Things from Another World

Chapter 1041: Tangled sister-in-law king

With Solanat's queen Shanelly being secretly sent to the Palace of Alynx as a maid for Queen Olina, the news that Solant was recaptured by the Illus Empire also completely blew up in Prandall .

Since the end of the Second Chaos Invasion War, the Illus Empire weakened, and Solant, Grace, and Ronitan have split and separated, each country has compromised with each other in constant friction, maintaining a delicate Of balance.

Now, this balance is finally broken.

Solantra returned to the Illus Empire, allowing the area of ​​the Illus Empire to be more than doubled directly. After absorbing the economic, demographic, and military strength of Solant, he immediately returned to the largest country in Prhandal. Not refers to a certain aspect, but refers to the comprehensive strength of various aspects.

Even the economy of the Roninante Kingdom and the military of the Kingdom of Grace could not compete with the current Illus Empire. The Illus Empire deservedly became the boss and regained the status of the elder brother.

I am afraid this will be the biggest news of the year, and it will certainly be recorded in the annals of history.

Now, the most uncomfortable is probably Stanley in the Kingdom of Grace and Oscar in the Kingdom of Ronitante.

what? Olena is the queen, so Oscar won't be upset? Would you like to apply to join the Illus Empire?

Give me a break……

You were originally a king. Now you may suddenly be relegated to the lord. Even the lord cannot be regarded as a lord. You may only be a city lord. Would you like it for you?

Oscar is unhappy anyway.

Even if Olena is the queen, it is absolutely impossible for Oscar's dead sister to take the initiative to return to the Illus Empire. This has nothing to do with family, but to the human instinct.

Of course, if you make good use of this instinctive instinct, you can still make Oscar return to the Empire of Illus honestly ...

"Let's all talk about your views."

At the Palace of Nanila, Oscar sat constipated on the throne, and beside him, the expression of Queen Hikarin was also very tangled.

When I came to Nanila last time, Tang En didn't see Queen Hikarin. If Tang En was present at the moment, it was estimated that the sister Tucao could not help but be rescued.

Because this Hikarin queen is similar to Olena ...

The Oscar guy must have chosen her as the queen because of this.

"Now that Sorant has returned to the Illus Empire, the Illus Empire is no longer what it used to be, and everyone has seen it. Now the Holy See has completely stood by the Illus royal family. They placed With a clear attitude, there is not much room left for us to operate. "

Oscar played with a glittering crystal ball to stabilize his emotions, looking down at the ministers below, hoping that they could come up with suggestions for something good.

The hardest part to solve now is how to deal with the relationship between Ronitante and Illus.

Oscar and Queen Olina are brothers and sisters. If they are in power, it is not impossible for Ronitante to return to the Illus Empire, but it is now clear that Queen Olina is only a mascot and really controls Illu The Empire's guy is Donn ...

Yes, Princess Aurelia has always been in power, but everyone knows that the real person in that country is Tang En.

Without Tang En's technology, the Datang Chamber of Commerce could not develop at all.

Without the economic maintenance of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, that country would not have developed so fast.

Without the rapid economic stimulus, the Illus Empire had long since collapsed.

All of this is because of Tang En ...

There was a rattling sound, and the crystal ball in Oscar's hand exploded into powder.

His face was even worse when he thought that **** could do that to Orina every night.

Oscar took a deep breath and tried to calm down: "Let's just talk about what we should do next."

"Your Majesty, according to my humble opinion, all we need to do now is to maintain our current relationship with the Illus Empire."

A minister came out and said in a deep voice: "There is a relationship between Queen Olina, and then the regent King Down is afraid to deal with you in the same way as Klein, so you don't have to worry about your security."

Of course I am worried!

Oscar was black-faced. What kind of person was Tang En, I am the only one who knows these people!

Don't look at it on the surface, he is a freak who does not play cards according to common sense! If he doesn't follow his heart, the ghost knows when he will lift the table!

If that guy is whimpering, standing in front of him, pointing to his nose and asking himself to announce the return to the Illus Empire immediately-he did it-yes, Oscar has no doubt about the possibility of this situation .

The most frightening thing is that Olina has no power at all. After going through Victor's incident, she seems very indifferent to everything. According to the information received, she usually does not even How come forward.

She gave everything to Tang En, and Tang En gave it to Aurelia for the time being.

On the surface, it seems that Tang En deliberately delegated power to Aurelia. If Aurelia is in power, it seems to be good news for Oscar, but even more painful is that Aurelia has announced that she has renounced her right of inheritance, and has engraved on On the holy light monument ... this is an oath that cannot be violated!

Now, the economy of the Illus Empire has completely taken off, and agriculture, industry and commerce have surpassed Ronentante in a straight line. According to incomplete statistics, it is only the second half of this year. The net output value has achieved a breakthrough growth. The grain output has more than doubled from last year. What is more frightening is that the economic level has also fully surpassed Ronentante-although it has only surpassed the front line, but this is also the past 100 years. For the first time, the Urrus Empire has overtaken!

Next, if Ronetant can't make any breakthrough progress, this gap will grow wider and wider until it is far away from the Illus Empire!

Without economic power, Ronittant, who was already weak in military power, would be nothing! What else can they compete with?

At that time, I am afraid that even the headquarters of Star Diamond Bank will be moved from Nanila-don't doubt that the goblins who see the money can definitely do this kind of thing!

"It's impossible to keep the current attitude."

Oscar shook his head: "The Illus empire is no better now than it was before, and Down will definitely ask us to lower our attitude and even surrender."


Another minister whispered, "Are we going to consider direct court?"


Oscar yelled: "If I were directly in charge, what else would I ask you to talk about? I might as well declare the return to the Empire of Illus! Then I can continue to rule my Nanila, and your waste can go home Farming! "

As soon as they heard that they had a vital interest, the ministers began to use their brains.

"Your Majesty, I suggest that we expand our cooperation with the Illus Empire next."

"How to say?"

"In the past, although we had maintained commercial relations with the Illus Empire, Ronitante was just a tacit understanding. There was no legal trade contract to restrict the two sides, which also meant that the two sides' Trade is unprotected free trade. "

The minister paused and continued: "We can take the opportunity of Herce Olina to openly express our willingness to expand the scope of cooperation with the Illus Empire and to sign a formal trade contract with them. Your Majesty, this You should understand the meaning of the contract ... "

Oscar's eyes lighted up, it seemed like he could do it!

If the two sides do not have formal diplomatic relations, there is no reason to justify whatever happens, but if Ronnett and the Illus Empire sign a trade contract, it means that the Illus Empire recognizes Ronny in disguise. Tante's independence recognizes the legitimate diplomatic relations between the two parties, and the contract is also protected by oracles.

With this layer of relationship, if Tang En wants to do something to them in the future, he must think about the consequences.

"That's a good idea! Duke Domir, you go on!"

The Duke of Dormir regained his spirit and continued: "I think that the Empire of Illus has just eaten the Kingdom of Solant. It must take a lot of time to stabilize the situation in Solant. In a short time, I mean, For at least a few decades, I am afraid they have no time to deal with us. They definitely need a stable rear, so they will certainly be happy to accept this cooperation method. "

The more Oscar heard, the more he made sense. The territory of the Kingdom of Solant is larger than that of Ronitan, so a large territory suddenly returned, and a series of problems brought about need to be resolved. This is not one. What can be cleared in two years is that it must not take Tang En's decades of effort to solve Solant's problem.

If they can form a stable relationship with Ronitan during this period, it will also be of great help to the peaceful development of the Illus Empire, and they have no reason to reject this proposal.

"Moreover, this proposal can also test Her Majesty's attitude. If he rejects the proposal, I am afraid that it shows that he has the idea of ​​dealing with Ronantant next, and we need to consider the next approach carefully ... ... "

A group of ministers laughed bitterly, thinking? What else can be considered? The army of Illus was under pressure, and Her Majesty Tang En's strength was even more unfathomable. What did they use to fight? Use your face?

"The most important thing is," Duke Domir laughed bitterly. "We have now lost the big customer of Silver City, and we can't afford the consequences of losing the Illus market ..."

Everyone froze, and the corners of their eyes twitched.

Without the Silver City, Ronitan's economic vitality is declining at a rate that is visible to the naked eye. Everyone knows that their previous dependence on the Silver City was too strong. You can watch the gold coins you earn every day They are willing to numb themselves and continue to rely on the Silver City.

Now the crux has finally broken out.

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