Things from Another World

Chapter 1059: Elsa is pregnant!

Depp and Elsa escorted the dog head from Forge Hammer. As a result, Elsa had been stunned on the road and caught Depp's attention.

"Elsa, what's wrong with you?"

Depp leaned in and asked, "Shouldn't it be that the training has been exhausted recently? If you are tired, pay attention to rest."

Elsa was the heart of Tang En's heart, and if she was exhausted, they would be assured of a group of them.

Elsa shook her head. How could she be exhausted from training after being a dragon body now? And in the past two days, Nal Haksha didn't know what she was busy with. She hadn't given her any particularly heavy training tasks, and she couldn't be more tired.


"It's nothing ... I just don't feel like I have a good appetite."

Elsa frowned, and said puzzledly, "And somehow always want to vomit ..."

There is one thing she did not say, that is, she did not come to the aunt this month, but this kind of private affairs of the girl's house must not tell Depp, she can only hold it in her heart.

Obviously, every month before was very punctual, but this month there was no sign at all, and the girl was a little distressed.

Always want to vomit?

Taser Hakro and Murphy Haksha, who were lying on her shoulders, looked at each other with a little confusion. Her daughter was a dragon anyway, and she could not eat a bad stomach (the dragon did not have a morning sickness reaction).

A few people were confused, but finally Depp thought of it, watching Elsa restless, thinking about it, and finally choking back the words.

If it is really a good thing that Lord Lord does, then he still thinks that it is good ...

No matter who it is told to, he is expected to be unlucky in the end.

After returning to Ellington, he handed over the dog head to Edgar, who took over the related matters.

After Edgar had counted the number of dogheads, he asked with a little confusion: "How small is this batch?"

"Durandon has sent people to work hard, but I don't know why, they found that the number of dogheads is far less than originally estimated."

Depp scratched his head, and was also puzzled: "The lairs where the dogheads lived together have now been trained under the leadership of" inner treachery ", but I heard that the lairs that the dogheads took to the dwarves did not gain much , Those bullheads seem to be missing. "

Edgar laughed: "Missing? Wouldn't it be eaten by some Warcraft?"

"Maybe, the dwarf said there were no signs of fighting there."

Depp shrugged and said, "Anyway this is the point, you look at the arrangements, first close to the mine with a relatively large labor gap."

At this moment, Elsa suddenly felt nauseous again, she frowned and said, "Uncle Depp, I'm a little uncomfortable, let's go first."

"Okay, you go back and rest."

Elsa hurriedly walked towards the house, and when she reached halfway, she stooped down and covered her belly with retching.

Seeing her daughter suddenly look like this, they could smash Tessel Hakro and Murphy Haksha. They fluttered around Elsa, but unfortunately they couldn't help and could only stare.


At this time, she suddenly saw Elsa every night, and she ran over in a rush: "Did you see Tang En ... what happened to you?"

"A little nauseous ..."


Elsa whispered the situation to Ye Ye this time, and as soon as she finished, she saw Ye Ye staring at her belly strangely.

"What, what?"

"Are you ... pregnant?"

"Pregnant, pregnant !?"

As if being stabbed by thunder, Elsa was dumbfounded immediately, and followed her panicking: "What, no, impossible!"

The gods are on! She is still a pure girl now, how could she be pregnant!

Thanks to Tang Enfu, Ellington's person is not a blank in **** education. The important thing is that she has never done that kind of thing with anyone, how could she be pregnant!

The nearby Taser Hackero and Murphy Hackshaw were even more aggressive, and then ecstatic.

The daughter is pregnant! ?

This is a great thing!

The Dragon race is difficult to conceive, and the pregnancy period is long, so the number of ethnic groups has been so small. Every time a dragon is pregnant, it can be regarded as a happy event for the entire dragon family!

On the spot, they flew up and down cheerfully: "Ai Lu is pregnant! Ai Lu is pregnant!"

Elsa was stunned, is there anyone like you who are parents? ?

Which father and mother in the world would be so happy to learn that their daughter was pregnant before she got married?

This is yours!

"Don't rush to explain!"

Suddenly, every night, he didn't panic. The thief asked, "Tell me, wasn't Tang En doing this? When? The guy was awesome."

"No, not ..."

"Not Down?"

Every night's expression was even more weird: "Willn't he become a green grassland on his head?"

"It's not like that ... Oops ... if there is, it must be your brother, but the problem is not ..."

Elsa was completely routine, and she accidentally uttered her thoughts.

"Oh ~~~"

Ye Ye nodded meaningfully: "I see."

"I won't tell you!"

Elsa flushed, wondering if she was being watched by Yee Ye's meaningful eyes or stimulated by sudden news, and she ran away with a stomp.

Taser and Murphy hurried to catch up.

After staring at Elsa's back for a while, she grinned suddenly and went back to the Lord's House leisurely.

Even if Tang En can't be found, there will be heavy news at this moment.

"Good daughter, when did you get pregnant?"

"Ailu, why didn't you say that when you were pregnant? You can't disturb it anymore, what if it affects the fetus! This is the hope of our dragon!

"Good daughter, tell your dad, are you and Tang En's child? Tang En is the messenger sent by the gods, his blood must be very powerful!"

"Ailu, don't listen to your father's bullshit, as long as you are healthy ..."

"Oh parents don't say anything!"

Elsa covered her ears and ran all the way: "There's nothing at all!"

"Is it not up to you?"

Taser suddenly laughed. He saw Eutinia and immediately flew forward: "It just happens that someone can help you with your doubts."

"Ms. Otinija."

Taser landed in front of Otinija and asked, "Can you do me a favor?"

Otinija closed the book and looked at Tessa Hackero in doubt.

"Can you help me see, is my daughter Elsa pregnant?"

Taser pointed his wings at Elsa who was walking quickly.

Otinija narrowed her eyes and said casually: "Don't look, she's still a girl, definitely not ... eh?"

Eutinia suddenly froze, her eyes fell on Elsa again, and then her eyes suddenly became abnormally deep, and the weak divine power condensed on her eyes, and her eyes directly penetrated Elsa's skin ...

Elsa was a little frightened by Otinia's staring eyes.

"This ... weird ... this is wrong ..."

Otinija froze, and for the first time she saw such a strange situation.

Elsa is still a girl, and Otania's verification of a girl's identity is not based on that layer of skin, but a more essential method, and it can never go wrong.

Her authority is special and limited, so as long as her authority fails, it proves that the object is no longer a girl.

But she just tried it, and her power can also have an effect on Elsa.

In other words, Elsa is definitely a girl.


Elsa, a girl, is really pregnant now!

Yes, Otinija can see her condition very clearly, not only is she pregnant, but also twins!

The most incredible thing is that it is impossible to see the **** of the fetus during this pregnancy, but Otiniya can see the situation of the fetus in the belly of Elsa very clearly. It is a male and a female twin!

Elsa is now awakened by dragon blood!

How difficult it is to conceive the dragon's blood is a well-known thing, but now, Elsa is pregnant as a girl, and she is still a dragon and phoenix. This is the first anecdote ever!

It was so strange that even the goddess Otinija was aggressive.

"how can that be……"

After repeatedly confirming that she saw it right, Otinija couldn't help it anymore. She took a few laps around Elsa, and from time to time she touched her face and her belly, completely frightening Elsa.

What about Otinija?

Even she looks like this, is she really pregnant?

Otinija frowned: "It's weird ... she's really pregnant ..."

How is this possible! ?

Elsa was about to cry. She was a good-looking girl with a blushing heartbeat with her sweetheart, even before she had kissed, and she was pregnant?

What if you let your Majesty know? What would you think of her?

Your Majesty's brother must think what she and other men did!

Thinking of this, Elsa's face turned pale and pale, and the whole person almost fainted.

"It's a little strange ..."

Otinija couldn't figure out how this happened, but because of encountering an unknown thing, she immediately came to her research interest, her eyes glowed, and she dragged Elsa and said, "Come with me. "

"Ah, ah?"

Elsa exclaimed, but her strength couldn't stop Otinija's strength, and she was finally dragged into a grove by her.

"Otinia, why is it so slow, I ... Elsa !?"

Tang En's sneaky voice sounded, and then he saw Elsa. He was shocked and jumped back: "Are you here to catch me?"

Elsa's face was stubborn: "Grab, grab you?"

Dunn's eyes turned and he looked at Otinija.


Tang En was relieved.

Otinija said lightly, "She's pregnant."


Down felt that Eutinia was joking with him.

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