Things from Another World

Chapter 1078: Tina Jue is so great!

After winter, the weather was getting colder, and it was a few days later. It was mid-sleeping. The temperature in Ellington had dropped to about 10 degrees. Dikarios was soaking in the steel mill all day except In addition, now there is one more job, which is to call the fire element once a year to start boiling water and warming.

But this year, in addition to Ellington, there are many more cities-Tang En had to allocate a few fire elements to each city in the past and used up all his calling places to meet the demand.

In addition to the Illus Empire, this year there is an additional Rennes Empire. New Burkeso is located in the north. Now the temperature has dropped to minus ten degrees and twenty degrees, even though most of their people are long. Have thick hair, but they also have a large number of young children who are difficult to resist the cold, so their demand for heating is still very urgent.

After the opening of the warm season, the Rennes Empire will be able to spend safely this winter, and the population next year will definitely increase a lot-in the past, the Rennes Empire will freeze to death a lot of weak children.

Fortunately, the task of the fire element is not heavy, as long as they stand under the boiler every day, they have no wisdom, they have no other hobbies, they only obey orders, and do not need to put fuel, so it is very convenient and low cost.

It is because of the many conveniences in life of the new Burkeso constructed by the Datang Chamber of Commerce that it is even more firm that Tastro keeps pace with Tang En and learns from him.

At this moment, snowflakes are falling in cities such as Ellington and Yalinx in the south, and the residents have watched the weather forecast, so it is not too unexpected, and the days have been taken.

The snow was decided by Tang En, and the purpose was nothing more than to increase the atmosphere of winter.

If it was before, snow in the winter is no doubt an outright disaster. Snow will make it difficult for people to go out. The severe cold will affect the work outdoors, and even the cold cannot hunt for extra food. Every snow will kill a lot of people.

However, things are different now. This year ’s bumper crops combined with the agricultural tax reduction and exemption policy have significantly increased the income of residents. Each household has a lot of savings and surplus food. It is more than enough to spend the entire winter, so even ordinary The civilians in the small village also have a relaxed mood to appreciate the snow scene.

It's a pity that while everyone else was relaxing and holding a cup of hot tea sitting at the window enjoying the snow scene, Tang En, who brought them a happy life, had to stay in the study of the palace. Listen to the reports from Aurelia and Fiona.

"... Because the temperature is too low and the asphalt solidifies too fast, it seriously affects the progress of the project. The main highway of the Rennes Empire that was originally expected to be completed this month will be dragged to the end of the year."

"Are there no insulation measures?"

"The magician has been arranged to accompany the construction and summoned the element of fire to maintain the molten state of the asphalt, but it will freeze soon after it is spread on the ground. After all, the temperature of the Rennes Empire is really low after winter."


Tang En shrugged and said, "Anyway, the project has come to a close, so don't worry about it for such a short while."

Aurelia smiled and said, "However, it ’s good to have too cold weather. It may be because there is a shortage of food in the wild, so a large number of wild Xinglongs are eager to find food for winter. The scale of the Xinglong breeding farm has expanded a lot, and I am afraid that at the dawn of next year, a lot of Xinglong blood will be harvested. "

"Investments in the Rennes Empire are finally paying off."

Fiona complained: "This year has already invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the Rennes empire."

"This investment is worthwhile. Once the Dragon Dragon Blood begins to produce, we can stably produce Oliha Steel. At that time, not only can we complete the orders of the Dragons, but a large number of Oliha Steel can be used to produce weapons. The forward returns are huge. "

After speaking, Tang En signaled Aurelia to continue reporting.

"Since the recent warming operation has begun, and Tastro has also felt the benefits, he proposed the idea of ​​transforming other cities in the Rennes empire, but at present he cannot afford enough money and hopes to transfer Part of the mine shares in exchange for our renovation project. "

"This exchange is meaningless."

Fiona frowned: "He already knows that we own the Astral Base and there is no shortage of mineral resources. We still exchange mine shares for exchange?"

Tang En nodded. "Promise him."

"His Majesty?"

"Of course we know that the resources of the astral world are endless, and Tastro also knows that it is because he knows that he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to control the shares of the mine."

Tang En smiled and said, "Testero also knew my mission. He should know that my ultimate goal must be to unify Prendall, but as the king of the Rennes empire, it is impossible to say ' I'll merge the Rennes Empire into the Illus Empire '.

Alleria nodded: "This is because the king has the responsibility of the king. If he does that, he will only be called a traitor by a people who don't understand anything."

Fiona realized suddenly: "I understand, so he had to use the shares in exchange, he lost the ownership of the mine, but we paid for the renovation project, and the people also enjoyed the benefits and benefits, so that he would not say anything. "

"This should be just the beginning."

Tang Enxiao's eyes were narrowed together: "If nothing unexpected, Tastro would then hand over the resources of the Rennes empire ... Without the resources, the so-called inherent territory would become empty. Then, slowly, the orcs of the Rennes Empire will find that their country has been fully infiltrated by the Datang Chamber of Commerce and cannot be separated from us. "

"At that time, even though the Rennes had maintained their sovereignty in name, they were actually no different from a territory of our Illus Empire."

After speaking, Tang En was a little bit crying: "I didn't expect to arrange for Tastro to follow Tina's class to study economics at first, but in the end it would develop to this level."

Alleria and Fiona also laughed: "If you say that, the Rennes Empire will surrender in the future, and Tina will be very successful."

"No, don't think that Tina was just a little unlucky maid at first, but in my tune. I can already stand alone now."

Looking at Tang En's pride, Fiona raised her eyebrows: "Your tuning. Teaching?"

Suddenly Tang En felt helpless: "Don't always want to be crooked, I'm a serious person ..."

Alleria, who has personally experienced Down's bundling technology and whip technology, has also rolled her eyes: "Touch your own conscience. Do you feel guilty when you say this?"

"He obviously doesn't."

Fiona froze, then said, "If I hadn't accidentally encountered Tina coming out of his room, I don't know until now that Tina had been scourged by him."

"Ah, talk about business."

"Well, the Rennes Empire ’s proposal is more urgent. Xiao Ai was also invited as a lobbyist two days ago. It may be that Tastro also knows that the heating renovation has been completed one day earlier. This winter, the Rennes Empire will be less. Many people died, so I decided to send a construction team tomorrow to start work. "

After thinking for a moment, Fiona said, "Considering that there are still more than 20 days to go to the coldest cold moon, we should concentrate our manpower during this time, and we should be able to heat some cities. As for the villages, we will There is nothing more I can do ... I can only suggest to Testero to promote the Rennes empire as soon as possible. "

"Anyway, it's not difficult to renovate the heating. Try to construct it as soon as possible."

It ’s dead in the winter, let alone Testero distressed, Tang En even more distressed. Now Prandall has so many living forces, he can die tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people in one winter. Who can bear this inexplicable loss!

"That's it."

Alleria nodded, took out another book and said, "There is also the construction of the aviation tower. As of now, the aviation towers of major cities in the empire have been completed, including the ancillary supporting buildings. The traffic routes of China Unicom's aviation tower have also been laid and can be put into use at any time. At present, many chambers of commerce have offered to enter the aviation tower ... "

Tang En stunned: "They know what it does? Just rush in?"

"Even if you don't know, you can guess seven or eight."

Fiona spread his hand: "Since the establishment of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, when has anyone done with us, when did they lose money? Those people are now learning to be smart, knowing to seize the opportunity, no matter what business, let's take the lead first."

"That's it," Aurelia's face looked very weird. "I won't say anything like those taverns and specialty shops, and even some chambers of processing industry will come here for fun ... if they really rent it The bunks in the aviation tower, what will they look like if they find that there will be an aviation hub in the future? "

The shop floor of the processing industry got inside the airport ... I thought it was too beautiful.

After thinking about it for a moment, Tang En said, "Although the birth of the artificial soul quantum computer has greatly increased the efficiency of engineering calculations, civilian airships can be rolled out in large quantities soon, but the training staff is not over yet. I estimate that the fastest It will not be until early next year or mid-year that Airbus routes will be put into use. Is it too early for them to settle in? "

"What are you thinking about for them so much?"

Fiona rolled her eyes: "Anyway, we don't sell the shops, they let them rent when they love renting, and go home and cry at a loss. Shopping malls are like battlefields, can we take care of them like children every day?"

"So," Tang En smiled bitterly, "I just fear they won't survive bankruptcy ..."

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