Things from Another World

Chapter 1080: Innovation is fundamental to creating wealth

The magic power armor is of great significance to Tang En.

To a lesser extent, the magic power armor is a kind of auxiliary equipment that can directly increase the combat capability of individual soldiers. After mass production and then equipping his soldiers, he can immediately have an invincible division. It is not a dream to level Prandall.

Going forward, the Magic Energy Armor is a Gundam front-end technology. If you want to develop large mobile armored soldiers in the future, the Magic Energy Armor technology can allow them to accumulate a lot of experience and save a lot of future research and development work. time.

Even if the humanoid mech weapon is not developed in the future, the magic energy armor can also be extended as a discipline, which can be further expanded on this basis, increasing the versatility and ease of use of the magic energy armor, and greatly increasing Plan Work efficiency of Dahl's workforce.

In short, the significance of the magic power armor is very great, so Clotto's main energy is usually focused on the research of the magic power armor.

After a practical test in the Solagel Mountains a while ago, Clotto and others finally determined the actual effect of the magic power armor. At the same time, they summarized the problems found in that actual battle and the opinions of users. , And then worked overtime to think about countermeasures, and now they have finally found a solution, which means that the first generation of magic energy power armor has not really been put into production, and the second generation of magic energy power armor is about to be born.

The second-generation magic energy armor not only strengthens the control, but also strengthens the defense ability of the armor. More sophisticated processing technology makes the armor connection more rounded, the loss is smaller, and it also adds convenience. The space warehouse can store a large amount of logistics materials, weapons and ammunition, etc., which greatly increases the endurance and the comprehensive performance has more than doubled.

After hearing from Tang En about the progress of the magic power armor, Alleria asked very excitedly: "Does that mean that when we fight against the chaotic army, we will not finally fall into the wind?"

"It's just hope, and now we dare not guarantee tickets."

Tang En smiled and said, "But it's definitely okay to study in this direction."

On earth, such things as power armor are only equipped in a small range, and they are far from being equipped. Even their research and development progress is not as good as that of Prendall.

The world of Prandall is always full of miracles. The power of magic is really amazing. Of course, Tang En should use this power as much as possible.

With the help of magic, the energy of magic power armor is not a problem, weapons are not a problem, and even production is not a problem ...

In terms of transforming scientific research results into physical objects alone, Prandall's efficiency is much faster than that on earth.

"Perhaps the magic power armor is not strong enough now, but what about forty years later?"

Fiona was also confident: "Don't forget, we haven't studied this for less than a year now."


Aurelia deeply thought: "With the strategy of this big bad guys and all the soldiers, by the time a set of magic power armor, no matter how terrible chaotic creatures are definitely not our opponents!"

"Talk and talk, who is the big bad guy ..."

Two pairs of eyes rolled over: "Who do you say?"

"Okay, don't discuss this, let's talk about something else."

Tang En reluctantly raised his hand to surrender, can't he be more authentic with the two little girls?

In addition to the Magic Power Armor, the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute also has some other recent research results, most of which are some products developed by researchers in the free time under the instructions of Tang En.

They aren't doing their jobs, but because Tang En promised him, whoever researched the things, determined that they are available and have potential, researchers can directly get 10% of the net profit after the share!

Don't look at only 10%. It is built on the horrible operating capacity of the Datang Chamber of Commerce. This 10% is already a very terrible number. In just this year, the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute can't meet these requirements. Household researchers have already produced more than ten millionaires.

One year, doing research that I like, I can earn millions of gold without moving, this temptation is stronger than anything.

Therefore, in the spare time of their work, these researchers have fought hard for research and innovation. Although many strange things have been produced, they have also developed such things as toothbrushes and toothpaste under the prompt of Tang En. Well, shampoos, laundry detergents, little angels, BRAs and other things, although the effect is not completely comparable to the products produced by the daily chemical industry on the earth, but they are similar, anyway, it can also be used.

Don't look down on these things, after having these things, Tang En finally felt a little modern life in Prandall.

And thanks to the emergence of these things, the product line of the Datang Chamber of Commerce has expanded a lot once again, and the benefits are huge-because these things are so convenient, many people can't live without them, and the daily sales are very gratifying. However, the profit was too small, so Fiona simply pinched the patent, and then recruited a group of agents to make them responsible for production and sales, while the Datang Chamber of Commerce only sat and received dividends.

In addition, the birth of these daily necessities has also fed a large number of chambers of commerce that do not produce large-scale industrial products. The direct beneficiaries are up to tens of millions, and the indirect beneficiaries have exceeded tens of millions, which can be said to be very valuable.

To put it simply, after two years of development, the policies implemented by Tang En are rapidly creating a number of rich people. The economy of the entire Illus Empire is developing at an incredible speed. The development speed is horrible. Oscar far away in Nanila has been startled.

He couldn't help but be surprised, because near the end of the year, when Roninant counted this year's fiscal revenue, he suddenly found that the total revenue of the year and the fiscal year announced by the Illus Empire was actually worthy and Roninant. It's flat!

what does this mean?

This means that the net income of the Datang Chamber of Commerce in one year has completely surpassed the fiscal revenue of a country like Ronet!

That's just a chamber of commerce!

And Ronentante is a country!

In terms of per capita income, in just two years, the per capita income of the Illus Empire has more than 100 times! From the average monthly income of 1 to 5 gold at the beginning, to the average monthly income of 100 to 500 gold now, the average doubles every month! This is just the ordinary working class! If it is the management staff of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, their salary will increase almost every month, and now the monthly salary has exceeded 1,000 gold!

This income growth rate is even more fierce than peony!

What is more frightening is that at this incredible rate of income growth, the price of the Illus Empire has remained at a relatively stable level (that is, no inflation). Due to the popularization of agricultural magical machinery, As well as the birth of improved seeds and the canned factory in the Emerald Forest, the output of grain increased greatly due to various factors, so the price of grain, which is most likely to respond to inflation, has not risen, and is very stable.

The price of daily necessities has also changed little. The Datang Chamber of Commerce and the Royal Family of Illus control patent authorization, ensuring that multiple chambers of commerce can compete in the same market together. Competition with each other can ensure the quality of products and make them more perfect. Quality, and continuous innovation to increase their competitiveness, each other also began research and innovation based on patents, many commercial chambers have developed new gadgets based on the patents of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, and have also passed Differentiated competition makes a lot of money.

Therefore, only innovation is the best way to create wealth.

This speed of economic development has made Oscar jealous, anxious to immediately merge into the Illus Empire, and obtain those patented technologies to operate on their own.

He believes that if the Ronitan businessman has mastered those patents, the wealth created will be even more amazing!

Unfortunately, now he can only think about it.

Because Tang En already has a clear rule, banning patents from authorizing chambers of commerce in other countries-he does not mind, but he needs to take advantage of this attraction.

Tang En is like a weird Shushu holding a lollipop in her hand, with a strange smile seduced Ronittant's little loli: "Come on ~ Come home with Shuyu not only have sugar, but also goldfish Look ... "

Oscar is now tangled and hurt by Tang En.

And what about Down? However, he did not know how entangled Oscar was. After discussing the recent situation with Aurelia and Fiona, he hurriedly went to the studio to become a director.

Well, yes, it's the director.

However, he is not for a hidden actress ...

Remember when Tang En made a special trip to find Jean, but Jean was not there?

He just went to look for him to ask someone to go.

Because he decided to add a new TV series to the TV station, in order to take into consideration the audience of Prandall, so he did not start shooting too unusual and new theme, but "Dungeon and Dragon".

Um, yes, it is "Dungeon and Dragon", but of course it is not a table game, but a magical change plot blindly changed by him, just applying some settings and names of Dragon and Dungeon. , But have to say, this kind of subject matter is very grounded for the people of Prandall!

At the end of the sleepy month, Prandall's first TV series, "Dungeon and the Dungeon," was officially launched-this show was devoted by Altro Kamanda, Nal Haksha, Lola and others. , Instantly hot across the country!

Even though adventurers and mercenaries are often encountered in life, ordinary people have no idea what their lives are like, and this TV show lets ordinary people see the life of adventurers from another angle.

Many people, such as tavern owners, potion shop owners, bards, etc., found for the first time that they had played such an important role in the lives of adventurers. As a result, once the program was broadcast, their daily lives suddenly changed. Colorful and colorful ...

Every now and then, adventurers approached them secretly and asked, "Hey, boss, are you a mystery businessman? Are there any good things?"

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