Things from Another World

Chapter 1056: Fiona's eyes became sharper!

In the study, Tastro sat on the sofa, the huge bear's palm holding a cup of hot tea, his face was beautiful, and he looked very funny.

But of course, you can't blame him. The tea here is very good. Tang En is hard to find outside. It is already worth the fare if you can grab a cup of tea.

Sitting next to them were the vanilla and coco sisters, but the two of them kept silent and glanced at Tang En from time to time. If Tang En looked at it, he would receive four white eyes.

Well, the sisters still hate him now.

——Obviously the last thing has nothing to do with him!

Tang En rolled his eyes, ignored both of them, and asked directly: "What do you want to talk to me about?"

New Burkeso now everything has become formal, and basically everything there has been dominated by the Datang Chamber of Commerce. It can be said that New Burkeso is completely inseparable from the Datang Chamber of Commerce. When you evacuate there, the entire city will collapse instantly.

Don't think that Tastro came here to talk to him about these things.

"That's it. I heard a while ago that your mobile phone has been popularized on my side, so I also want to buy a batch of goods and equip our administrative staff."

Testro stared at Tang En. He had experienced the convenience of the Magic Phone. It can be said that with the Magic Phone, the efficiency in all aspects has improved a lot. The most important thing is that stuff. You do n’t need any strength to use it, even ordinary people can use it. This virtually increases the strategic position of the Magic Phone.

"Of course no problem, the product is produced to market, how many units do you need to wait to say to Fiona, and then return to you when the goods are ready to send them over."

"Ten thousand ... eight thousand, no, five thousand, five thousand is enough!"

As soon as Tenstro said 10,000, he noticed that Tang's eyes changed, so he hurriedly dropped by two orders of magnitude. In fact, the management staff of the entire vertical management system of New Burkeso was only two or three thousand. At first, he wanted 10,000 units to equip them, on the other hand, he planned to take them back and sell them to enrich the royal coffers ...

Unfortunately, he underestimated Tang En's intelligence capabilities. With the assistance of the Datang Chamber of Commerce and ghost agents, the situation in New Burkeso was one-way and transparent, and Tang En knew everything.

"Three thousand, love or not."

Tang En rolled his eyes: "Now the market for magic phones is very hot. Our production capacity cannot meet the demand at all, and you also know that Solant has returned. There are a lot of administrative staff who need to be equipped with magic phones. We There is still a gap in the order for 100,000 Magic phones, which will squeeze out a maximum of 3,000 for you. "

Testro smiled wryly, "That's too little ..."

Tang En repeated: "Love or not."

"Yes! Of course!"

Mosquitoes are as small as meat! Even if it is 3,000 units, it can still squeeze out some private goods. If you just sell it, it is 1.8 million gold. The profit is jealous.

And if it wasn't for the direct operation of the Datang Chamber of Commerce in New Burkeso, it would not have been possible for him to do this business.

Tang En looked at Testro with a smile: "Okay you, now you know that you are seizing business opportunities."

Testro smiled sneerly: "It's a far cry from Teacher Tina."

In Testro's mind, Tang En's current position can be said to be second only to Vulcan Carlo Mariff, and then Tina. After all, Tina is a teacher who personally imparts their knowledge. He still respects Tina.

"In addition to the magic phone, we also need to increase the number of purchases, especially the new magic truck."

"Well, the magic trucks are very tight now ..."

"Her Majesty Tang En ..."

"Don't look at me like that, it's not cute at all."

Tang En was cold: "I see. I'll find a way to reserve a batch of goods for you, but it can't be too many. If you die, you will have a hundred."

Testro overjoyed: "Enough! Enough!"

The Rennes empire is vast and sparsely populated, and the highway on the platform has not yet been completed, and the road conditions are very poor. It is difficult for Moon cars to pass smoothly. It does not make much sense to purchase them. Sex has a high ability to adapt to road conditions. In addition, the bulk of the trade over the Rennes Empire is basically some low-value and large-scale low-end goods, such as fur and herbs. Hundreds of carriages come to pull goods, but the profit may only be thousands of gold coins, which is very uneconomical.

However, if a magic truck capable of carrying heavy loads is used, it is likely that only one truck can be used for a batch of goods to complete the transportation task. Not only the safety is greatly increased, but the profits are also greatly increased.

"And then ..."


Tang En hurriedly pointed at Fiona and said, "What else do you need to make a list for Fiona, she will tell you the specific situation."

"Actually nothing ..."

Tester said rhetorically, "I mean, what kind of aviation tower are you building, can you build some more for the Rennes empire?"


Tang En looked at him with interest: "Do you know what that is? You are going to build it?"

"do not know."

Testro shook his head without hesitation, and then he said with confidence: "But I know that the Datang Chamber of Commerce must be good things! Good things, don't hurry up!"

Tang En laughed aloud: "You're smart."

Testro's statement is true. Once the construction of the aviation tower is completed and the civilian version of the airship is offline, it will definitely be put into trial operation. As long as the trial operation does not cause any problems, it will be in Il A large number of popularization in the Rus Empire.

If Tastro waits until that time to apply again, I am afraid Tang En has no time to take care of him.

But now it's different.

"Congratulations, you caught the last train."

Tang En smiled and told Fiona to explain to him.

Fiona smiled and said, "Since Solent has returned, we are planning the reconstruction and construction of all cities led by Solant, including the construction of the aviation tower. This time, we can also include the Rennes Empire in this way. Inside."

Testero was overjoyed: "That would be great!"

"And I have another proposal."

Fiona continued: "Since Solent has returned, the Rennes and Illus Empires will be directly bordered, and there will no longer be any obstacles in the middle, so I suggest that we open the border and open free trade for merchants. To promote economic vitality on both sides. "

Testro said without hesitation: "No problem."

Now that he has tasted the sweetness of economic and trade, all things are vain these days, and money is serious.

However, the money in his hands is now Tang Enyin ...

"After the Star Diamond Bank's construction team has perfected the Rennes Empire's highway network, it will continue construction and connect with the highways in the Sorend area to form a thorough coverage of the Rennes, Sorend, and Illus. The huge highway network, with Unicom's highway network, it will only take a few days to drive a magic car from Yalinks to New Burkeso. "

"If Her Majesty Tastro can guarantee the safety of our citizens, I think there will soon be a lot of rich people willing to go to the Rennes Empire to enjoy the exotic scenery. Many people long for the rough and wild style of the Rennes Empire. Unfortunately, Security has never been guaranteed ... "

Fiona said meaningfully to Tastro: "Her Majesty Tastro, you must know that tourism is also an industry with a strong ability to absorb gold. Tickets for tourists, souvenirs, food and accommodation, all cost money. The tourism industry can be described as profitable, as long as it is properly developed, it will always be sitting and collecting money. "

"Thank you Ms. Fiona for your mention!"

Testro's eyes flashed, and he found that he had found a new way to make money: "I will go back to those guys to discuss it!"

Tang En laughed secretly, don't look at them as giving Tastro a way to make money, but who is the best in this may not be the best.

It is true that citizens of the Illus Empire will spend a lot of money into the Rennes Empire to spend in the Rennes Empire, but again, this means that the economy of the Rennes Empire will be more dependent on the Illus Empire As soon as any contradiction occurs, causing tourists to no longer travel to the Rennes Empire, their economy will instantly avalanche.

The Rain Empire could not afford that loss.

With the unilateral export of the economy, technology, and culture of the Illus Empire, the Rennes Empire has been completely tied to the Illus Empire, and the two sides have become an inseparable community of interests. Or, Rennes The empire has been kidnapped by Tang En economically. After they have tasted the sweetness, they will not take the initiative to leave, and the cultures of the two sides will accelerate their integration until they finally merge into one.

This fulfilled Tang Enbing's plan to invade a country without blood.

In this case, it is not even necessary for Tang En to nominally rule this country, it is enough to use all the resources of this country.

"What else to say together."

Fiona said with a smile: "If we need to build a new project, we will not forget the Rennes Empire."

"No, let me also tell you a good news. Dixinglong breeding industry will have stable output early next year."

After Testero had a cup of tea, Meizi stood up and said, "Let's go back first."

Tang En waved his hand: "Well, don't give it away."

The vanilla and Coco, who had been silent, stood up and followed Testero to the door but stopped. The two of you backed me and I pushed you, I don't know what I was doing.

"You go……"

"You go!"

"You are your sister. Go!"

"You are the elder sister, so you go!"

"So only then will you admit that I am an older sister!"

Vanilla turned unwillingly, glaring at Don.

When Tang En and Fiona were puzzled, Vanilla said resentfully, "Master, when will you marry us?"


Tang En sprayed all the hot tea. "Clams !?"

Fiona's eyes became sharper!

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