Things from Another World

Chapter 1066: I am willing to give my life to Her Majesty Tang En!

Fiona's mission to Ye Ye is very simple. It is to find a "hero family"!

Yes, it's simple ...

"A simple fart !!!"

Ye Ye is almost going crazy!

After finally sending the news, she was relieved from the chores of the lord's house. She thought that she could be unrestrained and reach the pinnacle of life. As a result, she started to do some trivial things in a flash!

What the **** is a committee member? ?

Ye Ye has never heard of such a post. It is actually full of streets and alleys to help people find things, lead the way, and check the security situation by the way.

Now it's even more ridiculous. She actually wants to find what a **** of a hero family in the entire Ellington area!

That's right, as Tang En said before, a family with more than three children!

Now Ellington is bringing together families from all around Prandall. Families with one child and two children are very common. Just look for them. Families with three children are not rare. You can find them with effort.

But, what kind of ghost is it that gave birth to four children and five children? ? Even aristocratic families rarely have so many children! ?

Night and night calendars have gone through a lot of hardships, and it was difficult to find a family with four children, but a family with five children is the real difficulty of hell!

Have five children! How bold and courageous it would be to have five children in that situation!

Five mouths can live up to a family!

Ask her to find a heroic family with five children. Isn't that intentionally embarrassing her!

Every night, it even felt that it was because of the news that the peaks and turns were going on that Fiona was deliberately embarrassing her!

Checked it out at the Bureau of Foreign Population and Archives Administration. After not finding a family of seven, I was hopeless every night. I came to the passenger center with a lot of luck, and there are a lot of foreigners here every day. People often encounter people who are dragging their homes. Some come here to look for business opportunities. Others can't live in the original place. They come here to discuss life.

As a result, not long after Yeye arrived here, she saw a group of people getting on and off the bus from Bein. Seven of them were together, apparently a family of seven, and she couldn't help being surprised. Scared the other party, rushed to ask directly.

It's easy to say that I drooled every night before persuading the old Stewart family to follow her to the lord's house-because the old Stewart was afraid that she was a liar, he reluctantly agreed with the staff.

Every night, the staff asked Holt to leave a message, and then she smiled and took the hero family to report.

Lord House.

"This is the Stewart family! Five children! Definitely meet your needs!"

Fiona looked at Ye Ye in surprise: "Okay you, this is what you found!"

Suddenly, she seized the hidden lines in Fiona's words and immediately raised her eyebrows: "You said you didn't mean to embarrass me!"

With a corner of his mouth, Fiona said with a smile to the old Stewart: "Sit down, don't be nervous, it's a good thing to find you."

Can old Stewart not be nervous?

Look at this clean and tidy room!

Look at that soft chair (sofa)!

Look at the unidentified cylinder (water dispenser)!

Look at that shiny floor!

With his hands and feet tied, he was nervous and uncomfortable. How dare he sit down!

There is nothing clean about their family.

"sit down."

They can only sit down.

"That's it," Fiona brewed for a moment. "Her Majesty Tang En recently launched a new policy, which has just begun to implement and needs to be publicized. We plan to ask you to cooperate with the publicity ..."

"This beautiful lady—"

"My name is Fiona and I am the CEO of Datang Chamber of Commerce."

"Ms. Fiona, I, I'm just a humble civilian--"

Fiona said very seriously: "Mr. Stewart, please straighten your chest, you can call yourself a civilian, but please don't say 'cheesy', you have supported your wife and five children with your own hands, you are a qualified Husband, qualified father, you are a well-deserved hero. "

The old Stewart in Fiona's words was very warm, yeah, he supported his family with both hands, and he was ashamed of why he said he was a lowly civilian.

The old Stuart took a deep breath, straightened his chest and said, "Ms. Fiona, I just don't understand, what can a civilian do for you ..."

"So, just cooperate with the propaganda."

Fiona smiled, a leaflet flew off the table, and fell into the hands of the old Stewart: "Look first."

Old Stewart's pride that had just been born disappeared in a blink of an eye. He said hurriedly: "Then, Ms. Fiona, I, I can't read ..."

"Dad, let me do it."

The oldest son of Stewart said suddenly, "I learned literacy from the Datang Daily."

Fiona laughed. "Your son is good."

Old Stewart flushed, handed the leaflet to his eldest son, and the eldest son began to read to the family.

After listening to the contents of the leaflet, the old Stewart was completely stunned: "This, is this true?"

"Of course it is true. When did Your Majesty Tang En lie to you?"

"My children, they can all ..."

"Yes, it will be funded and raised by our great Her Majesty Downe on behalf of the Illus Empire. Of course, after they become adults, they must also enter the jobs arranged by the state to serve the country. If there is a war, they must also obey Rally to join the army. "

Tang En and Fiona are not stupid, who will do such a thing as obviously losing money to train children for free? But from another perspective, it is completely feasible to treat it as a long-term talent reserve.

Taking advantage of the attractiveness of welfare policies, a large number of school-age children are convened for education. At the same time, according to the needs of social development, they can develop professional development routes tailored to them, and train counterparts to work directly when they graduate. Would n’t it be nice to get started?

Of course, this talent training system is also flawed, that is, if there is an economic crisis in this society, if the Datang Chamber of Commerce has to lay off workers, a large number of people will be laid off, and the emergence of unemployed migrants will cause rapid decline in social stability, which is not conducive to Down's reign.

Don't be ignorant of the dangers of this flaw, but he decided to do so because he had to put the entire plant in a state of efficient operation.

Creating professional talents according to the needs of society from the beginning of young children is equivalent to planning a person's life trajectory when he is born. This will undoubtedly destroy the possibility of the birth of a genius, but I have to say that this way of development However, the efficiency is the highest, because all the resources of all people and everything are all revolved around the will of Tang En alone, and everything can be used to the maximum.

What's more, if Tang En can completely rule Prandall and let the whole world enter a era of great unification, all resources will be used in the most critical places, and the magical industrial talent tree will be quickly illuminated. After the basic industry is stabilized, as long as it can enter the interstellar In the era of great sailing, the entire Prandall will naturally become an inseparable whole, and the possibility of national division will be infinitely reduced.

The premise of all this is based on the smooth development of Tang En.

At present, the policy to promote population growth has just been implemented, and if it is to be accepted, it must be vigorously publicized and implemented.

The old Stewart family, very lucky at this crucial time, became typical.

"We need you to cooperate with us for an exclusive interview. This interview will be publicized for everyone to see."

"What you need to do is just answer some of our questions and cooperate with us to say some propaganda words."

"Of course, we will not allow you to cooperate free of charge. After the interview, you will receive an ID card from Ellington. With the ID card, you can ride, shop and use magic in Ellington. Mobile phones, etc., in the future, receiving monthly subsidies will also be verified with an identity crystal card. "

"In addition to subsidies, as a starting point for your life in Ellington, you can also receive a special grant worth 10,000 gold, which is a gift from Her Majesty Tang En."

"At the same time, you will also get the right to live in a large six-bedroom house for free. As long as you do not betray your Majesty Tang En, you can say that this house belongs to you."

"In addition, we will organize training for your group of adults. Adults in your family will receive language and technical training, while minor children will be eligible for admission to Ellington College."

"After the training, you can arrange for you to work in suitable positions according to the results of the training, so that you are fully capable of living in Ellington, and your children can also get the opportunity to awaken talent ..."

Fiona's old Stewart stayed and stayed, and after a moment, he stung himself, because he wondered if he was dreaming or a very rare dream.

Ye Ye and Fiona were delighted when they saw the situation: "Don't be stingy, this is really not a dream, it is all true."

"This, this, this ... really, really ..."

The old Stewart froze for a long time, but he really didn't know what to say. In the end, he slammed and knelt down on the ground. Old tears crossed his face: "Thank you so much, thank you, and also thank Her Majesty!

"Please get up and remember, here, you don't need to kneel anyone."

Fiona said very seriously: "Her Majesty Tang En said something very reasonable. Some people, kneeling and kneeling, can no longer stand up. If they want to express their gratitude to His Majesty, please use your own efforts. Work to build this country and contribute to what you can do. "

"If necessary," the old Stewart did not refuse, and stood up again. "I am willing to give my life for Her Majesty Down!"

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