Things from Another World

Chapter 1079: Status of the military industry, no alternative

Tang En has been committed to promoting the economic development of the Illus Empire, macro-controlling the operation of the entire empire through economic development, and concentrating human resources where he needs through the wealth in his hands.

Economic development is the key to everything, and the businessman is the root of the economy, so he is very concerned about the businessman.

The aviation tower will serve as a transportation hub for future air transportation. People will come from all over Prendall to rent a shop to run its own brand. Whether it is revenue or added value to the brand, it is a steady profit. No compensation.

But the key question now is ...

If all the businessmen are now swarming into the shops of the aviation tower, waiting for the influx of customers with great expectations, and paying so much rent, only to find that no one has been here for more than half a year, which boss will feel comfortable ?

Fiona said disapprovingly, "If you're afraid they won't be able to survive, the rent will be set lower at the beginning."

Now that the various industries of the Datang Chamber of Commerce are thriving, the daily income is an astonishing figure, and she doesn't look down on that rent.

"This is also ..."

Tang En shrugged and said: "Then do it, but for the chamber of commerce settled in, you have to check the business and select the business projects of the chamber of commerce, each type is limited to a certain number. Vicious competition is very bad for the healthy development of the industry. "

"I understand."

Alleria wrote down Tang's instructions, and after the three discussed the infrastructure and commercial issues for a while, Alleria stretched out and asked, "The things on my side have been explained Almost, you should talk about the situation over the military factory? "

Tang En smiled: "You never asked, I thought you had completely forgotten that place."

"Who will forget it!"

Alleria rolled her eyes: "That place is so confidential, we are usually so busy, who has the time to inquire about the news there, what's the situation?"

"Of course it's very good."

Tang En said with a smile: "Now the daily output of special warheads has exceeded one million, with hundreds of millions of stocks, which can fully support our army to equip assault rifles with a large-scale operation."

The power of assault rifles is average, but with special warheads, the lethality will rise linearly, and the power is quite horrible. Even an ordinary soldier, with these two magic weapons, can easily kill a silver grade or even gold. Class Apocalypse-Even if it is a gold-level apocalypse, the blood armor cannot sustain the continuous shooting of special warheads.

"The research and development of the second-generation chain saw sword has ended, and production has begun. The first batch of replacements can be carried out soon. The sawtooth has been replaced with a more powerful alloy, which can not only withstand stronger impacts, but also magic power. The carrying capacity of the mini-magic array has also been greatly improved. The mass printing of the mini-magic array can make the chain saw sword burst into a very horrible power in an instant, and its close combat capability is very powerful. "

"The armored transport vehicle has also been replaced with a new buffer deck, which is more resistant to spell impact and physical impact, and the former windshield and tires are weak points, but those engineers at the Magic Engineering Institute are working hard After research, we finally overcome the difficulties and developed new materials. "

"They use the web of the Phantom Lurkers, oh, the kind of large-scale spider World of Warcraft in the underground world. A sticky substance is extracted from their web, or mucus, which is colorless, transparent, and tough. They pulled this sticky substance into the glass after spinning, and then the strength of the glass was greatly increased, and it was not easy to break. Now the dark elves have begun to feed the phantom lurkers to take mucus on a regular basis. "

"Considering that armored transport vehicles need to carry a large number of people, they have strong requirements for load-bearing capacity, off-road capability, and maneuverability, so now off-road vehicles still use tires. Previously, rubber inner tubes were used. Swords can easily be used in combat. Destroying the tire makes the off-road vehicle incapable of movement, but adding that kind of thread and adding an alloy wire mesh to the tire has greatly strengthened the strength and reliability of the tire. "

"At the same time, Clotto has been considering adding anti-gravity devices to off-road vehicles-not dwarf gravity wells, but a controllable device engraved with anti-gravity magic arrays, which can make the off-road vehicle have a certain ability to temporarily levitate. Features can not only overcome some difficult obstacles, but also provide emergency response. "

Tang En took up a tea cup and drank hot tea to moisten his throat, and then continued: "The armored tank is progressing very well. After adding a small amount of Oriha steel, the armor of the tank is more powerful. It is difficult for the attack to penetrate the armor, which greatly enhanced the survivability of our soldiers and created a very favorable fire output environment for them. "

"The upgraded and revised second-generation armored tanks have already begun production, but the production capacity is still very low, and about two can be produced in a day. It takes a long time to form a tank sea tactic."

The armored tank is known as the king of land warfare. In order to deal with chaotic creatures, it must be produced in large quantities. If necessary, it needs to concentrate resources and expand production lines to put it into production, but ...

"With the birth of the artificial soul quantum computer, the third-generation tank will soon be considered to be equipped with a computer-aided combat system. Therefore, we have temporarily restricted the production of the second-generation tank. We do not consider mass production, and a small amount of production. It's enough to train a specialized tank unit. "

Speaking of which, Tang En himself couldn't help crying or laughing. At this time, he suddenly realized that the rapid technological upgrade was also an annoyance. The former technology has just matured and has not had time to be put into use. More advanced technologies have already taken shape. Can't wait to produce it.

Looking at the products that are close to being phased out before being put into use, Tang En feels distressed.

"The first training ship on the Sky Mother Ship is now almost complete. Compared with the previous Skybreaker, many adjustments have been made to strengthen its combat endurance and logistic support capabilities. It is positioned as a mobile fortress on the battlefield. A mother aircraft requires a large number of logistic personnel to support it, so I am afraid that our army will continue to expand in the future. "

"After more than half a year's production of Comet motorcycles supporting the Sky Mothership, the number can finally meet the needs of the military. When the next step is the popularization of magic cars and the airship transport industry is put into use, it can be considered for external sales."

"Then there are various types of artillery design and research work. Now we have a total of three missile series classified by range, near, medium and far, and a series of launchers divided by three calibers of small, medium and large. In addition to fixed In addition to the launching turret, we have now added a mobile towed array turret launcher, which can be adjusted at any time on the battlefield according to demand. "

Aurelia's eyes lit up: "The missiles have a very long range, so shouldn't we completely wipe out the enemy before they get into sight?"

Tang En smiled and said, "Of course it can, in fact, the more powerful the weapon development, the longer the range, and even later, with the development of artificial soul quantum computers, the form of war will be in the direction of beyond-horizon combat. developed."

Although it is now possible to achieve over-the-horizon operations by artificially locking targets by means of magical hawk eye and arcane eye, etc., that is too labor-intensive after all. After the artificial soul quantum computer technology matures, you can consider studying the magic wave. Radar, combined with computer technology, automatically locks targets to achieve ultra-long-range strikes.

The technical principle used by the radar on the earth is electromagnetic wave reflection. The magic modification technology of Tang En's in Prandall does not have point electromagnetic wave technology, but is based on the magic wave theory. The magic wave theory does not involve reflection. It seems to be very It is difficult to develop something similar to radar.

But do n’t forget, in Prendall, magic is widely present in the world and will be artificially interfered. The strong can rely on the sensitive response to magic to detect people in the distance, so Tang En believes that as long as Once you understand the principle of using magic to sense targets, you can realize this principle by a certain means and turn it into a reliable magic modification radar.

"The development of missiles and special warheads is now the top priority, which is directly related to our ability to kill chaos, so this one has been under serious control, so progress is rapid. In addition, the problem of armor penetration of special warheads, the Research Institute There have been ways to purify the magic stone as much as possible. The characteristics of the magic stone and the missile are combined, and even if the original chaotic creature takes the first shot, it will be half disabled. "

Tang En smiled very cruelly: "Maybe we can't kill targets with a single missile, but we can produce more and kill them with missiles. You need to know that launching missiles does not require any apocalypse, even an ordinary All creeps can be done! "

Aurelia and Fiona looked at each other and said anxiously: "I am worried that this weapon will eventually be used inside our Prendall ..."

Tang En said a few moments of silence, "I can only guarantee that this won't happen while I'm still."

Weapons are good or bad. It all depends on where they are used. If it is used to fight chaotic invasion, everyone must praise him for his vision, but if it is used in the Prandall civil war, I am afraid everyone Metropolis curses that Tang En has brought destruction to this world.

However, even if Tang En knew that the excessive development of weapons might bring danger to the world, he could only do so.

Because if you don't do this, the world will inevitably be destroyed. If you do, maybe the life of this world will last longer.

This is a path of no choice, and Tang En will never regret it.

"In addition to these, there is another thing that is very worthy of celebration for us. The magic power armor that has been tested in actual combat has finally entered the next stage!"

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