Things from Another World

Chapter 1075: A flash of light

"I heard you're looking for me?"

Yustissa let go of her work and hurried over, and then saw Don, Jean, Croto, Angus and others all present.

When she sat down, she asked directly, "What else to discuss? My side is busy now ..."

"A very important thing may be related to the future of this world."

In a word, Tang En scared a circle of people: "Are the chaos army ahead?"

"no no."

Tang En shook his head: "Don't be so sensitive, just because I suddenly remembered something. Before, it was unconditional, and now it seems that I can start."

Several people were curious: "What is it?"

After a pause, Down said, "Computer."


Croto staggered, then felt a slap gadget out of his pocket: "This?"

What Croto brought out was not the product of the dwarf prehistoric civilization, but a small calculator designed and developed by themselves, with few functions and only simple mathematical calculations.

They have unearthed prehistoric computers from the ruins. Unfortunately, those computers were damaged by the impact of the destruction of civilization. At present, there is no available one, and there is no way to study the principle. Not to mention copying something similar.

"You can say yes or no."

Tang En took a look, gave it to Croto with a smile, and then continued: "The computer I mean is a professional computer, a large and efficient computer."

Klotto said: "I know that we have seen similar records in the excavated data. It is said that the thing can be used to simulate and calculate various data, but with our current technology, it cannot be recovered at all."

"What we want is not recovery, but redevelopment and another path."

"The foundation is artificial soul technology."

"Why the artificial soul?"

A few people are a little lost, although the artificial soul is very convenient, but it can't hit the computer with eight poles.

Tang En smiled and said, "This is still to start with their research foundation. When the Einzbelen family studied artificial souls, they used instruction packet technology to pack some basic instructions and then fill them. To artificial souls, right? "

"That's right, it can relieve a lot of work pressure and improve the productivity and work efficiency of artificial souls."

Yustis smiled: "This is the most proud innovation we had during the seal."

"Based on this technology, I thought about it."

Tang En pointed his head: "The principle of a computer is actually very simple. Define basic instructions, define various basic codes, and then enter instructions. The computer performs operations based on the entered instructions and basic instructions, and then returns the result."

"What about artificial souls? Artificial souls were created by the Einzbelen family. They are not living things at all, but they operate at the same speed as humans, and their reactions are artificially created. They only follow instructions. That being the case, why can't this model be transferred to artificial souls? "

"Making the complete mathematical formula into an instruction set, and then writing it into the artificial soul, and then making a man-machine operation port for inputting instructions, using magic energy projection as a display interface, may be able to make a highly efficient computer."

Tang En's words brightened a few people's eyes, and seemed to feel completely feasible.

"But what's the point of doing this?"

Jean asked: "It's just a calculation of numbers ..."

Don and Croto agreed, "What do you know!"

The two looked at each other, and Croto smiled. "Sure enough, you still understand me!"

Jean was confused: "What do you mean?"

"Mathematics is the root of everything!"

Croto proudly said: "Everything in this world is built on a perfect mathematical system, and everything can be described by mathematics!"

"Is it?"

Angus said with a look of surprise: "Then how would you describe to me how fireball works?"


Croto paused, then said a little awkwardly: "I don't know much about magic ..."

Then he suddenly hurriedly said, "But I firmly believe that even magic has its principle. It must be parsed, observed, and calculated!"

Tang En Shen nodded innocently: "Yes, even if it is magic, there are basic principles in it. Magic cannot occur out of thin air. We need to consume magic power and use magic power to interfere with elements before we can achieve the effect of the spell. We cannot describe the reason for the calculation, but Because our current research methods are less than that, I believe that one day, even if it is a legendary spell, it can be thoroughly analyzed. "

Jean listened and wanted to scratch his head: "How do I feel weird when you say that?"

Of course he felt weird, saying that it was impossible to observe magic, but it was clear that every magician who had awakened the talent could clearly sense the magic and elements in the air, otherwise it would not be possible to master their power.

"It's not necessary to care too much, mathematics is just a direction and method of studying the world."

Tang En said with a smile: "More importantly, if we have a high-efficiency computer, we can even mount it on the magic power armor and then assist our soldiers in combat. Think about it, if we work out With high-efficiency computers, we can build a variety of mathematical models based on our own strengths, scan and record various combat skills and spells, and form a detailed and systematic database. "

"Then after loading the computer with this database, when the enemy raised their hands, our artificial soul computer had scanned all the characteristics of the enemy, predicted each other's attack course by calculating every subtle action, and then For assisting evasion, the powerful Apocalypse can evade the enemy's attack in a very short time, but ordinary soldiers? They don't have this ability. With such an auxiliary system, how much can our soldiers improve their strength? "

"Not only that, if the artificial soul computer can completely scan our process of releasing spells, based on the characteristics of their artificial souls, if they can find ways to create artificial magic pools for them, or link them with the magic between heaven and earth, they can even Let the artificial soul computer simulate us to release the spell— "

Jean suddenly interrupted Tang's words: "It's impossible! The release of magic requires spiritual force, and artificial souls have no mental force."

Tang En spread his hand: "So I just said that there is a possibility that the artificial soul computer has no mental power, but the operator has it. Maybe in the future, the operator can release the spell freely by only providing mental power."

"If that day all the people become magicians, do we still worry that no talents are available? And I also want to know if the spells released by artificial soul simulation will trigger the characteristics of chaotic creatures."

Jean and Angus heard that they took a breath of air, and if Tangen really said it, it wouldn't be too long before the day when magic became widespread.

More importantly, the magician's supremacy will completely disappear on that day.

As magicians, they have enjoyed enough special treatment, and their instincts are very resistant to this development, but as Tang En said before, if the whole people really become magicians, then there is no doubt that the whole Prandall will completely enter a new era, an era of magical civilization.

For the future of this world, but also for their future ...

Gene and Angus glanced at each other, sighed, and accepted the possibility silently.

At this time, Yustissa said a little awkwardly, "But we don't understand mathematics ..."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, we do!"

Crotohaha laughed: "Mathematics is the foundation of everything, how could we gnome not study mathematics!"

The dwarf and goblin prehistoric civilizations are based on the development of science and technology, and the basis of science and technology is mathematics. Without mathematics, everything is an air tower. Their mathematical formula names are not the same as the earth mathematical formula names that Tang En knows, but only 1+ The foundation of 1 = 2 is placed there. In fact, the truth is the same. For example, the "Matz-bolt formula" of the dwarf is actually the "trigonometric function" on the earth, and the "Dahl-cylinder ratio" is " Pi "and so on ...

Literally, I am afraid that these formulas are also determined by the name of their inventor.

The name is not important, anyway, Tang En will not go into those formulas. As long as they can provide the perfect mathematical formulas that have been discovered to Yu Stisa, they can package these calculation formulas. Into the instruction set, as for the various formula theorems that have not yet been discovered, it can be completely written later after being discovered, which is very convenient.

"That being the case, let's try it out. It doesn't take much time anyway. A prototype can be made in two or three days."

Croto was more enthusiastic about the computer in Tang's mouth than others. If it could be realized, they would reduce the amount of calculations if they produced something in the future.

What's more important is that Tang En attaches so much importance to mathematics, so that Clotto is always comforted. Such a person deserves his full help.

In fact, making a computer is certainly not that simple. The principles involved are very complicated. The storage, extraction, calculation, output, etc. of instructions, including the storage of data, the display of results, the entry of original instruction codes, etc., are very involved. Many things.

But Dunn pointed out the direction. Croto had a certain technical foundation. Einzbelen provided "hardware" technical support, plus Gene and Angus's magical assistance. It seemed not impossible in two or three days. what……

So, three days later, Tang En really saw the first "experimental artificial soul computer" in Prandall.

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