistled and shot at Down. Grab it with your hand, hold a sword, and instantly inspire the power of the law. Follow the sword and sword rain to Tang En and cut it off!

"Well, you're returning to Shushan to learn art? The sword art can be done."

Tang En froze, and then a gust of wind rolled up beside him. After a while, all those weapons were skeined into scrap iron and dropped.

Then Tang En disappeared directly, appeared over Klein, and the elemental sword appeared in his hands with a buzz, Tang En stabbed Klein's heavenly cover without hesitation!

Klein struck his left fist, breaking his fist, and the force of the violent rule shattered the power released by the elemental sword, followed by a fiery flame bursting out of the fist.

Purgatory Blast!

Playing spells in front of me?

Tang En froze, took a palm shot, and a whizzing cold wind rolled around him, as if the bitter cold wind blowing from the frozen icefield had caused the temperature of the entire city of Sacred Song to drop suddenly by more than 20 degrees, making people feel Suddenly entered the winter from early autumn.

The flames of Purgatory's impact are dying.

At this moment, Klein had broken through the spell blockade, appeared beside Tang En, opened his arms, and shouted with a frown on his face: "The realm of kings!"

A wonderful power centered on Clay, swallowed Down in an instant.

Tang En only felt dark before his eyes, and when the vision was restored again, everything around him disappeared, and they came to another independent space.

Above the head is the scorching sun, under the feet are hot sand grains mixed with dark red blood, and the endless desert is full of sensational bones. The air is filled with acrid **** breath. Not far away, a suit of Klein stands proudly in the dunes On the other hand, the sword in his hand became the stab of the destroyer that Tang En had previously taken.

When Tang En froze, he took out the Destroyer's Eye and stared.

Still there.

In other words, what he has in his hands are fakes formed by the power of the realm.

As soon as the Destroyer's Spike appeared, he sensed Klein's breath and struggled in Down's hands.

"be quiet."

Tang En said very blandly, and the Stinger of the Destroyer immediately became honest.

"be good."

After Tang En finished speaking, he put away the Destroyer's Spike again.

That's his heirloom!

Klein was full of gas.

"This is your field?"

Tang En looked around: "It's like a brutal battlefield ... It is said that the realm is a projection space that is realized according to one's strongest desire in the heart, that is, you have been yearning for a fierce and tragic battle, But now Prandall's peace is holding you back, so are you unwilling? "

"To shut up!"

Klein raised his sword and pointed at Tang En screamed, "You are now in the realm of my king. Today is your death!"

"It's not the realm of King Billy Harrington. I'm afraid of wool."

Tang En froze, and the only thing that made him feel dangerous was the sword. Now the sword had been stolen by himself. Klein had a fake in his hand. He was afraid of an egg.

If Klein is now promoted to the legend, he has awakened the power of the rules, and can use the power of the rules normally. Tang En may still be nervous because of the power of his rules. Unfortunately, he is not enough to pose a threat to Tang En right now. .

Now, what Tang En has to do is to choke off this threat of instability in the seedlings.

Although he does not have the power of realms and laws, he is infinitely blue, and his realm can be blasted by the bombardment of magic spells, not to mention that he also has two unsolvable kills, the will of the world and the power of the void. Device.

Although Klein did not know who Billy Harrington was, it did not affect his fighting spirit. In his realm, he was God!

The realm of the King has strengthened his own fighting power, which has enabled him to gain several times the power. Even the power of the laws he can control has been improved. At the same time, the enemy ’s power will be weakened. Klein became stronger.

"go to hell!"

Klein held up his long sword and growled, "I'm Klein Sorant! I'm the King of Sorant! Sorant soldiers, wake up! Fight for me!"

Tang En raised his eyebrows, the king of Solant? Exaggerated.

Under Klein's roar, wonderful changes took place in the field. The yellow sand roared together to form a resurrected warrior. The warriors' bodies were so beautiful that even the five senses were restored, and their hands were tight. Holding the weapons formed by the strength of the field, they quickly gathered into a square matrix. In a blink of an eye, 100,000 troops appeared in the entire field. A crowd of people stood in front of Tang En, and even the sand and sea were covered.

In this field, each resurrected warrior has the strength that is comparable to the gold-level peak apocalypse. What is even more amazing is that these armies have a complete range of soldiers, infantry, cavalry, archers, shields, gunmen, and even mages. Both regiments and Templars.

If Klein can project these resurrected fighters in the realm into reality, I am afraid that he can really seize the position of the King of Prandall.

Unfortunately, this is only in the field.

With a long sword, Klein launched the charge: "Kill him!"

Klein is full of confidence. In this field, as long as he has strength, the resurrected soldiers will be immortal. The same is that the supreme powerhouse comes in. There is absolutely no life or death. Even if the legendary powerhouse is here, the sea of ​​people Tactics will also make them suffer!

Down? Humph! What the hell! ?


The soldiers blew the horn of war, and the fastest cavalry launched the charge first. They were stunned. The warhorses were not affected by the desert. They were extremely fast. Behind the cavalry, the bowmen had bowed and fired arrows. The overwhelming attack came, and at the same time the mage began to sing spells. What was even more outrageous was that the resurrected Templars began to bless their companions ...

Obviously they are all created in the field ...

Tang En was too lazy to talk, with five fingers, the elemental sword appeared in his hands, and as he continued to increase, it became more solid, and the elemental sword had even begun to emit a dazzling light.

"Say good to go back quickly, so--"

Tang En took a step forward and waved his sword instantly: "——Hurry up and end the battle."

Just listening to the harsh chirping sound, a sword gas whistled and flew out. The sword gas quickly widened during the flight, and when it flew dozens of meters away, it became a crescent-shaped sword with a diameter of several kilometers. Furious, Klein flew up high to avoid the sword, but he could only watch as the cavalry rushing forward in the front was completely destroyed by Tang En.

What's even more frightening is that the sword Qi is still absorbing the strength in the field and expanding. In the end, the width of the sword Qi has completely exceeded the visual distance. The entire field was swept by Tang En with a sword, and the 100,000 army was in the center. After being completely harvested, all remaining horse hussars with a total of less than six thousand wings.

The power of the powerful sword qi broke out even beyond the limit that the realm can bear. Klein can clearly perceive that the overflowing power has torn the edge of the realm!

What scared Klein the most was that due to the power of the sword gas, the field was overloaded. As a result, the soldiers who should have been resurrected did not stand up again, but were pulled away from the force to repair the field, and they re- It turned into yellow sand!

how can that be! ?

"This power, how could this power appear in the world!"

Klein couldn't describe his feelings at this moment. You must know that this is in his field!

Tang En's strength has been weakened by at least 30%!

It has weakened 30%!

Is he really human? ?

"--You're lost."

Tang En's ghostly voice sounded in his ear, Klein turned around suddenly, somehow a sudden strong desire for killing suddenly appeared in his heart. He took advantage of the sudden moment of "Tang En" to burst into a madness In the counterattack, the long sword slashed in "Tang En" like rainstorm. It was corrupt, and the "destruction" force that broke out with all its strength rips off "Tang En" that was caught by surprise.

Klein stayed, looking at the corpse of "Tang En" and his own hands again, and suddenly a strange flush appeared on his face: "I won? I killed him? Hahahaha-- I killed that arrogant idiot !?-I killed him! Down is dead! Now! I! Klein Solent! Will unite Solant and Illus and become Prendall King! Hahahaha-- "

Behind Klein, Tang En stood quietly there, his breath had completely disappeared from here, and no wonder Klein thought he really killed him.

This idiot.

Tang En, who was silent, broke away from the state of walking, and cut off Klein's head with a sharp sword from the back.

Klein had an ecstatic smile on his face until he was cut off.

He didn't even know that Tang En had killed him just by using three spells.

That's right, it's just three spells.

From the moment he saw Tang En, Klein's mental state was extremely unstable. His irritable mood affected his reason. The eagerness to kill Tang En made him lose the ability to think calmly. The power caused him to fall into a brief state of absence.

It was then that Down created a avatar spell, and he went into phase walking to conceal himself. Then, the avatar approached Klein, and he applied a boost spell to Klein.化 术 ".

The effect of Berserk is to make the target have a talent-like "furious" effect for a short period of time, greatly increasing the power of the target, but it will make the target's reason out of control, and the crazy offensive locked target-that is, Tang En Spell stand-in.

After killing the spell stand-in, Klein's brain lost his ability to judge because of the negative effects of hyperactivity and madness.

Then Tang En easily cut off his head with a sword.

A generation of ambitionists, the supreme fifth-order powerhouse, died.

And what about Down?

It just uses a third-order spell stand-in, a fourth-order spell madness, and a sixth-order spell phase walking.

"So don't always say that Lao Tzu will only chop like a warrior full of muscles."

Tang En groaned over Klein's head: "Is my position a good prince?"

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