Things from Another World

Chapter 1073: Auntie, you misunderstood!

"Ilia, what are you doing?"

Tang En, who was talking to Croto, suddenly saw that Elijah was playing with something in the corner of his eye. He took a closer look. He suddenly jumped at the corner of his eye and was frightened.

This girl didn't know what her nerves were, and suddenly went over there to study the small squares on the ground-those small squares were the runes of God's words given to Tang En by Otinija. After Cloto copied the model, A weakened version reproduced by magic metal filling technology.

But at this moment, after the weakened versions of the runes of God's Word were touched by Elijah, all of them flickered with a faint light, flying around her cheerfully.

"Well? Those aren't—"

Astonished Croto was about to speak, but was interrupted by Down.

At this moment, Elijah seemed to have entered a strange state, the focal length in her pupils had disappeared, her hands were slightly raised, and the rune of God's Word whistled beside her. The rune appears.

Damn it!

Tang En cursed in the heart, shouldn't it be that Elijah was stimulated by the rune of God's Word, and her memory awakened in advance! ?

This is not necessarily good news!

Tang En stared nervously at Elias, her state lasted for half an hour, and then suddenly stopped. The divine rune ping ping pong dropped to the ground, and the light on Elias suddenly disappeared.

"... Hmm? Big brother?"

After Ilia woke up, she looked at Tang En with a confused look.

Tang En looked nervously at Elias: "Ilia, what did you just see?"


Ilia said blankly, "Just seeing these things, I feel so familiar ... Yeah, Sister Otinija?"

Otiniya appeared silently beside her. She first glanced at Tang En, and then focused on Elijah. Her eyes were like a sophisticated scanner, and she carefully observed Elijah. After a moment, she nodded at Tang En, and then disappeared silently.

Elijah pursed her lips. "What happened to sister Eutinia? She left without saying a word."

What else can you call her sister ...

Tang En twitched at the corner of her mouth. If she agreed now, after your memory wakes up, she will suffer ...

However, there was something in Otinija's look just now, right?

When Tang En thought about this, he immediately said goodbye to Croto, and then sent Ilya home, followed immediately by Otinija's house. As soon as he reached the door, the door opened automatically.

Otinija's home is still the mysterious starry sky map, and Tang En has no time to pay attention to those beautiful starry sky and directly asks: "What happened to Elijah?"

Otinija shook her head, and after a moment of silence, said, "I was negligent."

"What's wrong?"

"I just noticed that there was a strong fluctuation of divine power, so I went to see it. According to the normal situation, as her grows up, her memory will wake up a little bit, starting from the unimportant memory until finally waking up completely. "

Eutinia moved the star map in front of her and slowly said, "But the godly rune I gave you stimulated this part of her memory, and her memory began to recover ahead of time."

Tang En was suddenly surprised: "In other words, it is likely that Elijah will soon become Ms. Calamity?"

"The situation is not so exaggerated. The memory and power of a deity is very powerful. It is so powerful that you can't even imagine it. Even if the recovery is accelerated, it may take a long time."

Otinija shook her head and continued: "Now her memories of early awakening are related to the runes of God's Words, so my biggest concern is that she uses them inadvertently."

"What are the consequences?"

"do not know."

"do not know!?"

"You should also have a general understanding of the power of God's Word Runes, so what the consequences will be depends on what God Word Runes she will use."

Eutiniya frowned and said, "If she only uses some godly runes such as 'grain harvest', 'wind and rain', it's only good for you, but if all she uses is 'cracked by the sky', "Meteor Fall", "Doomsday Echo" and the like ... the situation is not easy to control, and even worse, most of the power held by that adult is negative ... you know. "

Tang En heard the air conditioner and said, "Don't scare me!"

"I'm not interested in scaring you."

"That is to say, this world is likely to be destroyed in the rune of God's words that Ilia accidentally wrote before the invasion of chaos?"

"It's entirely possible."

Otinija nodded, and after a moment of silence, she said, "Now the adult trusts you more than you can imagine, so the only person who might restrain her is probably you."

"Me? What can I do?"

"At least, you can coax her so that she doesn't write a mysterious rune that comes to her mind."

Outrigger couldn't help pinching her eyebrows, and now she was also having a headache: "The divine rune that accompanies her memory resurgence, the highest priority must be her most familiar, related to her authority, The probability of a disaster is very high, you must find a way to convince her, or you can take her directly in case, in case the only thing that can stop her now is you. "

Tang En also had a headache: "This is not an easy job ..."

Originally, all kinds of lace news were rumored outside. If Ilya was brought around all day, it is estimated that in addition to his wife and killer, he would have another perverted Loli control title.

"If you don't want the world to be destroyed, just accept this fate."

Eutinia sighed, "There are too many uncontrollable factors, so I refused to use this method ..."

When Tang En left Otinija, his face was very bad.

Everything was on the right track, but now it is caused by such a destabilizing factor because of a rune.

It is estimated that he will serve the little ancestor Elijah like grandma.

I'm afraid to spoil her, too wayward!

Tang En's eyebrows are twisted together. He has no childcare experience, but now knows that children's education has a long way to go!

"Don? Why are you back again?"

Clara stared at Don, who was returning in amazement.

Tang En barely squeezed a smile: "Isn't this worried that Ilia is unhappy ..."

Clara laughed and said, "You are the king of the whole country now. How can you stay with her as before ..."

Even if Lao Tzu is a king, he is no bigger than your goddess!

Tang En wanted to cry without tears, and he could only hold his heart in his heart and waved his hands upstairs to find Elijah.

When Tang En pushed open the door of Elijah's bedroom, a cool air rushed directly from the tailbone to the celestial spirit cover-Elijah's fingertips were shining, and an unformed rune of God was floating in front of her!

Lying down! !! !!

Tang En was frightened, forcibly calmed down, took out a metal ingot, and instantly pinched it into the hand of a "Fu Tanuki". Then he pretended to calmly and asked, "Ilia, what are you doing?"

"Yeah! Big brother!"

Ilia turned back in surprise and said happily, "I don't know what happened. Suddenly, I have a lot of strange squares in my head. It feels familiar. I'm trying to draw it!"

You are my mother-in-law!

Lord Goddess, please forgive me!

Tang Enqiang smiled and rubbed her head, and then suddenly took out the hand to do: "Look what I brought you."

"Yeah !!! It's the future of Tanuki! It's so delicate!"

Elijah was really surprised. After taking over, she flung into Tang En's arms, and happily kissed him on the face: "Thank you, big brother!"

After Tang En watched the unformed rune of God's Word dissipate because of losing Eliya's attention, his tense nerve suddenly relaxed.

My mother!

People in this world don't know that they have taken a circle in front of the ghost gate ...

If they knew they were saved because they did it by one hand, their expressions would be quite wonderful ...

Tang En patted Elijah and said, "Do you know what you just painted?"

Ilia looked at the hand of the future tanuki with joy, and said casually, "I don't know, it just looks familiar."

"That's a rune of gods."

Tang En felt that instead of concealing it, it would be better to tell her the seriousness of the matter directly. He directly said, "Have your eldest sister told you that you are special?"

"No, what's special about me?"

Looking at Ilya's immaculate eyes, Tang En patted her head with a wry smile, and said, "Nothing ..."

The lady didn't say it herself, and Tang En was even less qualified to say it.

"In short, the divine runes in your head are very powerful, very powerful, so powerful ..."

Tang En thought for a moment, pointing downstairs and saying, "If you accidentally draw it, it may ruin the world and kill your parents."

With a click, Yilia's hands dropped to the ground. She stared at Tang En blankly, and her eyes became wet instantly. She was obviously frightened at the thought of her actions just now.

"I did not do it on purpose!"

Elijah burst into tears with a "wow".

"Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. I'm here."

Tang En hurriedly hugged her: "Promise my brother, don't write God Rune again, okay?"

"I didn't mean it ..."

"I know, of course I know, Elijah is a good boy, and she definitely won't do that kind of thing. Promise me not to write God Runes anymore, okay?"

Elijah said in a crying voice: "I know I promise you I will never write again ..."

"be good……"

"Your Majesty, I got you some snacks--"

Clara pushed open the door, and then saw Tang En and Elijah hugged, and paused.

Then she looked at Tang En meaningfully: "Your Majesty Tang En, are you a little too anxious? Ilia is still young and you can't bear it?"

"Wait! Aunt Clara, you misunderstood!"

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