Things from Another World

Chapter 1039: Insidious under the surface of kindness

Sure enough, tax cuts ...

Aurelia was too lazy to confuse her, and like Fiona, she felt quite powerless to use tax cuts to buy people's hearts.

What makes people speechless is that under his massive tax reduction policy, the income of the state treasury and the people's income began to rise sharply, and the level of people's support for him also increased. He began to worship him. If Tang En had publicly declared that he would not engage in personal worship many times, he would now have been hung up in thousands of households.

Perhaps this is the huge boost that MoNeng Technology brings to productivity.

"At the same time, I announce that Marquis Topney Hogman will be promoted to the Duke from now on. He will temporarily assume the post of Lord of the City of Anthem, and will be responsible for all matters related to the City of Anthem."

Marquis Hogman?

Some people have suspicions in their hearts, why not others? Why is it Hogman?

Some insiders are smiling at this moment.

Marquis Hogman, no, it should be called Duke Hogman now, and their family played a fierce chess.

Who was willing to stand on the side of the Illus Empire when the Solant family was the largest?

Only the Hogmans.

Now that the Empire of Illus has risen, it is time for the Hogman family who has endured a century of endurance to harvest the sweet fruits. From the marquis to the duke, they have also become the lord of the city of Sacred Songs. Everyone knows that as long as he doesn't mess around, and faithfully work for Tang En, in the end, it's just a matter of nails.

Where is Anthem City? Kings before the Kingdom of Solent! Kambia Links, a megacity with a population of nearly two million! !!

Do you leave such an important city to be managed by someone alone? Topney's ability to serve as the lord of the city of chants is proof of Her Majesty's trust in the Hogman family! This is also the return of the Illus Empire to their family for years of torture in Solant.

Perhaps it's time to consider re-contacting the Hogman family ...

It's just that ... The Hogman family has risen, and Duke Morrison Caton's life may be difficult ...

"The Duke of Morrison Cardon was degraded to Count and all properties were confiscated. At the same time, Earl Morrison Cardon was designated as the acting executive officer, responsible for the management of the industries in his original name. The Duke of Manchester has jurisdiction over the city of Anthem. "

Morrison was degraded to count! ? All property has been confiscated! ? Also assist Duke Topney Hogman! ?

Some people who were thinking carefully heard a cold, and then they realized that Her Majesty Tang En's face was not a good stubble!

None of these three things is to poke the wound on Morrison's most vulnerable place. The high-ranking Duke is degraded to Earl. Although he is still aristocracy, his status is much worse than before. Come and ride on his head!

Not to mention that all property has been confiscated!

Property is the lifeblood of nobles! Without money, how can you maintain a decent life for the nobility! ?

This is simply the death of Morrison!

However, the most speechless of others is the third, let Morrison go to assist Topo.

Everyone knows that Morrison and Topney are deadly opponents. I have tried to encourage Klein to kill Topney on several occasions. Now, Topney has turned over and rode on his head. His life can be imagined as follows. What did it look like.

All tricks are tricks, specializing in people's weaknesses!

His Majesty Tang En is not as talkative as he looks!

Of course, Tang En is not such a good talker. In fact, he is a careful eye that must be reported.

However, he usually hides this very well, and most of the time, for the sake of overall consideration, he will not directly kill the people who can use the waste, but will turn the other party into a life slavery, so that he will always His career worked hard until the last trace of value was drained.

kill? It's too easy. No one can do it without technical content. Tang En disdains to do so.

Can turn the enemy into labor, squeezing surplus value is the roar!

Even more frightening is that he can make the other party willing to do so.

It's like Morrison.

The situation was supposed to be dead because Alleria learned the means of Tang En, and she could only offer all her property with both hands willingly, just to save her life.

For the rest of his life, he will always live in the shadow of Down and Topney. He must not look up all his life, which is more painful than killing him directly.

Who wants to work for his enemies?

No one wants it.

So strictly speaking, this approach is much harsher than murder, and even more cruel than **** capitalists.

Now I'm afraid that only Aurelia and Fiona have clearly noticed the insidiousness of Tang En's goodness.

After a pause, Tang En continued to announce: "At present, the original post personnel do not make job changes for the time being, continue to work on the job, and at the same time, choose to train in batches, during which the salary is paid as usual, and after the training is passed, the job is rescheduled. At the same time, the salary doubled on the existing basis, and the salary was gradually increased depending on job performance until it was close to the current civil service standards of the Illus Empire. "

Post does not move? Paid training! ? After training, you can get a raise! ?

Even the government employees who were on Klein's side were smiling and began to praise Her Majesty Tang En.

No one is going to have trouble with money, not to mention, Klein is dead, the Solante family is about to fall apart, what is the point of continuing to insist on the so-called loyalty?

Look at Her Majesty Tang En now, look at the original Klein, the stark gap!

As soon as people came to power, they immediately cut taxes and raised wages to buy people's hearts. Although they talked a little bit, they couldn't stop them from being sincere!

What's more, people actually like such direct and frank conversations. The way the aristocrats talked around was really strenuous. From this perspective, Her Majesty Tang En is really too earthy!

Follow him, sure!

"Of course, under my rule, the government does not support waste. I need everyone to serve the people wholeheartedly. Without training, I will consider arranging other competent jobs as appropriate. Lay off. "

This time, some people ca n’t laugh, this is specifically those **** who have inserted themselves through various relationship channels to eat.

Once this policy comes out, how can they still have room for activities? Haven't all been driven home yet?

Immediately some people started yelling, and even some people immediately started to take rhythm-but unfortunately, their rhythmic approach was too low-level, Tang En didn't pay attention to them at all, and then he had other arrangements, let Let's make it first, give them a chance they can't make it, now it's better to pop out, and then slowly pick them up later.

Now the big pie has been painted for those people in advance, but whether they will eat this pie separately and it will depend on how the big stick is waved.

The flattering of one does not necessarily get the best results. The big stick plus sweet dates is always the best combination. Next, what Tang En has to do is use his power to show these fools what is called violence. mechanism.

After Tang En finished speaking, let Aurelia stand at the front desk to speak. She represented the Orthodox Royal Orthodox, and published the Illus Royal Family's welcome to Solent's return and the future outlook. Tang En continued to draw big cakes.

Of course, the most important point is because Tang En has so many things that it is impossible to always stay in the palace to rule. Aurelia, who temporarily ruled him, will often appear before the public on his behalf, and now let her stand out. Also familiarize those with Aurelia in advance.

Aurelia is followed by Illuli, who not only represents the Holy See, but also the people of the Illus Empire. As she speaks, she uses the power of artifacts to perform divine magic to lower the people of the city of Anthem. With the blessing, the most important significance of her appearance is to soothe the emotions of those people, and also to support Tang En on behalf of the Holy See.

Even the benevolent light maiden is on Tang's side. Doesn't it prove that Klein is not supported by the Holy See?

Only the monarch recognized by God is the real monarch!

Of course, this is not to say that the monarchy is ordained. I said before that in Prendall, because of the true god, the monarchy and the divine power are independent from each other. But kingship also needs divine power to secure its foundation, so they are interdependent.

"The smile under the maiden's crown cured me ah ah ah!"

"Damn! As soon as I thought of the Queen, and I didn't know which lucky man to marry, I wished to kill that guy!"

"The maiden's crown, the maiden's crown ..."

Didn't I know that she had just appeared and had attracted the admiration of countless people. After simply saying a few words to soothe the emotions of those people, she simply let the popularity spread to the pope's east wind before the people of the world. Showing face, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Standing in front of the light projected by the oracle, Topney was shaking with excitement. He was nervous and didn't even know what to say.

"Fuck! Who is this? Get out of here! I still have to see the maiden's crown!"

"Don't go under the crown of the maiden! I will see you one more time !!!"

"Just said that he is Topney? Lord of the City of Anthem? Damn it! I will never step into the City of Anthem anymore in my life!"

"Return to my maiden!"

Alleria stared out of the window with a puzzled look: "The crowd outside seemed to be intense, what's going on?"

Tang En shrugged: "The gentle and beautiful maiden left, and the sky became an uncle's face. Whose mood would be better?"


Tang En was right, Her Royal Highness was dumb.

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