Things from Another World

Chapter 1058: Kingdom of Grace

Shura Chang, who was very pleased between Tang En and Fiona, let alone, at this time our camera came to the west of Prendall.

To the south of the Rennes Empire and to the north of the Ambris Mountains, there is by far the most exclusive and closed country in the world.

Grace Kingdom.

A long time ago, the area where the Kingdom of Grace was located was the territory of the barbarians. Barbarians were humans, but their living habits were similar to orcs. Their civilization was far behind that of humans in the east. people.

But because of the harsh environment and difficult life, they were sharpened into the most powerful human soldiers.

Later, the chaos invasion, the Illus Empire unified humanity, which brought civilization into the territory of Grace. In just a few hundred years, the culture here and the outside world have continued to communicate and merge, and the Grace people It is not much different from people in other territories.

If so, it may be the militancy they have carved in their bones.

Later, with the weakening of the Illus Empire, the three major lords, Grace, Solante, and Ronitan, took the lead in splitting the Illus Empire and divided up the vast territory. Solante relied on the land most. The fertile and largest territory gained the greatest benefits, and it directly became the country with the most comprehensive comprehensive strength.

Roninante's congenital conditions were insufficient, so he could only expand his territory in the end. After incorporating the Solagel Mountains into the territory, he became calm and became a businessman honestly and began to seek development. .

And the Grace family? They want to get back the land and the glory that the barbarians deserve, and they have succeeded in fighting for it.

The Gryce collar became the Gryce Kingdom. The territory from east to west includes the western wilderness, ecstasy swamp, shadow woodland, blood crow mountains, Wuthering Plateau and other areas. It continues to the west from the western wilderness and passes through dangerous erosion. After the soul swamp, the terrain began to rise all the way. After crossing or bypassing the ecstasy swamp, it was an extremely large shadow woodland. Due to the terrain, this forest was shrouded in the shadow of the Blood Raven Mountains all year round. Various poisonous beasts lived in Inside, even the paths pioneered by adventurers are often very dangerous.

After passing through the shadow woodlands, there are endless blood crow mountains. This mountain is independent of the Ambris Mountains. It is a self-contained mountain. The mountain is inhabited by a large number of Warcraft, the most prominent of which is the social blood crow. The rank is not high, generally only 1st to 3rd, but the leaders of some ethnic groups can reach 5th and 6th, and this Warcraft is good at using some shadow and blood spells, which are very dangerous for caravans and adventurers. The enemy.

The Ambris Mountains and the Blood Raven Mountains are the natural humbling generals, blocking the roads on the north and south sides. If you want to enter the Wuthering Plateau and reach the Kingdom of Grace, you can only go through the middle portal. After passing the Blood Raven Mountains, the road behind is not a smooth road. The climate of Wuthering Plateau is very unfriendly to the local people. There is a huge temperature difference between morning and evening, and people often vomit and diarrhea, become weak, and even faint. Some people even die. Due to this abnormal reaction-in fact, the plainness is altitude sickness.

It is said that the secret medicine that allows ordinary people to move freely on the Wuthering Plateau is in the hands of the Grace family, and it is not a secret. The finished products are distributed in the market. pillar,.

Due to the existence of the plateau reaction, Wuthering Plateau is a natural barrier that can block the footsteps of countless armies, but the Grace family, including the barbarians who have lived here for generations, can move freely and the fighting power is bursting, so the conquest here has become extremely incomparable. difficult.

Among them, Blood Rock City, the capital of the Kingdom of Grace, is located in the blood plain on the inner belly of Wuthering Plateau.

Stanley Grace even bluntly stated that Blood Rock City is an undefeated city.

Klein Solant once made a detailed strategic plan for how to capture the Kingdom of Grace, and even secretly bought a lot of chambers of commerce, allowing them to collect a large number of secret drugs, which can be used to attack Grace. When he died, he failed to give practice, and the strategic plan finally fell into Aurelia's hands, and it basically became a pile of waste paper.

At this moment, what happened on the east side of the mainland has also spread to Stanley.


On the throne, the burly Stanley laughed loudly: "Klein, Klein, I think he's the enemy, he lost like that! Dead! Waste! It's a waste!"

The ministers in front of them also smiled with sarcasm: "How can Klein's arrogant and ignorant guy deserve to be his enemy, who is the true emperor!"

These ministers are all burly men, and they all look like reckless men with muscles in their heads. They can't distinguish between civilians and military attachés, or in the Kingdom of Grace, there is no such thing as civilians.

Prior to the fall of Sorant, Stanley had always treated Sorant as an imaginary enemy, not even the Rennes empire—the orcs were too easy to satisfy, and were not worthy of being his enemy.

Who would have thought that the Rennes Empire was still alive and well, and even better, but the Solant Kingdom was destroyed first and was directly recaptured by the Illus Empire!

After Stanley laughed, he said, "This Down is a bit interesting. Remember who you collected his information before? Present it to the king."

"Your Majesty, Lord Duke Felton."

"What about Feltons?"

"He did not discuss politics today, but he has given the materials to the Royal Archives ..."

"Order to present Tang En's information."

Soon, Tang En's materials were in front of Stanley. Although these materials were only some well-known news, they were collected in great detail. It was sorted out by a group of burly men with a subtle feeling.

"Well, at first glance it's just a lucky man ..."

Stanley looked at Tang En's information carefully, and his face was quite strange: "... but an ordinary lucky man can really form such a powerful chamber of commerce?"

"Your Majesty, the main person in charge of the Datang Chamber of Commerce is Fiona Jin Qiangwei, the last descendant of the Jin Qiangwei family. If the information is correct, Fiona should be his woman."

"The last descendant of the Golden Rose family ... Well, the stupid stubs of the Spade family didn't know to cut grass and roots."

Stanley sneered, "Now I've tasted the bitter fruit."

"The Spade family can be said to have been indirectly destroyed by Fiona, but there are still many doubts and insufficient information."

"It is not necessary to take the family that has been ruined, I care about this Down."

Stanley shook the information in his hand: "Don't you really think he's just a lucky man?"


"A lucky man, can he get a piece of territory from Victor?"

"A lucky man can destroy the plan of the Dark Serpent and turn the tide. Under the sorrow of countless people, marry the Queen Orina first, and even break the Dark Serpent?"

"Fortunately, in just one year, from a humble little lord, he became the regent of the Illus Empire, inherited the unification, and finally convinced everyone to take it?"

"A lucky man can bring Silver City, the Holy See, and even the Dragons to work together to completely destroy Lor'themar?"

"A lucky man can take advantage of the opportunity to destroy Lor'themar, spread the news that is not good for Klein, and stir up the three lords of Lannister, Joyce, and Barry. He died, but he took the opportunity to recover Solant. Do you think this is just lucky? "

"Stupid! It's so stupid!"

Stanley sneered, "You've all been fooled by him!"

"If he is really just an ordinary lucky man, he would be eligible to marry Queen Olena? The information records that Princess Aurelia has a close relationship with him! His Majesty Victor also favors him!"

"Dark snakes and chaos have been raging for hundreds of years. As they are about to rise again, he has destroyed the plans, and eventually they are destroyed in his hands!"

"Lothermar was just a wedge, but he seized the opportunity and directly used his strength to force the three lords to raise the banner of the uprising. He was finally killed there, but he finally picked the fruits. Are you lucky? "

"No! This can't be just lucky!"

After Stanley's analysis, he asserted: "I even suspected that Victor's death was his game, in order to obtain the throne of the Illuth Empire! The Dark Serpent and Chaos Deity only blocked him. He was destroyed by the road! The three rebellious lords may even be him. In order to prevent accidents, after killing Klein, he personally killed the three lords, and then gave them to the people ’s heroes. Title to appease the masses! "

"He is a true ambitionist! Actionist!"

"He is very old-fashioned and cunning, and he is cruel enough!"

"It can be seen from these interlocking plans that in order to achieve his purpose, his heart is black, and he is definitely a fiercer ambition than Klein!"

"He now has Unification, and he definitely wants to revive the Illus Empire and become the name of a generation of emperors!"

"And now that the enemy of Solent has been eliminated, the Rennes and Roninante are tied by him with trade. It is conceivable that once he has recovered his vitality, the next goal must be the king!"

"He is absolutely thinking of the King!"

"However, the king did not give him this opportunity!"

Stanley stood up horrifiedly, staring with stare: "Our Gris Kingdom will always belong to our Gris people! No one can steal this land!"

"Grace! Hey !!!"

"Duke Thors!"


"How's the excavation south?"

"It's been going steadily, Your Majesty."

The tall Duke of Thors shouted, "The Goblet is very powerful in digging, and he will definitely find that place!"

"It must be done as soon as possible! I hesitate to make the people hungry and consume a lot of food to buy those dogheads, absolutely not to waste!"

Stanley said coldly, "That place is the key to our unification of Grace! Don't be negligent!"


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