Things from Another World

Chapter 1074: Actual effects of magic power armor

Tang En talked so much that Clara understood the truth.

"Really, Ilia, you are too sticky with Her Majesty Tang En."

Clara poked at Elijah's head and said angrily: "Your brother Tang En is your Majesty the King. He has a lot of things. Can't you be like this in the future?

Elijah pursed her lips and said in a grievance, "I see ..."

"Aunt Clara please don't talk about her like this, in fact, I still have a merciless request ..."

After a pause, Tang En said a little embarrassedly: "From today on, can I let Elija live there?"

As soon as Ilia heard her words, her tears disappeared instantly, her face flushed with excitement: "Brother, are you serious !?"


After Clara paused for a moment, looking at Tang En's eyes became very weird, and she seemed to be saying-did you say you didn't think that?

Tang En hurriedly explained: "No no no! Please don't get me wrong! Just because of some special circumstances! Because of Elijah she--"

"Your Majesty Tang En, you don't need to explain to me."

Aunt Clara said: "After all, Elijah loves you so much. If she can live with you, she will be very happy. If I refuse now, she will-"

"Happy! Of course happy!"

Ilia couldn't wait to say, "I want to live with my big brother!"


Clara shrugged. "If I refused, wouldn't I be wicked?"

Tang En smiled bitterly and said, "This is the best. I will tell you more about the specific reason later."

Clara nodded in disapproval, and then began to pack things with the inexplicable Elijah. In fact, the little girl really did n’t have much to pack, not to mention the distance between the Lord ’s House and Clara ’s house was not far. The road is here, so just pick up her favorite toy and bring a few clothes. There are ready-made futons and other lords.

Clara sent Tang En and Ilia out of the door, telling Tang En: "You must be optimistic about her, and you must know and complete your homework every day, so that she can't let her drop in school."

"Rest assured, she won't have to do her homework at me."

The whole small face next to Elijah collapsed. She thought that when Tang En was there, she would not have to do her homework.

"Well, what about Uncle Abbot?"

Tang En suddenly found that he hadn't seen Abbotton these days, and whispered, "He's gone to the mountain again?"

Clara nodded, also whispering: "After all, that's his duty. He can't run home every day. If it's safe there, we can all feel at ease."

Tang Enwei nodded indiscriminately. It can be said that the thing he was most worried about now was the Tomb of the Sleepless, and if something really happened there, Ellington was afraid that he would be completely destroyed.

Everything is peaceful, better than anything.

After Tang En brought Elia back to the House of Lords, she called a few maids to help her clean up the room, but Yi Lia kept dwelling to sleep with Tang En, and Tang En talked about it. When she was happy to dress up her room, Tang En was free to pull out.

Jean wasn't there. He was just about to go to Winissa, but noticed a familiar wave of magic coming.

Jean is back.

Tang En flew over immediately.

Jean and all the members of the so-called special mobile team just stepped out of the teleportation formation and saw the soldiers walking on the streets of the magic world all dressed in a steel armor full of science and technology. Tang En felt a weird feeling.

The magic power armor they wear is obviously much better than the one that Tang En tested before. Not only does it have a complete external armor, a power module, but also a very rich weaponry. At first glance, Like mech marines in the interstellar era, they are full of shock.

They should have just stepped off the battlefield now, but there are not many scars on the magic power armor made of magical metals such as universal alloys, Adamantite and Aujin, which have only a few black parts. The armor was covered by a layer of dust left by the rays of the chaotic minions, but the whole was very complete.

Jean, who walked in front of him, had a very happy smile on his face. Tang En knew that this assault was a victory.

"Your Majesty Tang En?"

"Master Jean, how is the situation?"

The smile on Jean's face is even brighter: "The performance of this magic power armor designed by you is really superior, and the performance on the battlefield is simply amazing, I can guarantee that if this war weapon can achieve the amount If we do, even if there is another chaotic invasion war, we will never lose so miserably. "

Tang En didn't expect Gene's evaluation of Magic Kinetic Armor to be so high, he smiled and said, "A big victory?"

"not only!"

Jean Haha laughed and said, "Do you know our battle damage this time?"

"Are you so excited, is it zero?"

"Yes! You're right!"

As he walked forward, Jean said excitedly, "This time the door of Chaos opened in the Solagel Mountains is not small, it is close to the door of medium chaos. It is estimated that the number of chaotic minions appearing is at least tens of thousands, and the original chaos There are also hundreds of creatures. In addition to this hundred mobile warriors, we also sent a hundred gold-level magicians to fight together-- "

"Magic? Their power will enhance chaotic creatures."

"Because of knowing this, the main role of those magicians is to assist in combat."

Gene explained: "The Mobile Suit of the Special Mobile Squad is an elite I have carefully selected, but your subordinates now have the average strength of the strongest wave of gold. They want to defeat chaotic creatures with their own strength. It's hard, but it's different with a magician. "

"Although these magicians' spell auras and buff spells cannot be compared to yours, at least they can always stare at one person at the same time, and they can also create favorable terrain to increase the chance of winning."

"You simply can't imagine how powerful this hundred mobile soldiers are on the battlefield!"

Jean made a very exaggerated gesture: "They are like no one! The power of Chaos Minions cannot penetrate their armor at all! Chainsaw swords, magic pistols, assault rifles, high explosive grenades and other weapons can They caused a large area of ​​effective killing, and a person's combat efficiency was even stronger than that of a hundred soldiers in the past! "

"And with the magician's buff spells and spell auras, their strength will be further improved. It only takes a few hours to clear the most troublesome chaotic minions on the battlefield!"

"Even in the face of those native chaotic creatures, the mobile fighter's combat ability is not weak at all. Unlike in the past, they did not dare to deal directly with them. They can now even resist the attacks of native chaotic creatures a few times, and their survival probability has been greatly enhanced!"

"The magic power armor not only gave them powerful combat power, protection ability, and mobility ability, but also gave them confidence. With such a powerful armor, they can relax and concentrate on the battle."

Jean said quietly, "This is just cooperating with the magician. I even dare to guarantee that if we cooperate with the strength of the Templar, such a unit will become our trump card against the chaotic creatures! "

I did not expect that the second-generation experimental magic power armor developed by Croto had such a powerful effect, and Tang En's face also showed a very unexpected surprise.

According to the results of this actual test, this road should be the right one. The next thing to do is to do everything possible to strengthen the performance of the magic kinetic energy armor, and further strengthen the defense, firepower and mobility.

After returning to the Magic Energy Engineering Institute with Gene, he told Croto the good news. Croto was very happy after he knew it.

"I knew it! My friend, this is an epoch-making creation! You have created a new era!"

Croto shook his broom head proudly: "And I, as the main research and development staff, will be destined to stay in history!"

Tang En couldn't help but: "That's for sure, provided we can defeat the chaotic army that is coming."

"Chaotic army, hum, if they come, let them see our power of Prandall!"

Croto snorted and said, "The second-generation experimental model is not yet perfect, and many places have not yet been perfect, especially the armor performance and maneuverability are contradictory to each other, and they are not perfect. I will continue to calculate the perfect balance among them. In addition to this, there is also a miniature space warehouse that we discussed just now. Once assembled, the combat effectiveness of kinetic armor will be greatly improved again. "

Gene stunned: "Miniature space warehouse?"

Tang En explained what he and Klotto had just discussed, and Jean suddenly realized: "Also, now that the Astral Base can start to produce minerals, those magical materials don't need to be so saved, it can be let go. He has boldly engaged in research and development. "

Tang En asked: "How many gold giants have been transformed now?"

"Today we just completed another one, and it has already been sent for testing. If the test is OK, it will be put into use tonight. In addition to the previous ones, fifteen transformed gold giants have begun to use."

Croto said with a smile: "Don't look at only 15 units, but their mining capacity is far more than tens of thousands of people in a medium-sized mine. The Astral Base is simply wonderful. Not only is the ore high purity, high density, and almost no impurities. It is an endless treasure! "

Tang En nodded, a sudden flash of light: "Where is Yustisha?"

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