Things from Another World

Chapter 1065: A city full of gold

Old Stuart is a villager in the village of Luoluo in the suburb of Bein. His family has been working diligently on the earth for generations.

The old Stewart special field has a good ability, which is barely able to support the family, and sometimes also help the villagers, although life is tight, it is considered reasonable.

Later, after Her Majesty Tang En took office, several tax reductions, especially the agricultural tax reduction policy, greatly increased farmers' income and finally gave them hope for life.

Many people are getting rich. The villagers are grateful to Her Majesty Tang En, but the old Stewart's family remains unchanged, but because of rising prices, his life is getting worse, because he has too many children.

Although his eldest son (18 years old) and eldest daughter (15 years old) have become adults, he also does some masonry and carpenter work in the village to help subsidize households, but it is still not enough. The second daughter (13 years old) ) And the second son (9 years old) are still too young, can only help people sell vegetables in the village to send newspapers to make some money, the younger son is only 3 years old, do not know anything.

Given his family's situation, it is impossible to support so many children, but what can he do?

In an era where entertainment is so scarce, the only way to entertain after dinner at night is to make people pop, accidentally, he is also desperate!

He had to work harder to make money. When he was farming, he went to the village blacksmith to help the workers and help create some small things. It is said that these gadgets are now selling well in Bein. His skills are not bad, so the old blacksmith has been Willing to hire him.

The reward for a busy day at the old blacksmith is 10 silver, which means that you can earn more than 3 gold in extra income in a month. This was a unimaginably rich reward, but now prices are gradually rising, and this income is also increasing. Stretched out.


The sudden sound scared the old Stewart who was dazed at the village entrance. He looked back and found a beautiful metal box stopped there.

He recognized the thing, and Bein ’s people said that the thing was a magic car, which was very expensive, a means of transportation that rich people could only buy, and the small parts he had built with the old blacksmith were also said to be used to repair the magic. For cars.

"Hey! Dude! What are you doing!"

Hearing this voice, Old Stewart's eyes widened and he took a closer look, and he was startled: "Holt !?"

"Haha! Of course it's me!"

Holt got out of the car and walked proudly to Old Stewart and said, "How do I look?"

Old Stewart looked at Holt up and down, speechless in shock.

That's because Holt was his former neighbor and a farmer as well, but now Stewart couldn't believe it was Holt himself.

Because he was wearing too clean, solemn and luxurious, Stewart even felt that Holt was just as dazzling as the noble masters!

Old Stewart honestly said: "It's like a noble master, shouldn't you really become a noble master?"

"how come!"

Holt laughed aloud: "But I have been better now than the old noble master."

Old Stuart took a breather: "Are you really getting rich there?"

Holt smiled smugly, pointed at the magic car and said, "What do you think?"

At the beginning of the year, people in Lvluo village heard that there was someone in Bayin recruiting. The place to go was Ellington. It was best to go with the family. At that time, several families had left the village, including Holt. Family, but the old Stewart did not mind.

Because he couldn't afford gambling, a lot of people in his family, including his wife and children, were counting on him to live. Now the situation in the family is just a little bit better. With a little bit of savings, he sees the hope of life. That means everything has to start from scratch.

The family burden is so heavy that the old Stewart couldn't make the decision to move the family so decisively.

"You don't even know what a wonderful city Ellington is!"

Holt said with a sigh, "When I look back at the beginning of the year, I dare not imagine that I can live this life now!"

Holt invited Old Stewart to get in the car and go home, but Old Stewart didn't dare. He was too dirty, and he was afraid to stain his seat.

"What are you afraid of!"

Holt poked his lips and said, "Just dirty and then wash. This thing is just a means of travel. After making money in the future, it's better to have another one!"

"Is this not good enough?"

"What's the matter! I'm just the cheapest Daming, the discounted price of the event, the tax payment on the full price of the card is only more than 900 gold."

More than nine hundred gold! That's it!

The old Stuart was shocked again: "How rich are you now?"

"Sloppy, tens of thousands of gold is still available, but unfortunately can not afford Datang."

Although talking about so-so, Holt's face was full of pride.

One or two thousand gold!

Old Stewart's face was incredible: "What the **** did you do?"

How can you make so much money in one year without hitting the house! ?

"I'm also lucky, haha, get in the car, let me tell you."

After the old Stewart got into the car, Holt began to show off his experience after leaving Luluo Village.

Holt's luck is indeed very good. He just caught up with the most critical period of Ellington's rapid development. At that time, Down and Fiona were worried about labor shortages all day, and Holt happened to be here. It's time for Ellington.

After a simple training, he was arranged to be a line worker in the workshop of Datang Heavy Industry, living a simple life of three to one every day.

If that is the case, in accordance with the welfare benefits of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, he can save a few thousand dollars a year without eating or drinking.

However, looking at the good life of those outside, Holt was not satisfied.

He found that although the overall process of Datang Heavy Industry is complicated, it is not difficult in some places. I heard that Datang Chamber of Commerce is still supporting some small chambers of commerce and supporting employees to start a business. So after carefully observing for a while, he began to try to make it Some parts, after success, he dared to run to find a supervisor, intending to contract part of the processing of this part.

The supervisor checked the parts he made and found that they were qualified. Then he applied to it. It happened that Tang En also mentioned the support of the development of the industrial chain. So Fiona did not look carefully and approved it. .

Although in support of the policy, Datang Chamber of Commerce has invested in funds and occupied 51% of the dry chambers of the New Chamber of Commerce, but the remaining 49% is also more profitable than working in the workshop!

After that, Holt took the entrepreneurial support funds issued by the Datang Chamber of Commerce to start a bold solicitation of people to start work. As a result, this busy life really made him break out of the sky and even married a wife.

"... So I said, people just have to be brave and dare to do it, otherwise they might just lie in the ground and plan their food."

Holt summed up his experience and then said, "I'm back this time to find you to work with me!"

"Find me?"

"Yeah, you have been helping the old blacksmith, and he has always praised you. The old blacksmith is old and can't stand the frustration, so it is most suitable to find you."

Holt said: "I have more and more work there now. I can't get myself busy anymore. I have to find a trustworthy person. If you come, I can give you a technical director after a brief training. , Don't say much in a month, I will give you at least this number! "

Looking at his five open fingers, the old Stuartne said: "5 gold? Too little ..."

"Old man! You look down on me! Do I treat our family's life-saving benefactors like that !?"

Holt's eyes widened. During the famine, he had been saved by the old Stewart's family: "If I pay the worker 5 dollars a month, let alone the workers are unwilling. Trouble! Do you know what the minimum monthly living standard for Ellington is now? 50 gold! "

"50 gold? That's good too ..."

"I gave you ten times this number! 500 gold!"

Holt said arrogantly: "Old man! As long as you are willing to work with me, you will only earn more than this!"

500 gold!

For a month!

Old Stewart was frightened by this number.

"Old man, listen to me, don't plan on eating in the soil, and tell you an inside story. Starting next spring, our country will fully implement agricultural mechanization. One person can cultivate more than a thousand people. How much do you say you can continue to grow like this? "

"I know you don't have any savings at home. In order to show my sincerity, here is the toll I prepared for you! Listen to me, all of you will move here!"

Old Stewart returned to the house with the new stack of banknotes.

Looking at the faces in the dim room, large and small faces, he felt sour and stomped, and finally made a decision!


The intercity bus steadily entered the passenger center on the outskirts of Ellington and stopped slowly.

"Ellington is here. Please line up and get off in an orderly manner. Passengers with luggage please take out your salute as soon as possible, and please take your ticket to the exit check."

Arrived ...

Ellington, this city of gold ...

After getting off the bus, the old Stewart looked at Ellington not far away and clapped his hands on the cheek. He had already made everything and could live, depending on whether the city was as magical as the legend.

"Dear, does Holt really give you that much salary ..."

Standing next to the old Stewart was his wife, who was followed by five children of different sizes.

Before the old Stuart had spoken, he saw a young beauty with the armband of "Discipline Commissioner" suddenly running over with surprise and asked, "Are you new here?"

He nodded blankly.

"This is your wife and ... five children?"

Old Stewart nodded a little nervously: "Yes ... what happened?"

Looking at the five children every night, his face was full of surprises, and it seemed that he couldn't believe that he could accomplish this difficult task so easily!

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