Things from Another World

Chapter 1052: Divine Rune

Aigwin didn't know how she left Otinia. She only remembered that when she left, Otinia's expression was very solemn, and she was very disproportionate on the peace day.

"Where is Tina, Tina?"

After arriving at the Lord's Mansion, Aegwynn met Tina, who was holding the papers.

"Your Majesty is in his room."

Tina pouted and laughed. Apparently, Tang En's green light head mode made her feel very interesting: "His Majesty said he doesn't want to go out this way, but he doesn't know why. He said that he would cook in the evening. Things that everyone looks forward to. "

Cook yourself?

Aigwin nodded, she simply did not associate her arrival with Tang En's personal cooking, and naturally, there was nothing to be moved or moved.

Came outside of Down's room and knocked on the door.



As soon as Aegwin's voice fell, the door opened with a click, and Tang En stood with a smile on his face: "Come in!"

The gods are on! The ghost doesn't know how much he wants to invite Aegwynn into his room-don't think about it, this is just a very simple idea of ​​a man in love, it is really simple, the author Junjie Cao promises.

Aegwynn gazed at Tang En's room at will, and then refused Tang's invitation to ask her to sit on the bed (she didn't know why she refused, just a slight nervous intuition) and sat down on the sofa.

Tang En diligently brewed a cup of tea for Aegwynn and asked casually, "What did Otinija ask you for?"

Aigwin honestly replied, "She asked me to perform the descent, saying that it was through me to get in touch with the goddess of the earth."


Tang En abruptly stayed, did Eutinia wonder if doing so would make the world to be destroyed by the impact of divine speed and acceleration! ?

She must know.

Now that she knew, why did she have to contact the goddess of the earth?

Certainly something was important, so important that she had to contact the heaven side.

Aigwin said blankly and a little bit puzzled: "She said that the situation is special, so she can only be contacted through me, so what 'noise' is still acceptable ... I don't understand."

If it was normal, just seeing her rare and troubled look would make Tang En bubbling, but now, Tang En is not in that mood.

"Did she say anything special?"

Eggwin shook his head. "No."

"Did you not remember the conversation between them?"

"Nothing at all. At that time, my consciousness seemed to fall completely into a deep sleep."

"But I remember when I left, Ms. Otinija's face was very solemn."

Tang En murmured, it was worse!

"You sit first!"

Tang En didn't even care to entertain Aegwin, and he walked directly to the door of Otinija's house. As soon as he was about to knock on the door, the door was already open.

Otinija's voice came: "Come in."

Tang En pushed in, and then stopped.

There is a complex star map in the room-although no real guy has been seen on Earth, I have seen a lot in the movie.

Eutinia stood in the room, staring at the star figure.

"So what happened?"

Tang En asked, "You have to contact Heaven."

After Austinia was silent for a while, she looked at him and said, "Because, it's too early for you to touch the astral world, and it's easy to get out of control."


Tang En wondered: "Did you already tell me the secrets of the astral world? And we also discussed how to use the astral world."

"If you think that the astral world is just a place that can provide unlimited resources, then you are very wrong. You think you have understood the secrets of the astral world, but that is just fur."

Otinija slowly said: "Do you know how the civilization of gnome and goblin was destroyed? It is because they suddenly came into contact with the astral world and thought that they had unlimited resources. Then, you also know the consequences. The civilization was completely destroyed once— —To be precise, this planet can survive or be a fluke. "


Tang En took a breath of air: "Isn't their civilization because of the super bomb invented by the goblin?"


Eutinia looked at him sarcastically: "How much equivalent bombs can blow a planet out of such a large pit? Even the planet's orbit has shifted to some extent?"

Tang En was speechless.

"Because the direction of genetic optimization and adjustment is wisdom, their technology is developing too fast and too confident. Before they have the energy to control the astral world, they opened the channel of the astral world and tried to draw the power of the astral world. ... "

Tang En was surprised again: "Wait !? Genetic optimization? They are not the product of natural evolution !? They are also created by God !?"

"What do you think?"

Eutinia sneered, and said, "Unfortunately, the level of power in the astral world is too high, and they are far from being able to manage it. Out of control energy swept Prandall, we have to restart civilization, which is what you see now Plantar. "

"Fortunately, when you were in contact with the astral world, you were very smart to take a sample of that astral horse and improve the teleportation. You did not open the portal directly, otherwise ..."

Tang En's back was wet and scary.

At this moment he just wanted to pick up Stiesa and kiss him severely!

Had it not been for Yustisa's remembrance of this stubble, he might have done that!

"As you said, the characteristics of the astral plane have now stabilized, shouldn't there be any danger?"

"It's true that because you use a few tricks, you reduce a lot of risk, but the danger is actually there."

Eutinia said lightly: "Fethes ... that is, mortals, it is difficult to completely control themselves, unable to control their own will, which has caused the astral world to easily produce abnormal situations due to their thinking fluctuations, and these The abnormal situation will cause their suspicion, and then cause a chain reaction, the situation will become worse and worse, that is, as long as any one person, any kind of risky thinking, will make your entire plan thoroughly Crash. "

Now Tang En's face is green!

He can control his behavior, his speech and behavior, but he can control their thinking failure?

He could certainly do that, but all he got was a numb, low-level labor!

The more the society needs development, the more it needs free thinking, which is the exact opposite of the requirements of the astral world!

If it's a robot ...

Tang En sighed for a while, because he was very clear that the most difficult thing for human beings to control is imagination. If imagination is lost, humanity will lose its driving force for development.

Now how to do?

The room fell silent again.

Although Prandall's resources are rich enough, they are weaker than the endless astral world.

The temptation of the astral world is really too big, Tang En can't give up.

But what should he do? What can he do?

After Autinia was silent for a moment, she suddenly raised her hand, and a strip of silver-white light quickly formed a three-dimensional rune of God's Word in the air. Understand what it means.

"I heard that you intend to let those souls control the gold giants to go to the astral mine?"


Eutinia nodded, and then her eyes suddenly became extremely deep, her eyes glowing like a vortex, sucking Tang En ...

I fly?

No, no!

Tang En looked down and took a cold breath, and his soul was out!

Tang En was startled: "What are you doing !?"

"It may be a little uncomfortable, bear with me."

After finishing Otiniya, she shot the rune of God's Word directly into Tang En's soul.

Instantly, Tang En felt a huge flood of information poured into the soul. The power contained in the powerful rune of God's words made his mortal soul unbearable at all, and his consciousness seemed to be constantly between the two mountains. The squeeze pulls the expansion ...

It was only a short moment, Tang En felt like he had spent a long millennium!

Come back to God, he has returned to his body, his body is soaked!

Tang En gasped and asked, "What did you do?"

"Give you a rune of **** words."

Otinija said lightly: "It's more convenient to teach you too much trouble."

Divine Rune?

As soon as Tang En was shocked, a divine rune suddenly appeared in his mind, and even more amazingly, he even understood the meaning!

Eutiniya said blandly: "This is a thinking with a conditional judgment that suppresses God's Word. The judgment condition is that once it comes into contact with the power of the astral world, it will automatically take effect, suppressing the carrier's emotional thinking and letting it enter pure Rational state of mind. "

That's right, a simple rune of God's Word contains a huge amount of information. The difference in the amount of information between three-dimensional space text and two-dimensional plane text is so great!

Tang En flashed: "You want me to use the power of this divine rune to reduce risk!"


Otinija nodded: "Then you rely on your own strength to copy this rune of God's Word, and then make it into jewelry, pendants, whatever, just let them carry them."

Down was very skeptical: "Is it useful to copy it?"

"Although the effect of the copy is not as good as the one I personally painted, it also has a certain effect. It is enough to deal with mortals."

"That's good."

Tang En was relieved. Although he didn't know why Eutinia suddenly decided to help him, at least it was good news.

"and also."

Otinija hesitated. After a moment, she said a little unnaturally to Tang En: "You close your eyes."

Alas! ?

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