Things from Another World

Chapter 1054: Frank mission

"You all."

Tang En opened his mouth, facing a group of doubtful eyes, but he couldn't say anything in his mouth.

What should he say?

How do you tell these people the desperate news?

Do you just point to their noses and say, "Your good days are coming to an end. Hurry up, now, if you want to eat, if you want to play, if you want to play, if you want to play?"

Give me a break……

Frankly, they don't necessarily believe it.

Maybe it is easier to make them believe what they say with the help of the oracle.

Tang En glanced at Otinija, the dim girl already knew what he was about to say, and nodded slightly, it was considered permission.

Tang En sighed in his heart and opened his mouth again.

"Due to some special reasons, I have decided to confess to you some things and answer some of your doubts."

Tang En glanced at Aurelia and Olena. The two of them were still a little confused at first, but after noticing Tang En's eyes, the two of them suddenly startled, looked at each other, and were uncertain.

Having said that to keep it secret, why suddenly decided to make it public?

Could it be that……

The pope and the maiden are also listed at this moment. At this moment, Jessolini XXIII squinted and looked at Tang En. He was guessing what secret Tang En was going to tell, so solemnly.

Look around, old heroes like Angus, Jean, Aegwin, Sharptooth, and Eberron don't say, even Selena, Isari, and Sashaglot were called. In addition, Lotto, Durandon, Brian and his son, Testero and others are also listed. The Stiesa of the Einzbelen family does not need to be mentioned, and even the bright scale Naga Queen Pertis , Princess Sally Heath of Naga Princess, Lorraine and Lola, the Dark Elf Queen, and Barold Broken Silver, the King of Redstone Dwarfs, were also present.

Jessorini XXIII was faintly shocked, only then did he suddenly realize how powerful Tang En's power can be-it can be said that all the members gathered here at this moment can completely represent the entire Puland Dahl.

To use Down's words to describe it, at this moment the lord's house in Ellington is like the United Nations headquarters, and now the United Nations conference is held, or the top one.

"You all, I know that you have always had a lot of doubts about me, a lot of curiosity, doubt about my origin, doubt about my strength, wonder why I came to Ellington, wonder why I always have so many precious And rare materials, wondering why I never care about those things ... "

In a word, Tang En mobilized the curiosity of the people present. Except that some people knew him a little, more people could say nothing about what he said.

"Today, at this special moment, I decided to confess it all to everyone, of course, because I need everyone's help, the specific situation will be discussed later."

"Now let's answer the questions that most concern you, me, Tang En, who is it, where it comes from, and why."

Having said that, Tang En paused and said with a smile: "I think there must have been a lot of people in this question for a long time ..."

This is true, Angus and Jean are particularly curious. After all, Tang En's strength is even more exaggerated than the legendary strongman, and it seems that he is omnipotent, whether it is spells, combat skills, or alchemy. Extremely skillful and creative.

Such a person cannot appear out of thin air, he always has a teacher, but the biggest problem is that they can't find any information about Tang Enshi.

Down looked at Angus and Jean, and suddenly grinned, "You can't investigate any intelligence about me, because I'm not a person in this world at all."

After the silence, there was an uproar!

With the exception of Alena Aurelia and Sally, who were known for a long time, Angus Jean was dumbfounded.

Brian reacted slowly, scratching his head and asking, "What do you mean?"


Durand didn't want to stand next to his father, and said angrily, "That is, Your Excellency Tang En is a stranger!"

Foreigner ...

Brian scratched his head: "Visitors from another world? Remember that there seemed to be visitors from another world more than a thousand years ago ..."

Isari nodded: "Yes, it is precisely because of that Lord ’s help that the Elven tribe can continue to live in the Emerald Forest. The subsequent merger of the Kingdom of Orlando and Kansas also has his influence. The Queen and the Sage also later left the world with him ... "

Aigwin was surprised. Tang En was a man from another world?

No, more importantly, why did he come to this world?

"You guys, I think, compared to the fact that I am a stranger, you should pay attention to why I came to this world."

In a word, Tang En brought these people's attention back.

Yeah, there is always a reason why strangers come to Plantar, right?

"I was called by the goddess of the earth, specifically, by the gods, joining forces from the world where I am."

Tang En pointed to his body and slowly said, "My body is the body that the gods have teamed up to build for me. This body is called the" perfect body ". It has a magic pool connected to the entire world. All spells and combat abilities are also the most powerful. These are just for me to complete the tasks they entrusted to me. "

"Because of this special situation, Isari, Lola, and Pertis thought that I was a **** ---

After a pause, Tang En shrugged: "In a certain way, I really can be considered a god."

Is n’t it God ’s messenger sent by God to perform missions in the physical world?

But his mission is more special.

"When the gods brought me here, I prepared a sufficient amount of carry-on space, and in the carry-on space, it was filled with various materials, which is why I can continuously provide the blood of the goddess. And the reasons for all kinds of precious resources. "

"Yes, those Aujin Hengjin and Astral Square crystals that I took out were prepared by the gods in advance."


Angus and Gene heard the air conditioner, not that they were shocked by the backing behind Tang En, but that they noticed the points that really needed attention.

——What task does Tang En want to perform?

——You need to let the gods join hands to build a body for him! ?

——Also prepare such huge resources in advance! ?

"I think you must be curious now, what exactly am I going to do? I hope you will be mentally prepared, because this is not good news."

Tang En smiled, instead of continuing to sell Guanzi, he confessed directly: "The gods asked me to save the world."

Save ... the world?

Angus, Jean, Eberon, Aigwin, Sharptooth, Selna, they heard that their faces suddenly changed, and the gods could use the word "save the world", I am afraid there is only one reason ...

"Yeah ..."

Tang En's voice suddenly became extremely low: "It's the chaotic army that you've been worried about coming back ... they will come again soon."

"Lord Donn!"

His face was very bad at the moment, and he took a deep breath and said, "Can you be responsible for your speech? You know, some jokes are not random ..."

Tang En shook his head. The Pope must have guessed what he was going to say, but the news was so bad that he didn't even want to believe it to be true.

"I don't think I need to make a guarantee here, because there is another person better than me ... or, God."

Tang En stepped forward, took Otinija's hand, and brought her to the crowd.

"Maybe someone doesn't know her yet, so I'll introduce you to you formally."

Tang En said very solemnly: "This is the daughter of the **** of death Gritters, the protector of the pure girl night, the weak and dark girl, Otinia."

Unbeknownst to Abram, Sharp Teeth, etc., their faces suddenly changed.


Although it is only a weak and dark girl, this is a real deity standing in front of them!

Otinija didn't say a word, and her own emblem was directly displayed. It was a girl's badge curled up under the moon. The emblem in the air exuded pure divine power, which resonated with the artifact in the hands of Illy.

After seeing the evidence, a group of people immediately fell on one knee and paid their respects.

Including the Pope, who has known her for a long time, and Croto, who is completely unbelieving.

Although they do not believe in the dark girl, the shrine is the shrine, and mortals must respect the shrine.

"Get up."

Eutinia didn't care about such things, she said lightly: "I can guarantee the truth of what Tang En said. He did come from another world and was selected to save the people in this world."

With the words of Otinija, this time it satisfies the reliability of Tang En's Redeemer title.

But the doubts in the hearts of the people have continued to increase.

Because before that, Tang Enke never exposed this incident, and it was clear that everything was fine. Why did he suddenly decide to be frank?


Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room became heavy.

"Maybe someone has guessed ..."

Tang En slowly said: "Then I will not sell any more, yes, the speed of chaos invasion has accelerated, leaving us little time."

Alleria's heart tightened: "How long is it?"

This is also something that everyone else cares about.

"Up to forty years."

Tang En glanced at Otiniya: "This is what Otiniya told me. The most optimistic time, this time is not accurate, the situation is already very bad, and unexpected situations will be born at any time, maybe 30 years For twenty years, it may be today, tomorrow ... "

Don't say it's okay, the mood of everyone is even worse, especially Angus them.

No one knows the horrors of chaos better than they have participated in the Second Chaos Invasion War.

Once the Third Chaos Invasion War breaks out, it is likely that the end of Prendall will be reached!

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