Things from Another World

Chapter 1062: Forced Marriage Force

"What !? Elsa she--"

Fiona's sharp voice pierced the Lord's House suddenly, and her voice stopped abruptly.

The servants outside looked at each other, wondering what happened.

In the study, Fiona looked at Ye Ye in wonder: "You mean it !? Elsa, she's really pregnant !?"

"of course it's true!"

Ye Ye squinted and smiled very happily: "Anorexia and vomiting, isn't it pregnant? Don't tell me that her constitution will cause heat stroke, she is a dragon!"

This time Fiona was restless. As Tang En announced her identity a while ago, vanilla cocoa forced them to marry. Fiona knew their purpose and said how deep their feelings were. They were all staring. On the identity and blood of Tang En.

But Elsa is different, Fiona is very clear, that girl has always liked Tang En!

But these days, Tang Enke has never been alone with Elsa. How could Elsa be pregnant! ?

Unless, someone else did it!

Fiona asked quietly, "Have she been in contact with other men recently?"

Although Fiona wants to monopolize Tang En, but she knows more about how to be a woman that men like. There is no doubt that she can help Tang En settle those troublesome things, and the women who comfort the harem are the most popular.

Elsa must be the dish on Don's plate, but now, some of the dishes on his plate dare to move boldly, is this okay?

Fiona couldn't be happier even if it could reduce her one competitor.

After all, Elsa and her haven't known each other for a short time. In fact, if necessary, they can even form an alliance to stabilize their position together.

But now, Elsa has an accident ...

Fiona couldn't say what she felt in her heart.

All in all, let's find out the truth of this matter now.


She shook her head every night: "In addition to training these days, she is to accompany Elijah, or else she is going to **** the Goblin and the Lizardman."

"That's weird ..."

Fiona frowned. "She can't get pregnant for no reason."

"That's what you're investigating."

Ha ha ha every night: "Anyway, I have helped you here, so you have to fulfill your promise. Do n’t let me clean up all day or something, I ’m also your senior hero, so I waste this Do n’t you feel bad about this kind of talent? ”

Fiona said with a smile: "Don's arrangement is for you. I dare not interfere with anything, but since we have an appointment, I can do this in private. Starting from today, Madam Ye Ye You do n’t have to do those chores again. "


Cheers every night: "It's finally time to look up!"

What a pitiful guy, the pride and self-confidence in the beginning have all been tossed by Tang En, and now the only life goal is to stop being a handyman ...


Yeye Probe, who had just left, came back and said, "She's gone to the park. If you want to find Tang En, you might find it there."

Fiona raised her eyebrows and flew out of the window.

"Well, it's a little bit hot."

Every night, rubbing his chin, his face was full of glee: "But don't make a living ... would you like to make fun?"

The eager night trying to think of the belly black expression that Tang En inadvertently revealed suddenly, he suddenly got cold and took a nap.

"Forget it, don't go there, just in case he knew about it, he still killed me ..."

The camera follows Fiona to the park.

"Your Majesty Tang En !!! It's useless to hide! Come out now!"

Fiona opened her throat and shouted, "If you don't show up again, I promise them directly-"

Fiona's body suddenly trembled in the air, followed immediately by the hands of the invisible mage.

"Don't be blind!"

Tang En rushed angrily and shouted: "If they haven't gone yet, what can you do if you hear it?"

"Well, finally willing to show up!"

Fiona sneered and threw him a gaze: "Since you know the trouble, why did you provoke them?"

"Who provoked them! Who!"

Tang En was anxious: "They obviously have to stick to it!"

"Huh! Isn't it all because of your public identity?"

Fiona stared at him angrily: "It is not necessary to announce such important news to those people! Just let a few people know! Now it's okay, you have become a citron, everyone wants to grab it! Even Brian's side is trying to get you some 'beauties' of the dwarf race to come and ask for your seed, you can do it yourself! "

"He dares!"

Tang En's face was iron-blue: "If he dare to do this, I will kill him!"

Other races are okay to say, anyway, they can be considered humanoids, but he can't accept the dwarf "beauty"!

You are like the world of Aden, the dwarves are all legal loli! ?

Fiona deliberately scared Tang En: "Don't he dare? I don't know, but I know that if you don't show up, those girls will tear you down!"

Tang En suddenly laughed: "They really dare not."

Now Tang En is a treasure in their eyes. Not only that, but he came down with the mission of the gods, and opposed Tang En? That means against the gods, and in this world where faith is paramount, this is to commit a great death.

"Well, no more nonsense, first explain what Elsa is doing!"

Fiona, seeing his hob meat, went straight to the subject: "Is it yours?"

Tang En stunned: "How do you know !?"


Fiona spoke sharply: "How do you know how I know, first you say that the child in her belly is yours?"

"its mine……"

After fangs grinning and saying this, Tang En felt very hurt.

Fiona's eyes widened suddenly: "When did you do it !?"

"I didn't do it ..."

"You just admitted it was your child! Turn your face and don't confess it !?"

"The child is indeed mine, but not me!"

Tang En knows that this statement is too ridiculous, but the problem is that this is the truth!

Fiona was obviously stumped by him, and looked subconsciously at Otinija, but Otinija nodded: "He is true."

Fiona was even more confused now.

He didn't do it, but Elsa was pregnant with his child?

Could it be that he has the ability to stare at who is pregnant?

"Don't guess blindly, this fact is ... let me explain it to you."

Tang En was sore for a while, but he still endured the impulse to hit people and said the whole thing before and after.

It can be said that after listening to Tang En's narration, Fiona was almost demented, and she had only one thought in her mind: this is all right! ?

"... In other words, the child in Elsa's belly is indeed yours, but the two children are the bodies prepared for Taser and Murphy, that is, you and Elsa gave birth Her parents? "

After saying this, Fiona was almost fainted, and Elsa next to her face wrinkled into a ball, apparently tangled up.

"Don't mention it, we just managed to solve this complicated ethical problem just now."

Tang En said with a tangled face: "In short, now Elsa is only acting as a training room, and those two children can't be considered real children, do you understand?"


Saying that, Fiona's look at Elsa was quite strange.

There are so many girls' houses around Tang En, but no one pleases them, but Elsa suddenly conceived his child without saying a word—well, it ca n’t be his child, but at least The crystallization of the two of them-in a way, she is already a winner in life. ?

Fiona shook her head: "Okay, don't worry about it, now you talk about it, what should we do over there? We can't leave them all the time."

"Really helpless?"

"Isn't this the result you've always dreamed of?"

Fiona snorted and rolled her eyes: "Don't pretend to be innocent, let your acting skills be left to others."

Tang En is bitter. If the plan goes well, of course he doesn't mind opening the harem to be a life winner, but the problem is that now that Aegwin hasn't settled down, he dare not let it go!

The most important thing is that Tang En also knows that there is no relationship between the girls and him at all. Vanilla and cocoa were ordered by Caroma River, plus the last unexpected accident, the decision was simply made. Marry him a hundred directly.

Lola is because she was angry with Lola and always wanted to **** Tang En's exclusive right from Lola. It was more like a child being angry.

Portis and Sally Heath are even simpler. They came from the seed of Downe from the beginning, because from Downe they felt Anita Lair's breath, so they were very sure that they could Get good blood from him.

Xiao Ai was rescued by Tang En during her loneliest and most downcast because of family reasons. She was more grateful and dependent on Tang En, saying that love was purely bullshit, but she was so shy. Being able to be persuaded by vanilla and cocoa to join their camp is already very difficult.

Even the elven queen Isari, and Tang En have no emotional basis at all. The two are now more like *** Isari wants to get pregnant. How can Tang En be ashamed of Tang En? The feelings were purely squeezed out of the juice.

Actually speaking, the only one who really has a certain emotional foundation with Tang En is Fiona.

Even Tina, Elsa, and Aurelia can barely be regarded as having a little emotional basis. Tina and Elsa are mixed with gratitude for being rescued, but the unfortunate Aurelia is emotional The seeds are not yet fully mature, and they are also affected by his brother Gillard. Because of the inheritance of the throne, Olena interspersed with a bar. Tang En hardly changed from a heartbeat boy to a stepdad, not to mention how tangled she was.

And Tang En, but now he has been struggling again. He wants to attack Aegwynn to win this heart-felt girl. How difficult is it? There is a Lily woman Grantia in the middle. He wants to succeed. distant……



Don't be funny, it's a sister, it's a goddess, it's a little loli, how can it be an object!

I am serious!

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