Things from Another World

Chapter 1063: Elaborate lies

"Are they all gone?"

"all gone!"

Fiona said angrily: "Come in!"


Tang En breathed a sigh of relief. He tried his best to slow down the soldiers before he could take away those girls who were thirsty, so that he could breathe a sigh of relief.

Forced marriage is not terrible, it is terrible that there is no emotional basis with the other party.

It's not terrible to have no emotional foundation. What's more terrible is that the other party didn't hide it, just ran straight to your next three roads.

Even if Tang En was armed with a steel gun, would he be scared to pee? If it was the same as the girls on the earth, Tang En even dared to give up. It would n’t be a problem to go solo with a single shot, after all, the girl here in Prandall But they are all human-shaped juicers. They are not soft girls who are soft and easy to overthrow!

And their purpose is to squeeze juice, squeeze juice! Don't let it go!

"I knew it now, why bother!"

Fiona couldn't help rolling her eyes, she now understood what was going on, and had a lot of complaints against Tang En in her heart.

Isn't it okay to look for something? Suddenly there are so many competitors, and she is under great pressure.

"I didn't expect this to happen."

Tang En smiled again and again: "No matter what the situation is, all in all, now I can finally take a break and do some business."

"It's nice to say that they are now being dismissed for the time being, and when they bring it up again, you will always give an answer."

Fiona tapped on the table and groaned for a moment, saying, "You might as well follow them. Now we maintain the relationship between the two parties through trade relations. After all, it is not very stable. If you can marry them and have an in-law relationship, the bond between the two parties Even more stable. "

"would you like?"

"... I, why don't I!"

Fiona blushed, stuttering, "This, this plan is only good for our Datang Chamber of Commerce!"

Under Tang En's gaze, Fiona's eyes were getting lower and lower, and finally her head was almost buried in her chest, and she said, "I, I don't care how much you ..."

She looked so funny that Tang En couldn't help but want to bully her severely.

Tang En stepped forward, raised her chin, and looked at her with a smile: "So, if I married them, would you really have no opinion at all?"

Fiona looked away: "No, no!"

"You don't have any ideas?"


"Don't want to add a name to the list?"


Seeing Fiona's mouth open and speechless, Tang En couldn't help but laughed, then actively lowered her head, kissed her severely on her lips, and then touched her lips and said, "If it's true If you want to marry, I will marry you first, my beauty executive. "

Fiona's entire face turned red and transparent. I don't know if it was because of Tang En's active kiss or because of his words. The sweetness and bitterness of the girl's heart poured out, and her eyes were blurred immediately.

It's worth it.

With his words, all efforts are worth it.

"It's just ... Be careful before you win Aegwynn ..."

Fiona, who was so moved, suddenly heard Tang En muttering, the sweet atmosphere suddenly disappeared, she stared at Tang En with annoyance, and there were tears in her eyes: "You can't hear me Somewhere to say this !? Let me be moved for a while !? "

Tang En smiled faintly and looked down at Fiona: "With your ingenuity, can't you hear me? I meant it to you?"

"Yes, yes, I know, of course I know that Her Majesty Tang En fell in love with Aegwin at first sight, good-bye, and lost heart at third sight, so she was determined to win her heart!

Fiona said sourly: "We, the bitter girls, can only stretch their necks aside, waiting for your whimper!"

Although it is an exaggeration, what she said is not too outrageous. Tang En's approach is really not a good man.

He now implements the three innocents of love, not taking the initiative, not refusing, and not being responsible, so he is just a little better than the scumbag.

Fortunately, he is in a special situation now, so he is not afraid of playing off.


"It's weird without resentment!"

Fiona wiped her tears, pursed her lips, and said, "I've planted it in your life!"

Tang En helped her wipe away her tears and said gently, "This is my pleasure."

Fiona stared at Tang En: "Hum, finally exposed your true colors?"

"Ah, ha, what are you talking about, when did I hide my true face?"

Tang En withdrew his hand, hit a haha, turned around and sat on the sofa, and instantly returned to the pure innocence innocent.

Fiona snorted, "I don't know how many innocent girls you used to cheat in your world in this way!"


Tang En's pretense was deep, and after a moment, he said a number that made Fiona dumb: "In fact, there isn't any."


"How is that impossible?"

Tang En spread his hand: "My world's information has exploded. Girls are more cunning than men and play tricks better than men. People like me who are simple and kind will only be turned around by their play. In the end, they are not spare tires. It's just becoming a paner. "

According to his experience, there is no chance for him to settle others on the earth, and he can only pass by himself.

"Receiver? What do you mean?"

"Oh, it is raising his women and children for other men."

After Fiona thought for a moment, she suddenly realized that she looked at Tang En with pity: "The men in your world are really pitiful ... but in other words, if you use the inaccessible methods of your world, you simply treat us as Prandall. The girls turned around for deception? "

"I didn't say that, but I have always been sincere."

"It's really acting."

Fiona finally understood that at the moment, this is the unequal status caused by poor information.

As a visitor from a different world, Tang En holds much more information than theirs. The information difference between the two sides is the card in which Tang En is so calm. He can use the various information and skills he has to analyze and infer various situations. You can even use all means to actively lay out and let the target fall into his trap ...

Thinking about it that way, Fiona couldn't help but wonder if she had accidentally fallen into his trap and became his captive?

"I was suddenly scared."

Fiona looked at Tang En very seriously, his face reflected in his eyes: "I'm afraid all this is a lie that you have carefully woven out. It will be broken in one click, promise me, if this is really a lie, then Let me live in this lie all my life, okay? At least in this lie, I am happy. "

"Stupid girl, what do you say?"

Tang En sighed, walked over and touched her head, held her in his arms, and whispered, "I never lied to you ..."

Fiona closed her eyes happily, even if she knew that this might be another lie, but she had already fallen and would rather be deceived by such a lie.

The so-called love, is not a person willing to be deceived by another person for a lifetime?

that's enough.

The warm time was fleeting, and the two finally remembered that there was still something to do.

"Sweet time is reserved for the future. Now we must seize the time to develop, and the army of chaos may appear at any time."

"I understand. That's why I think that marrying them is a good choice, and you can integrate great power quickly."

"Don't mention this again ..."

"Sooner or later you will have to face this problem."

Fiona shrugged, and now when she talked about the subject, she was not so uncomfortable.

After all, from the beginning, Prandall didn't have any strict marriage system. Only you have the ability to marry a few.

Tang En's current status and status have not produced any harem. Three thousand beauties have been restrained.

Fiona gave a small cough and said: "Seriously, the number of dogheads escorted from the forge of Hammer Fortress has begun to decrease in recent days. This time, I managed to make up 5,000, it is said that it was because of the doghead. The number of people does not match what we expected. Do you know what happened? "

"Is it because the Warcraft have begun to store food for the winter?"

"It's impossible. Dogheads are timid and cautious. Their caves are far from all kinds of WoW habitats, not to mention that there are not many kinds of WoWs that can move underground. This possibility does not exist."

Tang En's eyebrows are twisted together. The doghead's reproductive ability is very strong. The number of ethnic groups is quite large. It is conservatively estimated to be tens of millions. He and Durandon and Brian originally estimated that they could train at least 10,000 dogheads every month The miners came out, but now they are reduced by half, and the situation is indeed a bit wrong.

"Is there any news over Durandon?"

"He said on the phone that a lot of Kobolds' lairs were found to be empty. A lot of Kobolds seemed to disappear out of thin air, so they are now much less efficient at catching Kobolds."

After Tang En pondered for a while, he said, "It's not too bad to catch it. Anyway, the Lizardman is still normal and sufficient, and the Astral Base will start to produce minerals soon. Our dependence on the mine has not It was so strong before. "

Although Prandall's mine output is stable, compared to the astral world, it is completely a little witch. By then, one hundred gold giant statues will be activated, and the mining efficiency will be beyond imagination.

The most important thing is that the astral resources are endless, and you are not afraid of hollowing out!

"That line, I'll talk to Durandon then."

Fiona nodded, and suddenly asked, "There is another thing, I think I need to remind you."

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