Things from Another World

Chapter 1055: Looking to the future

Forty years.

Not much, not much.

In the future, it is enough that the current Prandall people have multiplied generations of adults and provided a large amount of labor. Those civilians, now the main construction workers, 40 years later, I am afraid they are already gray-haired, and some have even been buried in the ground. Ann. .

To say the least, this time is not even enough to light up a technological tree step by step to practicality, unless it is open, and the strength of Angus, Jean, and Eggwin, forty years, is just a blink of an eye. They have a long life span, so they can continue to be the main force.

For forty years, at the current rate of development, Tang En could completely dominate the entire Prandall and implement the policy of serving the entire population. At that time, waiting for the chaotic army to come to the door and then bombing his mother, the violent soldiers were pushed back in a wave.

But it's all based on the accuracy of this time.

What if an accident occurs?

What if the Chaos Army arrived early?

Everything will be disrupted.

Therefore, this amount of time must be advanced, and Tang En must be prepared in advance.

This brought a severe test to his development speed.

There is not much time left for them.

Just when all of Tang En's people were heartbroken and the atmosphere was dull, there was a sudden muffled sound in the backyard of the Lord ’s Mansion. The crowd was stunned, and when they wanted to ask, Tang En said, "It is Victor's return from the astral world Now. "

Angus and Gene's eyes brightened, Astral! Correct! And astral world!

If the resources of the astral realm can be used up, and the development time of 40 years, the army of chaos is not invincible!

"Come and see!"

They rushed out first, and Tang En followed with others.

Alleria walked a few steps, and suddenly hesitated, looking back at Olena standing still: "Mother?"

"I, I won't go ..."

Olena shook her head. Although she had accepted her new life, it was a bit awkward to say goodbye to Victor.

"Let's go, no matter how you avoid it, you will meet someday."

Aurelia took Olena's hand and said, "What's more, his father has already accepted this matter, and he is afraid."

"Don't pull me, me, I'm afraid Tang En misunderstands him ..."

"Don, he won't. If he was really that kind of careful person, he would not accept such a plan from the beginning."

After Aurelia had finished speaking, there was an inexplicable anger in her heart. Even if she knew that the situation at the time could not be chosen by their mother, it was still very unhappy.

If I had known that there would be such a day, she wouldn't give up the right of inheritance, so that Tang En could marry her to get the right of inheritance, instead of the mother ...

Aurelia burst into her heart, her heart suddenly beating a few times, and hurriedly shook off her messy thoughts.

What are you thinking of, Aurelia, he is now your father in name ...

The mother and daughter followed the crowd and came to the yard. Then they saw a gold statue of twenty meters high, and Tang En and Victor surrounded by the crowd.

With Tang En's permission, his soul body can also be seen by others.

Victor's soul has now become much firmer and looks more spiritual than before.

"... really! It turned out to be true!"

Victor shouted ecstatically: "That astral base! There are really countless resources! I have been exploring since yesterday and just now, I have not explored that area yet! But I have found countless counts Magic metal veins! Magic crystal veins! Precious magic metals are almost like ordinary stones there! "

"Even there are high-level magic essences, which contain more powerful magic nuclei than advanced magic essences!"

"Using the magic crystal nucleus, the power of the golden giant statue is not a problem at all, and it can even work for decades!"

"With that astral base, we will have inexhaustible resources!"

After listening to Victor's ecstatic report, Angus and Jean looked at each other, and it was difficult to restrain the inner ecstasy.

Such an astral base is of great significance to them. With such a rich supply of resources, many experiments that are usually difficult to try can be boldly tried. You don't have to worry about the consumption of resources and you don't have to be careful about saving!

With this condition, subsequent development is not the same as Kaihang! ?

At this time, Victor saw Aurelia and Olena, smiled slightly, waved at them, and after they came over, Victor smiled and asked: "How have you been? Haven't he bullied you? ? "


Tang En, who was standing beside him, was too lazy to confuse himself, and sometimes he felt like an extremely shameless villain.

Let ’s not marry someone ’s wife, they ’ll die and they wo n’t let the family rest, the soul must be taken down to continue working ...

I still feel a little guilty.

But then again, Olena is now his woman, and it is impossible to let him go out again.

Alleria shook her head: "Of course not. Father, how are you doing now?"

"Me? It's fine, anyway, it's just a soul body, and it's disease-free. How about you? Olina."

Victor greeted Olena very naturally, seeing him so naturally, Olena, who was a little nervous, calmed down and smiled, "Town is nice to me."

"That's good."

Victor nodded with a smile, and then went on to discuss the matter of the astral world with Angus. There was no special performance at all, just as natural as saying hello to an old friend who had not seen him for a long time.

Olina breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, this is the best, this is the best.

One is the past and the other is the present. It is undoubtedly the most uncomfortable for her to be caught in the middle. Now that each other has chosen to look forward, it is the best choice to forget the past.

Olina smiled relievedly.

Tang En slandered there secretly for a long time, but in the end, he found nothing unusual, whispered "This wife's strategy is really simple," and went back together to discuss the development of the astral world.

"... I think the most important thing for us right now is to get back a batch of magic crystal nuclei test. Without the magic crystal nuclei, we can get a lot of advanced magic essence!"

Angus now has a very urgent need for advanced energy. If the energy can be replaced, the actual transformation of the golden giant statue can be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

Even if the army of chaos really arrived early, with the golden giant statue, they would not be incapable of resistance.

Victor spread his hand: "The magic crystal core should not be a problem, but now that the mining gold giant idol has not been converted, we have no way to mine."

"Krotto, what the **** are you doing there, it's too inefficient!"

Croto suddenly jumped his foot: "Don't blame me! My side is finished tomorrow, it's your side that slowed down!"

"Me? If I have a need here, I can get a lot of energy modules in minutes! Jean?"

Gene said calmly: "I'm fine with it. If you start to prepare now, you can keep up with the progress of the transformation."

Before waiting for them to speak, Yu Stisa said with a smile: "My teleport module, Tim's soul core and control module are all right. The original technology has matured and can be started at any time."

Angerston wondered: "So what are you waiting for? Construction will start as soon as possible!"


After a moment of silence, Qi looked at Tang En brushingly.

"Look at me?"

Tang En's face was inexplicable, and all the work was handed over, it had nothing to do with him!

"Golden Colossus!"

Croto shouted angrily: "The golden giants are all there with you. Without the golden giants, let's make a hair!"

"Just! How do I feel missing ..."

"Without the most important Golden Titan, what can we do ..."

"Let's just talk about it, and all the delays are here with him!"

This group of people seemed to find the contradiction. One by one, they all opened fire on Tang En. Tang En was suddenly bombarded by the embarrassment. They even promised to let the golden giant statue be in place immediately, and they dispersed with satisfaction.

After Angus and they dispersed, the pope and Illy, who had a lot of thoughts, returned to Yalinks. The news was too important. I am afraid that he will also need to do some preparations.

The two mothers, Peltis and Selise, went to chat with the old man next to Aegwin's death.

Lola originally wanted to find Tang En to talk with each other, but after looking around, she pulled Luo Lin with an inexplicable smile and flashed.

Now is not a good time to steal.

"We're going back, too."

Sharp Teeth, Abram, Barod and others also resigned. After learning the news, their mood was quite heavy, and then they were afraid to start hone their fighting power again.

"my friend!"

At this time, Tastro greeted us with a big laugh and a huge bear paw patted Tang En's shoulder: "I am afraid no one can stop your development, congratulations in advance."


"Take your word."

Tang En's mouth twitched. In order to develop the united front, I wanted to unify Prendall, including the Rennes Empire, man, don't you really care?

Thanks to the powerful assistance of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, the situation in New Bourkeseau is booming. Various modern urban designs have finally made the citizens of the Rennes Empire realize what is truly modern life and all kinds of transportation. Let them feel the unprecedented convenience of travel, and the Rennes senior officials who had been full of resentment against the cooperation between Testero and human beings now changed their attitudes and praised Tastro's wise decision.

The economic situation and living index of New Burkeso can be described as steadily climbing. Just in the past few months, the hard-working people who have lived in the past have lived a life far beyond what they used to. Testero's support The rate has also gone straight up, so Testero has been in a very good mood recently.

After the greeting, Testero whispered again, "I want to talk to you about something, isn't it convenient?"

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