Things from Another World

Chapter 1042: "Viciousness" trick

There are not many choices left for Roninante, or they have no choice now.

Because they don't even have allies—Illus crosses the continent and connects to the Ambris Mountains.

In the south of Illuth, there were only the Emerald Forest of the Elves, and a few duchys, and then Ronentante.

If Illus is going to take action, Ronitante will have no room for resistance at all, and even Illus will not need to take any action. As long as he blocks the transit of the tradesmen of Ronettant, it will be enough for Ronettant's economy to collapse. .

Losing the Silver City, Solant is now returning to the Illus Empire, and their only market is the Illus Empire.

what? Grace Kingdom? If it makes sense, if you are not a brave and adventurous businessman, you really do n’t dare to do business in Grace. Although the profits are huge, the risks are also huge. There are fierce customs, many robbers along the road, and World of Warcraft It is also quite fierce, and if you are not careful, you may lose your home.

They would rather choose to do business with the inhabitants of the Illus Empire if they could choose.

Eventually things settled down like this, Oscar immediately began preparing a magic letter to notify Olina, hoping to tell him about it through Olena.

When Olina found Tang En to tell him the news, Tang En's response was subtle.

"I thought he would react faster. I didn't expect it to take so long."

Olena was a little puzzled: "Why?"

"Mom! Are you stupid!"

Aurelia next to her face was speechless: "If you think about it, Roninante is isolated in the south, and Illus has been running between Roninante and the Kingdom of Solent. Previously, it was because of the city of silver. Sitting in Ronentante, he didn't worry that Illus would get stuck in his business, and he always made a lot of money. "

"Sorante is back now, and Silver City is gone. What's left of Ronentante? Only Goblin's Star Diamond Bank."

"But now that Illus is driven by Down, the economy is developing rapidly. Seeing that Ellington will soon pass Nanila and become the new economic center of Prandall. With the greedy character of goblins, they must be Will consider moving headquarters to Ellington. If things really develop like this, it will be a disaster for Ronent. "

"But I am greedy for the current power and don't want to return to the Illus Empire. What should I do?"

Alleria reminded Orina: "In this case, hostilities are impossible. Roninante has no resistance and wants to find allies without crossing Illus. They are now isolated. Now. "

Olena hesitated and said, "The trick to slow down?"

"No, to be precise, to quench thirst."

Aurelia spread her hand: "There is only one way in front of the uncle, and Ronnett must eventually return to the Illus Empire, but this time can be early or late, at least now when he is in office, He doesn't want to return, so all he can do is find a way to coexist. "

Tang En shook his head: "The so-called coexistence is impossible. I need a unified Plandal."

"You see, this is Tang En's attitude, and he is very clear. Since Tang En has already done this step, he certainly won't stop there, so if Roninante doesn't want to show his attitude, he is in danger.

Olina nodded: "So my brother sent a special letter to congratulate ..."

Aurelia smiled: "Dao He just knocked on the door. What he really meant was to apply for a formal trade relationship."

Tang En also laughed: "In the past, when the Illus Empire was weak, Roninant despised the Illus Empire, but for stable development, your father and king will marry you to Illu The coming of the Russ Empire and the deepening of each other through marriages are also seeking a peaceful business path for the merchants of the Kingdom of Ronitante. "

"But it's all a matter of convention, not explicit terms written."

"Once a formal contract is signed, it means that the Royal Family of Illus officially recognized Ronitan's legal and independent status, and it will become more difficult to find an excuse to regain that territory in the future."

Tang En and Aurelia fainted Olina one by one, she didn't expect that there were so many doorways in this simple letter.

"But why?"

Olina was a bit puzzled: "It was clear that Roninante was also the territory of the Illus Empire, and the Roninante family was only a lord before. Now if he returns, it is just the same as before. Why is he not willing? What about? "

"It's complicated ..."

Tang En shook his lips: "It can be explained from many aspects such as human nature, power, wealth, etc. It is estimated that you have not listened to it and did not understand it. In short, the power already in your hands wants to be surrendered, but not So easy. "

"What shall we do?"

Olina stopped talking, and then whispered, "Will I persuade my brother? Let the two nations reunify as peacefully as possible?"

"You are so ... cute."

Tang En laughed out loud: "Peaceful reunification is a good proposal, but how is the law of peaceful reunification? Is it Illus? Or Ronitan? Who will take over the king? Who is orthodox?"

"Isn't this taken for granted? It must be Illus—"

Olina couldn't go on half the talk, and she seemed to understand something.

"It seems you also understand that it is not so easy to make a man who has become a king become a courtier again."

Aurelia groaned for a moment and said, "Although I'm very sorry, but I suggest we better reject this proposal."

Tang En smiled and said, "Why reject it? Promise him."

Alleria stunned: "But promised him, in the future, we will become very passive, and there is no moral way to take the initiative to recover Ronitan ..."

"Relax, it's just a contract. It's important to say it's important, it's not important to say it's not important. As long as you use some skills, don't worry, let alone the so-called orthodoxy, of course, is based on the approval of the Holy See. On our side, we don't have to worry about justice. "

Tang En tapped on the table, his brain was moving quickly, he said slowly: "Not to mention, because of the two of you, the possibility of using force to recapture Ronente is not very great, and I am embarrassed to hit the big sister. It just so happened that his proposal gave me a hint that would allow us to push further those preparations we made earlier. "

Olina flushed, she did not expect that Tang En would even consider the thoughts of their mother and daughter. He was so intimate, but made Olina warm.

"You mean, as mentioned before, economic invasion?"

Aurelia raised her eyebrows. At the time, Tang En said about the economic invasion of Ronitan and Solent, but did not expect that they had not yet launched an offensive. Instead, Solant crashed directly because of Losermar. Even the means of economic invasion were not used. Instead, they were accidentally beaten by the Rennes Empire, and now they are becoming the puppet regime of the Datang Chamber of Commerce.

"Yes, for the countries that like to trade, the open economic environment is undoubtedly their favorite. I think he must be anxious now waiting for our reply."

Tang En smiled and said, "Let's send him a surprise gift package."

Alleria took out the paper money: "What are you going to do?"

"First of all, open several border cities and coastal cities in the south, especially several large cities such as Fira, Preston, Paganis, etc., and establish them as commercial ports, where ultra-low commercial tax policies are implemented. Even zero-tariff policies can be considered if necessary. "

"Zero, zero tariff !? Are you crazy !?"

Aurelia was stunned. If the commercial port is fully opened and the zero-tax policy is implemented, it can be imagined how great a storm it will be. Those businessmen will go crazy there, and the daily turnover will be horrible Amount, abandoning taxes will drain a lot of wealth!

Zero tax! It's heaven for businessmen! You can even be sure that the merchants will settle there!

and many more? Zero tariff? settle down?

Aurelia froze, feeling that she had faintly grasped some key factors.

"I only said that the tariffs were reduced or exempted, but I didn't say I would not charge anything else. Whatever the service charge, the value added tax, the personal income tax and the like are still charged as usual."

Tang En smiled and continued: "And based on the principle of mutual equality, we are exempt from customs duties, and Ronitante must also implement duty-free policies for our goods ..."

"Our products are duty-free ... hiss!"

Aurelia drew in the air, and stared at Tang En with a stunned breath: "You are so sinister!"

Why is Tang En sinful? Because the Illus Empire, to be precise, is because the products of the Datang Chamber of Commerce are too competitive! If the tariff protection policy is not implemented, the products of the Datang Chamber of Commerce can be dumped to every corner of Ronantante with a crushing attitude! Similar products made in their own country will be uncompetitive!

This seems to be a very hot trick that hurts the enemy by one thousand and 800, but it just looks like it!

Aurelia now knows how low the cost of those products of the Datang Chamber of Commerce and how terrible the profit margins are! It can be said that the cost of materials, labor costs, operation and promotion costs, and so on account for one tenth of the total price of a product. The most important research and development cost of a product can be ignored!

Therefore, the profits of the Datang Chamber of Commerce are too high. Even if some profits are lost, the profits are still considerable!

But the merchants of Ronnett can't! They can't carry it!

If the zero-tariff policy is really implemented, I am afraid that the related industries of Ronitante will completely collapse! A large number of people will become unemployed and become unemployed at home!

By that time ...

I'm afraid that Ronnyant wants to leave the Illus Empire, but he has no chance!

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