Things from Another World

Chapter 1034: Hold the golden thighs of the locals

After Tang En was pulled into the field by Klein, the coercion over the city of Anthem disappeared instantly, and the residents of Anthem finally got a chance to breathe. They looked at each other in suspicion and ran out of their home Asking for all the news.

Soon the news that the three lords led the army to encircle the city of Sacred Music and forced Klein to spread, and immediately caused a stir in the city of Sacred Music.

Although Solant's people have a lot of complaints about Klein, they have become accustomed to hiding such complaints in their hearts, honestly accepting the slavery of their superiors, and never thought of rebelling against such things. .

They did not expect that the three lords would act so neatly.

"How's it going?"

"I don't know! From the Adventurers' Guild's Apocalypse, the Royal Palace has become a ruin, and the fight is fierce!"

"Who won? His Majesty Klein?"

"I don't know-no one knows the specific situation now!"

At this moment, the apocalypse brought by Relagos has been slaughtered by Rams and Sam's men, and those unlucky guys are completely pitted by Relagos.

And after the remaining apocalypse resolved the underlings of Relagos, they fled outside the city without hesitation—they have all seen the power of Klein with their own eyes, and staying here is completely dead!

The apostles who fled hurriedly could not completely hide their whereabouts, and were soon discovered to be abnormal.

"Why are those Apocalypse adults fleeing the city?"

"Didn't it ... is Klein winning?"

The people around them suddenly couldn't hide their disappointment. Although they didn't have the courage to rebel, they were expecting someone to kill Klein. Perhaps it would be better for another king.

"It looks like His Majesty Klein won ... he is the king after all, and he has too many resources in his hands."

"These three territories, Western Territory, Glory Valley, and Lightning Wilderness, are about to suffer. With Klein's character, he will certainly spare no effort to cleanse, and then hold those three territories firmly in his hands.

"Gods, is there really no hope in this country ..."

Gunther floating in the sky listened to the whispers of the residents, staring blankly at the empty sky in front of him. After drinking the blood of the goddess, his injury was completely healed, but Tang En said before leaving to let him wait a moment, Gunther had no courage to leave now.

Perhaps he can beat Klein?

Just as Gunther was thinking about it, the space in front of him suddenly set off a wave, followed by Tang En's figure appeared on the sky.

A joy in Gunther's heart, as soon as he was about to pass, he saw the head that Tang En held in his hands, and suddenly took a cold breath: "Klein !?"

Such a powerful Klein died like this! ?

Dead in the hands of a young man who suddenly appeared on the battlefield?

Still dying in his own field! ?

At least one level higher than Klein, it is possible to kill Klein in the field!

This means that the strength of the young man in front of him has reached legendary level! ?

Gunther was shocked, the gods were up! Are you kidding me! ?

After the strength becomes stronger, the life span will increase, and the speed of aging will be greatly slowed down, but basically it will remain as it was during promotion.

This man looks so young, does not it mean that he was promoted to legend when he was 20 or 30 years old! ?

That's a legend!

"As you can see, he is dead."

Tang En shrugged. He didn't want to kill Klein. He turned him into a puppet to control the Kingdom of Solant, and then it would be better to slowly merge.

However, the power of Klein's law can pose a certain threat to him, and for safety reasons, he still decisively started.

After killing him, the follow-up question was more troublesome-Tang En decided to continue to throw it to Aurelia.

"I know, but, but ..."

"I'm Down."

Down said: "Regent of the Illus Empire."

"You are Donn !?"

Gunther exclaimed: "The Tang Dynasty Chamber of Commerce was set up, destroying the dark snake, and letting the Holy See and the Silver City join forces, destroying Downe of Lor'mar in one go !?"

"You are quite informed, yes, it is me."

Tang En nodded and said casually: "I saved your life, so you work for me for ten years to repay me."

With a twitch of Gunther's mouth, Tang En's seemingly casual attitude was full of unquestionable imperatives.

He was not discussing, but was elaborating on an established thing.

What can Gunther say? Reject? Facing a stronger man than Klein?

He doesn't want to die yet.

"I see. I am willing to work for you for ten years."

Gunther did not hesitate to accept Down's conditions. Gunther did not think it was a bad thing. If other people encounter this opportunity, they do n’t know what they will get excited about. He is not stupid. This is a A living legend, but also a legendary powerhouse with close ties to the Holy See and the Silver City!

Being with him and working for him, even if he just learns a little bit, may make him take a lot of detours on the way to promote the legend.

What's more, even if you can't learn anything from him, you can still know the really strong ones through him.

No matter in what way, it is good for Tang En to be good for him.

"Smart choice."

Tang En praised him, looked at his hand, and took out an iron-cutting sword and threw it to Gunther: "Your weapon seems to be broken. Take this sword first and make it work. If you have a chance, look back. Make it better for you. "

Gunther took the iron sword and pulled out the scabbard. He was blinded by a pair of dog eyes by the dazzling magic.

Turns out to be a legendary one-handed sword! ?

Although it feels like magic equipment with intermediate legendary quality from the magic wave, the quality of intermediate legendary is also legendary!

He actually said, it works! ?

I have a chance to go back and make it better! ?

What is the above legendary quality magic equipment? Could it be that he can get himself a treasure! ?

Gunther whispered, "No, no need, this, this sword is already good ..."

He had worked so hard for so many years before he got a "Frost Heart". If he subdivided it seriously, it would only be a subordinate legend. In front of this Tang En, he would throw a magic sword of intermediate legendary quality to him. ...

Gunther hugged the iron sword: "What is the name of this sword? I will definitely use it."

Tang En casually said: "Ellington's standard equipment cuts the iron sword, don't care, use it casually, and then apply if it is out of service."

System, standard equipment! ?

He, he actually said that this legendary quality magic sword is standard equipment! ?

Gunther almost burst into tears. What kind of man was he so many years?

"Is the injury better? Well, I was negligent, here you are."

Don Enton paused, then turned around and threw another box: "Keep it for yourself, now follow me to the palace."

Gunther opened the box, and almost fainted.

Inside the box was the blood of ten goddesses.

Looking at Tang's attitude, and thinking of Klein's attitude just now, Gunther carefully put away the blood of the goddess and clenched his fists.

He's already made the decision-be sure to hold this golden thigh firmly anyway!

"Well, you're fighting fiercely."

Tang En gazed at the mess below, and sighed again and again: "Even I was so surprised, Klein might not even have thought of this day."

"This is his fault."

Gunther said in a deep voice: "In the beginning, for his throne, even his wife and children could kill him hard. What else could he not do? People have long hoped for him."

"Oh? Anything like this?"

Gunther talked to Queen Down about Queen Elisha and Prince Henrietta, and Down knew that Klein had such a dark history.

Gunther finally said, "So he's not wrong."

Tang En nodded in disapproval, he would not tell the truth behind it.

"Apart from Klein in the palace, who else can decide?"

"The queen is now the daughter of the Duke of Morrison Carton, Shanelie Carton Solant. After Klein's death, she will inherit the queen."

Tang En heard the words and was very surprised: "Isn't it that a concubine was pregnant? Klein didn't even have a child?"

"After the death of Queen Eliza and Prince Henrietta, the pregnant concubine soon died unexpectedly."

Guntherton paused and whispered again: "There is a rumor in the aristocracy that the Duke of Caton secretly hacked to support his daughter, but there has been no evidence, and the Duke of Carton has won the trust of Klein, so some people are worried This is probably what Klein meant, and he didn't dare to delve ... "

If it was Duke Caton, it would be okay to say, but if it was Klein's will, then it would be terrifying to think carefully ...

"It's really dark enough."

Tang En smirked and strode into the palace. At this moment, there was a mess in the palace. Those guards fled and died. Who cares to stop him?

Tang En came all the way to the Throne Hall, and anchored a space coordinate here, and said, "Wait for me here."

After that, Tang En teleported back to Yalinks.

"I am back."

At this time, the Marquis of Topney had just picked up the tea cup and did not take two sips. He almost burst into tears when he heard the words: "So fast !?"

He hasn't finished a cup of tea yet!

"What's it like ... Klein !?"

Alleria was very surprised when she saw the head in Tang's hand: "Why are you so simple this time?"

Tang En shrugged: "I found an accident. In order to prevent being overturned by the Son of Heaven, I killed him ahead of time."

Alleria immediately entered the state, with a serious expression: "What's the situation in the city of Anthem?"

"It's not bad. Because of the coercion of the people, people were terrified and did not dare to make trouble. The three rebellious lords died, and one of them was a traitor with a knife behind his back and was killed.

The news suddenly made Aurelia and Marquis Topney dumbfounded.

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