Things from Another World

Chapter 1081: Stanley's decision

It was a cold month in the blink of an eye. This was the coldest day of the year. Even in Ellington, where the temperature is more comfortable, people are more willing to stay in a warm room rather than go out.

Even if the weather masters control the weather without snow, the icy cold wind will not show mercy, it is too painful to go out in such weather.

The construction team of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, after a while of emergency construction, finally completed the warming renovation for more than ten major cities when the temperature of the Rennes Empire was about to exceed the minus forty degrees, letting them enjoy it in advance. Comfort of modern life.

Since this month, the construction team has not been idle at all, especially those master mages, whether they open the ground or cover the wall, they need to use their power, which can exhaust them enough, but the results are also pleasing, ten Here is a city that originally looked like the original tribe. They were transformed into a square modern city. They looked at the fluffy orcs stunned into the new house, let alone the sense of accomplishment. How cool.

Although he had been a contractor for a month, Tang En did not treat them badly. After returning, he had a glass of Dragon Island fruit wine. After drinking it, he felt a great improvement in magic pool and magic affinity. Is n’t it all beautiful?

Now looking at the entire Prandall, the Illus Empire occupies the central part of the continent, and the land is vast from south to north. It has recovered half of the land of the year, and the remaining half is naturally the Kingdom of Ronetant and Gree Kingdom of Sri Lanka.

Now, although the Kingdom of Roninante has not yet returned, it has not refused to trade with the Illus Empire. As the trade relationship between the two sides continues to close, they will sooner or later be the same as the Rennes Empire, unknowingly It was completely elevated by the Datang Chamber of Commerce, and became a country like a puppet, and eventually completely integrated into the Illus Empire.

What deserves to be taken seriously by Tang En is the Kingdom of Grace.

Because that country is too closed.

Tang En is not in a hurry to deal with the Kingdom of Grace. After all, the more peaceful and stable the world is, the better for him, so that he can rest assured of farming and climbing technology.

It is a pity that this world is not always satisfactory.

Grace Kingdom, Blood Plains, Blood Rock City.

Stanley was sitting on the throne, his eyes were absent, apparently thinking of something.

The ministers below are all aware of what His Majesty Stanley is absent from, because it is not because of the little queen Harriet he married a few years ago, he is sixteen years old, and is no longer the young man Stanley likes Loli, I am afraid that this little queen will evaporate from the world on the last day of the fifteenth year like the previous few queens.

It's all blame that the **** Princess Aurelia of the Illus Empire didn't marry him, and as a result, their prince became like this! (See Chapter 187 for details. Who remembers Stanley being a loli?)

But no one dares to say such things.

"Your Majesty! The weather is getting colder and colder, and it has become difficult for the residents of the city to hunt their prey in the near future. Other cities have also sent news that there is not much grain left in the reserve.

Even knowing that Her Majesty Stanley was not in a good mood lately, the tall and burly Duke Blau Vogt had to report the bad news.

Her Majesty Stanley said in disapproval: "Not enough food? Then grab it!"

This was done in the winter of previous years. In the event of a food shortage, the soldiers of the Gris Kingdom pretend to be bandits and bandits and go elsewhere to grab food.

Due to the fortress of the Holy Sword, the Illus Empire was rarely plundered by the Kingdom of Grace. At the same time, because the Rennes had an extremely harsh climate and the land was equally barren, the Kingdom of Grace rarely went there. Fight the idea of ​​this northern neighbor, so the only unlucky people in the east are the Duchy of Shiraz and the Principality of Evaland, and sometimes even the border cities of the Kingdom of Solent will suffer.

At the time, Klein knew about the autumn winds of the Kingdom of Grace, but his attention has been focused on how to completely kill the Illus Empire, so he has not dealt with him. The Kingdom of Sri Lanka has lived well for several years.

The Principality of Kesila and the Principality of Ivalan are very grieved. The so-called Principality is only a city-state that acts as a buffer zone. Throughout the country, it is only one of the few cities in the country. Even if the wilderness and the jungle add up to death It's only about 10,000 square kilometers, and the population is less than one million. How much food can they produce?

The Kingdom of Grace came across the autumn winds three to five, making the kings of the Principalities of Shiraz and Ivaran resemble the robbers every winter, wrinkling an old face every day, just like constipation.

At that time, the kings of the Principalities of the Principality of Shiraz and the Principality of Ivalan were not unwilling to resist, but unfortunately, although the food output of the Kingdom of Grace was not high, the soldiers were all tall and powerful, and the fighting power was extremely tough Moreover, the proportion of Apocalypse is extremely high. The two sides are not rivals on one level at all. Many people die every year and many women are robbed. The two sides have already accumulated deep blood and hatred.

Even sometimes, the kings of the two principalities simply wanted to merge directly into the Kingdom of Solant. Accepting the asylum of the Kingdom of Solant, even if they could not avenge their revenge, it was better to be beaten by the wind every day.

Unfortunately, Klein didn't accept it!

The existence of these two principalities is to serve as a buffer zone between Solant and Grace. If merged into Solant, the two countries will directly border each other, and the conflict will intensify. How can he concentrate on dealing with Illus empire?

If they wanted to merge into the Illus Empire, Victor would have agreed, but the Illus Empire was very weak at that time, and there was no charm to return those principalities. They simply maintained their independence.

But now ... the situation remains the same.

With the complete acceptance of the Kingdom of Solut by the Illus Empire, the Principality of Polleni and the Principality of Yacna, sandwiched between the Illus and the Kingdom of Solant, were directly and cheerfully received, and became directly The cities of Polleni and Arkner, the original cities in the Principality, were downgraded to become townships.

Although the administrative level is low, the treatment they receive has been improved! The continuous supply of goods and food as well as the food supply of the Datang Chamber of Commerce have made these hunks look awkward!

After returning to the Illus Empire, the citizens of the Principality of Polleni and the Principality of Yacna are like the festival every day!

The kings of the Principality of Shiraz and the Principality of Ivalan also prepared their salutes and flowers, waiting for the Illus Empire to send someone to receive their return. As a result, they waited and waited until they were notified. I did n’t hesitate to pull down when I sent people to ask in the past, and I was full of heartbreak. I learned that in order not to stimulate Stanley, I do n’t plan to take over the Principality of Shiraz and the Principality of Ibaran. The harassment of the Kingdom of Grace, we will help you settle, you can live with peace of mind!

Although the words are beautiful, the subtext is that it is not the time to start the war, so you continue to show us the door and be a buffer zone.

Now the kings of the duchy are dumbfounded, and the good days of Zuo Panyou have not arrived. The hearts of the two kings are so cold. As a result, it waits for another year of winter, and the evil neighbors will come to the door again ...

Fortunately, there was secret aid from the Illus Empire, so the Principalities of Shiraz and the Principality of Ivaran have had a much better life this year, and the loss of food is completely acceptable.

The camera returns to the Blood Rock City Palace.

"His Majesty," said Blau Shen, "this year is different from previous years. The Kingdom of Solant has been recaptured by the Illus Empire. Now the Illus Empire is in full swing. We are now crossing the border to plunder food and property. Maybe It will provoke war, and now the war breaks out, which is very detrimental to your plan. "

Stanley glanced at him and said faintly, "Is the Principality of Shiraz and the Principality of Ivalan not returned? Are they not enough food for us to hold the spring?"

Brou smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, that's the past, don't forget, now we have more than a few million mouths ..."

Stanley frowned. "Dogs can eat so much?"

Blau explained, "Although they don't care about the quality of the food, they can eat everything, but they can't hold up a huge amount. The amount of grain and grass shipped there every day is an astonishing figure. The food output is not low, but they have a small population and a small area of ​​cultivated land, and the food they can grab cannot make up for this big hole. "

Stanley casually said: "Then kill some dogheads and cook them for other dogheads. At the same time, according to the original plan, go to the Principality of Shiraz and the principality of Ivalan to grab a batch of food."

"This is a solution, but if you kill the doghead, the speed of the excavation work ..."

"I believe that the effect of filling your belly and whip is enough to make up for those dead dogheads."

Stanley said coldly, "Duke Vogt, do you have anything else to say?"

"Chin ... nothing."

"Then do it right away."

Stanley changed his posture, and said rudely, "Duke Rupert, then report on the progress of the excavation work."

Ferguson Rupert is also a strong man with a big horse. At the moment, his body is dirty and his face looks like a servant, apparently he has just arrived, and he heard that he took a step forward and said: " With the deeper excavation, the temperature is getting colder, the soil is very hard, it is difficult to carry out large-scale excavation, and there are landslides, and many dogheads die every day. "

Some people couldn't help whispering, it should get hotter the more they went underground, how could it get colder instead?

Stanley's eyes brightened: "It's getting colder and colder !? Great! It seems we are close to our goal!"

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