Things from Another World

Chapter 1036: The art of emperor?

Yarinks, Cathedral of Light.

"... So, you've killed Klein?"

Pope Jessolini XXIII was aggressive and looked at Tang En without knowing what to say.

Even if it is known that with Down's strength, it is sooner or later that Illus will recapture Solantra, but this news is too sudden, right?

Silently killed the King of Solant? And also intending to recover Sorente?

"You think too simple, right?"

The Pope couldn't help but say: "Even if Klein was killed, Solant and other lords and nobles, their local forces are deeply rooted and inextricably linked. Just killing Klein cannot be a decisive factor at all, and it cannot be smooth Take back Sorant. "

"Oh, I forgot to say that the three lords of Soland Westland, Glory Valley, and Lightning Wilderness held a group to force Soland, and all died."

Tang En shrugged and said, "So now there are no more people who are capable of winning the King of Solant. In addition, we have left Queen Chanelly, and now she is the sole legal heir of Sorant. Power, as long as she let her publicly announce the return of Solent to the Illus Empire, we have established a foothold in the righteousness, and even if there are rebels, we can use the righteousness to suppress them. "

The Pope was stunned by this trick of salary drawdown from the bottom of the tank. This is to stand on the commanding height and crush the will of others!

I have to say that I have to say that the Pope likes this straightforward approach by Tang En.

At the very least, killing Klein alone will recapture Solant and make the Illus Empire strong again, reducing a lot of unnecessary casualties.

After taking back the territory of the Kingdom of Solant, even the principalities that are sandwiched between them can also return home. The Illus Empire will rise again and become the largest country in Plantar. Not only the royal family can get great benefits, Even the Holy See could benefit tremendously.

In addition, the average income of the nationals of the Kingdom of Sorante can be much higher than the per capita income of the previous Illus Empire (before Tang En's succession). Sorant returned to the Diocese of the Holy See, and those devout worshippers contributed to the Holy See. The funds are a lot of income, and the Bright Holy See, which has been hard-pressed, can breathe a sigh of relief and live a more generous life.

"Okay, then I'll go with you."

The Pope no longer hesitated, stood up sharply and planned to go with Tang En.

"I'll go as well."

The maiden Illuli also stood up: "In this situation of great changes, I, as the Holy Lady of the Holy See, should be present, and people will be more calm when they see me."

"That's best."

Tang En casually opened the portal: "Please."

After the Pope and Elully entered the portal, Tang En followed.

As soon as he stepped out of the portal, Tang En saw a desperate face of Morrison kneeling on the ground, tears rushing, and his mouth whispered, "It's over, it's over."

"Who is this guy?"

Tang En glanced at him: "What happened to him?"

Alleria smiled slightly: "He is the prince of Morrison Carton, the father of Queen Shanelly, and Klein's confidant. The ancestors of the Caton family gave up the opportunity to become lords, and have been served for generations It is around the royal family, so it is very favored by the royal family of Sorante. The power in Sorante can be on an equal footing with the three lords. "

"Oh ... why is he crying so sad?"

Down was a little surprised: "How about mourning for Klein?"

Not many loyalists are like him!

"He's not so faithful."

"He is distressed by his wealth," Topney said gleefully.

"How to say?"

Alleria smiled softly and asked casually: "I asked him how much he thought his life was worth."


Tang En stared at Aurelia with a speechless expression, and the princess also failed to learn by herself ... Ah! What does it mean to follow herself, she is always bad.

"Morrison originally planned to pay half of his property to buy him and his family's life. As a result, Topney was willing to give 10% more to his life, so Morrison directly donated all the property to us."

Aurelia smiled very happily. Relying on the tricks learned from Tang En, she easily and easily harvested a huge sum for the royal family. Couldn't she be happy?

With the division and rise of the Solante family, the Caton family has accumulated an enormous amount of wealth, which may not be comparable to the wealth of the Solante royal family, but it is definitely not much worse. The land, manor, farm, The total assets of the mines and the shops, goods, slaves, servants, etc. of the mines, etc., must be tens of billions of gold, which is definitely a jealous wealth.

But now, Morrison has to take out all his life-because Topney is waiting beside him to bid with him, the price he gives is low, and Topney will definitely pay without hesitation His life.

Although the wealth of the Marquis of Topney Hogman is not as good as that of Morrison Carton's family, it is easy to buy half of his life for safety, just in case, at least to keep himself This life, Morrison had no choice.

"There is no need to do so absolutely. Leave him a share of dividends and let him continue to manage those industries."

Tang En waved his hand and said, "Of course, now it is our management of our property."

Now he and Aurelia do not have enough people to take over those assets, saying that they donated it. If no one has managed it in the past, it is actually just idle. Rather than give Morrison a little sweetness and hope, Let him continue to die for himself.

Morrison Carton was able to sit in the position of the Duke, and also became Klein's confidant. He must have his own skills, and this man could still be used.

Of course, Topney Hogman who bears humiliation for Illus also needs a reward.

"Morrison Carton, I announced in the name of the Regus of the Illus Empire that from now on, you will be deprived of your Duke's identity, degraded to Earl, and punished for serving me for life, managing all existing Carton families Assets, and at the same time you can enjoy half of the right to share dividends, the higher the income you create, the more dividends you can get, and at the same time depending on the funds you submit each year to determine the subsequent punishment of the Caton family, you can willing?"

"Yes! I do! I am very willing to work for you! Her Majesty Tang En!"

When Morrison Carton suddenly heard the decision made by Tang En, he was overjoyed. He thought he was dead. Even if he didn't die, I'm afraid he could only spend his wife and children in a remote village in the second half of his life. For the rest of my life, I may even endure the torture of hunger and cold, but I did not expect that Tang En would make such a decision!

The so-called desperate situation is probably about Morrison's feeling at this moment.

Toppney saw Morrison's end like this, of course, a little unhappy, years of hostile career makes him anxious to kill Morrison now.

Down en glanced at him, Topney immediately bowed his head respectfully: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that I would not do anything to him without your will."

"You are very smart."

Downe nodded and said: "Marquis Topney Hogman, you and your family contributed a lot to the Illus Empire, so I grant you the Duke title as the regent of Illus Empire, and at the same time Granting you the title of Lord of the City of Anthem, would you be willing? "

Topney Hogman was ecstatic, kneeling directly on one knee, and solemnly said: "Cleric-willing to give everything to His Majesty!"

"Everything is unnecessary."

Tang En waved his hand: "I'm willing to follow me, I won't treat my own people, but if I eat, I can't spare the traitor."

"Also, if there is anything wrong with Topney in weekdays, Morrison, you can also report it to me or Princess Aurelia, you know?"

In the ecstasy, Toppney was shocked, and saw Morrison overjoyed, and immediately nodded: "I know!"

The Pope, Illuli and Aurelia laughed absurdly. Tang En has been in the throne for more than half a year, but he hasn't had the shadow of a king in his manners. He looks very aggressive and obviously is so solemn. When he talked, Looks like it's a gang ...

Down looked at Topney and said, "I know you're not happy. I asked Morrison to oversee you, but supervision is essential."

Topney hurriedly bowed his loyalty: "Don't dare, the minister will work hard to serve his Majesty."

Tang En said meaningfully: "As for the hatred between you and Morrison, I hope you can let go, not only Morrison can supervise you, the Caton family will give you supervision in the future, and watch Morrison In future performances, if he does not fight for himself, I think your chance of revenge will not be too far away. "

Morrison had a cold heart, knowing that Tang En was warning him. Suddenly in his heart, he thought that he had some power, but did not expect to check and balance each other ...

"The minister understands."

In a word, Tang En made Topney understand his intentions. This was to use him as a whip, and he was staring behind him. Even if Tang En didn't care, Morrison didn't dare to slack off. Efforts may even have to bear the burden and ran over to please him, begging him to help him say something nice.

The thought of the enemies of the past was about to cry and lie on their knees before themselves, asking for help, and Topney was very happy.

He suddenly understood one thing. Sometimes, the best way to deal with the enemy is not to kill him, but to trample him under his feet and make him never look up in front of himself!

Topney's five-body investment admired by Tang En ’s methods. His Majesty Tang En ’s this is a truly clever method. It ’s just a few simple words. Not only has he recaptured an available talent, he has obtained huge asset returns for free. They bought the loyalty of the two, and they also supervised each other.

And what about himself? It's just a few words!

All interests are balanced, each other checks and balances, and they supervise each other. This is the art of emperor!

The art of emperor?

If Tang En was to know what he was thinking, he would definitely scoff. If such tricks were regarded as emperor's art, then the Chinese emperors of all ages would have raised the coffin boards with anger.

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