Things from Another World

Chapter 1060: Shock

"This is not the time to joke."

For a moment, Tang En felt that Otinija must be joking with her.

But when Tang En saw the expressions of Otinija and Elsa, the smile on his face disappeared and he gritted his teeth and asked, "Who did it?"

What a joke!

Some people dare to move their dishes! ?

Although Tang En hasn't speeded up the progress of the strategy, he always knows, the most difficult one is Aegwynn. Once he wins Aegwynn, he can start the perfect harvest mode step by step.

That's why he has been patient.

But now, he told him that Elsa was pregnant! ?

Pregnant! pregnant! It's up! ?

Outrigger's mouth flickered. "I don't know."

"do not know!?"

Tang En, who was thundering almost, broke out. He took several deep breaths before calming down. The priority was not to get angry and angry, but to find out the situation.

Eutinia was a goddess. She was so sure that Elsa's pregnancy was definitely true. But, looking at Elsa's blank face, she probably didn't know the situation.

Although it felt green on the top of his head, Tang En still wanted to figure out the situation.


"We also just learned the news, Your Excellency Tang En, you are so good. Why don't you marry a few more Dragon girls later?"

At this moment, Taser didn't notice Tang En's mood change at all, and said cheerfully: "This will also add a family to the Dragon family!"

I'm amazing! ?

Tang En almost yelled, I am now playing and developing, and even Elsa's second base is not up!

"Indeed, it is indeed the perfect body created by the gods, and it was so easy to conceive Elsa, His Excellency, Mr. Tang En, I suggest you consider this suggestion."

Even Murphy Hackero thought that the child in Elsa's belly was Down.

Elsa panicked and explained, "No, no! It has nothing to do with your Majesty--"

it's none of my business?

Tang En's mouth was bitter, what's the matter?

"Not Lord Down?"

Taser also froze: "But don't you always say that you like Down most?"


Elsa exclaimed, her face flushed: "Dad! How can you say that!"

"What's the matter, anyway, there are children ... wait a minute? You said the child wasn't Tang En's?"

Elsa nodded bitterly, thinking about it, feeling wrong, and hurriedly said, "I don't mean that, I mean, I don't know who the child is-nor right-I mean, I I do n’t know if I have a child—not right—I, I am still a girl, I ca n’t be pregnant at all! ”

Elsa was completely stumped by the current situation and didn't know how to explain it.

Seeing her look, even Tang En was skeptical. He was holding Otinija, maybe only she could explain the situation.

"She's right."

Otinija nodded: "She is still a young girl and she shouldn't have been pregnant, but she is pregnant now, and I have seen this for the first time."

Girl? Are you really pregnant?

Even when Eutinia saw this for the first time, Tang En was constipated. She was Elsa and not Virgin Mary.

Otinija added: "And still a man and a woman twin."

Tang En and Elsa are already stupid, but Tather and Murphy are very happy, and they have two babies in one breath! Ailu is really great! It is indeed their daughter!

Outrigger smiled rarely: "I think it's very research-oriented."

"Research? Wait! Don't do it!"

Tang En took a deep breath. At this time, he remembered that there was another guy who could determine the current situation. Perhaps, it was just Otinia who was wrong? If it comes to the fetus, it must be related to life. It may be more reliable to ask Nora to take a look!

[Nora! 】

Tang En called Nora in his head. After a moment, Nola fell on his head with a little bit of light: "Yeah, I'm coming! what's wrong? 】

"Elsa is pregnant!"

Tang En pointed at Elsa: "Hurry up and help me see what's going on!"


Nora flew to Elsa's belly, and touched her little hand, then said with a surprise: "Yeah! Sure enough!"

"Is pregnant-wait?"

Tang En suddenly said: "Success? What succeeded?"

"I didn't expect to take shortcuts so easily, without too complicated setting work at all."

Nora patted her little hand happily, and said, "I knew this already, and I should have used this method in the last exam ..."


Tang En gripped Nora's wings in a lightning bolt, growling, "Hurry up and explain! What does it really mean?"

"Oh! Let go!"

Nora exclaimed: "Booby Donn! Pervert Donn! Rogue Donn!"

Tang En said indignantly: "Come on, or I'll let you taste the power of cotton swabs!"

"So it was successful!"

Nora seemed to be frightened by a cotton swab. She looked at Tang En with tears in her eyes and said in a grievance, "I didn't expect it would be so easy to succeed, and it took shape so quickly ..."

"So, all this is a ghost of you !?"

Tang En almost fainted and growled again: "What the **** are you doing !?"

Oh shit!

Elsa turned out to be swollen by Nora! ?

This is outrageous!

The dishes on her plate have not been eaten by her mouth, but have been given NTR by Nora! ?

The most speechless is that Nora is still a fairy! ?

"Donny Donn! Stupid Donn!"

Nora grieved and said, "Isn't it all you to let me do !?"

Tang En faced with a grimace: "I, I let you do it !?"

The gods are on! When did he let Nora make Big Elsa's belly! ?

"Don't you say before, let me reshape the body for Taser and Murphy?"

"Reshape your body !? It's true, but what's it got to do with Elsa's pregnancy !? Hurry up and be honest!"

Tang En was in a hurry, and Taser Hackero and Murphy Hackshaw were also stunned. Why is this still related to them?

Otinija narrowed her eyes. Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, and looked at Nora with a little suspicion.

Nora was angry: "Because I have n’t done life creation for too long, my hands are a bit raw and I can only take shortcuts. And I have the soul of Taser and Murphy, so I do n’t need to create a soul, just make two Just a blank body. "

"In addition, considering the best compatibility of the soul, it is best to use the original flesh and blood of Taser and Murphy, but they have decayed and their bones have lost their vitality, so they are not considered at all."

"Elsa is their child, so she has exactly the components of Taser and Murphy in her bloodline. Using her egg cells as a material, the body that is nurtured is absolutely no problem in compatibility!"

"In addition to this, some 'seeds' are needed. Naturally, they are taken from you, because your body is very special and highly compatible, and it will not affect the original blood characteristics!"

"I will take the seed from you into Elsa's body, combine it with her egg cells, and make minor adjustments to create a satisfying body!"

"So you said, was this what you asked me to do !?"

After listening to Nora's speech, Tang En took a breath of air, and the whole person was ill.

"You said ... seeds from me?"

Nora nodded.

"When did you do it?"

"You and Lola--"

"Shut up, I know!"

Tang En hurriedly stopped her, and now he felt his head go up and down.

If Nora is true, that is to say, the child in Elsa's belly is really the crystal of him and Elsa! ?

Obviously he hasn't picked Elsa, the fruit of water and spirits, so that she is pregnant with her child?

What's even more **** is that the two fetuses she was pregnant with were still blank bodies for Taser Hackero and Murphy Hacksa! ?

The most annoying thing is that Tessa Hackero and Murphy Hacksa are still his father-in-law and mother-in-law!

Shou Shou!

He has no relationship with Elsa, but Elsa is pregnant with their two children, and their two children are still Elsa's parents!

Tang En has to admit that he has been bullied by this **** relationship-is there any more **** relationship in this world?

Compared with this relationship, Taser Murphy's change from husband and wife relationship to sibling relationship is drizzle!

Anyway, the Dragons don't care about close marriages-their bloodline and life span are enough to make them ignore this.

Tang En's headache now is, how should this special relationship be counted in the future?

My wife gave birth to my father-in-law, should I call them children, or should I continue to call my father-in-law?

"I seem to understand ..."

Tessa Hackero said a little uncertainly: "Her Tang En asked you to help us reshape our body, and you want to take shortcuts, so Elsa gave birth to Tang En's child, and these two children, Is that my body after Murphy and me? "

Nora nodded. "That's right!"

After that, she glared at Tang En very wronged: "You bad guy! Dumbass! Dumbass! Nora is clearly helping you! You actually treat Nora this way! Nora will never ignore you!"

"Stop it!"

Tang En rubbed his head and said angrily, "I haven't sorted out the relationship yet! I blame you!"

"Blame me for anything!"

"I mean to ask you to help, but is there anyone like you to help !?"

Tang En was furious: "You're getting more and more chaotic, it's pure help! The course you created in your life must be the end of the crane, right?"

Nora proudly said, "It's not the tail of the crane! They have already obtained the primary evidence of the creation! The tail of the crane is a bite--"

"Ghosts believe you!"

Tang En interrupted her: "If it's so powerful, why use this method?"

Tang En is almost going crazy, this relationship is so special!

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