Things from Another World

Chapter 1077: Superior computing power

In the research room, Tang En, Croto and others looked at each other.

"Have this happened before?"

Tang En was a black line. Some hackers burned the hard disk with data operation overflow, but have not heard of the operation of Superπ burning the hard disk ... and it seems that the calculation data is too large to cause the storage crystal to directly overload and burst. ...

Just calculate the pi, how much data can be output as pure numbers?

Tang En suddenly stunned, unless ... just at that moment, the data calculated by this computer was huge enough to fill the storage crystal!

How many digits does it take?

"No ... this is the first time that Dal Cylinder has been calculated ..."

Croto scratched his head: "Speaking, it seems like I forgot to add a limiter to this situation ... Nokia! Take a backup storage crystal!"

It is worth mentioning that due to the different design principles of the magic modification computer, the memory and the artificial soul core carrier are separated, and the damaged memory does not affect the artificial soul core carrier.

After reconnecting a storage crystal, Croto and they began to look at the previous calculations.

I did n’t know the result, I was shocked when I saw it ...


Tang En took a breath of cold air: "This artificial soul's calculation speed is against the sky ..."

Tang En is now sure that the artificial soul computer is really something like a quantum computer.

In the world where the earth is located, all conscious behaviors are based on the calculation of the brain. The calculation speed of the human brain is very fast. This is not calculation, but all human behavior, including every muscle in the body when you raise your hand. , Every cell, how each nerve works, etc. If you want to simulate the efficiency and intelligence of the human brain, an electronic computer is simply impossible to achieve.

Only quantum computers are possible.

The computing power of a quantum computer grows according to the exponent of the qubit, which means that if 10 qubits are added, it is 1000 times faster, and if 20 qubits are added, it is 1 million times faster.

If there are 1000 more qubits, it is 10 times 30 times faster.

If the number of qubits doubles every year, the increase in computing power will not be exhausted.

Of course, this refers to traditional computing, and the biggest effect of quantum computers is to simulate the operation of the universe, physics phenomena, etc. The data and calculations involved are too huge, so traditional electronic computers cannot be perfectly realized, and The characteristics of quantum computers can be realized.

And what about the world in Prendall?

Humans here have not only a body, a brain, and an incredible soul. The soul body is a very wonderful thing. Tang En does not understand the state of the soul. The soul body cannot be born under normal conditions. What the person observed, but he could see, touch, and the gods gave him special permissions. If he gave permission, the living person could also observe the soul.

This means that the existence of the soul is very similar to the state of quantum superposition.

The artificial soul technology of the Einzbelen family is very powerful, and they even have the ability to turn the artificial soul into a truly intelligent and conscious soul body!

This also means that in this world, the efficiency of using artificial souls to perform calculations can at the worst reach the level of simulating human intelligence. It is even more incredible that by adjusting the focus on artificial souls, this technology is not only possible Simulate human intelligence, can also perform pure logic operations ...

What does this mean?

This shows that the performance of the artificial soul quantum computer has completely surpassed the earth computer technology on the first day of its birth!

Looking at the humble artificial soul quantum computer in front of him, Tang En could hardly imagine such a superb artifact. It was under such conditions and in this social background ...

Although it is a high-magic world, Prendall is now a feudal society ...

"That's it!"

Klotto typed the keyboard for a while and said, "I added a limiter, and the calculation data was output to a maximum of 10 million digits. I can test it again."

"No need to test."

Tang En waved his hands weakly and said, "Roughly know how the performance is."

The performance of the artificial soul quantum computer is definitely not bad, but at present, I am afraid that it can only be used to perform some pure data operations. As for the development of human-machine interfaces suitable for users, there are various functional programs and the like. I'm afraid we have to take it slowly.

At the very least, it is still necessary for Clotto and Yusita to continue to improve the basic core instruction set of artificial souls.

"Not to mention, after this thing was made, we found out that this thing will really come in handy in the future."

Klotto said with a smile: "In the past when making airships and steam tanks, I usually had to bury my head for the bearing data of a bearing for a long time. Now I write the formula algorithm directly into the packet and directly enter the instruction Data is available. "

"This is the most basic application."

Tang En nodded and said, "In my world, computer technology is ubiquitous. People use computers to solve all kinds of problems encountered in life. Computers are also used for work, even for home entertainment. On a computer. "

"For entertainment?"

Croto was stunned. "A bit too wasteful, right?"

"There is no way, this will certainly happen to a certain extent."

Tang En shrugged: "Don't talk about my world, even here, when you have matured the technical research of artificial soul quantum computers, we will also promote this thing as a product in the later period."

Meeting the demand for computer entertainment is only secondary. With the popularization of the magic phone and the artificial soul quantum computer, the entire Plantar will be closely linked through the magic communication network, and the wording of the earth when it entered the Internet era. The same, that is, "the world has never been as tightly connected as it is now."

By connecting all people together, the exchange of information and collisions will be more frequent and the amount of information will increase greatly. In this case, people's imagination will be further released, and what kind of genius will be born? .

The mass production of artificial soul quantum computers is not difficult. As long as the instruction set of artificial soul is packaged and packaged, it can be copied freely. The soul core is also easy to produce. The magic energy projection receiver is now in mass production. It is necessary to produce displays. As long as a few changes are made, the only limitation is the storage crystal, and the technology for storing crystals has now been obtained from the Dragon family. Next, we must start to think of ways to solve the problem of mass production.

In other words, as long as Clotto and Yustisah solve the defects of the first artificial soul quantum computer, and when it reaches the practical level, government personnel of the Datang Chamber of Commerce and even the Empire of Illus can be equipped with this. This kind of magic changed the computer.

——The premise is that enough foreign program apes can be cultivated, and various programs can be added for the future magic modification of the computer.

Tang En said: "You don't need to worry about mass production in a hurry. Now try it out in the laboratory for a while, find problems during use, solve problems, and wait until the defects are resolved before considering mass production."

Croto said very refreshingly: "No problem, I will leave the calculations to Eve in the future."

"It's not just data calculations."

Tang En reminded them: "Every kind of data storage can also be given to Eve, but you must first make corresponding work software for various occasions."


"It's the packet instruction set."

Tang En began to popularize the concept of software, including the office software that he commonly used on the earth. He said that while Estesa was recording, she looked thoughtful from time to time, which seemed to be deeply inspired.

After speaking in one breath, Tang En took out a cup of hot tea to moisten his throat, and then continued: "In addition to these commonly used office software needs to be solved, you also need to solve the problem of professional software."

The so-called professional software is not for civilians, but for the software of these professional personnel. The most critical thing is the magic energy armor, the magic battle tank, the auxiliary battle of the sky carrier, and the long-range missile trajectory. The amount of calculations and software required in these situations need to be specially designed, which is very time and energy consuming.

In particular, the artificial soul quantum computer is still in its original state, and Yustisah's writing instructions are in a state between "machine language" and "assembly language". Even high-level programming languages ​​have not been born yet.

Before the birth of the C language on computer, the system software was mainly written in assembly language.

Because assembly language programs rely on computer hardware, their readability and portability are poor; but general high-level languages ​​are difficult to achieve direct operation of computer hardware, which is also the advantage of assembly language, so people look forward to a kind of concurrent A new language with assembly and high-level language features, and C was born.

The development of high-level languages ​​has also gone from early languages ​​to structured programming languages. The next development goal of high-level languages ​​is application-oriented, that is, just tell the program what you want to do, and the program can automatically generate algorithms and handle them automatically. This is the non-procedural programming language.

Tang En's ambition is not so big now, and he doesn't think of any application-oriented app that automatically generates algorithms, as long as there are high-level programming languages ​​available for others to use.

What is needed now is to enrich, standardize, and model the basic instruction set, so as to design a high-level language.

No way, because "assembly language" is too complicated.

The essence of assembly language is the same as machine language, and they are directly operated on the hardware. Each instruction of the assembler can only correspond to a very small action in the actual operation process. Therefore, the assembly source program is generally verbose, complicated and error-prone. And, using assembly language programming requires more computer expertise, so despite the fast execution efficiency of assembly language, it is still difficult to popularize.

If you describe it by profession, it is the alchemists of the Yustisa and Einzbelen family. They are equivalent to professional engineers engaged in computer research and development and production. They master machine and assembly languages.

Compared with assembly language, high-level programming language not only synthesizes many related machine instructions into a single instruction, but also removes details related to specific operations but not related to the completion of the work. This greatly simplifies the instructions in the program, so the programmer also You don't need to have too much expertise to make it universal and train a large number of programmers.

So, next, Clotto and Yusita's main task is to find loopholes, patch them, and then develop a high-level programming language.

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