Things from Another World

Chapter 1035: Aurelia is bad at school?

In the throne, Aurelia stared at Tang En with stunned eyes.

"All three lords are dead?"

Aurelia stayed for a while, but soon she smiled openly: "Everyone is dead, it will be more convenient for us to take over next, and directly parachute a group of people to take over the territory."


Tang En bounced on her head: "You have so many people available? The credible people have passed, how is Illus working? And the airborne personnel are also easy to be overhead, it is more cost-effective to buy them directly . "

Alleria clutched her head, and looked anxiously at Tang En: "What do you mean?"

Tang En grinned: "Ignore that traitor, promote the rebellious lords to the successful ministers, give their families the title of heroic relatives, and treat them as heroes. So, don't you turn them into your own? Slowly lift them up again. "

Alleria stunned, "Can this work?"

"Why not?"

Tang En asked her: "Few people know about Regragus's betrayal. At that time, we will take this matter to a certain degree. Even if someone comes out to tell the truth, no one will believe it."

"This plan is shameless, but ... maybe it works."

Aurelia took a closer look and found that this plan was really the most time-saving and effort-saving.

The Western Territory, the Glory Valley, and the Lightning Wilderness have been run by their three families for more than a century. The forces have long been ingrained. It is certainly not so easy to want airborne people to take over in the past. Maybe they will also stir up their resistance. , Once again caused war.

But as soon as this plan was launched, things were different.

As the regent of the Illus Empire, he recaptured the three warlords as heroes of the uprising after regaining the Soland Kingdom, which gave them an account of the family and also calmed their emotions. So that they can continue to enjoy a superior living environment.

The management of each city in those three territories must be controlled by those three families. After Tang En stepped out to characterize the incident, they could only accept the return to Illuth even if they were reluctant. embrace.

When that time comes, it's entirely possible to slowly adjust the personnel, move their own family members away from their original position, weaken their family's cohesion a little bit, divide them, and finally regain control of their territory.

In short, this is a trick that is not a trick. What makes Aurelia speechless is that even if the three families are unwilling to resist, they cannot resist, and they can only silently accept Tang En's " kindness".

Alleria suddenly felt as if Tang En could always think of some unexpected ideas in this kind of thing.

What kind of world is the world he stayed in ...

"Stop talking nonsense, now, Marquis Topney, Ollie, bring some necessary staff, and go with me to the City of Sacred Songs."

Tang En waved his hand and said, "Now the Anthem City Palace requires us to take over as soon as possible. Once we control the Anthem City, Solant will be stable."

"Okay, I'll tell them now, and it will be fine soon."

Alleria summoned the men to call the ministers, but the effort of a cup of tea, the necessary personnel had already gathered in the throne room.

"Let's go, Gunther is waiting over there."

Tang En opened a portal, and Aurelia walked into the portal first. Others rushed in.

After a twist, Alleria and others came to the throne of the city of Sacred Songs, and the first thing they saw was a look of lonely Gunther.

"You are Gunther?"

Alleria looked at a wonderful young woman next to him: "This is ... Queen Shannelly?"

Gunther nodded: "When the host just left, I saw her appear and controlled her."

"You, who are you?"

Queen Shanelie was startled and afraid: "Where is Klein? Where is he?"

Gunther said lightly, "I told you, Klein is dead."


Queen Shanelie still refused to believe Gunther's words.

"what happened?"

Tang En with his head in his head came out of the portal.

When she saw the skull in Tang En's hand, Shanelie's eyes were black and she fainted.

"She is Queen Shannelly?"

Gunther nodded.

"Oli, put her aside first, she still works."

"I know."

"Then take someone to take control of the palace, Gunther, stay with them to prevent anyone from resisting, but don't kill anyone."


"Oli, grab a guard and ask where Klein's study is, you might find some useful information."

"I don't need to say more, I know what to do!"

Aurelia glanced at him, and then began to arrange the staff to work in an orderly manner. When the high-rise of Sorant was completely unaware, the palace of Sorant was controlled by the people of Illus.

Gunther's efficiency was extremely fast. All the guards in the royal palace were put down by him. The Ministers of the Illus Empire were in a state of no one. All important official documents and certificate letters were collected by them. The situation in the Kingdom of Solent was explored.

And Aurelia's ability inherited from Selna's ability was also used again. After finding Klein's study, she actually found another secret room and put Klein's The treasure house was opened, and many precious treasures were found.

Tang En had no interest in those treasures, and gave it to Aurelia with a big wave of his hands.

He now cares more about the specific situation of the Kingdom of Sorante, including the total population, population distribution, urban conditions, agricultural conditions, economic conditions, and so on. These intelligences are directly related to the subsequent reconstruction plan after the recovery of Sorante.

This large country needs a complete and clear plan to maximize the value here.

"The information you want can't be sorted out for a while and a half. It takes at least a month. After all, it has been independent for more than a hundred years, and the information is too huge."

"Come on, get to know the situation here earlier, and we can start early."

At the moment, Tang En was full of expectations. The Kingdom of Solant had fertile land, a comfortable climate, good agricultural conditions and a larger population, which meant that they had a blank virgin land.

And a larger population means more labor, stronger creativity, and broader market prospects.

Every huge social infrastructure will be accompanied by the rapid development of the economy, the huge increase in people's income, the higher the income, the stronger the cohesion and honor, which is also good for Tang En's next plan.

"Our side is in a hurry, but your side needs to start."

Alleria urged Tang En: "Now that Klein is dead and Queen Shannelly is in our hands, you must announce the news to the city of Anthem, or all cities in the Kingdom of Sorant as soon as possible. Maybe you need Help under the Pope's crown. "

Now, apart from the Holy See, there really isn't any force that can do a national live broadcast at the same time.

Even if it was Down, there was no ability to spread the Datang Daily and radio stations to all cities in the Kingdom of Solant.

Tang En considered for a moment, nodded, threw Klein's head on the throne, and turned to look for Pope Jessolini XXIII.

Queen Shanelie just woke up and turned around. She turned her head and saw Klein's **** head. She rolled her eyes and passed out.

"This unlucky boy ..."

Aurelia shook her head and simply ignored her.

Gunther strode over, still holding a man in his hand: "His Royal Highness Princess."

"what's up?"

"This is the Duke of Morrison Carton and the father of Queen Shanelly. He had approached the palace with a personal soldier just now. The intention is unknown."

"Let him down."

Alleria looked at Morrison Caton with interest, and asked Topney next to him, "He is the Duke Caton who keeps you on the stumbling block?"

Topney gritted his teeth and said, "Yes! I almost killed him several times!"


Morrison exclaimed, "You have turned to the Illus Empire!"

"Stop! You idiot!"

Topney cursed: "I've been the Illus Empire from the beginning!"

Pointing at the skull on the throne, Topney spit: "The Sorantes are sinners! They split the great Empire of Illus! The great Yebilny will punish him!"

"Your Majesty Klein! How is this possible !?"

Morrison was so frightened that Klein was dead! ?

"Why is it impossible?"

Topney hurriedly walked up, knocked Morrison to the ground, and laughed: "His great Down, shot it himself, and killed him. Now, the Kingdom of Solant-no, it should Said that the province of Sorante will return to the embrace of the Illus Empire! The **** of light is on top-our Hogman family hasn't known how long we have waited for this day! ''

Topney wept for joy, but Morrison Caton flinched, completely gone from the breeze of the past, and even dared not speak against Topney.

Klein was dead, and his personal soldiers were also annihilated by Gunther in the rebellion just now. Without any support, how could he dare to speak out again?

Although his daughter Shanelie is still the queen of Solant, I am afraid that this queen will not be long.

Not surprisingly, Shanelie will soon be forced by that Down to publicly announce that the Solant Kingdom will return to Illus.

When Solant becomes a province again, is the queen still the queen?

Unless, Shanelly can marry Down.

But this is impossible ...

No king would be willing to marry someone else's woman unless it was for the throne's inheritance-but being a plaything is another matter.

Topney looked at Morrison, gritted his teeth and asked, "Her Royal Highness, can I kill him?"


Topney stopped, but said nothing, stood beside him honestly.

Of course, Aurelia knew that he should appease Topney Hogman's emotions. After all, they endured the burden of humiliation in the Kingdom of Solant and contributed to the Illus Empire.

But this does not become the capital that he can wanton.

Of course, appeasement is to appease, but it depends on the situation and methods.

Alleria walked to Morrison, looked down at the once duke, the duke who was so high, and grinned, saying a word that made him frightened.

"Master Duke, I don't know how much you think your life is worth?"

Morrison felt as if he saw a demon's smile!

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