Things from Another World

Chapter 1064: To save the world!

The thing Fiona wanted Tang to talk about was family planning.

Don't get me wrong, this family planning is not another family planning, but to increase the existing population as much as possible in the shortest possible time.

According to the normal social development route, the population is proportional to the land carrying capacity. The land carrying capacity refers to a country or region that does not cause land degradation or cause irreversible negative impacts on land resources under a certain level of technology and input intensity. Under the premise of affecting, or not causing serious environmental degradation, it can continue to support the maximum number of people with a certain level of consumption or the scale of human activities with a certain intensity.

The situation of Prendall is very clear to everyone. The typical land is wide and the population is sparse. The land here is not infertile. In principle, the population of Prendall should be very high. Although it has not entered the industrialized society, it must maintain at least 30 100 million people are not a problem.

But everyone also knows that the two chaotic invasion wars have brought great disaster to Prendall, the cliff-like decline in population, coupled with the environmental pollution caused by the chaotic gates that randomly appear every three to five, and the slow development of agricultural development. A variety of factors combined, resulting in the current situation in Prendall.

The immense population of Prandall is less than one billion.

Among them, the Empire of Illus (including Solant) is currently the most populous. According to incomplete statistics (after all, the conditions are rudimentary, there must be omissions), the existing population totals about 568,400,000, optimistically Say, anyway, there are 600 million people, and it doesn't seem to be too small-but don't forget, this is the case with Solent.

In a single Solant region alone, more than 400 million people are occupied!

This is the most fertile area of ​​Prandall's land. The grain output of the White Mist Plain occupies a quarter of Sorant, but the population living here is only one tenth, that is, less than 40 million people. Definitely the largest granary.

The population of the Roninant Kingdom is second only to the Illus Empire. It has a population of more than 200 million and has reached 230 million. This is because Ronantan ’s business has flourished in recent years and a large amount of food has been imported. The amount that can grow after feeding a larger population.

The Kingdom of Grace rarely releases various data to the public, but according to the feedback from those adventurers and businessmen, the situation of the Kingdom of Grace is not optimistic. There is a barren land and a very low food output. The population may be as large as 100 million Guan can't break through, and optimistic estimates are only about 80 million.

In other words, the total population of the three major kingdoms of human beings is only about 890 million. Even if the number of people who might be ignored in rough statistics is rounded up, it is only 900 million.

If on this basis, the orcs of all races of the Rennes Empire are counted, well, this number finally broke through one billion and reached 1.1 billion.

With a population of 1.1 billion, the birth rate and mortality rate are balanced according to the age distribution of the population. This is still a very rare and stable population structure. To achieve a breakthrough growth in the population, we must think of ways.

Tang En's task is very arduous now. He needs to at least double the population, or even double or triple in 40 years of conservative time!

If there is not enough population base, I am afraid that chaotic creatures will not be needed to destroy the world. The world itself will be destroyed after the war.

Strictly speaking, now propelled by Down's magic reform technology, Prandall has fully equipped the basic conditions for feeding 3 billion and even 4 billion people.

Originally backward agriculture, due to the birth of various magic agricultural machinery, one person can easily complete the work of the past one hundred people, making the agricultural cultivation efficiency increase exponentially.

The high-yielding seeds developed by Grantia at the prompt of Tang En allow the same area of ​​farmland to harvest more food. The Elves who have embraced Tang En have provided a large number of technical personnel, which can be open all year round. It produces a large number of delicious vegetables and fruits, and the cannery can also produce a large number of cans that can be stored for a long time and easy to transport.

It can be said that from this year to next year, the magical agricultural machinery will be completely popularized, coupled with the new varieties of improved seeds provided by the Temple of Earth, the grain output of Prandall will once again increase by leaps and bounds, and people's full stomach is no longer a problem. It is time to worry about how to keep those "Kadal (Plandal) wheat" for a long time.

The explosive growth of food is accompanied by a more prosperous food trade, and originally inconvenient transportation, now there are bicycles, motorcycles, magic cars, magic buses, and passenger airships will soon be available. The big killer is put into operation, and the transfer array that Tang En has exclusive control of can transport a large amount of materials to all parts of Prendall in an instant. Even if there is no transfer array, the magic truck and the highway will greatly speed up the transportation of materials.

Trade is booming, grain can be transported to various cities and villages, and there is a way of thinking. *** People are full, and naturally they have the mood to think about the next generation.

When we have children, we need to consider the development of the next generation. In the previous plant, the farmer's son or farmer, it was almost impossible to have the opportunity to be promoted to the upper levels of society, unless the awakening talent became the apocalypse, but now, With Tang En's vigorous promotion of education, the son of the farmer may also become a new upstart.

With sufficient education in various schools, not only the probability of awakening talent is higher, but also the opportunity to be exposed to knowledge that was impossible before, to stimulate their curiosity, so that in addition to the awakening talent to become apocalypse, children also have If we take another path, we can still become a reliable talent.

In this case, the city is obviously more attractive than the village, so a large number of people will flood into the city, providing the city with a large number of labor and school-age children.

At the same time, the modernization of various cities has allowed cities to accommodate more people, and the efficiency of the reformed government structure has greatly increased, and the working population can be quickly and properly resettled, further accelerating social development.

Now, driven by Tang En, the pace of life for all has begun to accelerate unconsciously.

"I talked to Aurelia before about this. Population is always a big issue. If we want this country to continue to thrive, we need a sufficient population."

Tang En groaned at the table and said, "It was just that when we talked about it, because agricultural and social conditions were not enough to support too many people at that time, but now it is different."

"Yeah, it's different now."

Fiona agrees with Tang En's words. After regaining the Solent collar, the fertile and fertile Solent collar combined with the power of the magic reform technology, the grain output will inevitably explode next year, and it will not feed twice the existing population. Problem, so after learning about Tang En's mission, Fiona immediately thought of this critical issue.

"That being the case, let's discuss specific policies with Aurelia."

Tang En stood up and said, "With a larger population, this market will be bigger and the economy will be stronger. You can also look forward to it a little."

"I have nothing to look forward to."

Fiona pouted his lips: "I have now finally understood the true mission of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, so I have no interest in making money."

Tang En smiled: "It doesn't matter if you aren't interested in making money, but you must spend it. If we don't spend the money we make, this society will be messed up."

"Okay, I know. Hurry up and find your princess!"

Tang En nodded, and teleported to Yalinks Palace.

"Your bravery."

This is the first sentence of Aurelia after seeing Tang En.

"What do you mean?"

"Your identity and mission."

Aurelia put down her pen and talked eloquently: "You have always said that you want to keep it secret, but this time you went straight to the showdown, and you are not afraid of causing world chaos?"

"The people present that day were trustworthy, so don't worry."

Tang En smiled and sat down across from Aurelia: "Not to mention, the situation is more urgent, and I can no longer hide it, to confess to everyone, and then work together to save this impending world is serious."

"So, are you here today to discuss with me how to save the world?"

"of course."

Tang En smiled slightly. "Because it is time to carry out that plan."

"That plan? Which?"

"Population growth plan."

Aurelia suddenly realized: "Speaking of which, now that Solant has returned, the largest granary is in hand. Combined with those technologies and seeds you introduced, the output of grain will further explode, and it can indeed feed more people. "

Tang En smiled, and then knocked on the table to organize the language. After a while, he said, "The biggest trouble that used to hinder people from giving birth was the lack of food and the second is poverty. Now the first problem has been solved. It can be resolved immediately, the second problem has also been greatly alleviated, and people's income has been greatly improved, so the introduction of policies to promote fertility is also a matter of smooth flow, and should not be hindered. I said, you Remember. "

Alleria nodded, picked up her pen, and changed a stack of paper to start recording.

"Under the current circumstances, we have begun to publicize our policies. Newlyweds, including current families, are encouraged to have a second child if they have a child."

"If you have two children, you will receive a monthly subsidy of one kilogram of wheat flour, ten canned fruits, and one barrel of milk ..."

"If you have three children, the allowance will be doubled. At the same time, you will be given the title of Hero Family, and will be exempted from agricultural tax ..."

"If you have four children, the state is responsible for all the childcare expenses from birth to adulthood."

"There are five children-you can tell them so, as long as you dare to give birth, we dare to raise!"

"At the same time, in order to reduce the risk of childbirth and restrict the maternal reproductive age, except for the apocalypse, the age of ordinary mothers is allowed to be between 18 and 35 ..."

"In addition, in order to prevent the use of childbirth to deceive welfare guarantees, every 'hero' family must accept compulsory work and use the work to give back to the society as a subsidy ..."

Although Tang En knows that this policy is likely to cause a large population expansion within a short period of time, it will cause huge pressure on the state finances, and even a large number of families may have crazy children to swindle welfare guarantees, which will change the future population burden of Prandall. It's very dangerous.

But in order to fight the chaotic army, he had already taken care of so much.

Only by living can we be qualified to talk about the future.

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