Things from Another World

Chapter 1061: A "war" that cannot be lost!

Although Tang En was going crazy, Conora didn't feel it at all. Instead, she felt that she was doing very beautifully-who can think of such an easy and convenient way besides her?

If she was still in school, she could be admired by other scholars because of this method!

"So I haven't done it for a long time, so I'm born!"

Nora bluntly said, "This method is the most efficient, fastest, and most effective! And it is not easy to make bugs. It is the most troublesome to rewrite life code!"

The irritated Tang En didn't pay attention to the amazing amount of information exposed in Nora's discourse, and now he just wanted to know how the relationship should be in the end!

"Well, if it's for the two of us, I don't think it's necessary."

Taser Hackero suddenly said: "The two of us are very satisfied with our current situation. Although we can't help Eluo, but I can stay with her and look at her like this. I am very satisfied."

Murphy nodded. "It's like this. I'd rather see Erlu give birth to two healthy dragon babies than to get our two bodies back."

The number of dragons is too small, so few that they have a pathological obsession with the birth of a newborn, and they can even give up their hopes for this.

"Oh No."

Nora waved her fingers: "Because the two bodies are adjusted for your soul fluctuations, and they are blank bodies, they are not integrated into the soul at all, so you can only use them."

It sounds like the code of the program is also limited when filling the program with the hardware.

"Oh ... then there is no way, then we two can wait with anticipation."

"Tessor, don't you think this is weird ..."

"What's weird, Lord Tang?"

"What shall I call you in the future? Which one of your two generations should you be?"

Tethy Hackelo looked at Dunn with a strange look: "Of course I am still."

"But your new body was bred from me and Elsa's" seeds ". These two bodies were born of Elsa, and they are our children ..."

"But the soul is still me and Murphy."

Teather Hacker tilted his head: "Do you have any questions?"

Tang En froze and was there.

What's my opinion?

Elsa looked at them eagerly. It seemed that several of them had never planned to ask her what she meant by "mother"?

"You don't seem to worry about this."

Nora broke free from Tang En, first flew in front of his head, kicked it **** Tang En's head, and stood on his head covering her skirt, saying proudly: "Now it's only temporary With Elsa to conceive her body, she won't really be born in the end. I will take them out after the body is formed, and then cultivate them separately until I can finally bear their two souls. Filling-I mean, it's time for fusion. "

After hearing Nora's words, all the people present were finally relieved.

Not to mention, just don't let Elsa really be a mother ...

"Look at what you called!"

Tang En said angrily: "Can't talk in advance? I'm scared to death!"

Nora said angrily, "What you said, you need to take what you need, don't be polite with you, leave this to me!"

Tang En thought carefully, he did seem to have said so, but he did not expect that Nora would use such a trick!

After knowing the reason, Elsa finally didn't panic, but she was still a little irritable.

"Nora, do you mean, I will stay in this state for a long time?"

Elsa said bitterly, "Now I don't have any appetite. I can't eat the things I used to eat, and I always want to vomit."

Nora thought for a moment, clapping her hands, and said, "Let ’s just give you a blessing and suppress your morning sickness reaction."

After speaking, a green light fell on Elsa. After a moment, Elsa's spirit was obviously better. She was very surprised and said, "Really good! I'm not at all uncomfortable!"

"Of course!"

Nora smugly said, "Don't look at who I am! I'm Nora! Than that stupid bite--"

"Okay, don't be complacent."

Tang En couldn't help but whispered, "If something goes wrong, I'll find you!"

"Huh! No! I'm still confident!"

Nora tugged at Tang En's hair angrily, then flashed directly: "I won't play with you! Find friends to party!"

After speaking, she disappeared again. If nothing unexpected, she should have gone to the Yingling Hall with those fairy friends.

Tang En finally relaxed at the moment, but following Elsa's words made him nervous again.

"Yes, Your Majesty, you just said, I'm here to arrest you, what do you mean?"

After the morning sickness reaction disappeared, Elsa was rejuvenated and her curiosity came up.

Tang En jumped, then ran to the edge of the woods, pointed out his eyes, and then said carefully: "You weren't tracked when you came, didn't you meet your sister Fiona?"

Elsa looked blankly: "No ... what's wrong?"

Otinija said lightly: "Because your sister Fiona wants to catch him and kiss him."

"... grab him and kiss?"

Elsa asked stupidly: "What is a close friend? Why should you catch your brother?"

"This ... is a long story ..."

Tang En smiled bitterly, and it had to start with the mess that vanilla and cocoa had dropped a few days ago.

That day, Tang En finally persuaded Fiona and convinced her that she and Vanilla Coco were innocent. The next day, the sullen Luo Lin ran over from the underground world again, in front of Fiona. Face announced that he would formally marry Tang En, making Tang En the Prince of Dark Elves.

After waiting for Fiona's reaction, the two mothers and daughters of Peltis and Selises came together again. They were even more fierce and directly announced that Tang En was the prince of Lianglin Naga, and now just came over to get married-- And still with their mother and daughter!

This time, he knocked the horse honeycomb, and Fiona almost broke out on the spot.

Luo Lin is also about the same, she managed to shake off her mother, Lola, and ran over to take exclusive possession of Tang En, but did not expect that the enemy was more brutal, and the mother and daughter went directly to battle!

How could her lonely little girl be better than the mother and daughter of Pertis?

Although the quality is similar, the quantity is at a complete disadvantage!

But give up? Luo Lin cannot give up.

Originally, I thought that Tang En was a **** ambassador, so I wanted to draw him in. However, after learning the true origin of Tang En and understanding that his body is the perfect body of the world closest to the "god", Luo Lin left. Determination-Be sure to use the blood of Tang En to leave the dark elves with the best offspring!

This is a "war" that cannot be lost!

Peltis and Talisis are thinking the same as Lorraine. After returning that day, the two of them began to work out how to get Down's "seed of life", so it was hard for them to decide their mother and daughter together. The bundling sale won Tang En, but found that she was almost one step behind. The dark elf little girl queen was even more anxious than them!

Just when the two sides were deadlocked, Vanilla and Coco went and returned. This time it was not just the two of them. In order to increase the chance of winning, they actually brought little love over!

Xiao Ai, who was arranged by Tang En as the director of New Burkeso, has a good chest. The two peaks alone are enough to increase their winning percentage by several percentage points. In order to give the Orcs of the Rennes Empire Bringing powerful offspring, vanilla and cocoa are also cut out this time.

When Fiona saw Yingying Yanyan in the room, her face was green!

She knew that Tang En's honest image was pretended, but he didn't expect him to be so outrageous! Without knowing it, there were so many different girls!

Although Fiona knew that there was no relationship between these girls and Tang En, it was just that they knew what Tang En was special about, so they wanted to get Tang En's "seed of life", so they scrambled to marry him. But as a woman who loves Tang En, she can't accept these girls to treat Tang En as a seeder!

Especially when the Dragon Nal Haksha was also ordered, and even Durandon and Brian wanted to send the "beauties" of the dwarf race to fight for the ownership of Tang En, Fiona broke out completely and questioned Tang En what on earth is it.

She even said that since Tang En was so charming, it would be better to let him go and talk to the pro, and directly promote the Prince of the Hundred Clan and then dominate the world so quickly!

What can Tang En say?

He ran away on the spot!

Until now, he had never dared to return to the Lord's Mansion.

He was really scared.

In addition to his fear, he was also a bit relieved. After knowing his identity, so many women of all races are striving for perfection. Only Aegwynn, only the elves, are still so calm, no different from before.

Sure enough, the elves are the best ...

He didn't know, this was because Isari knew that his favorite was Aegwynn, so sitting on the Diaoyutai platform wasn't anxious at all-plus early meeting with Tang En, Isari usually didn't squeeze a lot of juice. In terms of the probability of conception, she is the highest one, so of course she is not in a hurry.

Besides, than the quality, the elves' girls are not worse than the number. Now the female elves in the entire Emerald Forest shoulder the major mission of continuing the race. If there is a need, they can even take turns to squeeze Down Compared to the quality and quantity of the girls, who are they afraid of the elves?

The most important point is that Isari has heard the report of Pamela Greenvine. She knows that the first elves who have arrived in Ellington have been planning For one thing, if they succeed, they will be able to conceive, but Tang En is too strong, so this matter must be steadily progressed, they will not start action until they have 100% certainty.

Regardless of whether they acted, at least they knew their mission and their responsibilities, which was enough. Isari was very pleased.

Tang En is not clear at this moment. His crisis of virginity is actually just the beginning ...

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