Things from Another World

Chapter 1040: Alleria really failed to learn!

It can be said that Topny's speech this time was very unsuccessful, partly because of the contrast of the Virgin, and partly because he had never experienced such a speech before.

It is necessary to speak to people from almost the entire world. Once you say something wrong or become ugly, you will be remembered by people all over the world. How many people can afford that pressure?

At least he couldn't.

"Um, big, hello everyone, me, I'm Topney Hogman, with the gift of Your Majesty, and now serves as the Lord of the City of Anthem. I hope to make this city even more Prosperous and strong, catch up with Alinks as soon as possible ... "

However, during the speech time of a cup of tea, Topney exhausted all his energy. After the pope removed the divine magic, he was exhausted with sweat.

Although I was grateful for the opportunity that Tang En gave him, in fact, Topney felt that letting him stand on such occasions and speak to the world was too high on him.

Perhaps this is the difference between Tang En can be the ruler, and he can only be the minister.

The public declaration came to an end, and the next thing to be dealt with was a series of chores brought about by the death of Klein and the return of Sorant to the Illus Empire-the need for a separated and independent country to return to the motherland. Dealing with things can go far beyond simple.

It involves the redistribution of various interests, the re-arrangement of various personnel, and even how to deal with the part of the people whose powers overlap with each other, and how to govern this area, etc., which is very, very complicated-luckily However, in this world, these problems are far easier to solve than on earth. The position of the Holy See can give Tang En the greatest advantage. The people may hate a certain king, but they will definitely not hate the **** they believe in.

With the support of the Holy See, Tang En has the key to solving a series of problems.

"All right."

Tang En clapped his hands, attracting the attention of everyone present: "We have a lot of things to do next, and we don't have time to pause. I think that Count Morrison must be happy to show his sincerity now?"

Morrison is certainly eager to show his value: "I'm willing to work for you! My Majesty!"

Tang En looked at Morrison, the expression on his face was smooth, and he could not see a trace of emotional fluctuations, which made Morrison tremble in his heart: "Activate your contacts and share the information of those who are not honest in the city of Anthem. Collect and hand it over, the most important thing is to stabilize the situation of the city of chants, to prevent the spread of chaos. If you encounter a guy who can't solve the stubbornness ... just give it to Topney, and then my ghost special union will go Solve those guys. "

Ghost Agent!

News of this mysterious organization had been circulating in the city of Anthem a while back, and Morrison had heard of it, but he never knew who the ghost agent was working for, and now he understood.

It turned out that the city of chants has long been infiltrated by Tang En!

Perhaps the news that was not good for Klein was also secretly spread by Tang En ...

The thought of this made Morrison startled with a cold sweat—you know, they spent a lot of energy to check the source of those rumors, but they still could n’t find the source, but imagine how powerful the ghost agent is. .

"I see it!"

Then Tang En said to Gunther again, "Gunther, now you immediately go outside the city of Anthem, and inform the three armies outside the city, let them rest in place, wait for Aurelia to send people to count the coalition information, and then supply them with supplies After returning to the territory in the same way, waiting for a notice from the superior to reorganize. "

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Gunther was led, and it was easy to use his strength to deter the three armies.

Tang En smiled and said to Aurelia: "Then, my highness princess, then, it's time for you to perform."

Alleria glared at him: "If you want to be lazy, just say it!"

"I don't want to be lazy."

Tang En looked very innocent: "I'm also very busy, okay? Recently, the supply of raw materials can't keep up with the demand for capacity. I'm trying to solve it."

"Anything like this?"

Aurelia stunned and asked in surprise: "Are there many mines in our hands now?"

"Not a lot, but a lot!"

Tang En corrected her statement: "Illus Empire, Rennes Empire, even the mines of the Kingdom of Solent are now included, but you must not forget that although there are many mines, the most important thing is The ability to mine ... "

At present, most mines in the Rennes Empire have not yet been mined. The huge hematite in the Luin Plain has already begun to produce a large amount of hematite after simple processing. It can be used soon after refining. It is because of this hematite that it has made up for the previously tight supply of raw materials.

But now, the industrial capacity has further increased, and the hematite in the Green Plain has not kept up with the demand. Now they need more various ore.

Most of the mines that are already being mined have not yet achieved industrial transformation. They still rely on slaves and miners to dig with an iron pick, and then rely on manpower to carry them out. The mining efficiency is too slow to maximize production capacity.

In addition to this, not only the ore, but also the production capacity of gray thistle and silver thread in the process of refining universal alloys is now stretched.

The plantation here in Ellington relies on the power of Grantia, which can regularly harvest a large number of crops. In addition, there are a large number of farmers who plant these two cash crops under the arrangement of Down, so it can barely meet the demand, but in order to further To expand production capacity, they had to purchase a lot of gray thistle and silver clematis from the markets of other cities, and now the prices of these two herbs have more than doubled. Some simple healing potions using these two herbs have also All followed the price increase.

Tang En briefly told Aurelia about his next plans. He now plans to let Aurelia further support the planting industry-although without the power of the Druid, they now have a more convenient plant growth catalyst. what!

Dilute this stuff and sell it to those farmers. Not only can it increase income, but it can also promote agricultural development, speed up the crop growth cycle, and greatly increase the output of grain and various important cash crops.

However, the most critical problem is that agricultural planting has technical content, and ca n’t use dog heads and lizards to replace labor, and now a large number of agricultural magic energy machines have been popularized, which can completely realize the farm system, and a farmer can achieve the previous The production capacity of ten or hundreds of people, and the great impetus of Magic Energy Machinery on agriculture are shown here.

As long as there is policy support, those farmers will be happy to grow these cash crops to increase their income.

On the other side, the mine is different. Mining is heavy physical labor, and anyone who is a bit ideal will not be willing to be a miner. Even if there are various convenient magic energy machines, there is no way-and at this time, with simple intelligence After training, the dog people and lizard people will become the most perfect mining labor force. Even if they don't use those magic machines, their own ability to punch holes is very strong, and the mining efficiency is very high.

In the future, miners and lizardmen will be used as the main mining force in the mines. Those workers only need to use the mine cart to transport the ore out of the mine at regular intervals. The manual labor has been greatly reduced, and the mining efficiency has been greatly improved.

So, getting things done for the Kobold and Lizardman miners is imminent, and Tang En has to stare at it.

"I see. I hope the Kobolds and Lizards can really play your role."

Aurelia is actually not optimistic about Tang En's whimsical. The Kobolds and Lizardmen have long been proved to be basically disorderly and chaotic creatures. Unless they are threatened by their lives, they can never work honestly.

But they can't send people to stare at the dog people and lizards all the time. Once these guys got into the mine, they would run away in a blink of an eye, and they wouldn't find anything—the underground world is their hometown.

"Rest assured, since I have done this, I must have my own confidence."

Tang En is very confident that even the unwise wild animals on the earth can be tamed, but the dogheads and lizards ca n’t be tamed without reason. They are a little wise.

After discussing with Alleria, Tang En planned to leave. At this time, Alleria stopped him: "Wait a minute."

Tang En looked puzzled: "What else?"

"What did she do?"

Aurelia pointed to Shanelie who was sitting beside her, her face full of playfulness.

Shanelie was chosen by Klein as the queen, of course, she has proven her superior condition. She is white and beautiful, and is a standard beauty wife template. Anyone who likes beautiful women will not let go of this. Delicious big white sheep.

Tang En's face was inexplicable: "Ask me?"

Alleria said with a smile: "Of course I asked you what?"



After asking again and again several times, Tang En suddenly woke up to what Aurelia was talking about. Suddenly, his face was dark and dark, and the flower of Kaolin now even learned badly, so dirty!

"What to do and how to arrange, let her go home if not, Morrison is not able to feed her now!"

Tang En said angrily: "By the way, she used to be a queen anyway? There should be many people who are willing to marry her. What do you care about?"

Aurelia spread her hands: "Of course I have to ask, in case you suddenly come to interest again after I arrange, shouldn't I follow the bad luck?"

"Am I that kind of person !?"

"Aren't you? His wife, Hitman Tang En?"

Tang En suddenly froze.

——Bryan, you roll over for me, I promise not to kill you!

Alleria waved her hand: "Okay, I'm joking with you, I will arrange her, you go."

Tang Enke didn't think she was joking with herself. The woman's words can only be trusted by 30%. Qicheng has to guess-and it takes luck to know if she will guess correctly.

"Then I'm really gone?"

"Do you want to stay overnight without leaving?"

Tang En disappeared in a blink of an eye-he decided to find Brian again, because he found that the frivolous title had spread beyond his imagination.

——Obviously he never did that kind of thing! ?

-The only Queen Olina who was married for the sake of the bigger picture!

——Why did you become a wife killer of Roush! ?

After Tang En left, Aurelia looked at Shanelie with a smile.

This can scare Shanelie enough. Although she was a queen before, her aura is far less than Aurelia.

Klein is used to taking over power, Shanelie is more like a mascot, but Aurelia is different. Tang En has been empowering her for more than half a year. This once female princess princess has now cultivated a good The queen's temperament is just where to stop, and that kind of looking at people's eyes has made Sanaley intolerable.

What does she want to do with me?

kill me?

Or send me to that place?

As soon as she thought of the tragic future that she might encounter, Shanelie came from her heart in tears.

"Well, it looks really good, and it's okay ... Although the body has been ruined by Klein, it's not too bad to have a child ..."

Aurelia narrowed her eyes and looked at Shanelie. The same kind of eyes that looked at goods made Shanelie even more afraid.


Alleria clapped her hand: "There is still a servant next to her mother, and it is decided that it is you, Shanelie, to go with Lilian."

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