Things from Another World

Chapter 1053: Otinija's Kiss

Eutinia's words stunned Tang En.

What the **** is this?

Generally, women ask men to close their eyes in order to kiss them. Of course, there are exceptions, such as when playing hooligan ...

But Tang En asked herself that she hadn't slapped her on weekdays—she was a goddess, the real goddess, she couldn't bear it!

But this look of Otinija is really easy to make people think about it.

Impossible, it can't be the way he thinks. Isn't this kind of plot often appearing? The actor thinks that he has gained the beauty's heart, only to find that he has misunderstood the original thing ...

As a professional veteran who never rolls over, Tang En will never act lightly.

Most importantly, he couldn't provoke ...

Provoked an ordinary girl, at most he turned his face with him, and corrected it after some training, but it provoked a goddess ... it would be miserable.


Otinija was a little irritated.

Tang En silently did nothing, there was no way he could not mess with it!

After closing his eyes, it was dark. There was a quiet voice in the room, and Tang En was inexplicably nervous.

This goddess has a history, what if she goes crazy and suddenly pushes against her?

Never or never?

Obviously, Tang En can accept the challenge of any difficulty very easily, and now his nervous palms are sweating.

The heart is beating with 噗, 噗 through, and the frequency is one third faster than before. This kind of tension has not appeared for a long time.

Because he closed his eyes, his hearing, smell, and touch became extremely sharp, and a very slight airflow sounded, and then Tang En smelled the very sweet scent of Otinia.

The scent is difficult to describe, like the faint floral fragrance blowing into the room from the window at midnight, and the sweet and sour fruit fragrance, full of sweet temptations that make people think about it.

What is this guy doing so close together?

The uneasy Tang En was full of sorrow. What he did not want to happen at this moment was probably inexplicably intriguing Eutinia.

This guy is too big for him to play at all.

Last time, Coco and Vanilla's accident almost scared Tang En to death. If Odinija took the initiative again ... Tang En really didn't know what to do.

However, the less you want to happen, the more likely it will happen.

Tang En could hear the slight sound of breathing in front of her, and with her eyes closed, she felt that Otinija was close at hand-she seemed hesitant and hesitant.

But just as Tang En was relieved, Eutinia suddenly moved.

Two thin, tender, cool lips were gently pressed against Tang En's forehead.

Tang En's head flickered, and then he found a wonderful power integrated into his body, and then formed a light protective layer on the surface of his body.

what's going on! ?

Shocked, Tang En took a breath of air—unfortunately, his posture was too subtle now, and it looked like he was smelling the smell of Otinia's chest in a very indecent manner.

Otinija shuddered, but thinking of what she had just before, she put up with it.

"It used to be my authority to guard Girlish Night, but now for the sake of the bigger picture, an exception is applied to you."

"Wait !? Guardian Girl Night? I'm a man!"

"Then you think of yourself as a girl."

Eutinia pulled the collar subconsciously, and her face was not good: "Accepting the blessings I personally imposed, further suppressing your mental energy divergence, now it is no problem for you to enter the astral world with them."

Suddenly Tang En overjoyed: "Really !?"

"Yes, and you can always contact me with this blessing in the future, and I will help you as much as I can."

Otinija said very flatly: "Of course, the power I can use is also limited, and only for business."

Of course, Tang En knew what was happening in Eutinia's mouth. Apart from developing Prandall and countering the invasion of chaos, he really couldn't think of other matters.

"That's enough!"

With the guarantee of Eutinia, Tang En was sure.

In the past, although I have also helped Otiniya to help a few times, but that was to convince her in various ways, rather than she offered to help, now it is different, she is willing to help, and Tang En is more relieved .

Although Tang En didn't know what Outiniya had discussed with Niscle Claire, but at the moment it seems to be a good thing for him?

"What did you talk about?"

Tang En finally couldn't help but ask.

Otinija was silent, and she was thinking about telling Down.

A few moments later, she made a decision, and Tang En was the only executor of the matter, telling him that maybe putting some pressure on him might make him more active to complete the task.


Eutinia looked up and said slowly: "There is not much time left for you."

Tang En's heart was tight: "Chaos invasion?"


Otinija raised her eyelids and did not tell him the truth, but said: "Recently observed abnormal fluctuations, chaotic invasion is accelerating, I am afraid you have only a maximum of 40 years-this is an optimistic estimate. "

optimism? Forty years?

"If conservatively estimated ..."

"Maybe today, or tomorrow, who can tell?"

Otiniya spread her hands: "The spatial structure of this world is already so riddled with holes, it is very unstable, and it may collapse at any time. At that time, you will face them directly."

"I have a saying that I don't know what to say or not ..."

Tang En made a black line. This is tantamount to saying nothing. In other words, if he can't solve the key problem of fighting chaos, he will only be forty years to live?

"You have spoken."

Eutinia said calmly: "So, if you don't want to die, just work hard. Now, the resources of the astral world are open to you, make good use of it."

Of course, Tang En knew to use the resources of the astral world. Otherwise, the resources of Prandall alone would be too inefficient, and many high-performance materials would be difficult to obtain.

What's more unfortunate is that the astral world cannot be transformed into a nuclear fusion power station or a super battleship by his imagination alone. Like the dragon avatar spell, he must build a complete model in his mind, every component All must be in line with the principle of operation, and you must convince yourself that there is something in the astral world.

It's too difficult.

Now the only good news is that after learning the mysteries of the astral world, he can even obtain a variety of special metals, stainless steel, titanium alloys, metal hydrogen, etc. from the astral world by suggesting some people. Materials, including even some synthetic materials that Pantech must appear, he can also try to obtain alternatives by describing its characteristics.

The special situation of the astral world undoubtedly greatly reduced his development time.

Forty years ...

At the current rate of development, forty years may be enough to turn Plantar into a modern society full of magical style.

Tang En left Otiniya while groaning. He was so full of heart that he didn't even notice that after Otiniya kissed on his forehead, his green head had returned to normal.

"came back?"

Aigwin noticed that Tang En was full of thoughts, and Xiu Mei frowned slightly: "What's wrong?"

"Not great news."

Tang En smiled bitterly: "Are you sure you want to listen?"

The news that the army of chaos is about to invade Prendall again, so far only he, Fiona, Victor, Olena, Aurelia and a few others know that Aegwynn, Angus and Jean I don't know yet.

Tang En didn't plan to hide them from Aigwin. After all, they were the top combat power of Prandall, and they were also their left and right arms. They were very reliable, and their power was definitely needed to fight chaos.

Eggwin nodded. If it was someone else, she would definitely not have this curiosity, but I do n’t know why, when facing Tang En, she would sometimes become different from normal times-she could not tell. Why this is for myself.

After thinking about it, Down said, "Tomorrow, call both Jean and Angus tomorrow. I want to announce a very important thing that is closely related to each of you."

Tang En had figured it out. Since even the goddess had told him the deadline, there was no need for him to keep hiding.

Tell them the truth, and then everyone will work together, and the full development of the sword is king.

Merely relying on himself, I'm afraid he will exhaust him.

That night, in order to brush the favor of Igwin, Tang En personally cooked a table of earth-style home-style dishes. Considering the light taste of Igwen, most of them are vegetarian, which also makes me used to meat on weekdays. Everyone in the class was very happy.

However, sensitive Fiona, Tina, and even carelessly every night found that Tang En seemed to have a snack.

This makes them feel very strange.

Down has never concealed the fact that he likes Eggwin. This thing is basically a public secret in Ellington. Now that Eggwin is sitting here, Down is going to go away. This problem is serious.

Fiona winked at Ye Yelian, and asked her to have a thick-skinned look at Tang En. Unfortunately, Ye Ye was not stupid. In this case, there was absolutely no good fruit to eat, and she was pretended to be stupid and sweet. Ignore Fiona's wink completely.

That night, Tang En turned around one night, constantly thinking about the direction of the next development in his mind, but no matter how he conceived it, he couldn't be partial.

Prandall's foundation is too poor, and the development of society must be carried out in an all-round way. Failure to keep up in any area will bring great hidden dangers, that is, it is not feasible to accelerate the development of the military field by concentrating resources.

Without sleep all night, the next day, all the people around him who could be trusted were concentrated in the Lord's Mansion.

Quietly waiting for him to announce the so-called important news.

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