Things from Another World

Chapter 1057: Sudden Shura Field! (II)

The original pleasant conversation suddenly became tense with a word of vanilla.

Although Testero was not a pick-up girl, he also noticed the change of atmosphere very clearly. He sneered and said, "Then I will go out first, and I will not disturb you ..."

After he said that, he ran out dimly, even if he was the king of the Rennes empire, but he couldn't care about the marriage of the Virgen of the Vulcan ...

Vanilla and Coco stared at Tang En, who was completely stupid.

What the **** is this! ?

Why did you suddenly force a marriage! ?

"Your Majesty Tang En, don't you plan to explain what happened?"

Fiona smiled, but her voice was full of regrets.

Olina is the situation, so she can not care, Igwin is the object that Tang En has always liked, so she can not care, even Elsa and Elijah can not care, but, but vanilla and can But what happened! ?

If nothing happened, how could the two of them suddenly force their marriage!

In other words, when was the **** Tang En blatantly silent, she took care of their two sisters! ?

This unscientific!

Explanation! ? How to explain! ?

Even Tang En himself was confused!

Although what happened last time was a bit nasty, but that incident really had nothing to do with him!

Obviously it was the vanilla and cocoa who made a big mistake by eating disorderly. He was only accidentally entangled in it and helped them by the way!

Could it be that he was forced to marry just because he helped others? ?

Tang En was anxious and said quickly, "Vanilla, what do you mean by this? When did I say I would marry you?"

"what are you talking about!"

Vanilla looked at Tang En's eyes as if looking at a disappointing man: "We are all like that already, don't you plan to marry us yet?"

Like that? What kind of bastard! Let me tell you, do n’t you talk like this girl, be careful, I sue you for slander!

"I don't know what happened to us ..."

"You bad guy!"

Coco poked her head from behind the vanilla and said tearfully: "It was like that last time ..."

Is it really that time! ?

Fiona remembered the scene when she ran into Coco to give Tang En's clothes, and everything was clear!

"Wait! Stop talking nonsense!"

Tang En was frightened. What were these cat-girls thinking? ? Say it well, as long as you promise them one thing, that thing will not be mentioned!

It's too much of a sudden attack now!

Even if he is the God of Raiders, he cannot immediately think of a solution!

"Bad guy!"

Fiona gave him a stern glance: "Since you have done it, boldly admit it! This will make us look down on you!"

If you do admit it, it's fine, but the problem is that I did nothing!

Tang En wanted to cry without tears. At that time, he had at most helped the cats and ears to solve the urgent physical problems. It was not a real sword. They were still immaculate girls. Too!

"The problem is that I didn't do anything ..."

Fiona narrowed her eyes. "Do you think I will believe them or I will believe you?"

Now vanilla and coco's pitiful looks, look at Tang En, and think about Tang En's true face, the truth has been revealed! !!

This guy absolutely used two inscrutable and inhumane methods to severely stab two simple cat-girls, and then threatened them that they could not speak out or ruin their virgin status. Finally found an opportunity to tell the truth!

So pathetic, they are so pathetic!

Fiona cried secretly, feeling that she had seen the truth.

Tang En's face was constipated. On earth, women are always happy to put themselves in the position of victims, and then seek sympathy, and even use the status of the weak to get more benefits. I did not expect that Prendall is actually now. This spearhead has begun to emerge.

Strangle! Must be choked hard!

Tang En quickly brained, calmed down and said, "Although I have promised to help you, I don't remember agreeing to marry you."

This guy decisively started to induce Fiona's thinking!

Vanilla said: "I discussed with Coco for a long time and finally decided that thing was to marry you!"

Although an appointment was made at that time, after going back, the more the two of them thought more and more tangled, the more they thought that they couldn't let it go.

Obviously both of them have looked at the light and sent a shot, but what is the difference between this and the direct round house?

The two cat-eared maids later totaled, and it was absolutely impossible to forget it, didn't he promise one thing? That thing is to marry them!

The two of them thought very simple, that's already happened, how will they face other people in the future!

And as saints, they have already had such a close relationship with Tang En, who can they marry besides Tang En?

At this moment Vanilla hit a blow and killed: "You don't want to marry us, so I ask you, do you really want to see us marry someone else?"

Lying down! ?

Tang En was dumbfounded for a moment.

If it makes sense, he is already with Vanilla and Coco. As a man, even if he takes them as a vase, he is definitely not willing to marry them. This is not a love, it is just a kind of Pure possessiveness.

Tang En is not exempt, or in other words, because he hugged the golden thighs of the gods, his character was even more exaggerated.

Yes, Vanilla successfully killed Tang En with a few months of experience with Tang En.

"this and that……"

Rao is an old driver like Tang En, who couldn't think of the best answer at the moment. This time directly made Fiona speak with Vanilla and Coco.

This **** really eaten the two beastly earmuffs without a word!



Stinking rogue!

Desperate big pervert!

Obviously he had already performed so obviously, he sent himself to strip him to his bed, and he did not show any action. What happened? But secretly hit wild food!

No matter how hungry you are, you must first consider your own race goals! ?

Even if it wasn't for her, which one of the maids in Tina, Marin, or even the lord's house, or the maids in the Palace of Yalinks, which one would not work? Why did you choose these cat-earsmaids?

Is it because they are cat-earmaids? Orc? So special?

Fiona was furious, but she still couldn't lose her temper—she has always claimed to be Tang En's housekeeper, and she was a self-proclaimed eldest wife (self-proclaimed). Now her husband is eating wild food and being caught up , What should she do?

A qualified woman must first solve the aftermath, stabilize the situation, soothe each other's emotions, and at the same time satisfy her husband. It is best to be grateful for her treatment plan.

If you want to achieve this goal ...

Fiona's heart swelled. After a moment, she smiled confidently and said, "Vanilla, you and I have known each other for so long. Do you believe me?"

"Of course I believe in you."

Vanilla nodded, but she wouldn't compromise on this matter.

Fiona smiled slightly and said, "If you believe me, please rest assured that I will let Tang En give you a satisfactory answer, how about it?"

Let Tang En give them a satisfactory answer, isn't that a promise to marry them.

Vanilla looked at Fiona with a suspicious look. Fiona liked Tang En very clearly. Now the two sides can be described as love rivals. Will Fiona give up part of Tang En so willingly?

The smile on Fiona's face completely concealed her true thoughts, and the simple cat-ears could not see any information at all.

Vanilla originally wanted to say something, Coco dragged her next to her, so she had to say: "Fiona, I know you like the Angel, too, we can share him together, but if you want to eat alone, I will never agree of!"

Eat your sister's food!

Fiona almost vomited blood because of vanilla. Is she the poorest person now? ? First met Tang En, what happened? All the inexplicable guys ran up to her because of some inexplicable coincidence, and until now she was only able to kiss Tang En--it was her initiative!

Everyone else has already run home, she is still hovering on second base and third base!

Even if she eats solitary food, it is not her solitary food, but those of you who are brazen, shameless, unscrupulous and lascivious and rotten and shameless.

I'm the unlucky man, old lady!

There was a roar in Fiona's heart, but the smile on her face was still like that: "You can rest assured, Her Majesty Tang En is a great hero, I can't possess him alone, I don't have that charm He doesn't have that kind of qualification either. He should belong to the entire plant. "

Belongs to the entire plant! ?

Tang En's face was all green. If the entire Prendall woman ran over like "Illus" to "seek seed", he would not be exhausted! ?

This is not his narcissism, but an inference made based on previous experience, this kind of thing is entirely possible!

"Your consciousness is very high. It is true that the Lord cannot belong to one person. He should belong to everyone."

Vanilla finally recognized Fiona: "Then the two of us will go back first, we'll wait for your good news."

After that, the two cat-earsmaids finally left the study.

Tang En just breathed a sigh of relief, and then raised his hair-suddenly there was an astonishing evil!

"So ..."

Fionapi looked at Tang En with a smile: "My dear Tang En, can you explain to your CEO what the two cat-ears are?"


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